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The benefits of olive hair oil. Masks with hair olive oil at home - recipes

The benefits of olive hair oil. Masks with hair olive oil at home - recipes
Olive oil will help strengthen hair. Hair masks with olive oil.

Olive oil is actively used in cosmetology. In particular, it is suitable for hair care. Olive oil restores the hair structure along the entire length, and also nourishes the hair bulbs, allowing to accelerate growth and reduce the loss. From this article you can learn more about the beneficial properties of olive hair oil, and you will also find useful recipes for various olive oil masks.

The benefits of olive hair oil

Recently, more and more often women switch to natural remedies to maintain beauty. Often simple folk recipes are much more effective than ready -made masks that produce cosmetic companies. In addition, folk remedies are often cheaper. Olive oil is one of those useful products that will help to care for hair no worse than expensive masks and air conditioners.

Olive oil is rich in vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids. If you want to get the maximum benefit, you should choose the first spin oil - in this case, all the beneficial substances of olives are preserved in the best form. Olive oil provides intensive nutrition hair, which hair often does not get enough from the inside. Thanks to vitamins and trace elements in their composition, olive oil has the following effect on the hair:

  • Olive oil reduces hair loss.

In the spring and early summer, this problem is especially relevant - the hair weakened after the winter and they lack vitamins for normal growth. Hair loss over time makes your hairstyle less voluminous, and new hair begins to grow in place of lost hair and spoil the shape of a haircut. In addition, dropping hair confuses the rest, often damaging them. If you solve the problem of hair loss, you will get rid of all these negative effects and get smooth and voluminous hair. Olive oil is rubbed into the scalp, it provides nutrition of the hair follicles and reduces the loss.

  • Olive oil will help restore damaged hair.

If you apply olive oil to the hair along the entire length, it will contribute to deep moisture and nutrition. If you have dry, damaged and brittle hair, olive oil will help to smooth out flakes of hair and return their glossy shine. Hair will be shining, obedient and soft to the touch. Also regular masks with olive oil will prevent dry hair and will serve as an excellent prevention of split ends. In summer, hair is especially prone to damage - bright sun and salty water are not useful for them. Masks with olive oil will help you preserve healthy and beautiful hair, despite the influence of external factors.

  • Olive oil will also help accelerate hair growth due to the fact that it provides intensive nutrition.

Many women are trying to speed up hair growth. The reason for this may be unsuccessful or boring staining - oil masks in this case will allow the hair to grow faster and you will return your natural color. Some want to replace a short haircut with long hair as soon as possible, without resorting to increasing. Finally, sometimes the hair is so damaged by coloring or hot styling that it cannot be completely restored. In all these cases, olive oil will help accelerate the growth of strong and healthy hair.

How to apply olive oil to hair

Olive oil is sold in any large supermarket. It is mainly used to refuel salads, but it is perfect for hair care. Olive oil is absolutely safe, so you can use it often. For intense nutrition and recovery, it is recommended to make oil masks three times a week. For prevention, you can do them once every ten days and combine with other masks.

To apply olive oil to the hair and scalp, use the following tips so that the oil mask is as effective as possible:

  • It is best to slightly heat the oil before application. This is easy to do in a water bath. The oil should not be brought to a boil, but it should be warm enough. So useful components will be absorbed and penetrate into the scalp and hair structure. Before applying the heated oil, check the temperature with your hand so as not to burn yourself.
  • Olive oil is applied to dry hair before washing. Before the mask, you should only comb the hair for the convenience of applying oil.
  • There are many different ways to apply oil. You can do this with a small brush - so it will be convenient for you to distribute oil in the entire length. Most of the oil should be distributed through the hair, if your goal is to restore dry and damaged hair. Particularly carefully need to process the ends.

