
How to wear sling

How to wear sling
How to wear a baby in a sling

Increasingly, young mothers pay their attention to the sling for the convenient wear of the kid. It is not surprising: the soft canvas gives an opportunity to take a comfortable position for recreation and feeding, and most importantly, it is always to feel the warmth of my mother's body, which provides a child psychological comfort and comfort.

However, many women seem to ensure that the use of sling is very difficult: they are confused and allow mistakes, and then they refuse this venti at all. In fact, wearing a child in a sling simply and comfortable: I will once having once, you are most likely no longer jammed the sling for nothing.

How to wear sling


Slings are several species, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, the rules of carrying the kid are common to all types of slas.

  1. Having searched the baby to the sling, make sure that it is tight pressed to you to eliminate the risk of loss of crumbs.
  2. And you and the baby should be convenient to you - the sling in no case should be crushed.
  3. A child up to 1 - 1.5 months must be face to the mother in the horizontal position "Cradle" (it is necessary for the head to be at the level of the breast of a woman) or in the half-propical position "Embryrous Pose." It is allowed so that the legs hang out. Although if the baby is a newborn - it will be located in the whole sling. The baby's head should not hang out - it is fixed by the edge of the sling.
  4. After 2 months, you can wear a baby in a vertical position, since he is already holding his head alone.
  • the legs of the child are bred by a frog, so that the knees are above priests, and the feet are deployed at different times;
  • the ass "falls" into the pockets of the fabric;
  • the pose of crumbs must necessarily be symmetrical.

Whether the baby is comfortable in the sling


If the kid whimshes and refuses to be in a sling, this does not mean that they are not suitable for slings at all, just, most likely, you made some errors. After all, it is in a sling, but not in a wheelchair, the child feels under the protection of Mom and it should be as comfortable as the parents in his arms.

So, what is the reason that the child is dissatisfied with the sling:

  1. The model is poorly selected. Sling may not approach the size (some models need to choose, finding out how such a sling is worn).
  2. Mom misuses sling. Sling need to learn to use: carefully examine pictures and videos, pay attention to the possible error in the overall.
  3. The baby's clothes prevent him. When the baby is in the sling, it can simply interfere with the folds on clothes or tension of the fabric. For example, the overalls that the baby in size in the "Frog" position can stretch and deliver discomfort to the legs. You put on the baby pants and socks or simply elastic tights and it will be comfortable. Also, do not forget that next to you is a crude much warmer than in a wheelchair and it needs to be apparent so that it is not too hot.
  4. Excitement. If the mother uses the sling for the first time and worries, then anxiety can pass and the child - he begins to capricious. Try to choose a good time for the first use of sling and do not worry. For the first time, hold the kid with your hands so that he felt you. And when he gets used to new circumstances - clean your hands. The first walk in the sling must be short, and over time, the duration can be increased.

Sling Characteristics with Rings


Sling with rings is a cut of a soft tissue, the length of which is 2 m, and the width is 70 cm. On one side of the cut is a soft gasket (to mitigate the pressure on the shoulder mom) and the rings with which the sling length is adjusted.

Krochu in such a sling can be laid as in the cradle, put on the thigh or even behind the mother's back. If the child fell asleep, it can be easily removed from the sling and put in the crib without disturbing. It is also easy to change the position of the baby from the horizontal to the vertical and vice versa, without removing the sling.

The only disadvantage of sling with rings is that the load is not distributed to the whole back, but only for one side. To get less to get tired, regularly move the sling from one shoulder to another.

How to wear sling with rings

  1. We can wear a sling with rings for a newborn can only be in the position of the "cradle" (horizontally) so that the head is slightly above the legs. The first time the toddler head in the sling must be with hand.
  2. In the position of the embryo, the crumb is worn to 2 months.
  3. Pose of "Floor" on the mother's belly will be convenient for the baby, starting with 2 weeks. At the same time, the lower part of the sling should be at the level of the felling patent of the child, and his ass "dive" into the tissue fold.
  4. On the thigh crumb you can sit down, only when it turns 3 months - this is due to the physiological features of the development of the muscles and the joints of the child.
  5. Tie a sling, make sure that the rings are slightly lower than the clavicle line - then they will not cause inconvenience.
  6. Well, straighten the sling cloth, which is on your back.
  7. The baby must be tight (but not tight!) Critting to the mother.
  8. Sling a strap to the edge of the shoulder so that she does not give on the neck.
  9. Be sure to replace the side of the baby wearing. This is connected not only with the fact that your back will get tired. The change of the position will equally develop all the muscles of the child.

