
Diamond grinding of the face

Diamond grinding of the face
The methodology of hardware cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin

Pilling is the most important component of the facial skin care program for every woman. After all, peeling, especially the cosmetologist conducted by a specialist, help to free the skin from dead cells and give space with a new one - this is how the skin is renewed and rejuvenated, and therefore an improvement in its appearance. After peeling, the skin becomes susceptible to nutrients coming to it from creams and serums, so it is easier to care for it.

Not so long ago, cosmetologists began to offer their clients a new advanced mechanical peeling technique - diamond micro -grinding of the skin. To designate the procedure, the terms "diamond dermabise" or "diamond peeling" are also used. Very little time has passed and the procedure, despite its high cost, gained immense popularity among the fair sex.

The essence of diamond grinding


Diamond grinding of the skin is a hardware procedure with a double effect. Firstly, it cleanses the skin of dead cells and various contaminants, and secondly, stimulates blood circulation and saturates the epidermis with oxygen in the process of vacuum massage. Due to the microtrauma of the skin with abrasive particles, its own production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in deep layers of the skin is activated - this is the safe and natural method of healing the epidermis. The results of diamond grinding are in no way inferior to the effect of chemical peeling.

Diamond micro -grinding of the skin of the face is carried out by a special apparatus of vacuum absorption. The nozzles of the device are covered with the smallest diamond spraying - crystals chopped with laser processing. Each nozzle is able to affect different intensities and depths The main task is to choose the right nozzle that will optimally affect the patient’s skin and help solve the problems of his skin type. Nozzles can be used alternately for different areas of the face. Diamond grinding of the skin should be carried out only in the cabin by a cosmetologist who has undergone a special training course on working with the device.

It is thanks to the microscopic size of abrasive particles and their crystalline form that the device has a powerful cleansing effect on the skin, but does not injure them during processing. The grinding procedure does not cause an unpleasant sensation to the client (you only feel the touch of the device), gives a quick result, does not require long -term recovery after processing, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.

In what cases is diamond grinding of the skin of the face used


Although any part of the body can be subjected to processing, it is the most in demand that the processing of the face of the face, which women often call “faces faces”, is most in demand, because the procedure is really capable of eliminating most skin disadvantages and make it smooth and healthy.

Diamond dermabrases can resort to both young women aged 25 years and more mature clients who want to improve their skin. There are no age restrictions for the diamond grinding procedure. Although too young skin most often does not need serious hardware procedures.

  • cleansing the skin from deep contaminants;
  • removal of dead cells of the epidermis;
  • absorption of excess skin fat;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • smoothing scars and traces from acne;
  • improvement of the condition of problem skin (acne and black dots);
  • improving complexion;
  • removing age spots.

Diamond grinding is used for any type of skin. Girls prone to allergic reactions can be calm: the procedure is completely hypoallergenic. During mechanical cleaning, diamond spraying does not interact with the skin, so even those patients who are contraindicated in chemical types of peeling can no doubt use the service of diamond cleansing of the skin. The exfoliated particles of the epidermis and pollution are completely absorbed into the apparatus, without remaining in the air and not settling on the skin again.

Owners of sensitive skin will also not feel pain or irritation: only the upper layer of the epidermis is subjected to delicate processing, in which there are not even nerve endings. And the vacuum effect of the apparatus prevents the formation of edema after the procedure. But if the client is still afraid of the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, the cosmetologist can use local analgesics at her request.

How diamond grinding is carried out


  1. The procedure of diamond grinding does not require any special preliminary actions by the client.
  2. First of all, the cosmetologist cleans the face of pollution and residues of makeup.
  3. Then the skin is steamed. Thus, its susceptibility increases, and the cosmetic procedure is more effective.
  4. Next, moisturizing and softening of the skin using special compositions follows.
  5. If the skin is very sensitive or a grinding of scars (deeper exposure) is required, a local anesthetic is applied.
  6. With rotating nozzles, the cosmetologist processes the entire surface of the face with diamond spraying, eliminating pollution and peeling. For each area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, a special nozzle is used: for a chin and cheeks, a larger one, for a delicate zone near the eyes and ears, is small. On average, during the procedure, they can be used up to 10 types.

The movement of the nozzle is carried out with uniform influence in accordance with massage lines: from the periphery to the center. Each next line of movement should overlap the previous one. When the purpose of the procedure is deep dermabise, it is allowed to add movements across the massage lines. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then there is a uniform pinking of the skin. But if you see red stripes alternating with white on your skin, then the cosmetologist used the wrong technique, and you should think about its professionalism.

  1. When the grinding is completed, the susceptibility of the skin to the effects of different cosmetics increases. Therefore, anti -inflammatory serum, and then a moisturizing mask, the active components of which penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, are necessarily applied to the face of the client.

