
How to make a voluminous star made of paper and cardboard with your own hands. Templates and a scheme for a voluminous star with your own hands. How to make a voluminous star in the technique of origami

How to make a voluminous star made of paper and cardboard with your own hands. Templates and a scheme for a voluminous star with your own hands. How to make a voluminous star in the technique of origami
A volumetric star from paper or cardboard will be an excellent decoration for New Year's holidays and a bright interior solution in everyday life. You can make a voluminous star with your own hands, it is enough to carefully study detailed master classes.

Decor items, original crafts made by yourself and with the help of children are an excellent decoration of the room for New Year's holidays, a bright addition to the green beauty outfit - a Christmas tree. The central decoration on all New Year holidays is a star. It can be Christmas tree decorations, garlands with stars, elements of the festive decoration of the interior.

Many go into many hours of shopping in search of the brightest and most unusual jewelry-stars, spend a lot of money on them. However, the most ideal output is the creation of voluminous stars of paper with their own hands, which harmoniously fit into any New Year's design and will become an original decoration of the room in everyday life. Today on the Internet you can find a large number of master classes on the manufacture of a variety of volumetric and 3D stars to create a festive surroundings.

In this article, we will consider various ways of how to make a voluminous star from improvised means, in particular from paper and cardboard. Here are detailed master classes on the manufacture of New Year and decorative volumetric stars with your own hands.

Features of the manufacture of a volumetric star from paper and cardboard

It has long been known that the manufacture of crafts with your own hands calms and is an excellent pastime for the whole family. Therefore, make yourself a creative evening and take up the manufacture of beautiful and original stars of paper and cardboard for decorating the New Year's interior and Christmas tree. This will not only help you have fun and useful time, but also help saves money on a festive decor.

  • To create a volumetric star from cardboard or paper, you do not need to use expensive materials, it is enough to have a simple white paper and several sheets of color on hand.
  • On the Internet, you can now find a large number of templates and schemes of volumetric stars that are enough to print, and then cut with scissors and glue.
  • To create beautiful New Year stars, you can use the remains of wallpaper, cardboard boxes, colored paper for scrapbooking, ordinary newspaper paper, white paper, and book pages. All these pieces of paper familiar to us will help to create just incredible beauty with your own hands.
  • There are options for volumetric stars where you do not need to print or draw complex schemes, but you just need to bend a sheet of paper along certain lines and as a result you get a beautiful voluminous star. Therefore, even a child who will simultaneously learn spatial shapes, learn to glue and cut it out with such crafts.
  • The resulting blanks can be decorated with additional decorative elements, thereby creating original author’s crafts. For decoration, you can use beads, pearls, sparkles, ribbons, bows.
  • It is not difficult to make a voluminous star with your own hands from paper and cardboard at all, and the finished product will look great on the New Year tree, as a decoration of window openings, walls, ceilings. You can use small stars of small sizes to fill glass jars and thereby create an original interior item. Stars made of beautiful paper can also become an original New Year souvenir for friends and relatives. There are options for manufacturing a volumetric peel-bag or casket, in which you can put sweets and hang on a Christmas tree or give children for the New Year.

Master class of manufacturing a volumetric stars from paper with delayed faces

This is the easiest way to create a beautiful voluminous star that even a child can do.

For its manufacture, you will need the following materials:

  • color paper or cardboard;
  • printer;
  • compass and transporter;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

A voluminous star with delayed faces can be made of paper and cardboard, only take into account that from cardboard you will get a denser craft that will not fall apart and straighten out if you make single stars.

Production of a volumetric star - Instructions:

  • There are several ways to create such a star: using the template and without it. Consider the features of each option.
  • For the simplest option, you will need a piece of paper you like. It is necessary to make an even square from it.

