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Kremlin diet for weight loss

Kremlin diet for weight loss
When complying with the Kremlin diet, it is possible to lose weight by 5-6 kg for only 8 days and at the same time without tough restrictions in nutrition. How to achieve this? Read in this material.

The most revered diet among politicians and many stars of the national show business is the Kremlin diet, as it successfully combines a lot of advantages. This power system allows you to lose weight quickly, holding a new weight for a long time, while the dietary diet does not limit the losing weight from delicious food. The only nuance of the Kremlin diet is the scores that need to count before each new snack.

Description of the Methodology of the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet really works, as evidenced by numerous reviews of thin people. Amazing and amazing is the fact that on this diet can be successfully discarding weight, using your favorite meat, different salads and soups. So what lies the mystery so chic diet? In fact, the Kremlin diet technique was originally based on the counting of carbohydrate points. You can without restrictions there are any protein products and even consume alcohol, but carbohydrates should enter the body under clear control. Each product matches its assessment, and what it is lower, the more useful this product for weight loss. This is the main essence of the Kremlin diet.

The formula for calculation is very simple, and for one conventional unit (C.) It is considered 1 gram of carbohydrates consumed per day, which means:

  • if you dream to lose weight, it means that you will also eat no more than 40 cu. in a day;
  • to keep the weight on the current mark simply limit your diet to 60 units;
  • well, and those who dream of gaining weight, you can eat 60 or more uu. Carbohydrates daily.

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Observing the Kremlin diet, you can select your daily diet to the table below. It contains product names and their quantitative values \u200b\u200bin conventional units. Referring to this data, you can competently distribute the amount of food eaten during the day, and control the calorie content of the dishes.

As can be seen in the table, the most points are typing flour products and sweets, so they should not be in the dietary diet. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products can be used in any quantity, because such a food is zero in this system, that's why in our list you will not find these names. Complete table of points of the Kremlin diet looks like this.

Feelings of hunger on the Kremlin diet simply does not happen, because it is always and without restrictions you can eat products under the sign "Zero". Alcohol by the way also refers to this category, but this drink itself does not contribute to weight loss, which means that they do not need to abuse.

On the condition that less carbohydrates begins to enter the body, the reserves of fat deposits gradually decrease and weight decreases. The more subcutaneous fat, the faster the body spends it. The Kremlin diet especially good results showing during the first few days with a sharp reduction in carbohydrates. The principle of the diet is the refusal of carbohydrates in favor of protein products, and the main difference between this method of weight loss from other existing in the fact that you can eat meat, and in large quantities. Meat, as you know, is a source of energy and vigor, it is especially important during any restrictions in the diet. That's why people who lose weight on the Kremlin diet do not have fatigue, leaving flattering reviews about the best weight loss system. Sometimes weight loss is up to 15 kg, depending on the initial parameters.

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Rules of the Kremlin diet

Some simple rules:

  1. Control over the amount of food eaten, namely fat, sharp and salted. Despite the fact that such products practically do not contain C.E., it is better to give preference to natural protein food, which really contributes to weight loss.
  2. It is important not to overeat. Some people in vain believe that due to the low food value of the products, they can be eaten by an immeasurable amount. In fact, when overeating the stomach stretches, and the digestion process slows down, suspending and metabolism. This means that any weight loss can be speech.
  3. It is recommended to increase the consumption of vegetables, greens and fruits with a minimum content of saccharides. Since the Kremlin diet involves consuming meat and fish in large quantities, then all recipes of dietary dishes must necessarily include vegetables.
  4. Maintaining water balance. During the period of diet and not only need to drink a lot of clean water. In addition, there will be noble beams from rosehip and ginger.
  5. Reception of polyvitamins, which will support the function of the body at the proper level.
  6. Enerfate constant scores. If you just started using the Kremlin diet and wish to lose weight, then follow the menu that must contain no more than 40 USD. in a day.
  7. The diet is better not to start if there are serious health problems. It is important to soberly assess your condition before limiting yourself in food.
  8. It is advisable to take breaks between the stages of the Kremlin diet, for example, give the body two weeks of rest and then continue again. During the period of idle, it is necessary to continue to consume vegetables, however, to reduce the amount of protein food in the diet.