  • If you want, first of all, to reduce hair loss and speed up their growth, it will be easier for you to apply oil with your fingers, rubbing it into the scalp with massaging movements. Light massage of the head will improve blood circulation and, therefore, the nutrition of hair follicles will be more intense. You can also evenly distribute the oil throughout the scalp with your fingers. A little oil should be left and applied to the hair along the entire length to strengthen them.
  • For greater efficiency, after applying olive oil to the hair, the scalp should be wrapped with a towel or cellophane. If you often make such masks, get a shower hat - it will be the most convenient option. Under the film, heat will be better preserved and, therefore, the oil will be better absorbed.
  • You need to keep oil on your head for one or two hours. After that, wash the oil thoroughly with your usual shampoo.

The effect of olive oil will not be fast. Unlike many cosmetics, olive oil does not mask unpleasant symptoms, but promotes nutrition and strengthening hair from the inside. Therefore, there is no need to wait for the results after the first application. However, in a couple of weeks you will probably notice the effect. After that, you can make such masks less often to maintain strong and healthy hair.

Homemade masks based on olive oil

To enhance the beneficial properties of olive oil, you can combine it with other natural ingredients. Oil -based home masks will provide comprehensive hair and scalp care. Do -it -yourself masks are often more useful than ready -made cosmetics - having prepared the mask yourself, you will be completely confident as the ingredients. In addition, the condition of the hair and their needs can change quickly - you can vary the composition of the oil mask before each application, depending on the individual needs of your hair.

If you already have a favorite home recipe, you can add a little olive oil for intense nutrition and hair restoration. If you want to try something new, use one of the following recipes.

Hair mask with olive oil, honey and egg yolk

This mask provides hair with intensive nutrition. If you have dry, thin hair prone to loss, this composition may suit you. With regular use, such a mask will allow you to purchase strong, healthy and shiny hair. The mask is suitable both for the treatment of damaged hair, and for the prevention of loss.

Olive oil forms the basis of this mask and goes well with all the ingredients. It promotes nutrition and intensive moisturizing of the hair and scalp. Honey, in turn, also contains many vitamins necessary for the growth of healthy hair. Among other things, it has antiseptic properties: honey soothes irritated scalp, ensures the prevention of inflammation and dandruff. Egg yolk is a storehouse of nutrients for hair. In combination with other ingredients, it will help you find voluminous, smooth and silky hair.

How to make a mask with olive oil, honey and yolk:

  1. To get started, warm up the oil. Pour it into a separate container in which you will prepare the mask. Keep in mind that in this recipe the oil should not be hot, but only slightly warm so that the yolk does not curl up.
  2. Add a spoonful of honey.
  3. Add one yolk from chicken egg and mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. You should not add egg white - it will quickly dry and tighten the scalp.
  4. Apply the mask to dry hair and scalp. This can be done with a brush or hands.
  5. Pour a shower hat or wrap your head with a towel. The mask should be kept for several hours, and then rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

This natural mask based on olive oil is great for any type of hair. It will be especially useful for dry hair and mixed hair. It will make it possible to moisturize the hair and provide it with nutrition, without making the scalp of the head too oily. Such intensive hair nutrition will help with vitamin deficiency, and will also allow you to calm the irritated scalp and restore hair after clarifying dyeing and hot styling.

Hair mask with olive oil and clay

Clay is an excellent moisturizing and anti -inflammatory agent. It is recommended to be used to restore dry thin hair and moisturize the scalp. Pure clay can have a light drying effect and tighten the skin, however, in combination with olive oil, you will get an excellent restorative mask that will bring to dry hair only benefits.

How to make a mask of clay and olive oil:

  1. Clay is sold in small bags in a diluted form or in the form of powder. If you purchase a powder, you need to pour a couple of spoons into a separate container and dilute with water. When you carefully mix the clay and get rid of lumps, you should get a delicate creamy consistency. If you bought already diluted clay, just squeeze a little from the bag and carefully close it so that the remaining clay does not dry out.
  2. Add two tablespoons of olive oil to the clay and mix everything.
  3. If you want the hair mask to become a pleasant spa procedure, you can add a little essential oil of tea tree, lavender or any other.