Volumetric paper star. Method 1

  • After that, the square must be turned diagonally and smooth the bending place well. To do this, you can use a ruler or a regular pencil. Next, the square must be expanded.
  • At the next stage, the square must be turned in half and once again in half in such a way that the fold place looks at you. In this case, the fold line should be shut out.
  • Before you will be a rectangle, conditionally divided into two squares. The square on the right side must be folded diagonally, after which from the opposite side also diagonally. In this case, we make the bends inside, not out.
  • Next, take the lower corner of the workpiece and bend it to the center of the intersection of the diagonal lines in the conditional right square.
  • After that, this bent part of the workpiece must be bent in the opposite direction, so that a form like a halter comes out. In the right square we bend diagonally to the center of the rectangle.

  • The resulting figure must be bent along the central line of the bend in the direction of itself, as shown in the figure. Thus, you will get a figure similar to a triangle and a heap.
  • At the next stage, as shown in the figure, it is necessary to bend the upper part of the workpiece. On this line of the bend, draw a dashed line for the cut.
  • Next, take the scissors and cut the excess part of the workpiece. Moreover, from the lower part we will further form a voluminous star.
  • Expand the folded triangle and straighten it a little - you got a simple and beautiful star.

Volumetric paper star. Method 2

Such an asterisk can be made with the help of a circul and ruler.

  • First of all, you need to draw a circle of diameter you need on a piece of paper. To do this, you can use a compass, any round plate or saucer.
  • After that, draw a straight line from the center to the upper edge of the circle.
  • Next, you will need a transporter to measure the same gaps between the lines. Attach the transporter to the drawn line and set aside 72 degrees. Draw a straight line from the center to the edge of the circle.
  • Thus, it is necessary to make the entire circle - you get 5 lines.

  • Next, all lines must be connected in the form of a star. Through each ray, you also need to draw straight lines exactly through their middle, can be made dotted, as they will serve as a guide for the bend.
  • Connect the center of the star with stupid corners in the middle of the figure.
  • After that, the star needs to be cut and bent so that the long lines are bent outward, and short dashed lines inward. Thus, a voluminous star is obtained.

Volumetric paper star. Method 3

This method is the easiest, since to obtain a voluminous star on the Internet, a voluminous star template is downloaded and cut out.

  • Such templates must be printed on a printer, cut out, and then bend the workpiece along drawn lines. Bonding places are designed to create volumetric bilateral stars, which are perfect for creating garlands, Christmas tree decorations.

Volumetric paper star. Method 4

With the help of such a volumetric star, you can make beautifully decorated jewelry for the room and for the New Year tree. For example,

Master class of manufacturing a voluminous five-pointed star on a Christmas tree

Consider the process of creating a beautiful five -pointed star, which can be used to decorate the top of the New Year tree.

For manufacture, the following materials must be used:

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • sparkles;
  • tinsel;
  • wire.

Production process:

  • First of all, you need to cut two star out of thick cardboard. This must be done according to the above -described schemes for the manufacture of a volumetric star with bent faces. As already noted, the star can be drawn using a compass or just download the finished template from the Internet.
  • Next, the obtained stars must be bent along the existing lines to obtain volume and glue. If you have chosen a template with special gluing places, you can take glue. Just stars must be glued with tape.
  • Before gluing two halves inside the future star, you can put cotton or paper to give the craft density and volume.

  • Next, take a wire of medium thickness and wrap it on a piece of wood with a spiral. The length of the spiral will depend on the top of your Christmas tree. Opens an extra piece of wire.
  • After that, insert the wire into the central lower part of the star.
  • At the next stage of manufacturing a volumetric five -pointed star from paper, the entire surface of the craft must be covered with glue, and then sprinkle it with silver or golden sparkles.
  • Let the glue dry, then spray the two sides of the star with a hair spray to fix sparkles.
  • You can hide the junction of the two halves using tinsel. To do this, take a thin tinsel of a silver or golden shade (in the color of sparkles) and glue the star to Kant Kant.
  • Your star is ready for a Christmas tree.

Master class of manufacturing a five-pointed volumetric star to decorate the room

A beautiful five -pointed star can be done in a slightly different way. Consider a detailed description of the process of creating such a craft.

Necessary materials:

  • dense multi -colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • printer;
  • glue;
  • decoration elements.

Production process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to print the templates, of which this volume star will consist. The first template will help make a small star, and 2 template (you need to print 2 times) and 3 will make a large star.

