
The use of mint essential oil oil. Face masks with mint oil

The use of mint essential oil oil. Face masks with mint oil
The use of mint oil in the process of skin care is a chance to preserve the beauty, health and youth of your face.

Healthy and shining skin is the best decoration of any face. Intensive rhythm of modern life, sleep shortage, improper nutrition, insufficient care - all these factors lead to early aging of the skin, violation of the normal operation of its cells. As a result, many men and women in their mirror reflection are observing rashes, foci of inflammation, irritation, peeling, plots of high pigmentation, the skin has a tired view. Along with a wide range of cosmetic products, natural agents are made, to prepare which can be independently. Mint's essential oil can be used not only to care for the body, but also for the face. Useful product will also help eliminate skin problems.

Face Mint Oil

A distinctive feature of mint ether is its versatility. Special oil properties allow it to use people with any skin type. Competently mixing it with other ether and other ingredients, you will get efficient compositions for both normal and fatty, and dry skin.

Mint oil for face - acquaintance

The extractor of mint is an oily liquid of a colorless or slightly yellowish shade with a bright menthol aroma. If you try the composition to taste, please feel moderate bitterness. Oil is obtained from the ground part of the plant - leaves, flowers and stalks by steam distillation. The unique properties of the product provided its composition - vitamin C and "helpers" of group B, retinol, folic acid, mineral elements (magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, potassium and calcium), flavonoids and tannins.

The use of mint oil for face - product properties

In what cases should pay attention to mint air? Toning, antiseptic and antioxidant oil properties will help in such cases:

  • The oil eliminates the foci of irritation on the skin, improves blood circulation.
  • Ether increases the protective properties of the dermis before exposure to environmental factors.
  • The tool refreshes and tones the skin, eliminates traces of fatigue.
  • Oil regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, thus being a good helper with oily skin holders.
  • Under the influence of ether, purification and narrowing of the pores occurs.
  • The product is effectively fighting with eels, reduces the manifestation of the capillary mesh (cooperosis).
  • With dry skin, the use of mint oil helps to keep her moisture.
  • Oil helps to cope with skin rashes, dermatitis and pigment stains.
  • Means reduces the laxity of the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes small wrinkles.

Terms of Use and the features of the application of peppermint oil for the face

In order for the effect of using mint oil to be extremely positive, it is necessary to comply with the simple rules for applying the product.

Rules for using oil of peppermint for face

  • Before applying the means, skin should be cleaned, remove the makeup.
  • It is not worth using ether in pure form - there is a risk of getting a burn.
  • Before conducting any butter manipulations, it is necessary to check the skin for possible allergic reactions. To do this, drink mint air in, for example, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply the composition on the wrist. If the reaction is absent, then the mint is not an allergen and can be used.
  • To get involved with applying masks is also not worth it - 2-3 procedures per week will quite be enough.
  • As with the application of any cream or mask, when using a mint ether, an area around the eyes should be avoided.

Dosage oil mint

Mount ether differs not only with its effectiveness, but also intensity of impact. For safe use, the funds are recommended not to exceed the dosage:

  • If you are planning to take a bath, make 5-7 drops of malt ether.
  • For a sauna, there are enough 2-4 drops at the rate of 15 sq.m.
  • If you use mint oil for applications, it will require no more than 5 drops on 5 ml of base oil.
  • When the air is turned on to the compress - take 5-7 drops per 10 g of alcohol.
  • To make oil into cosmetic products (masks, creams, lotions) - on 10 ml of the base is enough 2-4 drops of mint ether.

Mint oil - Healing face masks

The healing possibilities of mint ether were widely used in cosmetology. Simple recipes, ingredients for which every hostess will find in their kitchen will help competently and effectively care for the derma.

Mint Oil - Nourishing Mask for Dry and Sensitive Skin

Healing ether will help eliminate dry skin, foci of inflammation and peeling, give it softness and elasticity. To do this, use mint oil and oatmeal.

  • Prepare 2 tbsp of flakes (or oatmeal) and fill them with boiling water. Either immerse the cereal in cold water and leave them for the night. When the composition will swell, honey and a couple of mint drops should be added to it.
  • In the prepared flakes, you can add such ingredients as egg yolk (1 pcs), peach bone oil (1 tbsp) and 2-3 drops of mint ether.

Clean the face and apply the resulting composition on the skin. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be removed with warm water or milk. After the procedure, apply a moisturizing cream on the face. This composition, among other things, has a small rejuvenating effect.

  • The nutritious effect will have the following composition. Connect honey and sour cream (1 tbsp). Add mint and lavender drops into the mixture. Apply a mask on the face and leave it "work" for 15 minutes. After - remove the tool with warm water.

Mint oil to restore normal skin balance

Normal work of the sebaceous glands - an integral component of healthy skin. Mint oil, thanks to its properties, also found here use in the complex composition for the face.

  • Take the cucumber, mint ether (6 drops) and bodiana (8 g).
  • Algae chop into powder. Cucumber washed and clean from the peel. Grind the vegetable to the state of the puree.
  • Connect all the components of the mask and apply the skin to the skin.
  • After 20 minutes, the composition can be deleted. At the end of the procedure, you will see the face of the plane of the plantain.

