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Branch massage

Branch massage
Ban Massage at home

Massage with cans has its own undeniable advantages when exposed to problem parts of the body. Massage actions here are through a vacuum, which is formed under a can cap. During massage, this vacuum pulls well and kneads the skin a little. These actions are almost as effective as the hands of an ordinary massage therapist. What is a can massage, how to do it correctly, we will tell you later.

Massage can: Advantages


The advantages of the procedure over other known types of massage are as follows:

  1. With it, you can get directly to cellulite cells, which other types of massagers are simply not capable of.
  2. It is easy to do a can massage, all its methods are quite easy to master on your own.
  3. Branch massage positively affects both areas of the body that suffered from fat deposits and the entire organism as a whole. In particular, during vacuum can massage there is an effective lymphatic drainage, in which the liquid and various metabolic products are excreted from the space between the cells. In this case, the circulation of the lymph is activated and, therefore, the condition of the skin improves.
  4. In addition, the right can massage allows you to accelerate metabolism. During the session, blood and lymph circulates more intensively.
  5. Bannous massage, reviews of which in most cases are positive, has a sedative effect. Thanks to this, throughout the procedure, a person relaxes well, he feels pleasant drowsiness.
  6. It is also worth noting that a can massage of the back allows you to weaken the pain or completely eliminate it. Thanks to this, the condition of the muscles and their tone improves. In the areas that are massage, sensitivity and susceptibility increase.

Branch massage (otherwise also called vacuum therapy), is quite actively used in practice in most countries of the world. Since ancient times, jars have been used to relieve pain and suffering, which were caused by certain diseases. In various countries, massage jars are made of different materials, for example, bamboo, glass, plastic and clay. Moreover, they come in various shapes and sizes.

It is easy to carry out a can massage at home, every year its technology is being improved. Moreover, the procedures for the most part bring only benefits to patients. Although, there are some contraindications, which we will talk about later.

Bank massage: contraindications


If you plan to use a can massage for weight loss or for the treatment of diseases, then, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications:

  1. Perhaps each person has moles and age spots on the body. In case of can massage, these parts of the skin are forbidden to massage.
  2. Do not carry out procedures if there are acutely flowing various inflammatory skin diseases.
  3. The sessions are contraindicated in the presence of tumor formations, purulent inflammation of the lungs, tuberculosis and rheumatism at the acute stage, as well as during the period after the operations.
  4. Do not use a can massage if there are certain blood diseases, pressure problems, thrombophlebitis, infectious diseases.
  5. If areas with varicose veins or roses are present on the body, then it is better not to touch them during the procedure.
  6. Also, sessions are contraindicated to people with a pacemaker.

It should be remembered that jars cannot be placed on the heart, kidneys and directly on the spine. In addition, it is extremely not recommended to perform massage movements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe popliteal dimple, along the inner surface of the hips, since there is a large cluster of important lymph nodes there.

The technique of exposure and technique of can massage

How to perform a can massage: photo




In general, I must say that with the help of cans you can solve the problem of cellulite in the initial stages. But sometimes such procedures are confused with the usual static installation of cans. Although, a can massage is completely different. This is due to the fact that with static installation, for example, during therapeutic can massage for bronchitis, the jar remains only on one specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body. At the same time, during the execution of a can massage, which is discussed in this article, it usually neatly slides over the patient’s body. The movements of jars during the procedure can be:

  • circular,
  • rectilinear,
  • zigzag -shaped.

Before you start a can massage, you must first heat the patient’s body first, and then grease the skin well with oil. Before using a massage product, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to it. To do this, it is recommended to apply a small amount of oil (a few drops) to the inner surface of the thigh or on the forearm of the patient. Then hold it on the skin for 20-23 minutes.

Today, so -called vacuum banks are popular. To remove air, they use a special pump that creates negative pressure. There are also vacuum jars equipped with magnets that have a beneficial effect on the body. Inside such a can there is a magnet that creates a magnetic field. It can penetrate to a depth of 7-8 centimeters. Such an effect improves blood flow and metabolism in the body. In addition, such a procedure helps to increase the content of oxygen in the blood, enhances blood flow to the heart and brain. Thanks to this, the restoration and protective properties of the body are strengthened. With the help of a metal magnetic cone, a beneficial effect on active points occurs, like the action of needles in acupuncture. But unlike them, nothing penetrates the skin, the integrity of the skin is not broken.

The impact on these points allows you to restore the balance of energy in the body. It must be said that reflex therapy has almost no contraindications and does not cause any side effects. By the way, reflex therapy may well be used as on their own phenomena, and can also be used in conjunction with other known therapeutic methods.

Classic can massage


For a session, the patient should relax and lie on the stomach. Before the procedure, ordinary manual massage is performed. This is necessary in order to warm the body well. In particular, such massage techniques as rubbing, compressing, stroking, kneading are used here. The movements are performed by fingertips or with the help of a palm or the outer surface of the brush. Such manipulations are carried out until the skin acquires uniform redness. Typically, 4-7 minutes are enough for this.

After heated, the body is lubricated with oil. Then you need to rub it. This is necessary so that the oil is well absorbed into the skin. Then a regular medical bank, tweezers, and alcohol are taken. A cotton swab must be moistened in alcohol. Then it is set on with matches and inserted into a jar for about 2-3 seconds. This is necessary to create a vacuum and spread air. Then the bank is placed on the patient's body. Now on the skin you need to make neat straightforward movements. In particular, zones should be worked out, which are located 2-3 centimeters from the spine. The spine itself cannot be affected.