A mask with olive oil and clay should be applied to wet hair. This is necessary so that the clay does not dry out on the head and does not injure the hair. For the same purpose, you should cover your head with a towel or put on a shower hat. It is not necessary to keep a clay mask with olive oil for too long-it is enough to leave it for 30-40 minutes. After the mask, wash your hair thoroughly with your shampoo.

Such a home mask moisturizes and nourishes dry hair, and also soothes irritated scalp. Among other things, it will serve as an excellent prevention of dandruff.

Avocado hair mask, yogurt and olive oil

This mask is suitable for intensive moisture and hair restoration. Avocado contains the necessary proteins that serve as a building material of hair and contribute to accelerated regeneration. In addition, avocado provides food with hair follicles, due to the presence of vitamins, trace elements and beneficial fatty acids in its composition.

Yogurt is known for its moisturizing properties. For this mask, thick yogurt is best suited - it will be inconvenient for you to apply liquid to the hair and scalp. Make sure that the yogurt you have chosen is natural, without sugar and fruit additives. If you cannot find a suitable yogurt, it can be replaced with cottage cheese.

Olive oil will contribute to the nutrition and moisturizing of the hair from the roots to the very tips. Combining it with yogurt and avocado, you will get a natural moisturizer suitable for all hair types. You need to prepare a moisturizing home mask as follows:

  1. Put two tablespoons of natural yogurt or cottage cheese into a separate container.
  2. Pull the fourth part of the avocado so that you get a homogeneous mass with a cream texture.
  3. Mix the pulp of the avocado with yogurt or cottage cheese.
  4. Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. The consistency of the mask should turn out to be thick enough to be conveniently applied.

This mask is applied to the scalp and hair. Pay special attention to the ends of the hair - often it is they who are most damaged and need intense moisture. This home remedy can be applied to both dry and wet hair. Mask needs to be kept on the hair for an hour, and then washed off with your usual shampoo.

Oil hair mask with tincture of red pepper

This mask will help reduce loss and accelerate hair growth. It simultaneously contributes to the hair supply and from the outside and from the inside. Olive oil, absorbed into the skin, will provide hair follicles with many necessary fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements. For greater efficiency, olive oil can be combined with burdock, castor and arganov to provide the scalp and hair roots with comprehensive nutrition. Tincture of red pepper will contribute to the better absorption of all nutrients. It will also improve blood supply to the scalp, which means that the hair will receive more power from the inside.

With regular use of a mask with red pepper, the hair will stop falling, and new hair will grow strong, thick and healthy.

The recipe for oil mask is very simple:

  1. Take half of the red pepper. Cut it into small parts, put it in a glass. The glass must be filled with water half. Let the pepper brew a couple of days.
  2. Separately, warm the olive oil on the stove-you will need two or three tablespoons. Previously, olive oil can be mixed with other oils that are useful for hair - they will act even more efficiently, complementing each other.
  3. Mix warm oil with tincture of pepper and apply to the scalp.

This mask is applied to dry hair before washing. It will turn out to be quite liquid in consistency, so it will be most conveniently applied with fingers. Rub the product into the scalp with massaging movements - so you will stimulate blood circulation. To achieve the maximum effect, it is worth covering your head. It is recommended to keep such a mask for 30-40 minutes.

Sometimes, instead of tincture of pepper, alcohol or any alcohol is used. It has a warming effect similar to the effect of tincture of red pepper. The combination of oil with alcohol will also help useful components from oils to absorb, and also increase blood flow to the scalp. However, the effects of alcohol are considered more aggressive. Such a recipe should not abuse the owners of curly hair - such hair is usually especially thin, alcohol can have a drying effect on them, and they will lie worse in the hairstyle.

In general, it is not recommended to try an oil mask with pepper if you have very sensitive scalp. Olive oil softens the effect of pepper, but some people still have irritation on the skin. If you feel a strong burning sensation after applying the mask, it is better to rinse it and try to apply olive oil in its pure form. In fact, tincture of pepper only accelerates the effect of oil. You will get an equal effect if you just hold the mask a little longer than usual and make your head massage.



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