
What to do if the dog bites. How to wean a dog bite

What to do if the dog bites. How to wean a dog bite
What to do if the dog bites, how to wean it? Is it possible to punish dogs for biting? This will be discussed in the article.

Singing is a protective reaction in dogs laid down by nature. And not only for defense, but also for attack, and for games (especially if it is also small puppies). The task of each owner is to cut such a habit (if it arises) and prevent its appearance (and even more so, aggravation of the situation). What to do in such a situation and why this happens, it is worth considering in detail.

Why do dogs bite?

All dogs bite - this is a fact. After all, their teeth are intended not only for chewing food, but also for protection. In principle, most four -legged brothers of our smaller teeth play such a role. This is the norm, but there should not be such a quality in a domestic animal. A dog is, first of all, a friend of man!

What are the main reasons that the dog began to bite.  It is worth noting right away that a bite is already a manifestation of aggression.

  • The main reason lies in the fact that the animal is hungry. Yes, the hunger of each animal (and not only) can make evil and wishing to bite. More precisely, so the dog shows that she chose a victim. This aspect, of course, is more to treat homeless dogs. This is considered predatory aggression.

Important: unfortunately, we have a stray dog \u200b\u200b- this is not even the norm, but right in the order of things. They carry a very great danger. Their main force is a flock. After all, in front of her, a person becomes simply helpless. Try to bypass such flocks or even lonely individuals. And, preferably, do not go near them alone.

  • One nuance - do not confuse with hunting aggression. It happens only in certain breeds that are designed for attack, struggle or hunting. And an important aspect - this is inherent in them intentionally.
  • This reason is laid down in all dogs, regardless of the breed or habitat, this is dominance. The fact is that dogs, like wolves, used to live in packs and they had their own leaders.
  • Of course, in the process of evolution, the dog became a pets, but natural instincts remained. Therefore, if the dog bites family members, it means that it makes it clear that in the family she occupies the role of the leader. Speaking the language of science, then this is hierarchical aggression.

  • It is also worth highlighting such a cause as a measure of security. Why are a dog at home more often? That's right, to protect the home. So the animal did not understand you correctly. Perhaps she is too hard to guard your slippers or a favorite toy.
  • By the way, the maternal instinct requires special attention. In animals, by the way, it is developed much more than human. Yes, a dog that has puppies can bite. But this happens in cases where they try to take her cubs. Even if you just want to take them on the handles.

Important: dogs also fiercely protect human children. Yes, they may not let the mother go to the child when he cries, trying to calm him down and regret him. And if the parent decides to scold his child, then the dog can show aggression in the form of a bite.

  • And, of course, defensive aggression. Not only animals laid the instinct of conservation, but also in people too. If the dog is driven into a corner, wounded or fell into an unusual situation, then it can easily put your teeth in. The main thing that should be taken into account at the same time, the animal does not control itself the degree of bite itself. Therefore, injury can be maximum and with negative consequences.

The last point should be divided into several reasons, although they all have a common denominator. More precisely, they have a defensive aggression:

  • Sometimes it happens that the dog is not wounded, but too active games can hurt her. And at that moment the dog can bite. By the way, this often happens in dogs with a low pain threshold, and they, as a rule, do not bite strongly and dangerous.
  • Also, a bite can be a signal that the dog is simply tortured. Who has children in the house or just visited, who has such, then you understand - children can do it easily! And they can play the dog too.
  • Sometimes it happens that the dog’s aggression was directed to another individual, and you just got into the arm. Explain in more detail. This happens if you are trying to separate dogs with your bare hands or simply pull the angry dog.

What to do if the dog bites?

It is worth highlighting several causally - under investigation factors:

  • heredity or, in other words, genetics;
  • training and constant control.

By the way, the heredity of the dog, most often, has a minimum percentage. The main reason lies just in our behavior.

  • If we talk about the fright of the dog, then, of course, create it safe and comfortable conditions for her. Knowing what to be afraid of your animals, do not provoke them. If the dog aggressively reacts to strangers, do not allow them to play with her. Of course, abandoning guests will be wrong. Just limit their communication with a pet.
  • If it shows aggression after long games with children, then do not bring to a boil point. Let the animal rest at the time.
  • Such an aspect, when you separate the fighting dogs, requires small secrets. Distract animals with a loud sound or water.

