
Slimming on a diete geisha

Slimming on a diete geisha
Geish diet is rather tough, but very effective. How to throw 7 kilograms for 5 days, learn in the article!

On the eve of the summer and summer holiday, the problem of excess weight is relevant than ever. Enforceive women are allowed in the course of "heavy artillery" - training in the gym to exhaustion, strict diets, weight loss tablets. It's time to remember the Geish diet. We will tell about the efficiency and rules of this interesting technique in the article.

How to lose geisha

The art of being irresistible and sophisticatedly attractive was perfectly mastered every Japanese woman who wore the title of Geisha. No wonder this Casta beauty contemporaries made flowers to women.

Historical sources argue that Eastern women really used hard restriction systems in food to put themselves in order. True, they attached a diet somewhat different meaning than we are with you today. A short-term "hunger strike" served primarily for the recovery of the body and the spirit, and only then - to get rid of excess weight. Geisha, who were real asams in terms of care for their appearance, attached a huge value of the purification procedure. Cleansing the body from "slags", the exemption of the mind from bad thoughts filled the body with the indescribable ease and immersed in the state of harmonic and pleasant coexistence with the outside world.


Women Geisha considered a diet not as a separate event, but included it in a whole range of proceedings for the care of appearance. Consciously limiting himself in food for a certain time, they meditated and did not refuse moderate physical training. Cleansing and rejuvenation also assumed a course of a relaxing massage, healing baths and tonic hair masks, face and body skin. The care of the geisha turned into a real ritual. Cosmetic sessions were shrouded in the incense of aromatic sticks and were accompanied by quiet pleasant music. By the way, these ancient cleansing ceremonies for transformation Many Japanese are observed today.

Chiling Lin AS Xiao Qiao in Red Cliff (2008) .2

Well, we will focus on one of the items of this health program - a diet.

Preparation for weight loss on the game Geisha

The geisha diet promises a loss of 4 - 7 kilograms for 5 days of strict restriction in food. True, to achieve such a result, you will need a fair proportion of moral forces and good excerpt. The methodology is based on a pretty scanty menu, so nutritionists warned: the Japanese geisha diet can not be sitting at once!

To prepare ourselves to the upcoming difficulties, it is necessary to certainly correct your way the way for a month before the alleged diet. To do this, cut the calorie content of your daily diet, and then 5 hungry days of the cleansing procedure will not become a painful shock for the body. Run on vegetable salads and fresh fruits, give up sweets. During this time, your stomach muscles will be reduced, and for taming appetite you can do much less portions of food than usual.

The day before the start of the Geisha diet there can be soup on a vegetable broth, a vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and several drops of any vegetable oil, rice porridge. Put all this needs a large number of ordinary water. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to completely abandon the salt for a total of 5 days, so limit the number of these taste regulators in advance. By the way, it is necessary to go back to the everyday image of nutrition by the same principle. It is impossible to immediately sweep yourself with calorie food, otherwise the results obtained on the game of the Geisha instantly disappear.


Rules and Menu Gayshy Diet

In general, the geisha diet is the specificity of food, the traditions of which are holy thanks all residents of the country of the rising sun. The secret of the blooming view of Japanese can be revealed by studying the features of their menu. Eastern women eat exclusively natural food without preservatives and chemical additives, to doubt the utility of which is not necessary. The main product in their diet is fish and various seafood. This is known, dietary food: the percentage of fats is minimal. Fish and fish fat contain a valuable element - omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids, which improve blood performance, have a positive effect on the activity of the brain and heart, the skin condition and protect the person from the development of cancer.

Another valuable product that the Japanese eat, and remains rice. In the grains of this cereals there are as many as 8 amino acids needed for good human well-being. Residents of the East prefer not to white, and the bromot is unlocked rig, since it has a large amount of useful fiber.

Meals The Japanese is completed by a cup of green tea. In the leaves of this plant, scientists have discovered more than 500 useful chemical elements, approximately 450 organic compounds and a practically complete set of all groups of vitamins.


Geisha diet is based on rice and green tea. If you have successfully overcome the preparatory stage before weight loss in this way, you can safely stock up the brown rice. This product has the most pronounced wellness effect compared to the rest of rice varieties, and also contains a large amount of fiber activating the intestinal peristalsis. In addition, the brown rice is known for its excellent adsorbing properties, absorbing harmful substances and deriving them from the body. The composition of the product is valuable amino acids, vitamins of group B, vitamins A and E.

The menu of the geisha diet on rice is as follows:

  1. In the first meal, for breakfast, you will find a cup of green tea diluted with milk. Ingredients for the preparation of the beverage take in the same proportions - 250 ml. For a diet, milk with a fat content of 1.5 - 2.5%.
  2. At lunch, you can eat the portion of the cooked brown rice and put it with a glass of milk. Use milk to heat - this is a prerequisite for a diet.
  3. For dinner again, prepare the portion of the brown rice and the cup of green tea with milk (half a cup of tea on a half-table of milk).


