
Face crash masks

Face crash masks
It tells about the nutrient and beneficial properties of yeast, which masks can be done and how they affect the skin of the face.

Yeasts contain a lot of useful substances and trace elements. Therefore, they are widely used in culinary purposes.

Perhaps someone does not realize that our skin also needs such substances. Therefore, women actively use yeast as a component of face masks. All, without exception, who tried at least once to make a similar mask, felt an incredible rejuvenating and nutritious effect.

Yeast face masks: how yeasting on the skin of the face


Truly, the magic effect of yeast is explained by the presence of a huge amount of useful substances and a whole bouquet of vitamins. Yeast give the skin elasticity, rejuvenating it. The skin shines from the inside, becomes soft and silky. For each person, it is very important. I always want to look beautiful.

As part of yeast there is:

  • vitamins V. This group normalizes exchange processes, improving blood circulation;
  • antioxidants give youth and elasticity;
  • mineral substances nourish the skin of the face and organize protective properties from external factors;
  • amino acids included in the product in large quantities give elasticity and accelerate the synthesizing processes. The skin produces collagen, which is necessary for elasticity and radiance.

It became clear that yeast is useful not only in cooking, but also are a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements for beauty and youth of the skin.

Yeast face masks: what yeast are suitable for making masks


Yeasts themselves consist of active fungi. These are live bacteria that are constantly in the process. Today there are so many different types of yeast. Do not wonder! But any kind of this product is perfect for the preparation of a miraculous mask.

An exception can be considered dry yeast, which, according to some cosmetologists, will not give the desired result. Although this fact can be challenged. Dry yeast have a lot of advantages and actions that contribute to improving the condition of the face of the face. In dry yeast, no less than living cultures and beneficial bacteria than in any other types of yeast.

Yeast face masks: an acne is not a place on the face!


In adolescence, many occupies the period when acne and acne fills the face and does not make it possible to feel confident in society. It is more difficult when the skin is predisposed to acne.

Acne is an infectious disease of the skin. The skin produces too much fat, which clogs the pores, forming acne. This can be struggling with all sorts of ways. But a more effective way than beer yeast has not yet invented.

Few people know that the skin looks bad when there is no problem when the body is missing, there is a disease or a complete violation of the conditions of proper nutrition (it will be written below). All this is also fixable, but here you need an integrated approach.

Beautiful looks like everyone. The time of the ages of the woman were looking for a lot of ways to get rid of annoying acne.

Today, it's no secret that beer yeast is the most efficient and not expensive way to remove forever acne and acne.

It is possible to remove, of course, but it is worth conducting preventive actions in order not to encounter this problem.

Causes of acne and other contaminants on the skin


Acne appears not just like that. The formation of the inflammatory process occurs due to clogging of the sebaceous glands. In this case, the excess fat can not go out and remain under the skin. Faming, the skin area suffers from the reproduction of bacteria, which causes pimples. This process is accompanied by redness, itching and bloating of this skin area. All this leads to discomfort.

The rashes can be caused by the remains of cosmetics, the lack of stable hygienic procedures or because of non-high-quality cleansing agents. All this also leads directly to irritable rash.

Hormonal imbalance is another, but the most basic reason. During pregnancy, climax or transitional age, this is a normal phenomenon. But it is worth fighting. Acne and acne can also be caused by challenges with thyroid gland. When the stomach or the liver is not in order, the eels are provided. These processes occur because blood is contaminated. And, as you know, a greater number of blood flows runs just through the head. The poet, polluted blood leaves slags in the skin, which are formed in the form of unpleasant acne.

Acne may be a simple allergic reaction.

But with all this you need to fight both outside and from the inside. That is, actively play sports, follow nutrition, refuse bad habits and constantly observed by the doctor.

Facial craft masks: How beer yeast help in bumping


Beer yeast straightforwards affect the lesion focus, localizing it completely. This product disinfects the inflamed place and has a healing effect. Also, beer yeast restore skin cells and accelerate their metabolism.

After the active destruction of microbes of inflammation, active living organisms restore the balance of the skin. Including water and saline and acidic alkaline. Peeling on the spot of acne is due to the active work of the product. After the exfoliation of the location of the lesion, we can assume that the rash is practically defeated.

The process described above may cause an indefinite reaction. After all, it is a rather strong and shock process on the skin of the face.

In fact, all of these actions take place gently. The skin is not under stress, its structure is not disturbed. And all because of other qualities of yeast: rejuvenation, restoration and nourishment.

Yeast mask for the face: the prevention of using brewer's yeast


Everyone is familiar with the properties of yeast, when they eat. There is an active purgation. And this, in turn, can be seen on his face. If the intestine is clean, without toxins, the skin and the face will shine, look healthy.

The content of yeast is a powerful antioxidant - vitamin E. It facilitates rapid purification of free radicals.

Zinc, sodium, and vitamin B9 accelerate cell division and purified organism. Also, these materials aid in withdrawal of excess fluid from the body.