  • Cut five details, after which they must be bent according to drawn lines so that the rays of the star turn out.
  • It is necessary to glue the star in such a way that the places of applying the glue are inside the craft. Thus, gradually connect all the prepared elements to obtain a full -fledged decoration.
  • The templates can be decorated in advance using a curly hole hole or cut out various patterns by hand.

How to make an eight -pointed volume star - step -by -step instructions

Such a paper or cardboard star is perfect for decorating the interior for New Year's holidays, as a suspension on a wall or window, for decorating a holiday gift.

For work, you will need the following materials:

  • multi -colored thick paper or cardboard;
  • simple pencil and scissors;
  • glue;
  •   Threads for hanging stars and decorative elements for decoration.

Production process:

  • The work on creating the next author's masterpiece must be started with two square leaves of the same size.
  • Each leaf must be turned in half on a horizontal plane and on a vertical plane.
  • After that, place the leaves with the front side to the table and turn each diagonally in two directions.
  • You should get 4 convex lines, which will designate 4 rays of the star.
  • Next, take the scissors and make incisions half the length of the lines perpendicular to the bends, as shown in the figure.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to bend the paper on both sides of each curved line, as indicated in the picture, so that 4 rays of the future eight -pointed star are obtained.
  • One of the two sides of each beam must be well lubricated with glue and connected to the second side.
  • Thus, you will receive two four ended stars that need to be glued to get a beautiful volumetric stars from paper.
  • At the last stage, the star can be hung on a beautiful thread to the ceiling or on the wall and decorate the craft with sparkles or multi -colored ribbons.

Master class of manufacturing a simple voluminous cardboard star

Here is a detailed description of the manufacture of one of the simplest volumetric stars, which are ideal for decorating a New Year tree.

Necessary materials:

  • multi -colored cardboard or thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • decorative elements for decoration.

Production process:

  • Prepare cardboard and draw two identical stars on it. This can be done by hand, but it is best to use the template or draw stars, as described in the first master class.
  • After two stars are drawn, they must be cut out.
  • Then, using a pencil and ruler, draw on each star one straight line as follows: on one star, the incision should go from top to the center, and on the second star from the bottom from the inner corner to the middle of the star.
  • After that, connect two stars, inserting one star with the hole of one star. Thus, we get a beautiful 3D cardboard star, which can be decorated to your liking: sprinkled with sparkles, decorated with paints, beads, ribbons or fragments of CDs.

How to make a volumetric origami star from paper - instruction

This method of creating a voluminous star is distinguished by its simple and speed of execution. The Technique of Origami has long found her fans, so there is nothing surprising that with its help you can make beautiful and original stars for the New Year's interior. The star turns out to be a national team, for the creation of which it is necessary to prepare the required number of templates, which subsequently easily and quickly gather in the original star.

Necessary materials:

  • multi -colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Production process:

  • To create a volumetric star in origami technique, you can use paper of several colors, pages of books and magazines. This will make it a very beautiful and unusual craft with your own hands.
  • Next, from the selected sheets of paper, you need to cut the number of identical squares you need. For a guideline, remember that one sheet will get a small eight -pointed volumetric star. The more squares, the more you can get crafts.
  • The process of manufacturing a star in origami technique is quite simple, the main thing is to understand the sequence.

  • The square must be turned diagonally, and then turn to the resulting line each side.
  • Further, in the same way, the sides in the lower part of the workpiece are necessary to the resulting fold in the diagonally.
  • After that, the upper part is bent obliquely and tightly carried out by the line on the bend to obtain clear lines.
  • Turn your workpiece over, two intersecting lines are clearly visible on the back, which will be a further landmark for creating parts of the star.
  • Turn all the blanks on this two lines and pull out figures resembling small birds - these are the components of the future voluminous star in the technique of origami.
  • In the same way, make all the blanks and slowly connect them into one star.
  • For the first time, a similar process may seem quite complicated, but if you clearly understand the drawings of the creation of the star, you will turn out quickly.

