
Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar
How to use apple vinegar from acne.

There are many ways to combat acne, acne and acne. In fact, all of them are divided according to approaches and naturalness on cosmetology, medical and folk. The difference, of course, is a progressive approach, the presence of chemical elements, the use of progressive technological advances, and, of course, in price and treatment time. One of the effective, inexpensive and simple ways against acne is apple vinegar. This folk method has long been used to transform the skin, restoring its beauty and as a prophylactic agent to combat eel. The advantage of using apple vinegar for a person from acne is its absolute naturalness, price, availability and an excellent effect with proper use.

The effectiveness of apple vinegar from acne is proven by many reviews and recommendations of people who checked the effectiveness of this fund. Although on the other, a medical point of view, its effect on the skin is due exclusively, help to rapid deliverance from defects, but not their treatment is rooted. In addition, this potent means must be used carefully, strictly following the recommendations. With excessive hobby, the product of apple vinegar for treating acne on the face you can not only harm the skin, but also cause a number of cosmetic problems, the disposal of which will fly away with one penny. Because every effective means is good when in moderation.

Apple vinegar action from spots and acne


Applic acid is obtained as a result of yeast fermentation of ordinary apples. This product naturally affects the skin, solving a number of problems associated with its inflammation and manifested consequences. With the help of apple vinegar, the upper burner layer of the epidermis is easily removed and the activity of the sebaceous glands in the pores of the face is normalized. In addition, the natural sourness of apple vinegar is destructive for some bacteria, due to which the prophylactic effect is achieved. And its regular controlled use helps to get rid of not only from acne, but also from tracks from them.

  1. Antimicrobial effect is achieved due to the natural acidic medium of vinegar. It not only kills the bacteria, but also prevents them from further appearance and reproduction.
  2. Under the action of apple vinegar, skin fat is easily removed not only from the skin surface, but from the depth of the pores. Even oroging cells of the clogged pores gradually dissolve and purify the channels. This contributes to normal skin nutrition with oxygen and as a result, normalizes the separation of the skin.
  3. Depth and quality of apple vinegar on the already formed scars after acne are determined due to the active components of the means. Natural elements expand the time, cleaning its walls, and penetrate everything deeper every time.
  4. An apple, except for an excellent taste, has a mass of vitamins for the human body. As a result of fermentation with the separation of acid, the concentration of useful vitamins in vinegar is only increasing. Their effect on the skin is determined not only by purification, as well as nutrition, moisture, and the strengthening of its cells.
  5. Natural minerals of apple vinegar: iron, magnesium, potassium and copper, in turn, tone the cover of the epidermis and conducive to maintaining natural pH balance. A alpha-hyploxic acid contributes to the splitting of fats and fat content.
  6. With long-term care apple vinegar, your skin becomes smooth and soft, the fat shine is cleaned and the need to adjust makeup during the day. The effect of apple vinegar is effective when healing inflammation and wound, for clarifying pigment stains after acne, as well as to combat old scars.

In a number of negative and hazardous consequences of the use of apple vinegar - this is a natural allergic reaction to its components and skin sensitivity, which can turn into epidermis burns. In order to be confident in the absence of an allergic reaction to an apple vinegar, try first to apply it with a cotton swab on the inside of the wrist. If after 5 - 7 minutes it is not observed redness and itching - you can safely apply on the skin of the face. If you have noticed at least a minor redness - do not be lazy, before use, ask for advice to the doctor a dermatologist. In addition to healthcies, and professional doctors tend to appoint combined treatment with the use of folk methods.

Options for using apple vinegar from acne and traces from them


In the correct dosage, apple vinegar is an effective natural means against skin defects, which can be easily used at home. In addition to obvious use from acne in outdoor use, the amazing effect of apple vinegar on reviews is obtained from consuming it insuming. Various methods of using apple vinegar, and a common goal, in a comprehensive drug treatment, will make your skin smooth without scars and acne free.

Apple vinegar against acne: Outdoor application


Cutting pimples on the face With the help of apple vinegar, in no case cannot be done using it in its pure form. High concentration of acid, even with a very coarse skin, can apply lungs and, God forbid - Heavy burns. Especially if the lesion zone is big, do not rush into such a treatment with a hearing head. This can lead to serious irreversible consequences.

The use of absolutely diluted in the desired proportion of apple acid is completely simple. Do with your cotton swab fluid on the lesion site, withstand from 5 to 7 minutes and thoroughly flush with warm running water. For acne exacerbation stages on large areas, it is recommended to use a solution at least 3 times a day, and with more controlled situations - before the procedures in the morning and in the evening.

