
Flat lichen in a person: signs, symptoms, what it looks like - a photo. Treatment of flat lichen in humans

Flat lichen in a person: signs, symptoms, what it looks like - a photo. Treatment of flat lichen in humans
Flat lichen is a very unpleasant disease in humans. The treatment of red flat depriving is extremely important, otherwise the problem will remain with you for life.

During life, a person may face a variety of diseases. They can be infectious, viral or non -infectious origin. Flat lichen is an unpleasant dermatological problem of non -infectious nature. This disease is characterized by a rash in different frequent bodies, in particular on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Sores that are formed with a flat lichen, itch and deliver a lot of discomfort both in physical and aesthetically. In today's article, we will describe the symptoms, causes and methods of treating red lichen in humans.

Red flat lichen: signs

Red flat lichen is a disease of the skin of a chronic nature, which is manifested by a variety of rash in large quantities and different parts of the body in the form of knots on the skin and mucous membranes. This disease can affect people of various ages, but, as statistics say, women from 50 to 60 years old are most often sick. Flat lichen in children is extremely rare. Depending on the form of the disease, red lichen has different signs.

Forms of flat lichen

Flat lichen has 2 main forms: typical and atypical. The latter, in its explicit, is divided into several types.

Typical form of flat lichen

The manifestations of red flat lichen on the skin are a rash that does not change its appearance, regardless of the location. The foci have the shape of towering seals on the skin with an irregular shape and a slightly shiny surface. Most often they have a pinkish or pink-purple color. In some cases, the color of the lesions can be raspberry red. The sizes of nodules are small, approximately 2-3 millimeters. The shine of foci, as a rule, is the most characteristic sign.

At the initial stage of the disease, the foci are small, but, over time, they begin to grow. During growth, nodules that come into contact with each other can connect, forming plaques of an impressive size. Then, the surface of the foci begins to peel off, small scales are separated from the skin.

You can reliably determine the red flat lichen at home using a simple dough. For this, a little vegetable oil is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bpathological foci. After a few minutes, visible signs begin on the affected skin of the patient. Some look like small dots of white color, others - white stripes that are located inside the epithelium and shine through it through it. Such a manifestation of red flat lichen is due to the fact that an uneven thickening of the stratum layer occurs in the field of formations. After recovery and disappearance of the lesions, more pigmented areas of the skin remain in their place. They can remain on the body for a fairly long period of time.

During the course of the disease, patients, as a rule, feel itching and constant pain in the damage zone. The pain is constant intense in nature and significantly affects the patient’s life: the patient is disturbed by sleep, appetite, and a state of nervousness appears.

Flat lichen in humans has several "favorite" location zones. Most often, it affects the skin in the places of fold on the arms and legs. Also, the disease is often localized:

  • on the inner surface of the hips;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wrist joints;
  • in the groin;
  • in axillary hollows;
  • on the mucous membrane of the mouth;
  • on a male penis.

Very rarely suffers from manifestations of flat lichen:

  • face;
  • the hair of the head;
  • palms;
  • feet.

In addition, it is worth noting that flat lichen “takes root” very well on the mucous membranes. The foci of flat lichen on the inside of the cheeks possess a characteristic look: they have a grayish color and look like small nodules, the size of a pin head. Such rashes are always located in groups in the form:

  • rings;
  • openwork lace;
  • suffers.

Feels located in the tongue have a completely different species. As a rule, they are white, protrude above the mucous membrane in the form of plaques and have clear jagged edges.

On the red border of the lips, manifestations of flat lichen also often appear. Here they differ in purple color, a whore -shaped shape with a peeling surface.

The disease is almost always chronic. It can last months and even years. Not rarely red flat lichen causes complications in the form of erythroderma.

Atypical shape of red flat lichen

Atypical forms of flat lichen are divided into 15 types. We will describe the six main ones that are most often found.

Atrophic flat lichen

Atrophic lichen is found mainly in adults. The rash has the form of spots located at the level of exanthema. The foci have an oval or round lilac shape. Due to the features of the color, such a disease in the nostonarode is called pink flat lichen.   In the peripheral or central part of the elements, you can see dark interspersed. The epidermal layer in the focal zone is thin and resembles parchment paper.

The most common localization of atrophic lichen:

  • on the neck;
  • in the mouth;
  • on the shoulders;
  • on the chest glands;
  • on the external genitalia.

