
Diet for a month for weight loss

Diet for a month for weight loss
What is an effective diet for weight loss? This is a kind of nutrition plan, which will reduce extra kilograms in just one month.

Any woman seeks to perfection. Someone does not like the little breast, and someone's nose form or eye color, and rarely, which woman is 100% satisfied with his figure. Basically, the beautiful half of humanity dreams of throwing extra pair of a kilogram. And preferably - as soon as possible. Are there diets that really help to lose weight in a month? Of course have! The main thing is to properly approach the choice.

Diet for a month

Achieve a large weight loss in a short period of time is unreal. For the body, this is a huge stress, so, going to lose weight, prepare at least, to comply with new rules for at least a month.

Thanks to the diet, it is possible to lose weight for a month by 5, 10 and even 15 kilograms. But do not forget that it all depends on three factors:

  1. Menu. Did you completely excluded harmful foods from the diet. Did you fill your menu with the useful substances. The ratio of proteins / carbohydrates / fats was chosen correctly.
  2. Sport. Physical exertion is an important component of any weight loss, because it is due to this that you can accelerate the discharge of weight. A competently designed set of exercises will help make a shape beautiful.
  3. Individual characteristics. We all are unique in their own way - this applies to the possibility of losing / gaining weight. If a neighbor or girlfriend threw 10 kilograms for a month, observing some kind of magic diet, then this does not mean that you can repeat its feat. Perhaps your "ceiling" will be 5 kg.

Whatever it was - you should not despair. Despite the fact that the path to beauty is the right and a thorny, the end result is worth it! Proper diet and 20 kg will help lose a month!


Good diet for a month

If you firmly decide to lose weight and forever, and even without a health risk, you need not quite a diet in the direct understanding of this word, but most likely the system of nutrition that will allow the body with ease of overweight.


The power system is calculated for at least one month - during this time the body is rebuilt and, without having difficulties, loses weight.

The most common question is how much you can lose weight in a month, by observing the system of nutrition? Such a diet can help drop 15 kg per month, and maybe only five. Most importantly, you will definitely please!

Diet for a month: Menu

Many specialists are confident that this diet will reset 10 kg per month, if you learn how to alternate and properly combine proteins and carbohydrates, and for fats at all forget. It is tough, but productive.

Exemplary menu:

  • The first week is the most difficult, because the body is hard to rebuilt and learn to live in a new way. Every day you need to eat: egg (screwed), vegetables (fresh), apples (unsweetened), fermented dairy non-large products (cottage cheese, yogurt).
  • Second week. You can add meat or fish to the above products.
  • Third week. Reduce or completely remove the "sour milk".
  • Fourth week. The diet includes all the same as described above, it will only need to drink more green tea and mineral water.


Diet for a month by day

If the power system described above is too strict, then the next diet for a month at home you will enjoy much more. Its effectiveness in low calorie consumption, and thanks to the variety of the menu you will definitely not be starved!

Week 1

  • Breakfast. Tea, a piece of black bread, a sprig of parsley or milk, honey, a stalk bun.
  • Snack. Tea, 2 pieces of black bread, butter, lettuce leaves or kefir, 10 radishes, stalking bun.
  • Dinner. Fish (cook or prepare for a couple), 2 potatoes, greens, salad (you can sprinkle olive oil + lemon juice) or soup (vegetable), green peas, beef (lean), 2 potatoes, fruit salad.
  • Afternooner. Tomato (tomato juice), Sukharik or fruit (fruit juice), biscuit.
  • Dinner. Kefir, a piece of black bread (lubricate honey or sprinkle with parsley) or a glass of milk (with sugar), croutons with honey.


2 weeks

  • Breakfast. Juice (fruit, vegetable), Sukharik or tea with milk adding black bread with honey.
  • Snack. Black bread, cheese, tea or black bread, meat, tomato, tea.
  • Dinner. Cutlets (meat), carrots, kissel or borsch, egg (boiled), fish (boiled), potatoes, salad.
  • Afternooner. Fruit and biscuit or Sukharik with kefir.
  • Dinner. Kefir, bun, jam or tea and low-fat cheese.

