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Facial massage

Facial massage
Facial massage technique

The external attractiveness of the face primarily pay attention to people when meeting. In order to maintain the beauty, youth and tightness of the skin, some cosmetic procedures will be required, among which an effective facial massage occupies a special place. About how to properly conduct this procedure we will tell us further.

The benefits of facial massage

sculptural_ massage

  1. Facial massage is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Thanks to it, it is possible to improve blood circulation and normalize the metabolism.
  2. During the sessions, skin breathing improves, which makes it smooth, elastic and elastic.
  3. With the help of massage, you can increase the elasticity of the skin, improve complexion. In addition, mood and well -being normalize.
  4. The skin during the procedure is rejuvenated, its protection is enhanced. In a word, the benefits of facial massage are indisputable.

Of course, only a professional can do the right face massage. Nevertheless, even on their own it is possible to achieve a good result.

Contraindications to facial massage


The procedures are contraindicated in such cases:

  1. In the presence of allergic or infectious rashes on the skin (herpes, psoriasis, eczema, etc.).
  2. If there are a lot of moles or papillomas on the face.
  3. In case of violation of the integrity of the skin of the skin of the face (if there are scratches, cuts, wounds).
  4. In the presence of fragile vessels.
  5. If there is varicose veins or rosacea.
  6. After conducting median and deep peels.

Types of facial massage


There are several basic varieties of procedures. Moreover, the technique of their implementation and effect on the body is very different.

  1. Classic face massage. Showed for cosmetic purposes. He is characterized by light stroking, kneading, rubbing, exposure to active points. Without problems, such facial massage can be carried out at home. Such procedures can be performed according to various methods. For example, Japanese and Chinese faces are considered quite popular.
  2. Plastic face massage. Showed for therapeutic purposes. Able to change the contours of the face. It is performed using strong movements, pressures, kneading. Otherwise, the procedure is called sculptural facial massage. During the procedure, there is an effect on deep facial muscles. This type of massage includes manual therapy. This technique helps to tighten the oval of the face, as well as strengthen the vessels and increase the skin tone.
  3. Massage vacuum face. It is performed using special jars (flasks). Read more about him in this article - “ Branch massage».
  4. Lymphodnate massage. Helps to remove harmful substances from the body, toxins, improves tissue nutrition, normalizes the complexion of the face, rejuvenates and frees tissues from excessive fluid.
  5. One of the types of procedures is the therapeutic massage, which is carried out with problematic oily skin, lethargy, and unhealthy complexion. It is able to enhance blood circulation, improve skin nutrition, cleanse it and increase muscle tone.

Such a procedure, of course, will be best carried out by a professional cosmetologist. However, you yourself can help your skin. In order to carry out home massage, you need to apply a small layer of oil or cream and slightly beat the skin with pillows with fingers for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, the transfer of movements should be from the nose to the ears. Thanks to this, you can increase the blood flow to the skin of the face.

The choice of technology depends only on your desire. With the correct implementation of the procedures, the first changes will be noticeable after 2-3 sessions.

Facial massage technique


Face massage rules

  1. If the procedures are carried out carelessly and hard, then this will harm the skin. Therefore, facial massage must be performed very carefully. During the session, stretch, stretch and rub the skin during the session.
  2. During facial massage, it is recommended to use the cream. After all, he brings additional benefits, helps his hands glide better on the face. Thus, the cream makes a safer procedure. Only in any case, massage should be carried out exceptionally with clean hands.
  3. The procedure is best performed no more than once a day. Moreover, it should be done only if a person is over 25 years old. At a younger age, the skin simply does not need such an effect.
  4. Before you do facial massage, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the procedure. For this, first of all, you need to clean it. This is recommended to be done with a tonic or a special cosmetic product. In extreme cases, you can just wash yourself with clean water. After cleansing, the warm compress should be applied, with which the vessels expand, pores open. Thanks to this, useful substances will be absorbed faster.
  5. To facilitate the procedure, it is recommended to drop a little oil on the hands. In this case, the product should not be in the eye.
  6. Massage begins with a slight stroking, then slight pressing, kneading and pressure are carried out. During the procedure, you should especially carefully handle skin in the area around the eyes. Massage movements here should be very light, without pressing and pressure.