Recipes for face from acne based on apple vinegar


  1. On a 300 ml glass of boiled water, take 0.5 h of apple vinegar spoons. Diluted fluid Apply to the problem areas of the skin for the night. Wash off in the morning with soap. Try to make a new solution to each application.
  2. 3 tbsp. Spoons of dry daisy colors pharmacy pour 300 ml of apple vinegar. Insist all up to 2 days. Longly wipe the face with chamomile with vinegar every evening before bedtime. Chamomile calms the skin's skin well, relieves fatigue and tones, and vinegar cleans and has antimicrobial effect.
  3. Take a large leaf green tea without additives. Brew 1 tsp. Tea spoon for 300 ml boiling water. While tea insisters - about 5 minutes, dilute the apple vinegar with boiled cold water in proportion: 1 h. Spoon on 300 ml of water. After 5 minutes, drain tea and throw a welding. If this is not done, the concentration of green tea will become so high that water will be patterned. All mix and store in the refrigerator. Wipe the face with cosmetic sponge twice a day. Do not go through one place more than twice. Do not use additional cosmetic creams and lotions. With long-term use, the skin gradually lines the color and structure, it will become more matte and healthy.
  4. A mask with a combination of blue cosmetic clay and apple vinegar will be very effective from acne. Initially, we dilute the apple vinegar in warm water in the proportion of 1: 3. Then begin to gradually drive, stirring, clay. Control the thickness to the consistency of the fatty sour cream. Before applying the mask, carefully clean the skin of the face from the skin. The mask must be withstanding on the face up to 30 minutes, while limiting the movement of the Mimic muscles and be alone. Then wash off the warm flowing water, and better a light chamomile tincture. Such a procedure using apple vinegar will not only help in the fight against acne and acne, but also will relieve the skin from slags, it will be deeply cleansed and tones it, and the chamomile will remove irritation and peeling.
  5. A series is used in cosmetology as a matting antiseptic agent, but purity - as a plant for the treatment of inflammation on the skin, acne and even early wrinkles. In combination with apple vinegar, we get a wonderful tonic on natural ingredients for all occasions. To prepare, we need dry inflorescences of the turn and cleanliness, which can be easily bought in the pharmacy. On the liter of purified water, we will need 1 tbsp. A spoon of flowers and a glass of apple vinegar. All insist Kolo 2 days. We wipe the pre-cleaned skin of the face every day before bedtime using cotton tampons. We wipe the slightly, do not overdo it. Such a wonderful tonic with apple vinegar will help you forever forget about irritations, subcutaneous red pimples, acne, dryness and lethargy. With this cocktail, you treat, toning, disinfect and mature the skin of the face at the same time.

Apple vinegar from spots and acne: Internal use


In addition to use in outdoor tinctures, compresses, lotions and masks, apple vinegar is effective to combat skin problems and defects from the inside. The use of special solutions on an apple vinegar in a complex with external cleansing will help you doubly more efficiently and faster solve problems with acne and acne on the face.

The fact is that the acidic medium is normal inside the intestine, which often becomes the cause of all skin manifestations. All bacteria begin to grow out of the intestinal medium favorable for their reproduction. This resulting in external skin defects. Forming and maintaining normal acidity in the body with apple vinegar, you contribute to the rapid output of slags and toxins, improve blood circulation and metabolism, and also reduce weight. To prepare such a wonderful tincture, it is necessary to make sure of its safety for the body. After all, the use of a highly concentrated tincture of apple vinegar is inevitably greeting to burn the intestinal mucosa. Mix 1 tbsp. Spoon vinegar and 0.5 tbsp. Spoons of honey with 300 ml of purified water. Carefully dissolve honey in water. Take 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Do not take vinegar before dinner and in the evening - in increasing acidity at night there is nothing good for the body. Depending on the volume and weight, you can increase the amount of apple vinegar to 2 tbsp. Spoons, no more.

Apple vinegar from acne: Apple vinegar recipe at home


No matter how careful and extremely accurate in proportions, no one is insured against the use of poor quality shopping vinegar. We advise you to use apple vinegar from acne only proven manufacturers with confirmed quality certificates and positive feedback. And you can also prepare yourself on a completely simple recipe.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of very ripe apples;
  • 100 g of sugar sand;
  • 30 g yeast.


  1. Prepare apples: Remove the core with bones, and divide each fruit on 8 parts.
  2. In a comfortable enamel container, pour chopped apples with steep boiling water so that the water is barely covered the top.
  3. Add sugar and yeast - mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Send the container to warm, be sure to a dark place for 2 weeks. Periodically stirring, do not give the top layer of apples to dry.
  5. Two weeks you will get an ordinary apple wine. Now it is necessary to prepare it for the next fermentation stage in the home apple vinegar, which we will then use from acne on the face. To do this, divide the entire volume by pre-sterilized banks and tightly rolling with tin lids. Leave in a dark cool place for another two weeks and vinegar ready. In the future, store it at room temperature in a dark place.

Cooking my own homemade apple vinegar, you will be exactly confident in the product that you use for your health and beauty. Just do not remove with the consistency and frequency of use. For a tangible and visible effect, you need to go through the course at least 10 days. Apple vinegar in itself and in combination with natural ingredients in masks, tonics and lotions will help you get rid of subcutaneous acne, scars will smooth and evil the pigment stains on the face.

Apple vinegar from acne. Video


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