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Hand massage

Hand massage
Shoulder massage, wrists, fingers

Hands are a part of the body that requires special careful care. Moreover, it makes no difference where and by whom the person works. After all, temperature changes, contact with chemical detergents and various mechanical damage have the greatest influence on the skin of the hands. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of her both men and women. Today there are several ways to maintain the beauty and youth of this part of the body. One of them is the massage of the skin of the hands.

Hand massage: the benefits of the procedure


  1. With the help of proper hand massage, it is possible to get rid of fatigue, as well as improve skin tone and its elasticity. This is a light and affordable way of hand care.
  2. Massage comprehensively affects this part of the body. In particular, on vessels, joints, bones and skin. Regular therapeutic hand massage does not allow salts in the joints and prevents the development of such an unpleasant disease as arthritis. By the way, do not forget that there are many points of exposure on the hands, which makes the hand massage useful for the whole organism as a whole. There are separate methods and techniques for performing the procedure that are aimed at solving any one problem.
  3. In some cases, hand massage is simply necessary to restore their motor ability. In particular, the sessions are shown when the salts in the joints, stretching, for fractures, paralysis, stroke, as well as in the quality of the method of prevention and treatment of arthrosis.
  4. Regular use of arms and legs massage allows you to reduce general fatigue, prevent joint pain, increase their mobility, improve the elasticity of the ligaments, increase the tone of all muscles, reduce swelling, accelerate the healing of soft tissues, normalize blood flow and lymph flow. Massage also solves some cosmetic problems. For example, it can improve the appearance and shape of the hands, accelerate the growth of nails, as well as restore skin elasticity.
  5. In addition, hand massage helps to cope with the stress state and nervous overvoltage.

Hand massage: Contraindications


There is a small list of contraindications in which it is better not to do hands. These include in particular:

  1. The presence of cracks, wounds or scratches on the surface of the skin of the hands.
  2. Allergic dermatitis.
  3. Infectious diseases.
  4. Psoriasis.
  5. Fungal infection.
  6. The presence of tumor formations.
  7. Improving body temperature.
  8. Sepsis of soft tissues.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the aggravation stage.
  10. Osteomyelitis.
  11. Dislocations and fractures.

Hand massage technique

In order to master the massage technique and skillfully use it, first you need to know exactly where the vessels, muscles and nerves are located. So, four main types of massage can be distinguished:

  • shoulder and forearm,
  • forearm,
  • wrists and brushes,
  • fingers.

You can massage hands at home, as well as in specialized salons.

Hand massage: shoulder and forearm


In order to do the massage of the shoulder and forearm, the person’s hand needs to be put on a high roller, while the shoulder is slightly taken to the side, the elbow is slightly bend. This is necessary so that the muscles of the shoulder and directly shoulder joint are relaxed, and the patient feels as comfortable as possible. This is the starting position.

Hand massage begins with easy rubbing, stroking. In order to do this correctly, it is necessary to grab the double -headed muscle under the elbow joint during the procedure and stroke it on the inside of the shoulder to the axillary pad. You need to move your hands so that the thumb during this is in the outer hollow of the double -headed muscle. At the same time, the rest of the fingers should move along the inside, which separates the two -headed muscle from the three -headed. Such stroking continues along the entire length of the arm, up to the axillary cavity.

When the thumb “reaches” to the deltoid muscle, you should linger a little and massage it. After that, you should move up to the shoulder. All movements must be performed carefully.

The diagram shows the location of the massage lines:


When the hand reaches the axillary cavity, it is necessary to produce the back flexion, raising the edge of the muscle on the shoulder. With the help of such a simple appointment, the lymph flow can be normalized. According to this scheme, a relaxing hand massage is performed.

In order to carry out stroking and rubbing the three -headed muscle, it is necessary to grab it at the place of attachment to the elbow process. Then you need to slide with neat movements of your fingers up until you reach the armpit. After that, the thumb of the hand of the massage therapist performing the massage must move on the outer side of the patient's hand. The rest of the fingers “go” along the inner hollow of the muscles.

The diagram shows the procedure for performing the main massage movements:


Stroking the effects on the outer edges of the deltoid muscle should be carried out with the left hand, and it should begin to do this under the place where it is attached. The thumb should move with slipping movements along the inside of the muscle, while the remaining fingers carefully wrap it around its outer part. After that, the patient’s whole hand turns a little to the side and returns to its original position. The movement of the hands ends about about somewhere at the outer edge of the axillary cavity.