How to choose a sling with rings

Buying sling, first of all, pay attention to the quality of the rings - the functionality of the purchase will be dependent on the quality of them. Large rings allow you to adjust the length of the two ends of the fabric separately - it is very convenient when wearing when you need to correct the child's position. The diameter of the rings should be 7 cm. It is desirable that the rings be metallic, plastic will break very quickly.

Some sling models have foam inserts along the side or in the shoulder area. However, experienced mothers believe that it is not at all.

Eliminate errors in wearing sling with rings


  1. The position of the "cradle". Many young mammies, finding photos on the Internet, try to repeat the experience of American in the use of sling. In the West, it is customary to have children in a sling head to the rings. However, it should be noted that the models of slas with rings in the United States and in Russia are very different: in the US, they are more like a sling bag. In our traditional slings more physiological for crumbs and convenient for mom will be the "legs to the rings" position: it is easier to adjust the tension of the fabric, the back of the crumbs will be smooth, and also feed it is convenient.
  2. The child lies in the sling too low. You will find such a mistake if you are inconvenient to feed and move with a baby in a sling. To return a comfortable position, tighten the fabric slightly up: the child's head will turn out to be at the level of your chest. At the same time, the kid itself should lie horizontally.
  3. The head of the crumbs does not relieve the fabric. This is a very serious mistake that causes the tension of the muscles of the baby. In addition, it will be inconvenient to feed it. If the baby has no month, it should be placed in the sling completely, but older kids can already dry the legs for the fabric. But under the baby's head, in any case there should always be a margin of fabric. At the same time, the head itself must be well fixed.
  4. The legs in the lying position are above head. If you do not notice this error yourself, do not doubt, the baby will inform you with a loud protest: he is inconvenient and he will probably wake. To correct the situation, simply tighten the sling.
  5. Mom's back is very tired after carrying the baby in the sling. So that the back is not tired, place the soft gasket and the stamp of sling further from the neck, straighten the cloth on your shoulder and on your back.
  6. It is inconvenient to wear a baby in the "Climbing to Breast" position and "hip". Make that the child is placed correctly:
  • the back of the crumbs is smooth;
  • legs are widely divorced;
  • the bottom side of the fabric is located under the knees of the baby.

If the lower part of the fabric slides on the back of the baby and it seems to you that the child falls out of a sling - you need to take a child so that his knees are above priests, and the fabric ended under the knees.

If the baby constantly leans back and you have to hold his hand - it means that the shoulders of the baby are loosely pressed against the mother. For children up to 6 months, this error is fraught with the appearance of the spinal curvature.

How To Wear Sling: Sling Scarf Characteristics


Sling scarf is a long strip of fabric that does not imply fasteners. You can place the baby in such a sling in different ways. The rules of carrying the kid in the sling scarf are the same as for a sling with rings. Sling scarves can be:

  • standard (4-5 meters in length) - Tied so as to distribute the weight of the baby for 2 shoulders, so wearing it convenient for any position of the child, the woman's back does not get tired;
  • short (2.3 - 2.7 meters long) - can be worn by analogy with a sling on the rings (on one shoulder);
  • average (3 - 3.8 meters long) - it is possible to tie it into two shoulders, but simpler, albeit less convenient way.

How to choose a sling scarf

Buying a sling scarf, pay attention to the quality and elasticity of the fabric, from which it is made: it should not stretch in length, but it should be very well stretched on the diagonal.

The length of the sling should relate to the size of the Mom's clothing:

  • clothes size 40-44 - It will be convenient to sling with a length of 4 - 4.5 m;
  • clothing size 46-50 - sling 4.5 - 5 m long;
  • size from 52 or more - sling with a length of 5.5 m.

If the scarf is a little longer than you need in size - it is not scary. It will be possible to further wrap it around the waist, thereby reducing the load on the lower back.

As for the width of the sling scarf, it depends on the quality of the fabric:

  • if the fabric is fluent in width (knitwear) - 50-60 cm;
  • if the fabric is very poorly stretched into the width (stretch jeans, stretch cotton) - 55-65 cm;
  • if the width of the fabric does not stretch at all (flax) - 60-80 cm.

