Many future mothers are wondering: is it possible to exercise for pregnant women? Undoubtedly, physical activity is the key to the health of the mother and the child, but only with their correct implementation.
First of all, physical activity should be determined by the sports preparation of the mother and the terms of pregnancy itself. Many women do not realize the importance of health exercises, and some, not knowing what charging can be done to pregnant women, are afraid to harm themselves and the child. However, correctly selected exercises, will help to transfer the entire gestational age and take out the fetus.
In addition to the positive course of pregnancy, charging will affect the development of the fetus even in the womb, and the birth itself will be easier for a woman and for the baby. Also, physical activity during pregnancy will help restore the woman’s body after childbirth and bring herself into form. However, in addition to such obvious advantages of charging, there are other positive aspects and contraindications to exercises that the future mothers must be taken into account.
Charging for pregnant women: benefits and harms
Pros of gymnastics during pregnancy
Regular physical activity during pregnancy has a great positive effect on the health of the fetus and mother:
- Adaptation. From the first day of conception, the hormones produced by the body of a woman significantly change the metabolic and other vital processes, so gymnastics from the first days will allow you to quickly adapt to the changes that have arisen.
- Circulation. By improving the blood supply to all organs and systems, the correct conditions are created for the development of the fetus and enrichment of the placenta with the necessary amount of oxygen.
- Preparation for childbirth. Special physical education for pregnant women allows you to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and backs that are involved in the birth process. Respiratory exercises, in turn, will help the correct work of the lungs during childbirth.
- Psychological state. Gymnastics has a positive effect on the mood of a woman, gives vigor, energy and strength, and also eliminates a sense of fatigue and stress.
- Preservation of the figure. Constant exercises will help keep the muscles in good shape, strengthen the spine, do not gain extra pounds, and also prevent the appearance of postpartum ruptures and stretch marks, from which it is very difficult to get rid of later.
- Elimination of pain during pregnancy. As a rule, women who perform exercises regularly, less often or do not at all experience severe back pain, do not suffer from varicose veins, convulsions, constipation, heartburn and toxicosis.
- Elimination of complications. Exercises will help to prevent many problems of delivery and avoid abundant bleeding.
Charging contraindications for pregnant women
Before starting active physical exercises, you should certainly consult with a gynecologist for the lack of contraindications to physical education:
- stomach ache;
- miscarriage during previous pregnancy;
- gestosis during pregnancy;
- hormonal disorders and insufficiency;
- diseases (colds, gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, diabetes);
- bleeding;
- low placental location;
- increased uterine tone;
- strong toxicosis and vomiting.
Physical education for pregnant women
General recommendations for charging for pregnant women
There are several general rules for pregnant women's exercises at any time:
- Take breaks between exercises.
- If you feel a deterioration, then the classes should be stopped.
- If after classes you find specific discharge, then a medical consultation is needed.
- Avoid overwork and do not overstrain.
- Avoid sudden movements, shocks, jumps and tension of the abdominal muscles.
- Start training only 2 hours after eating.
- Clothing should be made of natural fabrics, comfortable, not constraining movements.
- The first classes should not be performed longer than half an hour.
- The room must be ventilated before gymnastics.
- When learning pulse, dizziness or increased pressure, gymnastics should be underway under the supervision of a coach or doctor.
- Gymnastics is performed daily and at a certain time.
- Exercises must be performed slowly and calmly.
Charging for pregnant women on the 1st trimester
In the first 12-week pregnancy period, the mother of the mother undergoes radical changes, which ensure the further development of the fetal organs important for life. Therefore, at an early stages, you should perform morning exercises for pregnant women specially aimed at the operation of the respiratory system and blood supply. It is morning training that will help to cheer up and give vigor, as well as help relax at night.
In the first stages, there is a risk of disruption of pregnancy, so you should not strain the muscles of the press and increase physical activity. For this period, breathing exercises and light warm -up exercises are suitable, but stretching exercises should be refused to avoid injuries. Also, do not neglect the consultation of a doctor before the start of physical education.
Exercises for morning charging during pregnancy are performed 5 times, if desired, the amount can be doubled by time:
- Start with cross -walking on the site to warm up the muscles.
- Put your feet shoulder -width apart and make several slow inclinations to the sides.
- Lean forward carefully, as far as possible, exhaling, and when returning to the starting position, take a deep breath.
- By installing your hands on the belt, make the tilts back with an exhalation and, returning to its original position, take a slow breath.
- Leaning your back and hands on the wall or back of the chair, make shallow squats, diluting your feet shoulder -width apart. To strengthen the exercise, you can stand on socks.
- Lean on a chair and raise your legs forward, backward and sideways.
- Stand evenly and put your legs wider than the shoulders, and your arms to the sides or holding the back of a chair or wall. Raise one leg right in front of you and reach for socks with the opposite hand. Change your leg and hand.
- Place your feet shoulder width and make slow circular pelvis in both directions.
- Sit on the floor and put your legs in front of you shoulder width apart. Make circular movements in both directions alternately.
- Finish the gymnastics with upsurges on the socks, you can stand and sit.
Charging for pregnant women on the 2nd trimester
The most safe for gymnastics of pregnant women is the average period of time. Physical exercises will not harm the fetus and mother will bring pleasure and benefit. Charging for pregnant women up to 7 months can last more than half an hour with a good health of a woman. You should not be in the position of lying on your back or stomach for a long time, especially if it causes discomfort, and it is better to perform gymnastics in a special bandage for charging pregnant women.