In general, it is necessary to care for the skin of the face and neck regularly. It is not at all difficult to do. Over time, full -fledged care procedures will become a habit and will bring only pleasure. After all, care and attention to oneself gives an unforgettable feeling of complete satisfaction. A noticeable result will be noticeable in a couple of months.

Facial massage: massage lines


Self -massage of the face should be carried out on a special massage lines:

  1. One of them passes from the chin to the earlobe.
  2. The second is from the lower lip to the earlobe.
  3. The third passes from the middle of the nose to the line of eyebrows, and then goes to the temples.
  4. The fourth goes from the middle of the forehead to the oversight line, and then to the temples.
  5. There is another massage line that passes from the base of the nose to the temples.
  6. There is also a line passing from the eyebrows to the start of hair growth and from the corner of the mouth to the gray hair.

Rejuvenating facial massage

Facial massage: photo


skin care

Face massage against a double chin

This technique is called classic facial massage. In order to prevent the appearance of a double chin, you can use kneading and pathetic movements. In order to improve the final result, you can use a towel that is previously plunged into cold and slightly salted water. First, you need to tighten it well, turn in the form of a roller, and then attach it in this form to the chin so that the center falls on the middle of the face. Next, it needs to be pulled in turn or weaken.

Motorcycle Details

To train the subcutaneous cervical muscle, straighten your shoulders and straighten your back, then look up. Sometimes, instead of a towel, pressing is carried out using special spoons. Such procedures are called the face massage with spoons.

Face massage from wrinkles around the eyes

Using such a procedure, you can cope with the existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. During the session, a slight tapping is made, in turn in the horizontal and vertical direction. In order for wrinkles formed around the eyes, to make less noticeable, you can act several times on this zone with the help of light fingertips presses. With this manipulation, pressing the back of the wrist is also used.

Massage of this zone is usually done along the lower eyelid and along the line that passes from the inner corner of the eye to the arc over the eyebrows and further to the temple. For convenience, you can slightly pull the skin by opening the lips.

Face massage against wrinkles on the forehead


Here are a few exercises from the complex for horizontal wrinkles.

  1. First. We put your fingers on the forehead, where the border with the hair passes and then gently lift the skin up without unnecessary efforts. It is important that new folds do not form under the fingertips on the skin - follow this. After that, in 6 movements you need to lower the fingers. This should be done smoothly, sliding along the forehead and closing the eyes. Locate in this position and count up to three. Then let go of the skin. We repeat this exercise 2-4 times.
  2. Second. So, you need to open your eyes as wider as possible and at the same time very highly raise your eyebrows. We repeat this exercise at least 8-9 times.
  3. Third. So, place your fingertips on your forehead and at the same time lift your eyebrows up. Try to overcome some resistance. This is one of the most effective exercises. It is recommended to be performed at least 2-5 times.

The following exercises from the complex for vertical wrinkles formed on the forehead.

  1. To do this, take your head with your hands. Moreover, so that the phalanges of your thumbs are on the back of the head, and the index finger was on the forehead. At the same time, make an attempt to move the skin of the forehead around the middle. Watch that new folds do not form. When this is done, just with effort you need to raise your eyebrows up and then count to four.
  2. In order to reduce wrinkles that form between the eyebrows, you must first moisturize this area with cream and then press the fingertips on it a little. Such light pressing and kneading movements must be followed in the direction of the ears.

Cryomassage of the face is cosmetic


Massage with ice cubes is considered the simplest and most affordable by the majority by the method of healing the skin of the face and neck. The effect of such a procedure is obtained due to a sharp temperature difference, which is very useful for human health. To carry out such a massage, you will need only a jug with hot water, a little ice and a soft terry towel. So, first soak the towel in hot water, then squeeze and then apply for 6-8 minutes on the face or neck. After that, spend with smooth movements on the skin with the help of ice cubes. Next, you need to apply a hot towel for a couple of minutes again. Then rinse your face with non -cramped water and apply a cream or mask. After that, the skin will become more fresh. Moreover, this effect will be achieved after three similar procedures.

