
How to lose weight to a woman after 40 years

How to lose weight to a woman after 40 years
The article describes the methods how to lose weight to a woman after 40 years.

By 30 years, the metabolism in the body slows down. And if a woman continues to eat, as before, then by 40 she can gain up to 10 kg of weight. And then the replenished women begin to think, and how to lose weight after 40 years? It is worth noting that lose weight after forty much more difficult than twenty or thirty. And at this age it is dangerous all sorts of diet, tips "How to quickly lose weight without harm to health after 40" or put too high goals how to lose weight by 20 or 50 kg. The body should gradually get used to new sensations and fix the result. This requires constancy and good motivation.

Why lose weight after 40?

It is necessary to figure out what to lose weight at this age. Over the years, the body not only gains extra kilograms, but also becomes more weakened to various diseases. After all, than we are older, the greater the burden on the body. Watching weight, a woman eliminates from many overweight diseases. Look beautiful in forty owl every woman. And here it is not in a young skin or an ideal figure, but in good health and body health.

Slimming this age has its own distinctive features. In 40 years mostly a woman is already defined in life. Family, home, work is already more permanent. But, looking at yourself in the mirror, a 40-year-old woman already notices extra kilograms or ugly folds. There is nothing galloping in it if the woman believes that this is normal. But who do not want to look beautiful? And how to lose weight quickly after 40, so as not to harm health. And it is important to know the characteristics of the body at this age.

Features of the body in 40 years

The process of energy consumption is gradually slowed down. In the fact that the woman is dissatisfied with his appearance, it lies both a psychological reason and physical. With experience, we fuse less, we move less. No longer pulls to learn something new, we still want to stay at home. The body does not get a load and begins to gain weight. Chronic diseases are also beginning to develop, which is displayed in appearance, especially on the figure.

It is very important to know your organism to properly organize a diet or weight loss.
It is dangerous to use radical measures of weight loss, like a sharp weight loss, strict diets or starvation. This will only lead to the deposits. After such experiments, the skin of the chest, faces and neck can be dispersed, the body loses water. The body is no longer capable of rapid recovery and it should be considered.

Motivation for weight loss in 40 years

A good stimulus so that the woman is thinning after 40, there will be care about your health. To keep yourself in a tone, you need to follow yourself. Beauty is another strong motivation for weight loss. Which woman do not want to be attractive to others? Yes, and the psychological factor should also not be ignored. A woman who is pleased with his body, finds more satisfaction and in life.

Slimming steps in 40 years

  1. First of all, you need to trace your food and the day of the day for several days or one week. Such a surveillance will help you understand at what stage you are and where it is worth moving.
  2. The second step towards slimming will be a survey of the body and a visit to a nutritionist. The specialist will help determine which diet is suitable for you, considering the weight, condition and possibilities of the body.
  3. The third you need to do is put real goals. Sometimes getting driving, a woman wants to lose as much kilograms as possible. But this is an unjustified risk. Experts advise dumping gradually, so the body will gradually get used to new sensations.
  4. The main thing in this business is to fix the result achieved. If you want to lose weight by 10 kg, reset at first 2, secure the result and move on. At the same time consider the time for which you want to get rid of excess weight. For example, instead of 2 months, I lose weight 5, but in your pleasure.
  5. The next step - bring yourself good habits. Habit to eat right. Eat healthy food. When buying products, seek to look at their composition and calorie. Usually on the package indicate caloric content per 100 grams of the product. Consider that the package may be more grams.
    No need to say that you need to drink plenty of water. Take the habit of drinking herbal teas. They help to clean the body.
    Eat more fruits and vegetables. Half of the daily diet should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits. Even if you make a vegetable salad and make it mayonnaise, it will not give a positive result. Place salads with oil, salads for salad.
    Control your snacks. Usually such snacks and add weight in the sides. For snacks, you can use kefir, vegetables, fruits, nuts or dried fruits.

Such the right and proper nutrition for weight loss in 40 years

It is one of the most important steps, since incorrect power can lead to an incorrect result.

  1. Slimming power must be thought out and balanced. This must be done in order for the body to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.
  2. It is often important, but little. 6-7 times a day with small portions, you can maintain the body in the tone.
  3. Carefully chew food. Each piece is worth chewing at least 15 times. Thus, the brain will rather receive a saturation signal.
  4. Selecting the diet, you need to take into account the possibilities of your body. The diet should not be tough.

Restrictions - does not mean bad

In order for the process of losing weight to be successful, do not forget about the constraints.

  1. Avoid treated food and semi-finished products. They do not contain anything useful.
  2. Do not neglect breakfast. It is he who sets up the body for a new day. Who sins coffee and sandwiches in the morning, underestimate the importance of this meal.
  3. It is worth abandoning fried food and from Fastfud. Tasty food is obtained from cooking for a pair, a slow cooker or in the oven.
  4. After six in the evening it is undesirable to eat. If you really want to eat, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple or another fruit.

Physical activity for weight loss in 40 years

Select the suitable sport for you. It can be running in the morning, Scandinavian walking, swimming pool or fitness.

  1. You can try to start with ordinary charging. There are many videos on the theme of weight loss with the help of various exercises that can be made before the screen at home.
  2. Excellent physical activity may also be dancing. They will not only help to lose weight after 40, but also add grace to your body.
  3. Sex is an excellent fitness. He not only improves relationships with her husband, but also make it possible to maintain himself in excellent shape. To burn to 300 kcal, it's enough to have sex with her husband once.
  4. Get the dog. Usually, dog owners move 30% more than those who have no. Regular walk with a dog - another great version of burning calories.

So that you choose, it should bring pleasure. It has been proven that sports comes joy, since hormones of happiness are exempt due to physical exertion. Why not recharge your positive energy since the morning?

More positive

When weight loss, the diet is very important to maintain an optimistic attitude. So you will quickly reach the goal. Women, constantly dissatisfied with life, reach the results much slower than those who are glad to have everything that he has. Together with physical slimming, you should not forget about your soul. Learn to be grateful for everything you have. Learn to find pleasure in what you have and what you are doing.
Slimming after 40 is an integrated approach. It is impossible to be limited to a diet only, or vice versa, physical exertion. Everything must be balanced and thoughtful. It is prepared for comprehensively, you can achieve the desired result.
Having achieved a certain result, praise yourself. This is one of the important steps. Buy yourself a new skirt, go to the cinema, somehow praise yourself, which was able to achieve such a result. It will inspire new accomplishments.

Amazing changes occur in a woman, satisfied with their own body. This is what a woman looks like that has lost weight after 40. Photo before and after. Therefore, weight loss after 40 years is possible not only to stars, but also by ordinary women.

To lose weight after 40 years, you need a huge desire and constancy. Then achieve the result will be more pleasant and faster.


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Ella 26.02.2019 To answer

And at my mom we drink the extract of fruit fruit of Hummigat Malabarsky, it perfectly supports health and removes extra foldings) to the word mom confuses with sister))
