
Charging for pregnant women

Charging for pregnant women
Exercises for pregnant women at different stages

Many expectant mothers are wondering: Is it possible to do exercises for pregnant women? Sure, exercise is the key to the health of mother and child, but only if properly executed.

First of all, exercise should be determined by the sports training mothers and timing of the pregnancy. Many women do not realize the importance of exercise for health, and some, not knowing what kind of exercises you can do pregnant women are afraid to hurt yourself and your child. However, correctly selected exercises help easier to move the entire period of pregnancy and bear fruit.

In addition to the positive course of pregnancy, charging will affect the development of the fetus in the womb, and childbirth will be easier to take place for the woman and for the baby. Also, physical activity during pregnancy will help to restore a woman's body after childbirth and get in shape. However, in addition to the obvious advantages of charge, there are other positive aspects and contraindications to exercise, which must take into account the future mothers.

Charging for pregnant women: the benefits and harms

Pros gymnastics during pregnancy

gymnastics for pregnant women

Regular physical activity during pregnancy has a large positive effect on the health of the fetus and mother:

  1. Adaptation. From the first day of conception of the hormones produced by the woman's body, significantly change the exchange and other vital processes, so the gymnastics from the first days will allow them to be faster to adapt to the changes arisen.
  2. Circulation. By improving the blood supply to all organs and systems, the right conditions are created for the development of the fetus and enrichment of the placenta with the necessary amount of oxygen.
  3. Preparation for childbirth. Special physical education for pregnant women allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles, pelvis and backs that participate in the generic process. The breathing exercises in turn will help the right work of the lungs during childbirth.
  4. Psychological condition. Gymnastics positively affects the mood of a woman, gives cheerfulness, energy and strength, and also eliminates the feeling of fatigue and stress.
  5. Saving a figure. Permanent exercises will help keep muscles in a tone, strengthen the spine, not to gain extra kilograms, and also prevent the appearance of postpartum breaks and stretch marks, from which it is very difficult to get rid of subsequently.
  6. Elimination of pain during pregnancy. As a rule, women performing exercises regularly, less often or at all do not experience strong pain in the back, do not suffer from varicose veins, convulsions, constipation, heartburn and toxicosis.
  7. Elimination of complications. Exercises will help to prevent many problems of roostening and avoid abundant bleeding.

Contraindications Charging for pregnant women


Before starting active physical classes, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist for the absence of contraindications to physical education:

  • stomach ache;
  • miscarriage during past pregnancy;
  • pregnancy gestosis;
  • hormonal disorders and failure;
  • diseases (cold, gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, diabetes);
  • bleeding;
  • low placenta location;
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • strong toxicosis and vomiting.

Physical education for pregnant women

General recommendations for charging for pregnant women

There are several general rules for pregnant exercises at any time:

  1. Make breaks between exercises.
  2. If you feel deterioration, then classes should be stopped.
  3. If after classes you have found specific allocations, you need a medical advice.
  4. Avoid overwork and do not overstrain.
  5. Avoid sudden movements, jolts, jumps and stress of abdominal muscles.
  6. Start the workout only 2 hours after meals.
  7. Clothing should be made of natural fabrics, comfortable, non-stinting movements.
  8. The first classes should not be performed longer than half an hour.
  9. The room must be used in front of gymnastics.
  10. When taking the pulse, dizziness or increase pressure, the gym should be gymnastics under the supervision of a coach or doctor.
  11. Gymnastics is performed daily and at a certain time.
  12. Exercises must be performed slowly and calmly.

Charging for pregnant women on the 1st trimester


In the first 12-week pregnancy term, the mother's body undergoes radical changes that ensure the further development of important organs of the fetus. Therefore, on an early time, the morning charge should be performed for pregnant women, specially directed to the work of the respiratory system and blood supply. It is the morning workout that will help raise the mood and give cheerfulness, as well as help relax at night.

In the first time there is a risk of breaking pregnancy, so you should not strain the press muscles and strengthen physical exertion. For this period, respiratory gymnastics and light workshops are suitable for this period, and from exercises for stretching it is worth refuse to avoid injuries. Also, you should not neglect the consultation of the doctor before the start of physical education.

Exercises for Morning Charging during pregnancy are performed 5 times, if you wish, with time, you can enlarge:

  1. Start with cross walk in place for muscle heating.
  2. Arrange the legs on the width of the shoulders and make some slow slopes to the sides.
  3. Go forward carefully, as far as possible, doing exhale, and when you return to the original position, take a deep breath.
  4. Having installed hands on the belt, take the tilts back with the exhalation and, returning to the original position, make a slow breath.
  5. Relying back and hands on the wall or back of the chair, make shallow squats, collecting legs on the width of the shoulders. To enhance the exercise, you can get up on socks.
  6. Enter on the chair and lift alternately legs forward, back and sideways.
  7. Stand smoothly and place your legs wider shoulders, and the hands on the side or sticking to the back of the chair or the wall. Raise one leg right in front of yourself and draw to the socks with the opposite hand. Change your leg and hand.
  8. Place your legs on the width of the shoulders and make slow circular motions to the pelvis in both directions.
  9. Sit on the floor and place your legs in front of your shoulders width. Make circular movements in the footsteps in both directions alternately.
  10. Finish the gymnastics with raising on the socks, you can stand and sitting.

