
TCA peeling for cleansing the skin of the face. How chemical peeling TSA is carried out in salon and home environment. Skin Care after TSA Peeling

TCA peeling for cleansing the skin of the face. How chemical peeling TSA is carried out in salon and home environment. Skin Care after TSA Peeling
What is TSA peeling. Indications and precautions, stages of conducting complications after the procedure

To solve certain cosmetic problems, the skin sometimes have to be impaired drafically. It is not the most gentle, but a very effective procedure includes TCA peeling - an assistant in the fight against freckles, pigment stains and skin irregularities.

What is TSA peeling and what is the mechanism of its action

TSA peeling - a procedure in which trichloroacetic acid is involved. The substance penetrates into the middle layers of the dermis and stimulate the formation of new cells instead of the old, which it destroys. Plus trichloroacetic acid is that it does not have a toxic action, and the depth of penetration into the skin can be adjusted by applying solutions of various concentrations and applying them to a certain number of layers.

Chemical peeling TSA has the following properties:

  1. Cleans the top layer of the skin, which is why the latter becomes visually and to the touch smoother and velvety.
  2. Reviews about TCA peeling indicate that after the procedure, the person becomes younger. This is due to the regenerative properties of an acid that destroys aging cells in the middle layers of the dermis and contributes to the emergence of new cells.
  3. Peeling also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It narrows pores, and those, in turn, allocate less fat.
  4. Trichloroacetic acid has a stimulating effect, provoking the production of collagen and accelerating metabolic processes in the thickness of the epidermis.
  5. The antimicrobial properties of TCA peeling are due to the fact that all pathogenic pathogens die in an acidic environment.

Based on the properties described above, one can judge what effect has a similar procedure for skin cover:

  1. After the peeling of the TCA, the skin smoothes, irregularities and small scars disappear from it, traces after acne, shallow wrinkles.
  2. The selection of sebum is normalized, the pores are noticeably narrowed, the sealed glands were cleared.
  3. Peeling helps to whiten the epidermis, which is achieved by exfoliating its upper layers. This is relevant when dealing with freckles, pigment stains, grayish face.
  4. Helping to produce collagen in the skin, such a peeling rejuvenates it, returns elasticity and elasticity.

Types of TSA peeling trichloroacetic acid

Depending on the depth of penetration and concentration of the solution used, several types of TCA peeling distinguish:

  1. Easy TCA PEEL - is carried out with a composition of 15% concentration and affects surface layers of the skin. In addition to trichloroacetic, the means contains ascorbic and citric acid, as well as saponins.
  2. TSA PEEL Solution is the middle peeling TCA, conducted using a 20% solution. The lactuine complex of amino acids, which is part of the tool, has an anti-inflammatory effect and immunomodulatory properties. This procedure is not carried out on the face, but affect other parts of the body.
  3. Only Touch Peel procedure for deep TCA peeling, for which a high-concentrated 40% solution of a substance is used. The equipment includes saponins and phytinic acid with a mitigating effect and helping the recovery of epidermis cells. Depth peeling is used only on separate small areas of the skin.

Contraindications to the TSA Pilling Procedure

Before carrying out TCA peeling on the face or any other skin areas, it is necessary to take into account all the contraindications:

  1. The season matters. In the summer and in the warm months of spring and autumn, such a procedure is not carried out due to excessive activity of solar radiation.
  2. Any viral diseases on the skin are also considered to be contraindicated. These, for example, are warts, herpes and papillomas.
  3. It is impossible to make peeling and in the presence of fungal, parasitic or bacterial lesions of the epidermis.
  4. Caution should be taken to the procedure for those who in the past were complications or bad tolerability of other peels.
  5. TSA peeling is not recommended to those who have a tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars.
  6. Psoriasis, dermatitis, as well as allergies are considered contraindications to similar manipulations.
  7. Do not make TSA peeling pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  8. Those who have cancer diseases, diabetes, various complex diseases of the cardiovascular system and any internal organs, should avoid such an aggressive procedure.
  9. Contraindications to the peeling trichloroacetic acid are considered to be diseases of the endocrine system, cooperosis, recently obtained tan or transferred operations, any damage to the epidermis and even bright pigmentation covering a large portion of the body.

Peeling TSA, photo:

Pilling TCA

Preparations for the TCA Pilling Procedure

Before resorting to the difficult peeling procedure with trichloroacetic acid, it is necessary to prepare the skin properly:

  1. Preparation takes at least 4 weeks. During this time, scrubs, brushes, rigid sponges and sponges, resort to epilation of sites, which will be processed by a chemical agent.
  2. During the preparatory stage, the skin should be treated daily by sunscreen.
  3. Approximately 2 weeks before the procedure should be started to use food with fruit acids. Apply such means is preferably 1-2 times during the specified period.
  4. If you suffer herpes and the manifestations of infection have been observed for less than half a year ago, at least 3 days before the TCA peeling should begin receiving antiviral drugs.
  5. Within 2 days before the procedure, it is impossible to go to the solarium, bath, sunbathe in the sun, steal the hair cover and pinch your eyebrows.

