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Homemade masks from wrinkles

Homemade masks from wrinkles
Drive yourself a safe cosmetic procedure to remove wrinkles. We will help you figure out how to do it.

Our body is like a sponge: it absorbs all the substances that we consume. Given the fact that store milk now does not sour, standing in the summer and night and day, to hope that there are no concentrates, carcinogens and other poisons in our body. What then talk about cosmetics that all consists of chemical elements?  We consume a lot of toxins while in the urban environment, and this inevitably spoils our skin, leads to early wrinkles. In this regard, I would like to turn to recipes that have been protecting the youth of our women for many centuries. Even if you don’t have a grandmother who would support you with a wise female advice, listen to what you will read below, and you will not have to spend money on expensive branded cosmetics and plastic surgery.



Home masks from wrinkles: are they acting?

Women began to create beauty recipes long before the men found out that beauty should carefully care for. Therefore, the oldest of them are the most effective. However, how to understand what recipes you can believe? What masks against wrinkles will help your skin type? And why do we offer to pay such fabulously small money for such an amazing rejuvenation effect? Let's figure it out ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of homemade masks against wrinkles?

To buy an attractive jar with a shelf life of several years is very tempting. They look good in the interior and are very convenient to use, there is no dispute. But man -made masks against wrinkles also have their undeniable advantages.

  1. The main and undeniable advantage is - they are cheap. You will spend money only on raw materials, so you save.
  2. Masks from natural components can be made even by young girls - as a prevention of early wrinkles. They do not grow old skin, but on the contrary, help it maintain the right metabolism, saturate it with nutrients.
  3. With the regular conduct of such anti -aging procedures, we can talk about a much more stable effect of masks against wrinkles instead of Botox.

Facial Green Mask

However, along with the positive qualities of homemade masks from wrinkles, it makes sense to pay attention to the problematic sides of folk cosmetics:

  1. The main drawback of grandmother's recipes is that they consist of perishable ingredients. Of course, peroxidated milk can be applied as a kefir mask, however, consider the following fact: often when spoiling products, the process of oxidation occurs. And the increased content of milk and fruit acids in the mask can lead to undesirable consequences. Girls with sensitive skin, for example, run the risk of getting a burn, applying a sour mask on their face.
  2. The difficulty in calculating the total mass of the mask. It happens: you will do a lot-it’s a pity to throw it away, do not do not-you have to finish and mix, because of which the mass turns out to be heterogeneous ... Little advice: do better. You can use the remains of the mask on other parts of the body. After all, your pens probably also want to get proper care.

Home masks from wrinkles: which components help get rid of wrinkles

In this chapter, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of ingredients that are suitable for skin of different types.

  1. For dry skin, you can use: oatmeal, egg yolk, vegetable oil, pulp of fruits such as: drain, melon, banana, cucumber.
  2. For oily skin, it is recommended: yeast (you can use the tramps softened in hot water or bakery yeast), fermented milk products, lemon juice, egg protein.
  3. For normal skin, such products as: flour (oatmeal or corn - for this it is enough to ground flakes in a blender), an egg (both yolk and protein), honey, horseradish, vegetables - zucchini, beets, cabbage.


There are universal ingredients that can be added to home masks for smoothing wrinkles on all types of skin. These are: aloe, decoctions of various herbs, natural oils.

How to choose the best home mask from wrinkles

As we have already found out, the mass of components have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. However, in order to smooth the wrinkles on your face, you should look well. After all, there is no universal recipe for the most effective mask against wrinkles.

  1. First, decide on the type of your skin and exclude the ingredients that can irritate it. To understand this, experiment with home -made masks on the wrist: there the skin is tender enough to react to the irritating substance, and the place is not so prominent so that in case of failure the damage is minimal.
  2. The effect of a rejuvenating mask manifests itself after the procedure cycle. Therefore, do not refuse a recipe that, it seems to you, does not give a result. Remember the rule that works with all the procedures relating to your body: the greater efforts the result was given to you, the longer it will last.
  3. To prepare the best face mask, use dishes from the right materials: wood, stone, glass. Avoid metal and plastic dishes, do not use electrical devices for the preparation of the mask - all this will lead to a change in the molecular structure of the mixture and even to the opposite effect.
  4. The mask of natural ingredients should be kept on the face for no longer than 20 minutes: after that, the crushed fruits will begin to sour and decompose.
  5. For the same reason, the masks against wrinkles made of, roughly speaking, food should not be stored in the refrigerator - they should be used immediately after cooking. The sooner the effect will be higher. Exceptions are masks based on decoctions of herbs and natural oils.
  6. Use wrinkles masks to cleansed steamed skin to improve its efficiency.
  7. Rinse homemade masks against wrinkles with warm clean water. If you experience discomfort in the field of applying a mask, apply a fat cream as a prevention of burn. To consolidate the result of the mask, you can use cubes of cosmetic ice, the recipe for which you will find at the end of this material.


