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Proper nutrition for every day

Proper nutrition for every day
How to eat right every day

Probably not in the modern world of people who would not know that the proper nutrition is important not only for weight loss, but also to maintain health. And it is necessary not only to eat "healthy" products, but also stick to their dosage. Next, we will tell about how to eat every day.

How to eat right to be healthy

eating Healthy Food.

There are some important recommendations, adhering to which you can find out how to eat right:

  1. You should follow the power mode. Eating is necessary daily at the same time. Then the body gets used to this bioritum, and will not spend valuable energy resources on the processing of frequent and fast snacks. As a result, you will feel better, feel a tide of cheerfulness and strength.
  2. A lot of energy is spent on the use of products subjected to long term processing. For example, after an eaten portion of carefully roasted meat, you will feel satiety for a long time, but the feeling of strong fatigue, breakdown, depression will appear, will fall.
  3. The biorhythms of the organism occurs also when eating food in large quantities at a time. So try to make your portions small. An important rule should be remembered, there is a little less than every day your body spends.
  4. Feed right in time - it is very important. The main meal must be on the morning hours, since at this time the body is filled with a maximum amount of energy.
  5. It is important to use daily food of plant origin as much as possible, and in the raw form, without any processing. Today, the system of raw food is quite popular, which many pop stars and movies are held.
  6. Food should be carefully chewed. There is such a tight rule confirming that the food during the meal needs to be chewed 33 times. It is close to the truth. After all, careful chewing you strengthen your teeth, and also facilitate the work of the stomach. Moreover, if you are interested in the question, how to eat right, then you will note that one meal cannot last less than half an hour. Fast "snacks" can greatly harm the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. A sufficient amount of liquid should be used daily, not less than 1.5-2 liters. In addition, it is recommended to drink a glass of water (200 ml) for half an hour before meals. This will be able to prepare the stomach to the subsequent entry of solid food.
  8. How to start to eat right? Just plug your willpower to this process. And let yourself know that you want to be healthy and every day to feel cheerful and full forces.

Especially important to eat children correctly. After all, the growing organism needs the timely supply of proteins, carbohydrates, fats in the right amount. Below is a table showing what the average daily rate of the physiological needs of the children's body in the main elements:


How to eat in diabetes, Diseases of gasts, kidney and other pathologies? For this, there are special diets developed by therapeutic institutions. Read more about therapeutic nutrition in various diseases can be read in this article - " Medical nutrition».

How to eat: Proper combination of products


Many people believe that they eat exclusively "healthy" food. However, with an incorrect combination of even the most useful food, you can apply invaluable harm to health. Especially important to eat right, engage in sports. After all, at this time the body is experiencing excessive physical exertion, which are a "stressful state". Therefore, it is very important to supply proteins, carbohydrates and fats for it. However, there are some nuances here. More about the compatibility of products and how to eat right to bring the maximum benefit to the body, let's tell further.

What is fraught with an incorrect combination of food? The use of incompatible combinations of products may cause a digestion violation, the first signs of which are vomiting, diarrhea, belching. As a result, food does not have time to digest until the end, and because of this is found in feces. In the urine, acids, products of rotting and decay of protein are determined. Disruption of digestion can cause the development of various chronic and acute diseases of the abdominal organs. Consider the general principles of proper and improper use of various foods.

How to eat: how to eat milk?


Milk is not recommended to combine with any other food. This is due to the fact that it in itself is very concentrated food, which requires a full digestion. Especially you should not use the following products with him:

  • eggs (both chicken and quail),
  • meat (beef and pork),
  • bread cereals,
  • nuts (all kinds),
  • bean
  • roots (repa, radish, carrots, parsley, celery, parsnac, trouser, etc.),
  • fruits.

All these products are considered very concentrated.