So you must eat within 5 days. The menu, as you can see, very simple and scarce, but most reviews about the game Geisha positive: brown rice gives a feeling of full saturation for almost a day, and hunger declares itself not very much. In addition to the above-mentioned products, there is nothing more - there are no snacks between the main meals. True, during the day it is allowed to drink two additional cups of green tea, but without adding milk. Also take into account that during the cooking rice it is forbidden to saline, and sugar is not added to tea with milk. During the diet, be sure to follow your water regime - you need to drink approximately 2 liters of ordinary water per day. From juice, carbonated drinks and coffee must be abandoned.

As already noted, the diet diet is not more than 5 days, but if desired, it can be repeated, making a break for normal nutrition within 10 days. What is it for? Nutritionists argue that during the first right of the diet from the body, excessive liquid and toxins will take away from the body, and as a result of the second right, extensive fat deposits will be actively spent. Those who perpetrate to repeat this experiment, the Geische diet promises a loss of another 7 - 10 kg. Please note that sitting on the geist diet more than 5 days without a break is prohibited! Such an amateur may cost you health in the form of irrevocably disturbed metabolism. You will not argue that 7 kilograms for 5 days are not enough?


Please note that to withstand the geish diet is not obtained. If you believe some reviews, such a sharp restriction in nutrition becomes the cause of fatigue, rapid fatigue and poor well-being. If during the diet you suddenly began to hurt (especially in the field of epigastria) or headaches and dizziness appeared, you need to immediately refuse such a slimming method and find a more sparing way of getting rid of extra kilograms.

Brown rice and green tea are definitely useful products, however, during such a tough restriction in food, the body will still experience a shortage of vitamins and useful trace elements, so this deficiency must be filing, taking a multivitamin drug.

During the observance of the Geisha diet, it is not forbidden to engage in exercise, only the load should be very moderate: for example, you can restrict ourselves to the morning charging. The body and so works in stress mode - it is not necessary to further injure its intense workouts.

None, even the most effective diet, will not give you a guarantee of prolonged preservation of the result. As a rule, after returning to the previous way, kilograms, dropped as a result of a diet, are returned over the next few months. You can avoid this if you follow the simple rules borrowed from slender Japanese:

  1. Portions of food should not be large - as a rule, for saturation, there is enough food, which will fit in your folded palms.
  2. Prepare dishes predominantly for a couple - it will preserve in their composition as much beneficial substances.
  3. Never try the food until you finish her cooking.
  4. In addition to the composition and taste of dishes, always take care of its aesthetic form.
  5. Make a variety in your diet with fish, seafood, vegetables, algae, rice and green tea. In the complex and separately, these products purify and rejuvenate the body.

Close View of a Geisha Eating Tofu With Chopsticks.

Geish Diet: Simplified Option

Do not blame yourself in weakness, if it seems to you that you do not hold the test of the geisha diet. You can always use it more gentle, but no less efficient option! In this case, the dietary duration is not 5 days, and a whole month, but you will be pleased with a more diverse menu.

So, the basis of the monthly diet will be rice with salted cucumber and garlic. You can also sink hunger by boiled, stewed and baked vegetables, seafood and small portions of boiled fish. 2 times a day you need to eat boiled rice with a salt cucumber. Share with you an interesting nuance: when you eat, do not chew a cucumber to immediately swallow it, and for a while, delay it pieces behind the cheek. Salted taste helps to strengthen the secretion of the enzymes necessary for digestion and metabolism. It is possible to achieve the cucumber in full when all rice will be eaten. Complete meals with 1 garlic teeth.

During such a diet should drink a walled tea with milk and pure fresh water. During this period, give up salt, sugar, oil, meat, bread, flour products and sweets. Judging by the reviews, in this way you can lose weight by 7 - 16 kilograms.


Contraindications for diet Geisha

All monodulations have strict contraindications that cannot be ignored. Diet Japanese beauties did not exception. So, from losing weight in this way you need to refuse:

  • during pregnancy and when feeding a baby breasts;
  • with gastritis;
  • under the ulcer of the stomach and inflammatory diseases of the 12-rosewoman;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with implanted metabolism.

It would be nice if everyone would have to test themselves to the aging of the Geish diet, first consulted on this occasion from the doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Geish diet

The technique whose authorship is attributed to the Japanese geisham promises not only bringing you to ideal weight, but also to clean your body from "garbage", which is invariably accumulated when the splitting of certain foods. This is what the advantages of the diet can be detected if it is from time to practice it:

  1. Effective fat cleavage defined by the body "Pro Stock".
  2. Disagreement of excess fluid.
  3. Cleansing the body from slags and toxins. As a result, you will receive vigor, good mood and beautiful complexion.
  4. Normalization of the activities of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Achievements of inner harmony of body and spirit.


There is a game geish and disadvantages that need, justice for, noted. First, it is too strict and scanty so that it can be easily transferred. Secondly, the specific diet menu in some cases provokes the development of constipation.

To the game Geisha can be resorted when you need to urgently lead your body weight in order, but practicing such a method of weight loss regular nutritionists are not recommended. After leaving the diet, it is better to play sports, since moderate physical exertion will help consignment and save your new weight.

How to brew green tea. Video


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