Sling scarf: how to wear


  1. If the sling is pressed and it seems to you that the child is unreliable, then, most likely, you have badly placed the cloth on the baby and on yourself. If the cloth twisted, it is better to remove the child from the sling and reject it.
  2. If it is inconvenient to feed in the position of "cradle", then the child is located too low. In this case, the scarf will have to tidy, tracing that the head of the crumbs is located at the chest level of the mother.
  3. Uncomfortable to wear a baby when it is in a vertical position. Make sure the kid sits correctly: the back is smooth, the legs are divorced to the sides (it seems like a mother for the waist), and the fabric is stripped from the knees to the baby's knees.

May-sling: description and characteristics

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Another popular variety of Sling - May Sling. It is sewn from a rectangular cutting of the tissue (back) to which wide straps are attached to four corners:

  • lower strips (straps) are tied on a woman's waist;
  • the top must be on the shoulders, and then crossed out, are displayed back and here they are fixed on the waist.

Crocha can be placed in any position. However, it will be most convenient to wear a baby vertically (on the abdomen, back or thigh mother).

In stores you can find an improved May-Sling version called Fast Sling. It is equipped with fasteners and therefore puts on faster. Although you can not wear a kid in such a sling in a horizontal position.

How to choose Major Sling

The dimensions of the straps of May-slings are the same, but the size of their backs are different. The width can be from 35 to 45 cm. The smaller the crumb, the smaller the width of the backrest.

The height of the back of this device is also varied from 45 to 60 cm. The choice depends on whether the knobs of the crumbs inside or outside will be. If the back is too high, it can be wrapped around the strap, thereby rooting.

The rules of wearing the baby in May-Sling


  1. For crumbs up to 2 months, it is better to choose another type of sling, because May-sling does not imply convenient pose for breastfeeding.
  2. On the back, the baby's women can be worn from 3 months, in the "frog" position - from the 2nd, and on the hip - only from 3 months.
  3. If a child is sitting on the back of a woman, then the crossing of straps should be as high as much as possible and go to the level of popliteal toddler.
  4. Sling straps are well fixed on the shoulders of a woman and should not crawl on her neck.

Mai-Sling Errors

  1. The straps are incorrectly crossed. Upper straps should not be tieped on the back of the baby, but only on the waist mom. Otherwise, they will put the baby or simply slide, then carry the child is inconvenient.
  • for the cuts, which are already sitting on their own - straps are broken down under the boo;
  • if the baby is not still sits - then on the back.
  1. Straps should not put the baby in the armpit area. If the back of the sling is too high - just turn it out.
  2. Do not allow the baby to sit beetle, it is inconvenient and unsafe for him. The fabric should not only support the baby, but also pressed to mom.

How To Wear Sling: Other Interesting Sling


We looked at the 3 most common and universal types of slings. However, there are several more variations and, perhaps, one of them is suitable for you.

  1. Sling pocket. Such a sling is quite convenient for the kid. In it, Kroch can take the position lying or sitting. Such slings are made most often to order: accurate compliance is very important. On some models there are fasteners regulators. Such a sling is compact and easy to use.
  2. Sling backpack. Very comfortable models that can be selected for children from birth to 3 years. A huge plus such a backpack is that the legs of the kid are always located correctly, and the weight is distributed evenly. The backpacks are very easy to use (it is impossible to plant a child in them are almost impossible), there are regulators of strap length, so both parents are suitable. However, in a horizontal position, wearing a crumb in such a sling is impossible - this is perhaps the only minus sling-backpack.

Safety when using sling


  1. Position the baby so that you always see his face, they could follow the breath and discover the first signs of anxiety.
  2. Wear a child the same amount of time on one and more side in the lying position, or on the same side, if it sits on your hip. This is important for the correct development of the child's body.
  3. Stick the child, climbing the steps or passing through the doorway.
  4. Do not lean when you have a baby in the sling, if you need to raise something, it is better to sit down.
  5. During the feeding of the baby, always hold his head in the sling.
  6. Be careful to what is trying to get a child with handles.
  7. Do not take anything hot in your hands when the baby is in the sling.
  8. Avoid shoes on heels, and look closely at your feet.

How to wear sling: video


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