One session of diamond grinding lasts from 40 minutes to 1 hour. Already after the procedure, it is noticeable to improve the condition of the skin, but to consolidate the effect, experts recommend going through several procedures.

Diamond grinding of the skin of the face is very often included in the course of therapy for wilting or problematic skin, and is combined with other cosmetic procedures.

Course of diamond grinding of face skin


If after the first procedure of diamond grinding the skin is regenerated quickly, then after a week you can conduct the next course session. But sometimes between visiting a cosmetologist you need to wait until 30 days.

It is the cosmetologist who will determine the number of sessions necessary for your skin and the time of restoration of the skin between them. When compiling a therapy program, the initial condition of the skin and its reaction to the procedure are taken into account.

  • to eliminate wrinkles, you will need to take a course of 3-17 procedures;
  • for grinding small scars - about 10 procedures;
  • for medium-sized scars-8-20 procedures;
  • for scars after acne - up to 15 procedures;
  • pigment spots-5-15 procedures;
  • deep cleansing of the skin-2-4 procedures.

What does the skin look after diamond grinding

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Judging by the reviews of women who have undergone a course of diamond grinding, it gives wonderful results in the rejuvenation of the skin of the face, preventing aging, as well as in the care of problem skin. For young girls with normal skin, this is a good way of deep cleansing and giving a radiant fresh look to the face. Nevertheless, to combat serious skin problems, you should turn to other, more aggressive cosmetic procedures.

  • the skin is completely cleansed of pollution;
  • the skin tone and its elasticity increase;
  • the complexion becomes fresh;
  • cells are updated faster, collagen and elastin are more intensively produced in them - all this contributes to the natural rejuvenation of the skin;
  • small wrinkles and acne disappear;
  • the relief and skin color is aligned;
  • scars are smoothed, post -acne;
  • pores narrow.

As for the elimination of age spots and freckles, experts note that you can get rid of them with grinding only for a short time, by stimulating the update of the upper layer of the skin. After some time, pigmentation will appear again, therefore, for a radical struggle with it, it is better to use methods of deeper effects on the skin.

Freshness, tightness of the skin after diamond grinding will remain for a long time, and small scars will disappear forever. You will only need to choose the right cosmetics for daily care.

Diamond grinding of the skin of the face. Photo before and after

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How to care for skin after a diamond grinding procedure


You do not have to recover for a long time after the diamond peeling procedure. Redness, swelling or exfoliation of the skin do not occur, and after visiting a cosmetologist you can quickly return to the usual life. However, within 5-7 days it is worth observing some care rules.

  1. It is very important for several days to exclude the use of alcohol lotions.
  2. On the first day after diamond grinding of the face, do not use foundation and explosive creams, as well as powder and blush. They can penetrate too deeply into the open pores and cause their pollution or skin irritation.
  3. Temporarily abandon the use of scrubs (although there is no need for their use).
  4. Exclude cosmetic products, which include glycolic, lactic acid or any fruit acid. These substances can cause burning, and the skin will become irritated.
  5. In the first week after diamond grinding of the face, use more fat creams and lotions than usual, as well as products for deep moisturizing the skin. They will help eliminate a sense of dryness and tightness.
  6. Throughout the course of diamond grinding of the skin before going out into the street, use sunscreens or sprays, regardless of the time of year. The defense factor should be at least 20.
  7. Try to avoid physical overload, for example, visiting a fitness club. Strengthened sweating will lead to inflammatory processes on the skin.
  8. Do not wash yourself with too warm water.
  9. A few days before the diamond grinding procedure, refuse to use product leather products, which include retino.
  10. A visit to the solarium during and within 30 days after diamond grinding is contraindicated.
  11. A visit to a bath, sauna or a hot bath is excluded.

Diamond grinding of faces: contraindications


  1. If you have menstruation, then diamond grinding must be transferred.
  2. The procedure is not recommended for people with immunity disorders and diabetes.
  3. Colds and viral diseases are also an obstacle to visiting a cosmetic salon.
  4. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, grinding of the skin is not recommended.
  5. Fungal skin lesions.
  6. Exacerbation of herpes.
  7. Inflamed acne or abscesses.
  8. Fresh scars.
  9. Do not resort to cosmetic procedures immediately after surgical intervention in the body.
  10. A large number of moles on the face.
  11. Epilepsy.
  12. Atherosclerosis.
  13. Heart disease.
  14. Benign or malignant neoplasms in the body.
  15. Sun burns.
  16. An allergic reaction to the skin of the face.
  17. Bronchial asthma.

The cost of diamond grinding of the skin of the face


The price of diamond grinding of the skin in beauty salons is quite high and on average ranging from 4 to 6 thousand rubles per session. However, this does not interfere with diamond grinding to remain one of the most popular procedures among beauties of different ages. In their reviews, customers of salons say that such advantages as painlessness, effectiveness and hypoallergenicity of the procedure justify its high cost.

Diamond grinding of the face. Video



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