Conducting TSA peeling trichloroacetic acid

To buy the TCA peeling procedure is best in a specialized cosmetology salon, since working with aggressive chemistry at home can be fraught with risks and problems. The price of TCA peeling can be different depending on the concentration of the composition of the body being processed, as well as the cabin in which it will be carried out. The procedure for the use of acid includes such steps:

  1. Cleansing skin on the processed area, degreasing the skin.
  2. Application of means with trichloroacetic acid. Apply a substance in several layers, trying to observe uniformity. The first layer is usually not felt by the client, but the subsequent discomfort can be delivered and painful sensations. No painkillers for removing unpleasant symptoms do not apply, but can use by blowing the fan. If the peeling acts as it should, the white flare should appear on the skin - these are proteins that curled under the influence of an acidic medium.
  3. The next step in trichloroacetic acid must be neutralized for which the special composition is used. In the process of chemical reaction, a hiss may be observed. The neutralizer is often also applied by layers.
  4. All used substances are rich in clean water, then the skin is lubricated with cream. This cream has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, and also acts as an antiseptic.

How to care for the skin after peeling TsA

The rehabilitation period after exposure to epidermis trichloroacetic acid lasts about a month. Throughout this time, it is necessary to pay the skin the appropriate attention. The recovery period is divided into two stages:

  1. The first stage lasts approximately a week. During these days, a film appears on the treated area, which dries and begins to be peeling. The first day after the peeling can be observed swelling and redness, and in the first hours after the procedure, the skin looks normal, except for a little dry. Sometimes the reaction is different: swelling and redness appear literally immediately after using the drug. On the second day, the skin is covered with a thin film, which the day after 4 turns into a dark and more dense crust. Then during the course of the crust, this gradually exfoliates and comes off. During the first stage of healing, the epidermis is constantly moisturized by foam and sprays with an antiseptic effect. It is possible to wash only on the third day with ordinary water or special serums in ampoules. Soap, milk and other means should not be used.
  2. The next 2-3 weeks the skin passes the second healing stage. At this time, exchange processes are being established, elastin and collagen generation is restored, local immunity normalizes. Care during this period implies the use of nutrient and moisturizing creams, showing mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Reviews about TsA Peeling talk about the effectiveness of such a procedure, but it is very important during the healing to observe some of the prohibitions:

  • do not go to the bath and sauna;
  • do not break the skin, do not make any compresses and other thermal procedures;
  • do not sunbathe under the sun, nor in solarium;
  • refuse to visit the pool and the gym.

TSA peeling can be done and re-, but not earlier than the skin will be fully recovered after the first procedure. It is advisable to spend such manipulations no more than 2 times a season.

The consequences of TSA peeling trichloroacetic acid

  1. Strong swelling on the processed zone. Such an effect is often observed in those who are predisposed to allergies. To somehow minimize this negative manifestation, it is advisable to take antihistamines before peeling.
  2. Redness of skin. This is considered a normal phenomenon. Redness looks like burn. It can be slightly softened by panthenol or other antitride means, although they do not always help. After a couple of days, Redness falls and turns into a crust.
  3. The tightness and dryness of the skin is also observed in most cases of TSA peeling. The tightness is very strong, the feeling is created that it is difficult to open your mouth or smile. This phenomenon is temporary and disappears as the crusts are exfoliated.
  4. Peeling is a natural process after exposure to acid. It happens gradually and begins with those areas where a particularly active fairytale.

All of the above processes are considered normal and temporary, but there are peeling and complications in TCA:

  1. The occurrence of traumatic pigmentation, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet. After the course of using trichloroacetic acid, it is impossible to ride marine or ski resorts at least during the year. And even when exiting the street should be used by sunscreen. However, not always observance of all precautionary measures can be secure from the appearance of unwanted pigmentation.
  2. The appearance of the so-called demarcation line. On this line, the boundary between the skin was clearly traced, which was applied with acid and sections that were not exposed to this effect.
  3. White spots are a complication, often occurring in point-use strongly concentrated trichloroacetic acid. In such a composition, as a rule, the scars are removed. In about six months at the site of scars, light spots can appear, which sometimes remain for life.
  4. Survegencies on the skin - such a defect is also observed in the place of scars, on which they affect a strong acid solution, and sometimes they apply it once again.
  5. Dryness and mounted skin, which are preserved for a long time. This can occur with the sensitive type of epidermis. Eliminate similar consequences will help mesotherapy or hyaluronic acid injections.
  6. Low efficiency or absence of the expected result from the procedure. Unfortunately, TCA peeling does not always lead to the result that the client wanted to achieve. For example, acne and acne can sometimes be overcome completely, and the effect is temporary.
  7. The scars after TCA peeling are also considered to be complicated and occur when entering injured areas of pathogens. If purulent foci appear on damaged skin, it is possible that after healing, they will turn into scars.

TSA peeling, photo before and after:

TSA peeling. Video


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