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Application of anise oil

Application of anise oil
How and where it is better to buy anise oil, how to apply it to health benefits

Anise oil is made of anise seed by the method of steam distillation. Anis is a thermal-loving annual plant, which is found in a wild form in India, China, some regions of Europe. In our climatic zone, it can grow as a cultural plant, which is seeded in the greenhouse, and for the summer they transplanted into open ground.

Composition and properties of anise oil


In order to get 1 kg of anise oil, 50 kg of anise seeds will be required. Essential anise oil is a liquid is a weakly yellow color with a somewhat sharp peculiar smell of anise and fresh sweetish aroma. With strong cooling becomes a white crystalline substance. For use, cooled oil warms a few minutes in the hands. Anise oil can be stored under 5 years old, subject to hermetic packaging and compliance with the temperature and light storage mode. This unique product consists of a variety of components, but the main is the aetol, which creates a bouquet of anise oil aroma. It also contains oil, anise and propionic acid. A feature of anise oil is its property to dissolve in alcohol and very bad in the water.

Application of anise oil

Therapeutic properties of anise oil


  1. Anise oil eliminates the cough and lowers the temperature. These properties of anise oil are used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory organs. Anis moisturizes dry unproductive coughing and eliminates the solarding, softens the irritated throat and contributes to the disorder of sputum. Drugs with anise oil are used to treat bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheite and cough. Anise fruit oil is added to inhalers, cough pasteings. Capsules with anise oil are produced for the treatment of cough. The uniqueness of the drugs with anise oil is that, regardless of the method of entering the body, oil is excreted through the bronchi mucosa. This leads to an increase in the secretion of bronchi and the purification of the respiratory tract. Many of us since childhood remembers the taste of ammonious-anise droplets that prescribed a pediatrician from cough. These drops differed significantly from the popular shovels of cough, but were quite effective.
  2. Anise oil is used to treat diseases of the digestive system, activates the intestinal peristalsis, has a choleretic effect. Preparations based on this healing oil are eliminated from colic, constipation and meteorism. Anise oil is used in comprehensive nausea and vomiting therapy, which occur on the nervous soil.
  3. Anisian oil since the time of ancient Rome is considered the strongest aphrodisiac, therefore it is used to increase the libido in men and the treatment of impotence. Studies have shown that anise oil contains estrogen hormone, so it is used to normalize the reproductive system and the treatment of frigidity in women. Anise oil preparations help to regulate the menstrual cycle in women and pain relieve generic activity.
  4. Essential anise oil helps to cope with stress, depression and irritability. Good feedback on the use of anise oil to remove constant fatigue, improving the mood and activation of mental activity, to restore the positive perception of the world and facilitate pain in migraine.
  5. Anise oil removes pain syndrome with headaches of different origin and facilitates manifestations of firing syndrome.
  6. Anisa oil has a property to dissolve the concrete rooms - the stones in the kidneys and the bladder.
  7. Anise seed oil is used to treat higher excitability in children.

To get rid of the lice, anise oil is applied to the hair and the skin of the head, withstand 1-2 hours and washed with shampoo head, then composed parasites. This is one of the folk methods of fighting pediculosis. Its advantages are that anise oil does not contain harmful chemicals and safely even for a small child. The minus is that experts consider this method of struggle ineffective, because anise oil only distinguishes insects with their smell, but does not destroy them.

Dosage anise oil


Anise oil Active saturated substance, so it should be used with caution, strictly observing the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

  1. When carrying out the inhalation procedure, no more than two drops of oil can be used, the time of procedure is 5-7 minutes.
  2. Reception of anise oil inside is carried out in this way: one drop of oil add to the tea spoon of honey, drink water. Take 3 times a day.
  3. Apply an anise oil for baths should be caution, start with three drops on the entire volume of water, gradually bringing to the maximum dose - 8 drops. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
  4. For massages and compresses, it is recommended to add 5 drops of anise oil by 10 grams of the base.
  5. To remove the nervous voltage, improve the quality of sleep and renunciation from day care, it is recommended to use aromalamp. In the container of the lamp add 2-3 drops of anise oil on 15 square meters of the room.
  6. To improve the quality of cosmetics, you can add 5-6 drops of anise oil by 10-15 grams of cream or other means.
  7. To improve well-being, gain confidence and emotional balance, to very effectively apply flavoring or aromasemedal with anise oil. This is a fashionable "hybrid" of aromalamps and a snap, made of ceramics or other materials that are constantly worn with you. Such a pendant acts as a mini-inhaler, allowing you to inhale the flavors of your favorite essential oils throughout the day. It is recommended to add 1 drop of anise oil to the aromacon, gradually increase to 3 drops.

Anise oil in cosmetology


Excellent mitigating properties of anise oil are used to care for the age-related "tired" skin. By adding an oil droplet to the skin care products, you can get rid of the early wrinkles, dryness and lethargy of the skin. You can add anise oil into homemade face masks.

For example, a dry and normal skin care mask, cooked at home:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. fat sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. carrot juice.

All this is thoroughly mixed and add one - two drops of anise oil. The mask is applied to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash warm water. Application of such a mask 1-2 times a week with a course for a month, significantly improves the condition of dry skin, lines its color and make it smooth.

Anise oil is used to strengthen hair. To prevent hair loss, make them thick and strong, anise oil is added to shampoos and rinsers. Anise oil is used for baths. For this, 3-6 drops of anise oil are mixed with a tablespoon of milk or honey and add to a warm bath with a temperature of 36-37 degrees. The duration of the procedure is not more than 20 minutes.

Contraindications for the use of anise oil


It is forbidden to use anise oil to pregnant women, children under 3 years old and people with allergic diseases. Anise oil can not be used for ulcer of stomach and increased acidity. Everyone else is recommended to do a test for individual intolerance. Taking anise oil, one should strictly observe the dosage, since the high concentration of this product may cause a slowdown of heartbeat and blood circulation. Conduct any aromatherapy procedures with caution, necessarily making a break after a 3-week course.

How to buy anise oil

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Anise oil can be purchased in pure form. The price of anise oil for a bottle of 30 ml ranges from 550 to 600 rubles. Due to the fact that the fakes of this healing product are very often found, buy anise oil better in a pharmacy. When buying essential oil, you should pay attention to the fact that the anisa anisa oil has healing properties. Anise Etheric oil is applied in cooking and cosmetology, but does not have such a spectrum of therapeutic properties. In order to buy a 100% natural product, read the anise oil instructions from what raw material it is made, and ask the quality certificate. Only so you can avoid fakes and buy a natural product.

Aromatherapy with anise oil. Video


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