Essential oil of peppermint for youth skin

Mint oil and avocado can help the fading derma.

  • Prepare 1 avocado, malt ether (7 drops will be required) and pink clay (5 g).
  • Clean the fruit from the peel, remove the bone and move the pulp to the state of a homogeneous mass.
  • After with the resulting Cashitz, make clay and aroma.
  • Place the skin and apply the prepared layer on it.
  • After 30 minutes, remove the tool with a paper towel.
  • To enhance the effect at the end of the procedure, apply gel with hyaluronic acid on the skin.

Mint Essential Oil: face mask to eliminate cosmetic problems

There is hardly a person who has never appeared on the skin of which unpleasant and ugly rash - acne. The mall ether will help to cope not only with the "guest", but also eliminate the foci of inflammation, the clusters of "black dots". In addition, the mask cleans and narrows the pores, brightens the complexion.

  • For the preparation of medicinal substance you need: peppermint (2 drops) and olive (1 tbsp) butter, cosmetic clay (3 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 tsp). Instead of olive oil you can use any other oil-base.
  • All components mix and dissolve the resulting composition with water. Mass should resemble in consistency thick cream.
  • To enhance the effect of water may be used instead of the herbal decoction of camomile, mint or calendula.
  • Clean the surface of the dermis.
  • Apply cooked on skin without affecting the area around the eyes.
  • Leave the composition on the face for 15 minutes, and after - wash it with warm water.
  • If you wish, you can apply a small amount of cream.

In the presence of foci of the suppuration, the mask is worth adding another ingredient - aloe juice (1 k.l). In the process of influencing the means it should not dry. If this happened, sprinkle the face with water, and next time you make a consistency less thick.

Mask Mask Mask with Peeling Effect

  • Prepare food gelatins (1 tbsp) and pour it with a small amount of water. The resulting mixture is placed on a water bath and wait for her smelting. After adding a tablet of activated carbon to the state of the powder, as well as a drop of mint ether. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and wait for it to complete drying. After - neatly solid film remove the skin from the skin.
  • Prepare as the basis 30 ml of jojoba oil. Add 2 drops into it the following essential compositions - mint, orange and lavender. Apply the resulting cream to the skin 1 time per day.

Mint oil - good way to refresh and clean the skin

Non-flat recipes using mint will help in care for delicate skin.

Steam baths with oil mint oil

The impact of steam is an effective way to care for the skin of the face. For the procedure, it is worth stocking not only by mint ether, but also dry leaflets of the plant.

  • In the prepared container, pour 0.5 liters of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Next, you apart in boiling water 1 tbsp. Dried mint and add 5 drops of oil.
  • Tighten the face over a capacity. The height should be such that you can be comfortable, otherwise you risk getting a burn. To enhance the effects of components, the head can be covered with a towel.
  • Time exposure tools - 5-7 min.

In addition, this procedure will give the skin the necessary moisturizing, soften the cover of the dermis.

Ice cubes with oil mint oil

  • You can also use honey to cleanse the skin. To do this, it is necessary to connect 1 sec. Lines and 4-5 drops of essential oil. The resulting mixture must be distributed in forms and send to the refrigerator. Wipe skin cubes skin, and it will thank you health and shining look.
  • An alternative composition of magic cubes can be 8 g of mint, 5 drops of mint ether, 4 drops of almond oil, 40 ml of water. Connect the mint and water, bring the composition to a boil and strain the decoction. Make oil into it. The resulting composition is swollen in forms and place in the refrigerator.

Toning lotion with oil mint oil

Refreshing mint lotion will be the best helper on a hot summer day.

  • Pour into the sprayer of 150 ml of water into the sprayer and drop in 5 drops of malt ether.
  • Moisturize the resulting facial and body skin.

Refreshing tonic with mint oil for face

For the preparation of this product, 2 oils will be required - mint and grape seeds. In the dining room of the latter, make 1-2 drops of ether. The resulting means use to wipe the skin of the face before bedtime. Alternatively, you can use ready-made baby oils (natural) with the inclusion of herbs.

Face Mint Oil: Applying Mount Ether for Lip

If nature did not endow you with bright and chubby sponges, mint oil will help a little. In addition, this tool is a good prevention of herpetic races on the lips.

  • Couple Vaseline and 5 drops of mint oil and almonds. All components mix in vaseline tube. The finished composition is applied to the lips with a brush.
  • If you need a short-term increase in lips, apply 1 drop of malt ether on them. The means will strengthen the influx of blood, as a result of which the lips will seem more plump.
  • Cover with the manifestations of herpes at the initial stages of the latter will help the mixture: in 1 tbsp. Loose oil drip mint oil and wipe the lips with the resulting composition. As the basis, you can use olive oil, almonds, peach or sea buckthorn.

Face Mint Oil - Reviews and Experience

If you do not have individual intolerance of mint, the remedy does not cause an allergic reaction, and the recommended concentration of ether, the experience of using mint oil is almost always positive. Women note the absence of such unpleasant guests, like rash, cooperosis, the skin looks more fresh and rested. In the fight against wrinkles, the means cannot boast of radical actions, but the skin becomes more elastic and tightened.

The use of natural cosmetic products is another step towards healthy and beautiful skin!


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