Massage movements should be soft, smooth, careful and neat. They are sent from the zone of the lower back to the cervical region and vice versa. It is best to combine several techniques for performing movements. Branch massage is usually carried out for 4-12 minutes. During this time, stable redness of the skin should appear.

After the procedure, the banks are removed, and the remaining oils from the body are removed. If there is no way to take a shower, they are removed with a towel or napkin. Finally, the patient is covered with a warm blanket for about 7-8 minutes.

Branch massage from cellulite


In this way, it is possible to perform a can massage of the abdomen, the outer part of the hips, buttocks. In order to carry out the anti -cellulite massage procedure, you must first lubricate the desired area with a massage remedy (oil). After that, you should intensively knead and grind these areas. Such manipulations help to enhance the metabolism, blood flow and lymph flow in the tissues, as well as improve the condition of the skin and its breathing. All massage techniques should be carried out very carefully in the direction from the knee hole to the buttocks. Next, they are performed in the buttocks. The inguinal zone is not affected.

When the problem areas are heated, then in this area it is necessary to evenly distribute the oil and rub with intensive movements. After that, you can already put massage jars. They are usually placed slightly above the popliteal fossa. Movement by a jar with a can of junction against cellulite is usually performed using the same technology as with classic procedures. They should be, first of all, directed from the area above the knees to the fold under the buttocks. They need to be repeated 4-6 times.

At the end of the can massage, the jar is removed, and the area on which the effect was wiped with a napkin. Moreover, in order to obtain the greatest benefits from this procedure, active warm-up movements in the form of kneading and rubbing are carried out within 2-4 minutes. After the procedure, the body needs to be covered with a warm blanket and let it relax for about a quarter of an hour.

Sometimes for the treatment and prevention of obesity, cellulite, honey-banal massage is performed.

Branch massage of the face

banochnyj-Masszazh -lica

Preliminary manipulations

In order to carry out this procedure at home, you will need:

  1. Decoction of chamomile.
  2. Terry towel.
  3. Cleaning liquid soap.
  4. Oil for moisturizing and tonic.
  5. Sterile napkins with an antiseptic.
  6. A set of special plastic or glass flasks (jars) equipped with pears for pumping air.

Preparation for the procedure:

  1. Before starting the procedure of can massage, you need to properly prepare the skin of the face. To do this, first with the help of cream soap, it is thoroughly cleaned. If you have a oily skin type, then it is better to treat your face with a drying tonic using a cotton pad.
  2. When the skin is cleansed, you need to open its pores. This can be done using a steam bath, which is prepared as follows. 4-6 tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile are taken and brewed in boiling water. Then you need to give the decoction to settled for 4-6 minutes. Then until he cooled down, the face should be steamed above him for about 5-8 minutes. Then you need to remove sweat from the face with a towel.
  3. It remains only to apply oil to the face, which is usually selected depending on the type of skin. So, to moisturize dry and mixed skin, it is better to use almond oil. For the sensitive, linen is most suitable. Olive can be used with any type of skin. The selected tool is applied to the face along the massage lines using a cotton swab. The purpose of this procedure is to moisturize the skin, which will help to avoid formation after massage of bruises.
  4. Before the procedure, be sure to treat your hands with an antiseptic. You also need to check the integrity of all cans in the set before massage. Each of them should be treated with a cotton swab moistened in alcohol. During the procedure, you must be relaxed. Therefore, if you are tense, then take a relaxing bath with needles or sea salt before the massage.
  5. When performing a can massage, one must not forget about some points. In the set, jars usually have a different diameter, each of which is designed for various zones of the face. So, for example, for cheeks and foreheads, large -diameter banks are used. The zone of the eyelids and the upper lip are processed with the smallest jars. The average diameter is used to process the neck, chin and nose.

Branch massage technique


Branch massage is performed according to the following method:

  1. It is made strictly along the massage lines. A jar of a suitable diameter is substituted to a skin area, after which air is pumped out of it by pressing on a pear. After that, the pear is released, and the bank is rearranged. When you reach the chin and zone of the lower jaw, then open your mouth as if say the sound of O.
  2. Especially attentive you need to be with a zone near the eyes, which is only slightly processed. It is desirable, in general, do not touch it during the massage. During the procedure, it is necessary to hold a jar with one hand and hold the skin with the other. This will avoid undesirable injuries.

Each procedure should last no more than 8-9 minutes. About 1-2 sessions are held per week. One course lasts about 1-1.5 months.

The first time, a can massage, perhaps, is unlikely to work out well. Still in this matter, the more experience, the better. It is very important to learn how to choose the right diameter of the jar for each massage zone. Other nuances that were described above are no less important. You can watch a training video as a clear example.

Harm -Massage of the Facial Massage

Such massage is contraindicated for some people. So, it cannot be done in the presence of skin damage (acne, acne, wounds, inflammation, burns). He will also harm people with fragile vessels (with rosacea). Skin diseases, tumors, pigment and birthmarks are also related to contraindications. After the procedure, the skin may stretch and bruises appear. Therefore, it should not be carried out before an important event.

Branch massage "DO" and "after": photo



Ban Massage: Video



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