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3 weeks

  • Breakfast. Coffee, black bread, honey or milk, Sukharik, honey.
  • Snack. Kefir, black bread, egg egg (boiled), radishes or tea, bread, ham (lean), tomato.
  • Dinner. Beefstex, spinach, juice or rice, mushrooms (stew), broth, apple (baked).
  • Afternooner. Fruits either with a cracker or biscuit.
  • Dinner. Milk, bun (stalk), cottage cheese or tea, bread, veal, apple.

4 weeks

  • Breakfast. Tea, Sukharik, honey or milk, bread (black), oil.
  • Snack. Bread with butter, cheese, apple or bun, butter, egg (boiled), apple, tea.
  • Dinner. Chicken, vegetables, potato mashed potatoes, salad kissel or broth (low-fat), beans, sauce (tomato), potatoes, greens, apple.
  • Afternooner. Juice (carrot or beet), biscuit or coffee, Sukharik.
  • Dinner. Kefir, bun (stalk) or bread with pate (hepatic), radishes.

Before and After A Diet, Girl Surprised by Measuring Waist

Malysheva diet for a month

After a month diet

You could withstand a month diet! Congratulations - you have achieved weight to which they sought. It would seem that you can relax, but now the most difficult thing begins - it is necessary to keep the weight, save your result.

Useful tips:

  1. Know the measure! Although the diet was calculated for 1 month, the end of this period does not mean that now you can eat everything, what you deny 30 days. Continue to eat moderately - you can allow some "yummy" from time to time, but in a reasonable number and periodically! Due to this, the stomach will not stretch, and the calories do not put down on the sides.
  2. Fit fractionally! Better eat often, but a little. Try more calorie food to eat in the morning or up to 12 o'clock in the afternoon. In the afternoon, and especially - for dinner, leave lungs and low-calorie dishes. Enter yourself the rule never eat three hours before sleep!
  3. Discard taste amplifiers! The natural taste of vegetables, fruits, porridge, meat and other food, perhaps first will call you attacks of sadness, because we all have been accustomed for a long time not only to seasonings, but also ordinary supplements are salts and sugar. But it is they who contribute to the incitement of appetite, improving food, forcing us, thereby eat more laid. But instead of sugar, you can use harmless and useful honey.
  4. Do not eat potatoes! Yes, in general, exclude it from the menu - in any form. "Thanks" a very high glycemic index, this vegetable is terribly harmful for a beautiful figure and, most seriously, potato abuse often leads to "diabetes". In very - very rare cases, potatoes can be eaten in soups or in stew.
  5. Fit separately! Do not overload meals with carbohydrates, proteins and fats at the same time. For example, if you have meat on your table, add vegetables to it (but not porridge!) Thanks to such a scheme: proteins - separately, carbohydrates - separately, the body will not be overloaded, and the food will be absorbed quickly.
  6. Tell me "No" fatty and fried! Here take and give up fried and fatty products, because they have no benefit, only one harm - both for the figure and health. Today, thanks to modern technique, you can cook, bake, stew or cook for a couple - all this is much more useful.
  7. Arrange unloading days! It is enough once a week to spend an unloading day so that your body does not overload excess. Alternate all sorts of known options to "unload" it was obscure.
  8. Do not eat flour! Twist a minimum use of bread, buns, cookies, gingerbread and all other flour products. Ideally, of course, you need to completely abandon the harmful products, but if it is difficult, use wholegrain bread. Drink oatmeal and do not forget about bran. By the way, the rejection of the flour leads to the fact that you can even keep a diet to lose up to 5 kg of extra weight per month!
  9. Love water! Try to drink plenty of water - at least two liters per day (tea, juice, kefir is not considered). Thanks to the water, it is possible to relieve the feeling of the so-called "false hunger" - this is when the body confuses the feeling of thirst and feeling of hunger, reporting to the brain on food needs, instead of the need for water. Wanted to eat? Drink a glass of water. Hunger feeling left? So you need to eat. In addition, water helps to get rid of the constipation, which is also very important for a beautiful figure.

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Effective diet for a month. Video


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