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For kneading and careful strokeing the shoulder, you can use the following technique. We cross the fingers and begin to lead along the deltoid muscle to the place where it begins. At the same time, you need to try so that the palms are tightly wrapping around the patient's hand. When you reach the shoulder joint, then disconnect your fingers and, finally, end the massage movement of the hands in the clavicle. In this case, the patient must bend the elbow slightly so that the muscles can relax as much as possible. During stroking the muscles group, the patient's forearm of the patient must be lying down. If the shoulder massage is performed, then you need to turn your hand with your palm up. Do your hand massage slowly and accurately.


Next, with the left hand, the patient's maximum relaxed brush should be fixed. Then you need to make a flat stroke and zigzag rubbing the back surface of the hand with your right hand, while starting from the fingertips. When you reach the wrist joint, you can begin the clutching continuous stroking, and then go to the back surface of the forearm and complete this massage technique directly in the shoulder area.

Hand massage for children


Hand massage for children is performed somewhat differently. So, with one hand you should perform a slight rubbing of the deltoid muscle. In this case, the second hand should grab the muscle, in the place where it is attached on the shoulder. The hand should move up, and the palm is sliding along the muscle abdomen. The thumb is fixed on the inner edge of the muscle, and all other fingers lie on the external. When the hand reaches the muscle hollow, you need to return it to its original position and bring the thumb to the other fingers near the collarbone.

Massage of brushes and fingers


There is also a massage of palms and fingers. With this procedure, the main thing is that a person relaxes as much as possible and accepts a convenient pose (lying or sitting). Its brush must be laid on a small roller, which is usually installed on a special table.

Finger massage is allowed to perform both one and two hands. In this case, with a free hand, you need to fix the patient’s brush. All movements should be performed very carefully and softly. Fingers massage usually start with a slight zigzag stroking and rubbing. Such techniques are performed with fingertips. At the same time, it is necessary to act on the palmar and rear surface of the patient’s finger. You should start with the tip of the finger, then gradually move to its base. Thus, each finger is massaged.

Hands with Petals

Similarly, a zigzag rubbing must be performed. In this case, movements are carried out in various directions (in the longitudinal and in transverse). After rubbing, you must again stroking and light kneading. To do this, the soft tissues of the patient’s fingers are slightly captured (“plunged”). Movement should be started from the ends and then move to the base. After that, in circular rubbing, you need to slowly move to the wrist. Then it is necessary to grind, and then neat stroking is carried out again. At the end of the massage procedures, the patient should actively move the joints of each of the fingers. If some discomfort is observed, then the next movements must be performed a little softer. According to the same scheme, massage of the thumb is performed.

Hand massage: wrist

Hand massage: photo



When performing hands massage, the patient should take a convenient position for himself lying or sitting. First you need to massage the back of the surface of the hand, while the movements begin with the fingertips, and then gradually move to the massage of the palms. Stroking the back of the wrist and brush should be drawn with a palm. When the general rubbing and stroking is completed, you can proceed to massage influences on each tendon. In this case, such massage techniques and techniques, which were mentioned above, should be used. After that, using the index and thumb, it is necessary to massage each muscle between the bones on both sides of the hands. To do this, the patient spreads his fingers so that you can "get" to the inter -cell muscles. Next, the large finger pillow must be performed in turn to stroking and rubbing the wrist area.


If there are disorders of muscle elasticity, then you need to take turns capturing two carpal bones that are located nearby, and move from them already in the opposite direction. During massage influences on the palm of the palm, it is necessary to perform stroking, and then make a zigzag -shaped rubbing.

Nails with Flower

The muscles located on the pillow of the thumb need to be massage separately by stroking, zigzag rubbing and light kneading. During this process, the soft tissues should be carefully delayed, “pinching” them. After the hands are made, the patient must slightly shake the brush, as well as check the mobility of the fingers.

Surpopted hand massage

He is differently called Su Jok Therapy. According to this technique, each point located on the hand is responsible for the work of our internal organs. Therefore, acting on them, you can improve health and well -being. The list of zones located on the hands can be seen in the diagram:


Hand massage: video



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