Home masks from wrinkles for sensitive facial zones

The area around the mouth and nose, around the eyes are the special zones of the girl's face. They should be treated very carefully, since a careless attitude can lead to provoking new wrinkles, as well as other skin problems: dehydration, burns, and irritation. To do this, carefully study the next selection of recipes that will come in handy both for reducing wrinkles in this area of \u200b\u200bthe face, and for the prevention of aging.

Masks from wrinkles around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is considered the most sensitive. In addition, it is in the eyelids that the first wrinkles are manifested. That is why it should begin to care for her before the first traces of goose legs appear. Nice bonus: making a mask from wrinkles around the eyes, let yourself take a nap, relax. A few minutes of calm will benefit both delicate skin around the eyes and your vision. Expect such side effects as a decrease in dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Select a mask for this face area should be especially carefully. It is important to know: in order for the skin around her eyes to smoothing, she needs abundant moisture. Most of the early wrinkles appear around the eyes precisely because here is the thinnest fat layer, which means that the skin often dry out. In addition, if you often three hands with your hands or experience burning and dryness - all this ultimately leads to dehydration.

I think that at least one of the recipes proposed below will probably be suitable for you.

Recipe 1.

One tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley (or dried) brew for a quarter of an hour in boiling water: pour water and let it brew under the lid. At this time, prepare the potatoes: rub one raw medium -sized tuber on a small grater until it turns into a slurry. Combine the puree with a decoction in a 1: 2 proportion, add a tablespoon of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Then fold the gauze in several layers (so as not to shine through) and evenly lay out a little mixture. Then attach the fabric mask to the eyes and leave in a calm position for 15-20 minutes. Such a mask acts not only against wrinkles, but also helps the eyes to relax, relax.


Recipe 2.

Egg yolk is ideal for moisturizing delicate skin of the eyelids. On the one hand, he quickly “seals” from the outside, which does not allow moisture to evaporate; On the other hand, it remains liquid from the inside and allows the skin slowly and get enough. This is the most effective prevention of early wrinkles. But if the wrinkles have already been overcome, dilute the yolk in equal proportions with vegetable oil (not sunflower). In the same way as other homemade masks from wrinkles for the face, the egg should be kept for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with water.

Recipe 3.

You can smooth the wrinkles around the eyes with the help of a crumb of bread. Moisten the crumb of white bread in warm olive oil. Put the resulting "blotches" under the eyes for a third of the hour.

Recipe 4.

It happens that abundant moisture is not enough for wrinkles to disappear. Sometimes the skin needs nutrients. To do this, mix the egg yolk with a half teaspoon of liquid honey and a teaspoon of oatmeal flour. Bring the resulting mixture to a homogeneous consistency, if necessary, dilute with warm milk. This mask is recommended to keep less than usual: 10 minutes.

Recipe 5.

Girls can use the recipe for this mask both for prevention and to rid the face of the face from wrinkles. The composition is simple: egg yolk + teaspoon of melted honey + teaspoon of fat sour cream + teaspoon of vegetable oil + two teaspoons of warm milk. This mask should also be removed with warm milk, so reserve a little so that there is where to dip a cotton pad.

Mimic wrinkle mask

Natural-HomeMade-Fruit-Facial-Masks --.- © -gennadiy-Poznyakov-337624731-852x1024

Mimic wrinkles quickly appear in people who, paradoxically, rarely use all the wealth of their facial expressions. If you are used to frowning your forehead, be prepared for the appearance of additional beliefs. Nevertheless, most often facial wrinkles are formed in the eye, nose and lips. What to do for centuries, we have already found out, it remains to pay attention to how sharp the relief in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial folds will suit you.

In order to remove facial wrinkles, you should prepare a nutrient mask that will restore the skin of the tone. Therefore, in folk recipes of masks against facial wrinkles, various oils are invariably present.

Recipe 1.

If wrinkles have already appeared on your face, just use vegetable oil at night. Snum oil helps from facial wrinkles well, linseed or cocoa beans oil is also suitable.

Recipe 2.

If you like to experiment with exotic oils, then you will like this recipe. On two dining rooms, add vexy ylang-ylang and lemon oils in a pair of peaches. By dipping a finger pillow into this fragrant mixture, draw it along shallow wrinkles on the forehead, in the mouth. You can pour oils into a glass bubble and keep it with you; If you feel the need, you can use it up to five times a day. However, protect your eyelids from peach oil: together with lemon oil, it will most likely cause irritation.