Lymphodnate facial massage


First, place the pillows of the thumbs between the eyebrows. Then, in order to ensure a careful outflow of lymph from the face, press strongly, and move your arms down, sliding smoothly with your fingers over the cheeks and chin. The attached force when pressed should not be too large, while in no case do not injure and do not stretch the skin. This is especially true for the area around the eyes. The fact is that it is here that the skin is the thinnest. Then apply a nutrient cream to the skin and be sure to evenly distribute it.

Face and neck massage with a shower

For the beauty of the skin of the face and neck, massage will be useful with a stream of cool water. It should be directed from the bottom up. This procedure requires quite a bit of time. After the shower, it is recommended to apply a nutritious or moisturizer with light movements (from the bottom up). The same “water” massage is best done in the evening during the receipt of the shower. After applying a special cream, we perform a light pat on the skin of the face, capturing the chin area. In addition, after a shower, it is desirable to actively rub the face and back of the neck with a towel. The front side should only be carefully blown up or allowed to just exhale the skin yourself.

Japanese face massage


The benefits of Japanese face massage

Facial massage using this technology brings a lot of benefits to our body:

  1. During the procedure, the natural ability of the skin to retain moisture improves.
  2. The tension in the muscles is eliminated and the elasticity of the skin is restored.
  3. This massage strengthens the tone of the muscles of the face, prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles.
  4. During the procedure, cells are enriched with oxygen, which improves blood flow to the tissues.
  5. A healthy skin color is restored.
  6. Blood flow and lymph flow are activated.
  7. Harmful toxins are excreted from the body.
  8. In addition, after such a massage, a slowing down process of cell aging occurs.

Facel massage characteristics Zogan


This technique is quite popular today. It is known as the Zogan-Massage technique, which means "creating a face" from the Japanese language. Such procedures improve well -being, help to recover and rejuvenate the whole body.

This technique involves the performance of various massage actions using two fingers - this is either a ring with a middle finger or a middle finger with a index. Manual technique of Japanese massage helps to improve tissue supply with the necessary nutrients, eliminate toxins and relax muscle tissues. In addition, massage has a positive effect on the muscles of the face, blood vessels, and the skin. In addition, he retains their youth.


This face massage is performed with soft movements, without active exposure. During the procedure, you need to be especially sharp in the lymph nodes. In these places you cannot press too much. Explicit signs of violations of technology are that a person who is massage feels pain.

The most important difference between Japanese technology and European is that during the procedure there is an impact on the entire structure of the face, and up to the bones. At the same time, not only various superficial muscles are involved, but also deeper, responsible for facial activity.

Before conducting Japanese massage, you need to properly prepare a person for the procedure. This is necessary in order to normalize the course of the lymph. So, initially the skin is thoroughly cleansed. Then the fingertips should perform light tapping movements over the entire surface of the face.

Japanese face massage Shiasu


Shiasu is a fairly young massage technique. It is designed relatively recently. Its author is Dr. Tokuiro Namikoshi. The basis of the procedure is easy to press at certain active points. Therefore, the method has also received the name of the acupressure of the face. Thanks to this effect, the work of the whole organism as a whole is activated. The purpose of this effect is to normalize the production of lactic acid. It has long been considered an indicator of fatigue. Thanks to this acid, the muscles are constantly in tension. This process is, by the way, one of the reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Masters of Japanese massage are of the opinion that pressing with fingers on a muscle that is poorly reduced can lead to the fact that about 75% of lactic acid will be replaced by glycogen. As a result of such procedures, youth returns the skin. Exercises on this technique are recommended to be performed in the morning and evening. We will introduce you to them.

  1. The first exercise. First you need to find a point that have soreness in the temples. The exercise is to massage them with light movements with fingertips. Pressure is repeated 2-3 times.
  2. The second exercise. Press the fingers of the left and right hand in the eyebrow area. After that, spend from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  3. The third exercise. We put the fingertips on the inner corners of the eyes and press for three seconds. This exercise should give shine and brightness to the eyes.

Honey massage: video

How honey massage is carried out can be viewed in this video lesson.



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