Charging for pregnant women on the 2nd trimester

The most secure for gymnastics of pregnant women is considered the average period of time. Physical exercises will not harm the fetus and mom brings pleasure and benefit. Charging for pregnant women up to 7 months can last more than half an hour with a good female well-being. It is not worth it for a long time to stay on your back or abdomen, especially if it causes discomfort, and it is better to perform gymnastics in a special bandage for charging pregnant women.


Exercises do daily at the same time in a couple of hours after meals:

  1. Start the gymnastics in a sitting position with crossed legs and make some slow turns of the head in different directions.
  2. Divide your hands on the sides and make smooth turns of the body.
  3. Sitting on the floor, change the position of the legs, spreading the knees and in contact with the heels of the buttocks. Pull your arms in front of yourself and touch the floor forehead.
  4. Pull your legs and pulling hands alternately up, breathe, and on exhale, start your hands behind the head.
  5. Lie on the floor on the side and pull your hands up, and then turn the housing back, striking your hand to the floor behind. Also repeat on the other side.
  6. ber8.Stand on your knees, learn hands on the floor and in front of yourself, holding your back and neck straight. In this position, exhale pull your hand and the opposite foot forward and back straight. Returning to its original position, breathe. Then change your hand and leg.
  7. In the same position, lean forward and bend your hands in the elbows.
  8. In the same position on the exhalation, bring back the back of the hill and strain the buttocks, and come back in the first position.
  9. Relying back and hands on the wall, make a shallow squats, collecting legs on the width of the shoulders. To enhance the exercise, you can get up on socks.
  10. Commmise your hands in the castle in front of the breasts (you can use a small rubber ball) and compress them, training your chest and hand muscles. Count up to 10 and relax the muscles.
  11. Perform rotation to the top of the body to the side, leaving the pelvis stationary.
  12. Finish the gymnastics with raising on the socks (you can stand, holding the chair and sitting) and the circular movements of the stop.

Also, in the absence of discomfort while lying on the back, you can charge for pregnant women in pictures below:


Charging for pregnant women on the 3rd trimester

In the last period of pregnancy, exercise is quite complicated, therefore, the popular charging for pregnant women on the ball today is increasingly used. A large rubber ball makes classes more interesting and safe, and also reduces the load on the stomach. Such a charging helps to keep the muscles and chest muscles in the tone, back, hips and buttocks.


Phytball physical culture can be held at home or in special groups for pregnant women with exercises:

  1. Sit on the ball and download on the sides, then take one-liter bottles with water and alternately bend your hands.
  2. Sit on the floor and cross your feet in front of yourself, and then squeeze the ball with two hands.
  3. Sit on the ball and turn the case in both directions, resting your hand in the knee.
  4. Standing on the legs, lean forward and roll the ball in front of yourself, and then back.
  5. Lie on the floor on the back and skate the ball in a circle and back and forth with your feet.
  6. Lower the ball with your back and ride on it.
  7. Sit on the floor and place your legs in front of your shoulders width. Make circular movements in the footsteps in both directions alternately.
  8. Finish the gymnastics with raising on the socks, you can stand and sitting on the ball.
  9. To prepare for childbirth, it is necessary to perform respiratory gymnastics (you can sit on the ball).


Training of the respiratory system for pregnant women is no more than 15 minutes a day:

  1. We train the diaphragm. Put one hand palm on the chest, and the second on the stomach. Breathe nose deep and slowly, gaining the air with a belly, not a breast and also exhausted.
  2. Breast breathing train the same way, just at the same time I breathe not the stomach, but a breast.
  3. Put the palms on the ribs and with inhale lift the elbows. Do exercises by gaining air stomach, and then breasts.

Charging before pregnancy

If you are carefully planning your pregnancy and conception, it is recommended to do exercises and play sports in the period of preparation for pregnancy. Gynecologists recommend engaging in the following sports to facilitate future pregnancy:

  1. Aquaaerobics. Exercises in water help gently and effectively perform stretching exercises and flexibility of joints. Such physical culture can be continued during pregnancy.
  2. ber6.Aerobics. Any physical exertion in sports clubs When planning a child will help easier to transfer pregnancy and childbirth. If you are already in position, then you can recommend classes in a special group, in which you often can be involved in the future fathers.
  3. Yoga. One of the most effective methods for stretching joints and respiratory control. Yoga should begin to work when planning and preparing for pregnancy and can continue special classes until childbirth.
  4. Pilates. Complexes of such gymnastics are aimed at building a muscular corset of the back and abdomen according to the correct breathing. Many postures are convenient and for classes already in position, since the post "On all fours" helps unload and get rid of their backs and pelvis. After classes, it is possible to consider such a position and for childbirth.
  5. Swimming. A great way to train muscles and breathing, which is so important during pregnancy and childbirth. Swimming is not contraindicated even with the most pregnancy, since the training in water does not give to feel weight gain.
  6. Jogging. Daily half-hour morning jogs will help to strengthen not only the muscles of the whole body, but also the heart, light and blood circuit system.
  7. Power exercises. Such active physical gymnastics is allowed and shown by doctors only before conception for training. During pregnancy, it is better to avoid heavy weight and sharp movements during classes and go to light gymnastics to save the shape.
  8. Walking. Choose day or evening for daily watch hiking. Thus, you improve the status of the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and also get a relaxing effect before bedtime.
  9. Dancing. An excellent way to maintain the body in the form before and directly during pregnancy. However, it is worth avoiding jumping, harsh jolts and turns if you are already in the position. You can dance in special groups for new acquaintances and houses to raise your mood.

Video charging for pregnant women

Detailed video tutorial with exercises for pregnant women can be repeated at home:


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