Werrukous form of flat lichen

This type of flat lichen is characterized by papules and plaques of pink-red color, sometimes they acquire a bluish tint. The surface has a cellular, nostril look, with small scales on the focal papule.

With verburoose form, flat deprivation of foci has an oval, round or uneven shape with clear contours. The appearance of such lichen resembles warts. The loser of lichen is very poorly treated, and painful itching can be very exhausting and intense.

Bulleous shape of flat lichen

This type of lichen most often affects the mucous membranes. It manifests itself in the form of subcutaneous bubbles with serous or serous-hemorrhagic fluid inside. After opening the bubbles in the affected area, an erosive surface with a bloody crust is exposed.

Follicular flat lichen

The distinguishing features of the follicular shape of the flat lichen are small, pointed papules located near the mouths of the hair follicles. Papules differ in blue or red. Often they entail erosive-piano manifestations of lichen. After destruction, the papules on the skin may remain surface atrophic scars.

Localized most often on the hair of the limbs.

Erosion-beamless flat lichen

Erosion-ulcerative lichen manifests itself in the form of very painful erosion and ulcers with a wrong outline and a “velvety” bright red bottom. They are localized near plaques and have clear contours with bizarre outlines.

Most often, such lichen is found:

  • on the lips;
  • on the legs;
  • on the sacrum;
  • in the mouth.

Pigmenting lichen

The main feature of the pigment lichen is a pronounced dark brown background on the lesions, in which the islets of a blue rash are visible.   Such lichen affects the epithelium around the focal zone, making it excessively pigmented.

Red flat lichen: symptoms

Depending on the localization of red flat lichen, the disease can be characterized by various symptoms, in particular, the nature of the rash may differ.

Red flat lichen on the skin


  • raised, shiny papules of purple-red or purple-pink color with a flat top of 3-5 millimeters in diameter or random white stripes;
  • dense scaly areas on the skin;
  • itching in places of damage;
  • pain syndrome in the place of localization of the hearth.

Flat lichen in the mouth


  • flat lichen in the mouth is manifested by white rashes in the tongue;
  • gray nodular rash on the inner surface of the cheeks;
  • red or white spots on the gums and palate;
  • burning in the mouth;
  • discomfort during food and drink.

Flat lichen


  • purple or white ring -shaped spots on the head of the penis;
  • shiny papules;
  • lack of itching.

Red flat lichen vagina


  • white stripes on the vulva;
  • redness or pale white color of vulva;
  • burning;
  • itching;
  • wet red spots;
  • the formation of cicatricial fabric;
  • sticky, yellow discharge with a souquet;
  • narrowing of the input part of the vagina.

Flat lichen nail


  • thinning of the nail plate;
  • ribbed nail plate with grooves;
  • darkening of the nail;
  • stop growth.

Flat lichen: photo

Flat lichen: reasons

It is not known that the reasons for the appearance of red flat lichen of various types in humans are not known. Scientists were able to distinguish several main most likely reasons. They include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • neurogenic or neuroendocrine interconnection. That is, long stress, emotional strain, mental disorders;
  • viral origin;
  • toxic-allergic reaction;
  • the theory of metabolic disorders (a predisposition to flat lichen people who suffer from diabetes is supposed here).

These reasons are not logical, but rather explain the presence of provoking factors and their participation in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Flat lichen is contagious?

Flat lichen in humans is a disease that manifests itself against the background of auxiliary factors. Scientists have proven that none of the forms of flat lichen is contagious and is not transmitted to any of the ways.

Treatment of flat lichen in humans

Red flat lichen is very difficult to treat. Sometimes therapy takes months and even years. Before starting the treatment course, patients, first of all, are recommended to undergo examination and diagnosis and treatment of related diseases. The course of therapy directly depends on the type of lichen.

How to treat flat lichen: drugs that need to be taken inside

With any form of red flat deprivation, it is recommended to take light sedatives:

  • tincture of valerian;
  • motherwort, etc.

Taking sedatives helps stabilize the nervous system.

Not rare, doctors prescribe vitamin therapy for red lichen. It is recommended to drink:

  • b vitamins;
  • b vitamins;
  • vitamin A, E, C;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • calcium.

Corticosteroid drugs are prescribed as the main treatment:

  • triamcinol;
  • dechimitazon;
  • prenail.

The dosage and reception scheme should be determined exclusively by the doctor. It is worth noting that corticosteroid drugs can be replaced with histaglobin injections.