This is not all the processes that are taking place, to use yeast. Do not believe the myth that calories yeast. This is not true. On the pack written a lot of calories. But it is 100 grams. And that amount of time to eat it is physically impossible.

All this, of course, good. But let's get to the skin. Interesting recipes collected masks for you below.

Yeast mask for the face: a mask based on brewer's yeast


  • Mask for oily skin with large pores.

A small amount of milk to sink a little and add a 1.5 hr. L. brewer's yeast in the dry state. Stir. It should get a thickish mixture. And it is applied on previously cleansed face for 15 - 20 minutes. Then wash off.

This is a very good remedy for acne. You need to do at least 1 time per week. Mask regulates the output of the subcutaneous fat and gives the skin a healthy look.

  • The mask for dry skin.

In 10 ml of purified water was added 1 tbsp. l. brewer's yeast and stir. It should form a mass, similar to toothpaste. There adding egg yolk and 2 h. L. wheat germ oil. Stir. The resulting mask is applied to your face no more than 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask and get excellent results.

Mask perfectly tightens skin, giving it radiance and gives a healthy appearance.

Take 2 h. L. brewer's yeast and dilute in a small amount of warm water so as to obtain a paste, to which was added 2 tbsp. l. milled wheat grain, egg yolk, 3 tbsp. l. cream (fat content can be more). Stir. Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then wash off thoroughly. Mask fat, so its time flushing takes more than usual. It is important to fully, without reserve, all wash away.

The results are striking in the first minutes. Formula of this mask is rich with all kinds of nutrients due to its composition. The skin is soft and velvety. This recipe is directed to intense hydration very dry and flaky skin.

  • Mask for delicate and sensitive skin.

To mix 2 hours. L. milled cereal oatmeal 2 h. L. brewer's dried yeast. Then take 1 cucumber is medium in size and rub it on a grater. To this was added 2 h. L. cream average fat content and 1 hour. l. Honey. Then apply on face for 15-20 minutes. After rinsing enjoy the result.

Mask great effect on the delicate skin, soothing her, filling the vitality, radiance and natural beauty.

Make a face mask from yeast home


Absolutely everything is not like acne. But for some reason many people think that expensive procedures - the only way to get rid of them. This is a misconception. It has long been looking for a lot of ladies improvised ways to get rid of the defects on the face. Ages have passed and a lot of sense! Penny yeast in combination with each other improvised available ingredients work wonders.

Not necessarily to go to expensive treatments and buy cleansing products for the fabulous price. All that is necessary for health and beauty is at hand every beauty.

Below are recipes for masks that improve skin tone, nourish it with all the necessary nutrients and minerals, will give it shine and get rid of the rash on the face.

At the same time, to buy at pharmacies or do not need anything expensive stores. Just have a look in the fridge and kitchen cupboards, you already have everything you need.

Yeast mask for the face: anti-aging mask from yeast

Luvos Heilerde Maske. Verwendung des Pressefotos mit dem Nachweis © Luvos

  • 50 g compressed yeast fill with water and add 2 h. L. rye flour. It should get a creamy mixture, a little thinner than the cream itself. This mixture was hiding in warm place at night to go fermentation process. It is the whole point. Bacteria must work, before they appear on the face as a mask.

A day later, apply the mask on the face and décolleté. Hold it for about 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Transfiguration of the skin can be seen immediately. Mask has a rejuvenating effect, tightens the skin and gives it shine.

  • This is a quick recipe for the impatient and do not want to wait the whole day.

Take 10 grams of dry yeast and mix with a teaspoon of honey, and a teaspoon of the juice of the spoon. The composition is ready. According to the same scheme - apply, after 20 minutes, wash off and content with the result.

Facial Yeast Masks: Masks of Dry Yeast

close-up of a Woman with Face Pack

  1. Mix 1 tsp. Lemon juice and dry yeast. After that, with a cotton spontaneity, apply on the skin of the face and leave on the face until it dry completely. After that, with light massage movements, remove the mask with wet pillows of your fingertips and work. The mask will clean and emphasize the skin, gives it a fresh look, will remove redness.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. Honey from 2 h. l. Dry yeast. Add 1 tsp. Milk, stir and apply on your face. After 30 minutes, wash the mask. This is a great remedy for black dots. And the milk ingredient bleach the skin, giving it a gentle color and a smooth tone.

Face crash masks: yeast and milk mask

Half a package of dry yeast to dilute 1 tbsp. l. milk. Masochka is ready! It can be applied to the face. Holding half an hour, wash off.

This mask greatly narrows the pores, nourishes and whitches the skin of the face. The tone is leveled and acquires a noble shade.

Instead of milk, you can use kefir.

Face Masks: Yeast and Honey Mask


2 h. L. yeast, 2 h. l. Lemon juice mix with a teaspoon of good honey. To this mixture add some ground grape bones. Mix and massaging movements apply to the skin of the face. After a couple of minutes you can wash.

This is an excellent honey-mustard scrub, which neatly, without damaging the skin, sand and clean the pores. The skin after this scrub is very soft and pleasant.

Drops of yeast masks: video


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