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Diet menu with diabetes

Diet menu with diabetes
Sugar diabetes is a disease that requires constant control, including this concerns nutrition. From this article, you will learn how to properly organize your low-carbonate diet, as well as about a special diet in obesity against the background of diabetes.

To reduce blood sugar, people apply not only medicines, but also comply with a special diet with diabetes mellitus, which is based on the right selection of food.

Medicinal nutrition - a guarantee of health

Disease of the endocrine system of diabetes mellitus occurs very often. Summates absolutely everyone, and some people still overtakes this ailment. It happens two types: the first is called insulin-dependent, and the second - insulin-independent. And in that, in another case, diabetes requires competent treatment and a strict diet to normalize the metabolic process in the body. According to endocrinologists, diet during diabetes sometimes helps to minimize medication reception, since it is usually a nutrition limits the consumption of flour and sweet, in general, simple carbohydrates that are forbidden to use diabetics.

The optimal menu is compiled by a doctor depending on the severity of the disease and its features. You can also create a menu individually, and it is not necessary to think that a low-carbon diet with diabetes is boring and monotane. In fact, such a healing nutrition may include delicious and original dishes. The main thing is to limit the consumption of sugar, an exception to fatty, fried, sharp, salt and smoked food. Need to forget about conservation, mustard, as well as alcoholic beverages. Observing a diet with diabetes mellitus, it is impossible to overeat, it is better to eat fractional portions, but more often, since this mode allows you to keep the blood glucose level at a constant mark. It should be about the same number of calories and carbohydrates for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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Counting bread units

The base of the diet with type 1 diabetes is calculated by the calculation of bread units (xE), that is, the number of eaten carbohydrates. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis system, one xe must be taken over 12 grams of carbohydrates, one piece of bread or a small orange.
Several diet rules for diabetes of the first type:

  • the number of bread units in one meal should not exceed 8, or 90 grams of carbohydrates;
  • before meals, you need to calculate the dose of insulin and hehe;
  • complete exception of sweet drinks, including tea with sugar and juices.

The disease of the second form excludes overeating, since very often people with such a diagnosis suffer from obesity. The purpose of the diet in type 2 diabetes is reduced to stabilize the carbohydrate exchange. For a sick person, a daily calorie rate is calculated, for example, 1 kg of body weight accounts for 20 kcal (for women), and for men - 25 kcal. Thus, with a weight of 70 kg, the calorie rate is 1400. The diet must be permanently, making a variety of its daily diet. At the same time, it is important to limit the use of high calorie dishes, preferring those products in which there are many fiber and water.

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Products for diet with diabetes

The main diet with diabetes can be considered the power program "Table No. 9". It is intended for people, patients with light and medium form of diabetes. The dietary diet has a very low energy value, it includes a certain amount of proteins, minimum fats and a complete limitation of carbohydrates. In the diet there is no sugar, salt and fat.

Diet 9 with diabetes mellitus contains the maximum allowable and optimal amount of carbohydrates for each person. Diabetes with the second type of disease can be used in a diet constantly and daily for a long period.

List of allowed food:

  • non-fat broths from chicken, vegetables, fish;
  • cold soups such as okrochka or beetroot;
  • dietary meat: chicken, rabbit, beef;
  • rye bread, cut and wheat (from the flour of the second grade);
  • low-fat fish boiled or baked. Roasted fish is better not;
  • solid cheese, milk (not solid), fermented milk products and yogurts;
  • egg proteins;
  • porridge from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal and barley;
  • almost all vegetables are limited to potatoes, because it has many carbohydrates;
  • facial fruits and berries (apples, grapefruits);
  • berry fruit and drinks can be prepared only on sugar substitute;
  • tea, grain ragners.

Products prohibited:

  • pork bulb bulb;
  • duck meat, lamb and pork;
  • sausages and other sausages, fat;
  • flour products;
  • smoked and red fish, canned food, caviar;
  • salted and melted cheese, sweet cottage cheese, cream;
  • white rice, making, pasta;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • bean plants;
  • sweet fruits;
  • candies;
  • sweet juices and carbonated drinks.

Among the main types of diets during diabetes, there is also a special diet for people with overweight. It is based on fractional nutrition and excluding overs. Patients with obesity people prescribe an individual menu taking into account body weight, blood sugar levels, lifestyle, age and disease present. Such diet and therapy is organized in order to reduce calorie dishes.

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In addition, the therapeutic diet in diabetes and obesity has its own definite rules. Among them:

  1. Complete limitation of simple carbohydrates. If it is completely not easy without sweet, then in a small amount allowed there are products with sugar substitutes and fructose.
  2. We exclude white bread and sdobu. All this change on bread with bran.
  3. In preference, zucchini, cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage.
  4. It should be refracted from bananas, dried fruits, strawberries.
  5. Freshly squeezed juices desirable to dilute with water to reduce the concentration of carbohydrates in them.

Diet menu with diabetes

In addition to the above recommendations, a diet with diabetes mellitus allows the use of bitter chocolate, which can be used twice a week.

Approximate menu for a day for diabetics with obesity problem.

  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, tea with cottage cheese;
  • second breakfast: roshinka, cottage cheese, without sugar or fructose;
  • lunch: vegetable soup with chicken without potatoes, salad of vegetables and kissel;
  • alpan: two boiled eggs, tea;
  • dinner: a slice of boiled fish with stewed cabbage, compote;
  • before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Before you come up with your diet for the upcoming week, you need to remember that the list of permitted products during diabetes is somewhat different from the usual dietary diet. That is why it is important to think over everything to the smallest detail so that this diet really facilitates the state and helped fight such a problem as diabetes. The main thing here is the counting of carbohydrates, which per day is allowed to eat no more than 30 grams.

If you do not know how to develop your menu correctly, pay attention to this template that you should follow. So, products to choose from:

  • breakfast: protein from three boiled eggs, yogurt, chicken meat, cottage cheese, unsweetened green tea or coffee;
  • lunch: vegetable or fries without potatoes, baked river fish, vegetable salad, slice of cut bread. You must always have breakfast with eggs, this is a mandatory rule;
  • buckwheat or barley porridge, piece of fish for a pair, baked chicken fillet, vegetables, seafood, fruit with low saccharide content.

If you are not treated with insulin, it is better to eat in small portions four times a day. Such a mode will allow you not to overeat and successfully monitor the blood sugar rate. Each food is best once every four hours so that the level of glucose has time to drop after the previous meal.

Recipes dishes can be invented independently. Good combination of fish or meat with vegetables, fruits with cottage cheese, tea with milk and so on. Products can be baked, cooking and stew, but just not fry. It is better not to use butter in dishes in dishes, you need to give preference to vegetable oils. Remember, your goal is to reduce blood sugar in diabetes, and therefore it is necessary to limit slow carbohydrates in the diet, and from fast carbohydrates - to refuse at all.
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Diet with diabetes mellitus. Video


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