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Taboo on carbohydrates in the Kremlin diet

Products prohibited by addicting the Kremlin Diet:

  • candy, any pastries;
  • shop juices, carbonated drinks;
  • bananas, dates, grapes and other fruits with high sugar content;
  • beer, sweet wine;
  • corn croup, oatmeal, bias and wheat porridge;
  • all legumes;
  • peanut;
  • potatoes, carrots, beet;
  • pasta;
  • creamy oil, fatty milk, sweet yogurts.

For a period of diet, completely limit yourself from the following category of products:

  • sausages and sausages;
  • any semi-finished products;
  • melted raws;
  • products with dyes and taste amplifiers;
  • margarine.

Stages of the Kremlin diet

Of course, people with a little overweight it is enough to come up with a protein diet's optimal menu called "Kremlin" for 10 days. Those who dream of reset from 10 and above a kilogram will have to be seriously counted on a new dietary diet, which consists of four main stages.

  1. At the first two-week stage, the maximum number of points is 20. It is so much that you need to dial the day, trying not to jump out beyond the framed. At this most difficult period, the body will be used to the absence of carbohydrates, and you will learn to control the consumption of such harmful food.
  2. The second stage lasts from 45 days. Every week you need to increase the number of C.E. 5 units and achieve thus 50 points. Theoretically, during this time you have already dropped a decent amount of excess weight, and the main thing that remains is his retention. If the weight stopped and does not leave, it means that you review your menu.
  3. In the third stage, continue to lose weight in the same vein, if necessary, reducing the number of points so that the fat burning process is not inhibited. The duration of this cycle is two weeks.
  4. After long months of restrictions, a period of weight retention occurs as part of the achieved success. From now on and forever, try to get used to control the amount of carbohydrates in its plate, keep the product table always in sight and do not allow weight gains by more than 3 kg.

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Menu Kremlin diet for 7 days

Having understood with the stages of the Kremlin diet, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the approximate diet for the week.


  • breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese, two eggs welded by screwing, unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch: vegetable salad, tired by olive oil, chicken fillet soup, a glass of tomato juice;
  • dinner: baked cauliflower with boiled chicken breast, tea without sugar.


  • breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham, coffee;
  • lunch: Warm vegetable salad with mushrooms, pork bifstex, vegetable soup;
  • dinner: Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, a piece of baked white fish, tea.


  • breakfast: solid cheese and two chicken sausages, black tea;
  • lunch: ear without potatoes, salad of sauerkraut;
  • dinner: lamb stew with vegetables, coffee.


  • breakfast: Omelet of three eggs and coffee;
  • lunch: chicken soup, vegetable puree;
  • dinner: Salad of green leaves with lemon juice, chicken kebab, cocoa without sugar.


  • breakfast: boiled eggs with tomatoes, tea;
  • lunch: Beef Steak, Vegetable Soup;
  • dinner: baked chicken thigh, vegetable salad, 200 g kefir.


  • breakfast: cottage cheese with strawberries, coffee;
  • lunch: Soup, a piece of boiled chicken breast with tomatoes;
  • dinner: chop from pork with assorted vegetables, tea.


  • breakfast: omelet with tomatoes, coffee;
  • lunch: Chicken soup, baked pork with mushrooms;
  • dinner: shrimp salad, lettuce and quail egg leaves, green tea or decoction of herbs.

Holding to the menu rules, you can use fruits and vegetables as snacks. In the interruptions between meals you need to drink not only tea and coffee, but also a lot of clean water.

Before starting the Kremlin diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its minuses that are also available. The diet is contraindicated to people with diabetes, diseases of the liver, heart and renal failure.

Some Food, Egg, Meat and Cheese

Since the diet implies a practically complete exclusion of carbohydrates, a slide of acetone may appear in the mouth, due to the formation of naison substances in the organism. If often and for a long time to observe such a diet, then several times the risk of atherosclerosis and the appearance of stones in the kidneys due to excess uric acid increases.

Kremlin diet. Video


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