Neck mask from wrinkles


They say that the age of a woman, even the one who carefully cares for herself, always gives out her neck. Agree: before the signs of the appearance of the second chin, we do not notice at all that we have this elegant part of the body. And, by the way, you should take care of it even more thoroughly than behind the skin: it sweats more often, trembles on the collar (and, by the way, the skin on the neck is hardly coarser than on the face!), Plus respiratory diseases - all this affects the quality of the skin.

How can we stop the wilting of your neck?

Recipe 1.

To prepare a miracle mask for your wonderful neck, dilute into 2 tbsp. l. rye flour is one egg yolk, add 3 tbsp. l. Warm milk and mix everything well until smooth. Use according to the above instructions and do not leave on the “later”: the mask will quickly head.

Recipe 2.

If you grow aloe in your house, it will not be difficult for you to get one tablespoon of the juice of this fleshy plant. Interrupt with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and cream that suits you for daily use. Apply the mask first in the palm of your hand and transfer your neck and face with light pats. After finishing the procedure, remove the remaining fats of a cosmetic cloth. It is not necessary to wash off the mask completely, over time it itself will absorb.

Recipes of universal masks from wrinkles for the face and body


We examined all the subtleties of cooking masks from wrinkles in the most sensitive and subject to aging areas. Now let's focus on creating universal masks that will help to get rid of wrinkles, but also from other signs of aging, for example, flabby skin or age spots.

Mask from wrinkles based on starch

Masks based on starch, unlike others, should be washed off with cold water so that it does not brew.

Recipe 1.

This mask is suitable for elderly beauties, in which wrinkles appeared against a background of flabby skin. Take a tablespoon of grated carrots and potato starch on a tablespoon, pour four tablespoons of sour -milk product into the mixture (sour milk, kefir or fermented ash).

Recipe 2.

The previous recipe can be repeated by slightly improved: add a tablespoon of potato puree welded in milk to the mixture, and egg yolk. This mask can be washed off with warm water.

Mask from wrinkles from herbs

Chamomile flowers and pine needles are one teaspoon, fresh birch leaves are crushed - one tablespoon. Sounds very fragrant, isn't it? A mask of these components is well suited for wilting skin. Just brew a grass mixture in a small amount of water to make a gruel. When it cools down a little, add the yolk there (you need to mix the mixture constantly so that it does not coil) and a tablespoon of cottage cheese. This mask will return the tone of appearance even the oldest lady.


Mask against wrinkles based on glycerin

The mask that I will talk about now at the same time nourishes and cleanses the skin of the face. Add more on a teaspoon, glycerol and vegetable oil to a tablespoon of oatmeal flour. Dilute the resulting mixture in warm water to a viscous gruel state and apply to the face and neck.

In another recipe, masks against wrinkles with glycerin uses potatoes in a uniform. (As you can see, in order to prepare a rejuvenating mask, it is enough to inspect the dining table) in two tablespoons of mashed potatoes from this potato should be added along a tablespoon of sour cream and milk, as well as one teaspoon of glycerol and the same amount of vegetable oil. Not the most edible version of the home mask, but gives a good effect.

Aloe mask against wrinkles

And here is another recipe with aloe. This time we use not juice, but the pulp, and not one, but 2 tbsp. l. Add there a tablespoon of honey, 3 - milk powder, egg yolk ... Apply the resulting gruel to the face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with cool water. Even from the same ingredients, a new mask is obtained if small adjustments are made to it.



Ovsyanka acts very well on our body. And although few are a noble eater of this porridge, we can use it to get rid of wrinkles. Add oatmeal and vegetable oil to a tablespoon of chopped dill. If the mask turns out to be too viscous, you can add a little warm milk. It is recommended to remove such a composition from the face with a warm wet cotton swab.

Mask against wrinkles made of natural oils

In the fight against deep wrinkles, natural oils will help us. To begin with, melt the cocoa beans oil in a water bath. We will need only one tablespoon, so you can make this mask until you bake delicious sdoba to your loved ones. Combine cocoa oil with two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil and 5-6 drops of vitamin E (if you have vitamins in the form of capsules, you can simply crush one of them). Pick up a small amount of this mask to the fingertips and laying on the face with pathetic movements. It is especially good to use it in the corners of the eyes, but on the lower eyelid it is better not to use a mask of natural oils.

Egg-honey mask against wrinkles

Right rub 2 egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of honey and with the same amount of glycerin. Put the mask with a plentiful layer on the skin of the face and neck, and after 20 minutes, remove the cotton swab dipped in warm water.


Banana mask against wrinkles

For a banana mask, rub it on the grater. Add a tablespoon of sour cream, egg yolk to the resulting mashed potatoes (well, where are we without it?) And two teaspoons of honey.

Homemade face mask from wrinkles. Video



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