Important: no need to rush into the fire of the struggle with your bare hands. If the above methods do not help, then the animals need to rush to help so that the hands are as far as possible from their mouths. And go from the same side to minimize their ability to bite.

  • Mom - leave the dog alone for two to three weeks. Put them from all households and create safe conditions. One owner will be enough for care. If there are children in the house, then do not let them in the first time to the kids. Children will not be able to resist and want to pursue the puppies, and this may not like this to a young mother. And most importantly - do not take the cubs until the dog gives its resolution.

  • If the dog is used to protect, then it is worth resorting to the help of a trainer or strengthen its methods. That is, clearly limit the boundaries of the permitted manifestation.
  • And now we will touch on the most important and common reason - the desire to show ourselves as a leader. In this case, training will be required from childhood. And if the animal also refers to a serious breed, then constant classes and control throughout life.

Important: sometimes we ourselves cause this behavior. Since childhood, he treats the puppy as a child and he does not know the refusal. That is, he wants to play this toy, please. He wants to sleep in this place or is from this plate - but not a question. Perhaps someone will say that this is too exaggerated. But families are often found, where the dog is put on the main place and they do not refuse anything to her.

How to wean a dog to bite?

To wean the dog to bite incredible or impossible requirements. Only some recommendations should be carried out and, most importantly, to make them regularly. And ideally, to deal with the dog since infancy. Especially if this also requires the rock conditions.

  • The main rule is not to provoke and will not be bitten! Briefly, clear and truthful.
  • To return everything to your place or to prevent the formation of this, treat the dog as a home animal. Yes, love and adore, but do not put it above yourself. Dogs feel it. And remember - they are slightly lower than a person at the steps of the hierarchy.
  • You should also learn a lesson - you can not be a pet or scold for unintentional acts. If he deliberately decided to attack, then you can scold him with a command voice (but not a cry). Or warn the team “Fu!”, “No!”, “You can’t!”.
  • It is also important to execute the shutter speed commands. But, in a coma, do not retreat. They got down to business - it means that it should be brought to the end. And do not forget about the gingerbread method. On animals, he, by the way, acts very effectively. For good actions or the execution of commands, be sure to put, praise and give a yummy to your pet.

  • This is more a small advice, but it is good - play with the dog in such games that she has neither the opportunity nor the desire to launch teeth.
    • By the way! Many have a question - how to wean a dog to bite hands. The answer is crazy. Pay attention to how you play with a puppy, and what is more often used. That's right, even since infancy, he could easily bite the owner’s hand. And now the dog has increased, and for some reason it became impossible.
    • From childhood, play only toys with a dog!
  • If the dog still squeezed the jaw on the host’s body (it doesn’t matter in which area this happened), immediately open the mouth and be free. Only without fanaticism, it hurts to do or too much to crush too much.
  • You can also scream during a bite, and then move away and make a frustrated look. No need to scold the dog if this happened during the game. Just make it clear that he made you painful and unpleasant. After that, of course, the game ceases.
    • Also a very popular problem is when the dog bites the owner by the legs. This nuance will help answer the question - how to wean a dog to bite by the legs. Do not allow the pet to play with your slippers, socks and other things. Remember once and for all - this is not a toy. For games, the dog must have special items. The fact is that your things have a smell, the dog hears it and knows perfectly. But he can’t understand why some with such a smell can be nibbled, while others do not.

And a few more tips:

  • a dog should be given only when all family members eat;
  • by the way, you can start a meal only after the owner’s command;
  • if you enter the door, then the owner must first enter (he is a leader), and then a dog;
  • the animal must always execute the commands of the owner, and not depending on the mood;
  • if the dog barks, then you can close her mouth with your hand (but do not forget that it should also breathe at the same time). With such a gesture, you will make it clear which of you is the leader and leader. By the way, this method is used for small puppies or small rocks;
  • this method is more suitable for large breeds or large dogs. If the dog begins to show aggression, then it should be lifted into the air, lower and press to the floor (but so that the animal does not hurt). Then it is worth reassuring the pet and give him a new team. When he fulfills it, be sure to give a bone (or another treat).