In the presence of erosion and ulcers, local injections of hydrocortisone suspension are not rarely used. It is recommended to produce chipping every 3 days. The course usually takes 7-10 injections.

In addition, it is recommended to accept:

  • polyvitamins;
  • calcium preparations;
  • potassium.

With relapses, flat lichen can be prescribed by Aktovegin or Cyto-Mak. These drugs improve oxygen patency in the body tissues.

In addition, antihistamines are prescribed to eliminate itching.

Flat lichen: external treatment

External treatment for flat lichen is very important. That is why doctors prescribe various ointments and other drugs for external application.

One of the medical recommendations in the presence of ulcers in case of flat lichen is washing the foci with hydrogen peroxide. This tool has antibacterial properties and prevents the development of the pathogenic zone in the lesions of lichen.

Ointment from red flat lichen should be hormonal. Only hormonal ointments help to quickly cope with painful discomfort from the rash. Good options for such ointments:

  • Flucinar;
  • Fluorocort;
  • Sinaflan.

Such ointments need to be used daily, applying to the affected area up to 4 times a day.

How to cure flat lichen alternative methods

In addition to traditional drug therapy, the treatment of flat lichen can be carried out using alternative methods. The following methods have proved their effectiveness in this matter:

  • phototherapy;
  • electrophoresis with nicotinic acid;
  • laser therapy;
  • UFO;
  • electron.

In the presence of warty lichen, coagulation (cauterization) or cryodectation (freezing) of foci is used.

Flat lichen: diet

In the presence of such a disease as flat lichen, it is recommended to observe a diet. The food should be fractional and regular. It is recommended to exclude allergens products from the diet.

In addition, it is contraindicated to use:

  • smoked meats;
  • sharp dishes;
  • seasonings;
  • spices;
  • pickled products;
  • citrus;
  • coffee;
  • pickles;
  • fatty meat;
  • alcohol;
  • soda;
  • chocolate.

Try to eat carbohydrates and fats less in food.

As for the recommendations on the diet, here you need to give preference to boiled and stewed fish, low -fat meat, vegetables, porridge, sour -milk products and fruits.

How to treat red flat lichen at home

Folk treatment of red flat lichen also takes place. Folk healers recommend several tools for the treatment of this disease.

Red flat lichen: folk remedies

  • Church incense and aloe juice.

According to healers, this tool is great for the treatment of red flat lichen on the skin.


  • church incense - 50 g;
  • aloe juice - 50 ml;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc;
  • garlic - ½ clove.

How to prepare and use a tool.

  1. Ladan grind in a mortar.
  2. Clean the garlic and pass through the press.
  3. Ladan, garlic, egg yolk and aloe juice mix in non -metallic container.
  4. Beat the product with a fork until smooth.
  5. Lubricate the affected places 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Apple vinegar.

According to the statements of folk healers, apple cider vinegar “kills” flat lichen and prevents its relapses.


  • apple vinegar - 10 ml.

How to apply the product.

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar abundantly.
  2. Apply a cotton pad to the affected area.
  3. Do not remove a cotton pad for 10 minutes.
  4. Apply the product 4-6 times a day.
  • Beet.

Beets can be an excellent assistant in the fight against red lichen.

What you need:

  • beets - 1 pc.

How to apply the product.

  1. Grate beets on a fine grater.
  2. Apply beet pulp on the affected area.
  3. Cover the lichen place with a bandage.
  4. When the beets dry, remove the bandage.
  5. Change the flesh of beets to fresh.
  6. Apply the product until the lichen does not disappear.
  • Birch tar.

Another folk remedy for red flat lichen based on birch tar.


  • birch tar - 150 g;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.

How to prepare and use a tool.

  1. Birch tar, egg yolks and cream mix in non -metallic container.
  2. Bring the mass to uniform.
  3. Lubricate the affected area 3 times a day.
  4. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.

Sea buckthorn oil, according to healers, helps to get rid of flat lichen.

What you need:

  • sea buckthorn oil - 2 tbsp. l.

How to apply the product.

  1. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1 tbsp. l sea buckthorn oil.
  2. Second Art. It is used to use sea buckthorn oil as a lotion: moisten gauze in oil and attach to a sore spot.
  3. Keep oil lotion for 30 minutes.
  4. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Treatment of flat lichen in humans. Video



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