In general, the protein, which is part of milk, is very different from meat or the one that is contained in nuts, eggs and other products. And, as you know, you should not use various types of proteins at the same time, since they need different types of digestive secrets and unequal times in order to develop consulting enzymes for their full splitting. For example, the release of the most concentrated digestive juice occurs when milk arrives in the last few hours of digestion, and the digestive juice is usually highlighted on meat proteins at the beginning of the digestive process. If two different types of protein arrive in the body, the stomach cannot adequately develop the desired number of enzymes for splitting them. It is allowed so that two types of meat, root, legumes, nuts, but should not be different protein groups in the food. For this reason, you should not combine animals and vegetable proteins.

You can see more details in this table of food combinations in this table:


Why any solid food should be used separately from milk:

  1. Milk is not mixed with saliva than disrupts the digestion of starch-containing products.
  2. This product is usually digested not in the stomach as other food, but in the duodenum. Therefore, when it enters the stomach, the gastric juice is not produced.
  3. If other products are consumed together with milk, it prevents or slows down their digestion. It happens because it contains proteins and fats, which, when entering the stomach, are condensed and gradually become a cotton mass, enveloping particles of other foods than isolating them from the effects of gastric juice. Because of this, their digestion slows down. This is one of the main reasons for digestion disorders.
  4. With milk allowed only easy snacks.

Food and energy value of milk can be found from the table:


How to eat: What can I say about fruit?


If you are interested in the question, how to eat right, then you should not use acidic and sweet fruits at the same time. The fact is that the acid leads to a slowdown in the rapid cleavage of sugar, which is concentrated in sweet. This causes intensive fermentation. Sugar, in particular, is contained in such fruits:

  • papaya,
  • banana,
  • dried apricots,
  • prunes,
  • dates,
  • fig
  • persimmon,
  • raisin,
  • guava
  • mango,
  • pear,
  • sweet apple varieties.

Together with acid fruits together do not eat food with a large content of carbohydrates. After all, they make inactive saliva effect, which is needed for normal cleavage of carbohydrates. In general, you should eat fruit at least 25-20 minutes before meals. But during and immediately after it is not worth it. The same applies to fruit juices. They should be used separately from other products. The fact is that they enter the small intestine much faster than the flesh of fruit. If the juices are used together with solid and thick food, then intensive fermentation occurs due to evacuation delay.

You can find out some of the rules of separate food from this product compatibility scheme:


How to eat: a little words about vegetables

So, what can be combined and combined without health consequences:

  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes,
  • cabbage,
  • beans,
  • bulgarian pepper
  • zucchini,
  • onion,
  • radish
  • garlic,
  • turnip,
  • shallot,
  • carrot,
  • latua salad.


Vegetables are perfectly combined with almost any other food. At the same time improve its absorption. In particular, you can eat together carrots with cottage cheese or meat with cottage cheese, vegetable oil with carrots. It is possible to combine them with products, which contains a lot of starch, and any greens. It is only worth knowing that all vegetables are not recommended to use together with kefir, milk. Do not eat them together with fruit. Not very well combined with each other:

  • white cabbage,
  • sea \u200b\u200bcabbage
  • zucchini,
  • cauliflower,
  • pumpkin,
  • eggplants.

How to eat: what about greens?

This should include:

  • nettle
  • kinzu
  • salad leaflets,
  • green onions
  • sorrel,
  • coriander,
  • marjoram,
  • acacia
  • parsley
  • clover,
  • leaf of dill.

Greens are well combined with almost any food, except for milk. In general, it is believed that to maintain health you need to eat 20-50 grams of fresh greens every day. Especially useful for digestion Its consumption with products containing in large quantities of proteins and starch. In this case, toxins are actively displayed from the body, the lack of vitamins is replenished and the total peristalistic is improved.

How to eat: starchy products

mid Section View of A Woman Cutting Vegetables

These products include:

  • wheat,
  • potato,
  • rye,
  • beet,
  • oats
  • soy
  • buckwheat,
  • sweet potato,
  • wheat groats,
  • topinambur,
  • rice cereals
  • beans,
  • corn.