Also, I would like to add - pay attention to the signals. This refers to those that the dog usually gives in front of a bite - growl or grin. And back in time.

Important: don't panic! Dogs feel fear, and thus, you will only make it clear that you are afraid of a pet. And this means that the dog is stronger.

The dog bites during the game: what to do?

The fact is that during the game the dog show not so much aggression as pampering. But here the age of the animal plays a large role. And an important nuance - it is necessary to engage in the upbringing of the dog from infancy, since an adult is not so good to train. Therefore, you can change it, but very little.

We have already mentioned what should be done when the dog bites and growls. And the previous aspects belong to any reason for the bite. Even during the game. It is only necessary to summarize a little and highlight the main points.

  1. We repeat that playing with the dog needs so that it does not bite you.
  2. Do not provoke a dog! Do not scream or show aggression for her. Even in a playful way.
  3. A dog is a family member. Moreover, this is a child, regardless of how old the animal is. Therefore, create conditions for it to have enough toys (not one - two balls). Different squeaks, bones and other entertaining objects. Moreover, today the choice is simply colossal. And be sure to take into account the size of the dog when buying another toy.
  4. The dog should not play the owner’s things. We indicated that all things will be saturated with our smell. Even if they are washed. Dogs have more thin and they catch even barely audible notes.
  5. If the dog has bitten the game on time, then the games are over today.
  6. You can create the illusion that the dog bit you a lot. That is, you can burst into tears (pretend) or just make a sad face. But do not replay, it is not necessary to writhe in pain on the floor.
  7. A slightly controversial question is to punish the dog or not. The fact is that during the game the dog shows pampering more. They noticed how they play among themselves - they bite, but it does not hurt. The animal should not do this with the owner. But you don’t need to punish after that, you can simply give the command “impossible”.
  8. Or come up with your word that will say about the termination of any action.
  9. If the dog of a serious breed and previous methods do not help, then you can resort to punishment. But it should not be hard or too strong. In general, the gingerbread method acts better in this case.

And it is worth adding, or rather, repeat. The adult dog thus shows its leadership. So, let's know her that the owner is the main among you. How to do this, we said in the previous point.

How to wean an adult and small dog to bite?

In principle, we indicated what measures should be used for an adult dog if it bite. Similar measures are used to puppies, but they have small differences and have a large degree of concessions. By the way, if a small dog bites, then it is much easier to cope with such a problem. After all, as they say, in childhood it is much easier to change the character. By the way, this is also treated with an adult.

The main reason why the puppy bites is as follows - it is played. And through the game he learns the world and his owners. In this matter, the most important thing is time. So that the dog does not bite, it is necessary to start working with her immediately, from a month of age.

  • Now look at your behavior. How many among us are those who love to intentionally tease a puppy with a hand. The emphasis is on the arm! Naturally, at first the dog’s bite is completely harmless, but it grows. So, the bite will be stronger. But in her head there will be such an illusion of permissiveness that the owners can bite the hand. And in the future it can also switch to other parts of the body.
    • Therefore, do not play with a puppy with your hand! There are toys for this!
  • Get them as much as possible. After all, this is a kind of small child. Yes, we repeat that the dog, growing up, does not cease to love to play.
  • If the puppy loves to grab you by your legs or other clothing items, then you should just distract it. As with a human cub. Throw the ball or other favorite toy. Yes, in any situation with the puppy, the divertication method applies.
  • Solder or, moreover, to beat the puppy is forbidden. He must see security in the owner! If the dog feels fear (especially from the closest representatives), then, of course, he will put the teeth in the future.

If he deliberately decided to show aggression or just snapped (maybe as a protest for some action), then you need to take it by the skin and be pulled lightly (!) To pat. And yet, from childhood, teach him to the Fu team. After all, with the habit of baking you will have to put up all your life. Therefore, at the slightest manifestations of aggression, put the puppy in place.

Video: 8 ways how to wean a puppy or dog bite



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