Volumetric Star of Happiness in Origami technique - instructions for manufacturing

With the help of small stars performed in this way, you can get an original decoration of the interior, the design of postcards and the creation of unusual garlands on the New Year tree.

Necessary materials:

  • multi -colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • flacks or thread to create a garland.

Production process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remember that such beautiful stars are made of pre -chopped strips of paper, the size of which must be strictly maintained.
  • From the prepared sheets of paper, cut the strips of paper of the following sizes: 221 mm in length and 9 mm in width.

  • Take one strip and make a loop at one end, as shown in Figure 2.
  • Next, take a short tail and wrap it in a loop and tie it in a knot, trying not to tear the paper. Then gently tighten the resulting node and hide the end of the tail inside the resulting pentagon, as shown in Figure number 5 and 6.

  • We get an even pentagon, as shown in Figure 7 and 8. Next, a long tail of a strip of paper begin to make wraps for each side of our star. It is necessary to make approximately 12-15 wraps, while each side will turn out to be wrapped approximately 2-3 times. The example is shown in figures 9, 10, 11 and 12.

  • At the next stage, you need to carefully hide the tail of the strip inside the resulting star. At the same time, do everything carefully so as not to damage the structure.
  • Next, our workpiece needs to be turned into a beautiful star. To do this, hold it in one hand, and press the other with your fingers slightly on each of the five faces in their center to ultimately get a beautiful star.

How to make a voluminous star-surge from cardboard-instruction

In addition to the usual festive jewelry in the form of stars, you can make an original gift-a star-spike or a stars-sturlar, inside which you can put some small surprise or pour sweets.

Necessary materials:

  • dense cardboard of any color;
  • scissors;
  • star template;
  • glue;
  • decorative elements for decoration.

Production process:

  • First of all, you need to make a stars of the star you need. To do this, you can download your favorite star from the Internet or draw by hand or with a circul. After that, cut the template and draw stars on the cardboard prepared in advance.
  • If you want to get a star-spike, then in the center of the stars you need to cut a round hole so that you can put something in it.
  • We leave the lower asterisk whole, and we begin to stick the prepared workpieces of stars with a round hole in the center on it.
  • The height of your star will depend on the thickness of the cardboard and the size of the box you need.
  • Next, you need to make a lid for our box. For this, glue several stars without a round hole in the center. In order for the lid to close tightly, glue several circles in the bottom of the star, with the same diameter as the hole in the box.
  • To make it easier to find a lid, you can make a special bookmark.
  • You can decorate such a voluminous sprout-jacket in its own taste: sparkles, flowers, ribbons, paint with paints.

How to make a large voluminous star from book pages - instruction

Here is a description of the manufacture of a very beautiful and large voluminous star from book pages, which can decorate the front door or fireplace for the New Year holidays. To create such a masterpiece, it is recommended to use unnecessary technical books.

Necessary materials:

  • dense cardboard for the star;
  • book pages;
  • golden paint and sparkles;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Production process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to start with the manufacture of two stars for the basis of our crafts. You can use finished samples, but you can make such templates yourself. As an option, find a suitable template on the Internet and print it, then apply to the cardboard and circle. So you will get the necessary blanks. You can make a volume star made of cardboard, as described in the first master class of the article.
  • Next, it is necessary to paint our blanks with golden or other paint, the main thing is that this shade can be traced in all crafts.
  • Glue the two parts of the star and let it dry.
  • At this time, make the billets of the waders. To do this, cut one page into 4 parts and roll the waders with each.

  • After that, spread a little glue and start glue the workpieces on the star prepared in advance in such a way as to maintain the realism of the shape of the star.

  • After the star dries, lubricate the painting of each bunch of coolers with glue and sprinkle them with golden sparkles. If you decide to hang a large voluminous star from book pages to the front door, attach a beautiful tape to its top, at the top of which you tie a bow.
  • Beautiful and original decoration is ready.

Crafts from paper and cardboard can even the child, so this exciting occupation should be engaged in the whole family. Especially if it concerns preparations for all your favorite holidays as New Year and Christmas, where a large number of appropriate attribute - stars, which can also be made from paper and cardboard with your own hands.



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