They are best combined with vegetables. But they should not be combined with proteins, especially animals. The joint use with milk, kefir, yogurts, sweets, fruits and fruit juices is contraindicated. You can combine different starchy products with each other. However, this is not recommended to do those people who have a tendency to complete. After all, the correct compatibility of products and for weight loss is important. In addition, it is not recommended to mix different cereals with each other, because they are very different in the protein composition. When using products with the greatest concentration of starch, it is best to add greens in the food.

How to eat: what can be combined


It is necessary to properly eat not only in the post, but also daily. So you can bring the maximum benefit to your body. What can I eat together? There are combinations of products that cannot be called perfect, but, nevertheless, they are permissible, and will not bring some serious adverse health effects. These include:

  • banana and cottage cheese,
  • rice and cottage cheese,
  • milk and black bread,
  • milk and mango
  • papaya, mango and banana,
  • sweet types of fruits and melon,
  • sour types of fruits and black bread
  • cabbage and carrots,
  • lentil and oil,
  • yogurts and milk,
  • egg and black bread,
  • meat chicken and egg,
  • fish and rice
  • bean and bread cereals,
  • cottage cheese and bread cereals.

Based on his experience, you yourself can come up with such combinations of products.

You can learn more about the principles of proper nutrition from the product compatibility table:


How to eat: Additional Recommendations

  1. Do not solit salads. The fact is that the salt has the ability to extract water from salad, and with her, many nutrients leave. That is why due to salt ingredients entering the dish, can lose their useful properties. It is useful to add a few drops of lemon juice in summer salad.
  2. You can not use joint fats with proteins. This is due to the fact that the first oppressively act on the glands of the stomach and slow down the selection of the desired gastric enzymes that are necessary for the normal splitting of the latter. Fat food is digested long enough, which leads to an increased digestion. The most dangerous are the thermally processed fats.
  3. Melon should eat separately from other products. It is subjected to digestion faster than other food. The melon is a sweet product, so it can occasionally combine with sweet fruit.
  4. It is necessary to use any liquid separately. More specifically, it is not recommended for use with thick foods. The fact that it goes pretty quickly into the small intestine than dilutes and flushes all the necessary digestive enzymes. Thereby slowing digestion. Liquid best drink at least 25 minutes before a meal or after 1 hour after meal.
  5. We should use all sweet foods, including sugar. This is recommended for half an hour before meals.

How to eat to lose weight


To lose weight you need to eat right, not only during training, but also on a daily basis. To do this, there are some recommendations:

  1. Give up drinking sweet. Better to replace all the "sweets" for products made from whole grains. You can sometimes use honey, 2 stuff sweet figs or apricots. If you absolutely can not live without the sweet, then it may be a day to eat no more than 20 grams of dark chocolate.
  2. Eat a balanced diet on a daily basis, which in sufficient quantities contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Indeed, the lack of one of the important elements that can harm your health, and thereby bring the opposite effect - the unwanted kilos back again.
  3. That's right, make a daily menu. There have to be at least 350-450 grams of fresh vegetables and 250-300 grams of savory fruit.
  4. Try not to eat after 18.00. Especially refrain from eating for at least 3 hours prior to sleep.
  5. your portion size should be no more than "one fist." Do not overeat.

How to gain weight, eating right? Below are products that contribute to rapid weight gain. If you, on the contrary, want to lose weight, then do not use them.

how pitatsya - fatter escheee

This is not the whole list of foods that contribute to weight gain. Tell me some more of them:

how pitatsya - even fatter

How to eat: The menu for 1 day

  1. Breakfast (8.00-9.00): oatmeal, boiled in water, 1 apple savory, weak coffee with milk (you can tea without sugar).
  2. Lunch (1100-1130): a glass yogurt (200 ml), 3 medium-sized peach.
  3. Lunch (13.00-14.00): baked potato (1-2 pieces), a small piece of fish, salad vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, radish) supplemented with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Beaker (200 ml) vegetable juice.
  4. Snack (1530-1600) 1 grated carrot with green olives.
  5. Dinner (18.00-18.30): boiled cauliflower, chicken breast (skinless). Beaker (200 ml), the fruit juice.

How to eat: Video

Additional recommendations can be found from the video lesson:


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