
Alkaline Dieting Menu for Slimming

Alkaline Dieting Menu for Slimming
Alkaline diet is the key to harmony and health. In this article we will talk about the principles of "green" nutrition, and also tell me the optimal menu for seven days.

In the desire to be slim and beautiful, every girl at least once in his life resorted to the use of a diet - a special weight loss program. Depending on the preferences and features of the body, each selects its menu more or less gentle, but the maximum efficient. Alkaline diet suits the body with vitamins and restores the forces after winter apathy. Therapeutic diet based on the consumption of vegetables and fruits forms a favorable alkaline environment in the body and activates the incineration of subcutaneous fat.

Alkaline diet: principles and indications for use

In this diet, there are practically no products of animal origin, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful trace elements. An alkaline diet is used not only for weight loss, but also to strengthen the entire body. Alkaline medium strengthens the bone tissue, does not give out calcium from the bones, since the alkali neutralizes the effect of harmful acids. The diet is designed to clean and restore the body by consuming a large number of thermally untreated vegetables and fruits. Cheerfully switch to such a diet can not be shocked by your body. Initially, it is gradually a failure of oily and fried food, carbohydrates and other harm. The maximum diet diet is four weeks.

In addition to the fact that vegetables and fruits reduce acidity, and like a gastrointestinal tract from accumulated slags and toxins is purified. Gradually, embedded in a new power mode, the body will begin to get used to it, and the benefits of such a dietary menu will certainly appear.

Alkaline diet is recommended for people with symptoms such as:

  • constant weakness (even in the morning) and fast fatigue;
  • regular migraines;
  • an increase in the secretion of the mucus from the nose, the tear of the eyes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • excess weight;
  • colds haunting year-round;
  • bad sleep, nervous overwork, anxiety;
  • reduced libido.

All these symptoms are a consequence of elevated blood acidity. To neutralize the effect of acid, you can use an alkaline diet, which will certainly force to lose weight, will increase the vital tone and strengthen the immune system.


Alkaline diet rules

No wonder the creators of such a "raw" menu determined the maximum allowable diet diet within four weeks. The fact is that a longer period will be able to withstand not every organism both physically and psychologically. If a month later the result is not impressive, then one more course can be done, but the return to the ordinary calorie diet always entails partial restoration of the lost kilogram.

The first week of an alkaline diet is the most difficult, since the body will be obvious reluctant to take raw products. Fatigue and irritability that will appear during this period will be held in the second week, when the first diet results become noticeable. In addition to losing weight, you will feel relief in your abdomen, vigor and tide of new forces. To strengthen the performance of a new nutrition program, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • use raw vegetables and fruits both separately and in the form of salads;
  • 20% of acidic products and 80% alkaline;
  • cereals can be eaten no more than 3 times a week;
  • fish must be present in the menu 2-3 times a week;
  • peas, beans, nuts and seeds can be fresh. They have a lot of vegetable protein;
  • preparing food, use only vegetable oil without additives and impurities;
  • meat is recommended to use moderate quantities and only low-fat beef, veal or lamb. A turkey or chicken is also allowed;
  • after 19 o'clock in the evening it is impossible to eat, you can drink only herbal tea;
  • you can drink water or other fruit drinks between meals;
  • according to the rules of an alkaline diet for breakfast, you need to eat one green and one yellow vegetable.


List of permissible alkaline diet products

As part of an alkaline diet, you need to organize such a menu where a lot of useful fiber and vitamins will prevail. In general, all the products that we use are created or acidic, or an alkaline environment. And if the first contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, then the second, alkaline medium, heals the gastrointestinal tract, "extinguishes" acid and derives toxins.

Observing this diet, it is impossible to starve in principle, since there is a huge selection of affordable products with fiber and antioxidants. So, in the list of permitted products there are:

  • vegetables: Beet's tops, dandelion stems, baked potatoes, turnips, zucchini, eggplants, carrots, all kinds of cabbage except Brussels, mushrooms and broccoli. Under the prohibition of corn and asparagus;
  • fruits: bananas, pineapples, apples, melons, all citrus fruits. Dried duties, dried and raisins. You can enjoy watermelons, black currant and cranberries;
  • choose lean meat;
  • fish should be only low-fat varieties;
  • from the list of other products it is not forgotten by drinking and buckwheat cereals, vegetable oil, honey, cream.

Types of products that need to be minimized. It:

  • eggs;
  • butter;
  • dairy products;
  • sugar;
  • coffee, alcohol, black tea;
  • fat meat.

The above-mentioned products in the alkaline diet should be no more than 20%. Only in this case the body will be able to establish a normal acid-alkaline balance, launch the burning of fat and purification.


Alkaline diet menu

For an alkaline diet, you can make a menu for a week and plan what dishes you will cook. It is known that there should always be green pepper or yellow pear for breakfast, or something else in this color palette. To have ideas about the style of such nutrition, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the options for dishes to choose from.

  1. Dinner:
  • vegetable soup and salad with pieces of boiled chicken breast;
  • soup and green vegetables with tofu cheese, grated beans;
  • stew fish with zucchini, one glass of soy milk.
  1. Afternoon person:
  • almond milk or soybean milk product;
  • dates, a glass of fresh juice;
  • fruits, 20 g of dark chocolate.
  1. Dinner:
  • peredished or baked cod with vegetables, tea from herbs;
  • chicken fillet, vegetable salad, soy yogurt;
  • omelet to a pair of proteins, solid whole grain bread, orange juice.

Alkaline diet for seven days:

  • Monday - Breakfast: Salad of yellow pepper and cucumbers. Writing a glass of soy milk; Lunch: portion of boiled chicken fillet and vegetable side dish. For snack - yogurt; Dinner: vegetable salad, a piece of steady fish and a glass of tea.
  • Tuesday - Breakfast: low-fat yogurt with the addition of peaches and green apple, juice, dates; Lunch: stew fish fillet with vegetables, soy milk; dinner: Steam protein oslet, solid grain bread slice, juice or tea.
  • Wednesday - Breakfast: Fruits, Four Cubes of Black Chocolate; Lunch: Boiled podlock beans with tofu cheese and greens, vegetables soup; Dinner: boiled veal and vegetable salad. We drink yogurt.
  • Thursday - breakfast: fruit salad, walnuts, soy milk; Lunch: Vegetable stew with a piece of steady fish; Dinner: Vitamin salad with boiled chicken fillet, tea from herbs.
  • Friday - Breakfast: Fresh Pear, Date, Juice; Lunch: portion of buckwheat porridge with a piece of boiled veal and herbal decoction; Dinner: Cabbage salad with cucumbers and greens, yogurt.
  • Saturday - Breakfast: Fruits mixed with yogurt; Lunch: a dish of millet porridge with chicken, orange juice; Dinner: Steam fish with vegetables, pear.
  • Sunday - Breakfast: omelet with pepper and cucumbers, glass of juice; Vegetable soup, baked fish fillet, tea; Many fruits and yogurt.


Contraindications to alkaline diet

There are no certain prohibitions for using an alkaline diet, but there are certain symptoms in which such a diet is not recommended. It:

  • acute colitis, gastrointestinal inflammation;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • heart diseases.

If you have one or more of the above problems, then to avoid negative consequences, it is better to consult with a nutritionist or a therapist before applying an alkaline diet. Basically, all people endure this diet safely and without complications. Choose this course if you have headaches, insomnia and bad mood for a long time. Already two weeks later, you will feel wonderful changes: the desired ease will appear, the metabolism is normalized, it is guaranteed extra kilograms and as a result, you will always be beautiful and vigorous.

Alkaline diet for weight loss. Video


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