Exercise perform daily at the same time a couple of hours after eating:
- Start gymnastics in a sitting position with crossed legs and make several slow turns of the head in different directions.
- Disconnect your arms to the sides and make smooth turns of the body.
- Sitting on the floor, change the position of the legs, spreading your knees and in contact with the heels of the buttocks. Extend your hands in front of you and touched the floor of the floor.
- Stretch your legs and, stretching your arms up, take a breath, and get your hands behind your head on the exhale.
- Lie on the floor on the side and stretch your arms up, and then turn the body back, striving with your hand to the floor behind. Also repeat on another side.
Take your knees, lean your hands on the floor and in front of you, holding your back and neck straight. In this position, stretch your hand and opposite the leg forward and backwardly directly. Returning to the starting position, take a breath. Then change your hand and leg.
- In the same position, lean forward and bend your hands at the elbows.
- In the same position, on the exhale, beg the back with a hill and tighten the buttocks, and on inspiration, return to the first position.
- Leaning your back and hands on the wall, make shallow squats, diluting your feet shoulder width apart. To strengthen the exercise, you can stand on socks.
- Closure your hands in the castle in front of the chest (you can use a small rubber ball) and squeeze them, training the muscles of the chest and hands. Count to 10 and relax your muscles.
- Complete rotation with the upper body to the sides, leaving the basin motionless.
- Finish the gymnastics with uplifts on socks (you can stand standing behind a chair and sitting) and circular movements of the feet.
Also, in the absence of discomfort when lying on your back, you can carry out charging for pregnant women in pictures, presented below:
Charging for pregnant women on the 3rd trimester
In the last period of pregnancy, the performance of the exercises becomes quite complicated, so the popular charging for pregnant women on the ball is increasingly used. A large rubber ball makes classes more interesting and safe, and also reduces the stomach load. Such charging helps to keep the muscles of the hands and chest, back, hips and buttocks in good shape.
Physical education on fitball can be held at home or in special groups for pregnant women with such exercises:
- Sit on the ball and swing to the sides, then take one and a half liter bottles of water and bent your hands alternately.
- Sit on the floor and cross your legs in front of you, and then squeeze the ball with two hands.
- Sit on the ball and turn the body in both directions, resting your hand on the knee.
- Standing on your feet, lean forward and roll the ball in front of you, and then back.
- Lie on the floor on your back and roll the ball in a circle and back and forth with your feet.
- Lie down on the ball with your back and roll on it.
- Sit on the floor and put your legs in front of you shoulder width apart. Make circular movements in both directions alternately.
- Finish the gymnastics with upsurges on the socks, you can stand and sit on the ball.
- To prepare for childbirth, it is necessary to perform breathing exercises (you can sit on the ball).
The training of the respiratory system for pregnant women is no more than 15 minutes a day:
- We train the diaphragm. Put one hand with a palm on the chest, and the second on the stomach. Breathe with your nose deeply and slowly, gaining air with your stomach, and not with your chest and also exhaling.
- We train breast breathing in the same way, only at the same time we breathe with a stomach, but with chest.
- Put your palms on the ribs and, when inhalation, raise your elbows. Do the exercises, gaining air with a stomach, and then chest.
Charging before pregnancy
If you carefully plan your pregnancy and conception, it is recommended to perform exercises and play sports in the period of preparation for pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend doing the following sports to facilitate future pregnancy:
- Aquaerobika. Exercises in water help to gently and effectively perform stretching exercises and flexibility of the joints. Such physical education can be continued during pregnancy.
Aerobics. Any physical activity in sports clubs when planning a child will help to more easily transfer pregnancy and childbirth. If you are already in a position, then you can recommend classes in a special group in which you can often participate in future fathers.
- Yoga. One of the most effective methods for stretching joints and respiratory control. Yoga should begin to engage in planning and preparing for pregnancy and you can continue special classes up to childbirth.
- Pilates. The complexes of such gymnastics are aimed at building the muscle corset of the back and abdomen in accordance with the correct breathing. Many poses are convenient for classes already in position, as the “on all fours” pose helps to unload and save the back and pelvis of pain. After class, it is possible to consider this position for childbirth.
- Swimming. A great way to train muscles and breathing, which is so important during pregnancy and childbirth. Swimming is not contraindicated even with pregnancy itself, since training in water does not allow you to feel weight gain.
- Runs. Daily half -hour morning jogging will help strengthen not only the muscles of the whole body, but also the heart, light and circulatory system.
- Power exercises. Such active physical gymnastics is allowed and shown by doctors only before conception for preparation. During pregnancy, it is better to avoid heavy weight and sudden movements during classes and switch to mild gymnastics to preserve the form.
- Sports walking. Choose daytime or evening time for daily time hiking. Thus, you will improve the condition of the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and also get a relaxing effect before bedtime.
- Dancing. A great way to maintain the body in the form before and directly during pregnancy. However, it is worth avoiding jumps, sharp shocks and turns, if you are already in position. Pregnant women can dance in special groups for new dating and at home to cheer up the mood.
Video charging for pregnant women
A detailed video tutorial with exercises for pregnant women can be repeated at home:
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