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How to choose a slow cooker

How to choose a slow cooker
Varieties of multicoars and features of their choice.

Currently, cooking is gaining wide popularity with a multicooker. This household kitchen device is able to replace a significant amount of equipment and dishes necessary in the kitchen, as well as to significantly optimize and control the entire cooking process. A multicooker is a multifunctional device that stews, cooks, fries, soars - and at the same time does not require constant presence and observation.

How to choose a slow cooker: the principle of action

The multicooker is a container with an anti -stick coating and a tightly closed lid placed in a durable case with a disc heating element, which can be located below, as well as on the sides and above. The slow cooker can act as a pan, double boiler or oven. This device is equipped with a built -in processor and can be programmed for various modes of cooking in a slow cooker. The common automatic heating function will not allow you to cool down to the prepared dish, the function of a delayed start will allow you to set in advance the start time in the slow cooker.


How to choose a slow cooker: varieties

If you decide to get a high -tech assistant in the kitchen, then, given the wealth of the assortment presented on sale, you should first decide which model of multicooker to choose. To make the optimal choice, what multicooker to prefer, you will need to take into account some significant points - for this, pay attention to the characteristic features of these devices.

Two types of multicoars are made:

  • classic simple slow cooks that prepare without excess pressure - they do not hold steam inside the bowl, according to the constructive execution in them, a valve is provided for a valve for lifting pressure;
  • multi-cooker-crooks that hold the resulting steam pressure during cooking, due to which the boiling temperature of water increases and the speed of cooking increases. The construction of the pressure cooker provides for the presence of a working and safety valve to pump pressure and discharge of steam if necessary. Products in such a device are laid at the same time, then the pressure cooker is blocked from random opening in the preparation process, look and evaluate the degree of readiness of products before the end of the program is not possible. According to buyers, multicooker harecades Redmond are energy -economic devices and retain maximum vitamins due to the preparation in a hermetically closed container.

How to choose a slow cooker: power consumption

An indicator of the multicooker power consumption - it can be in the range from several hundred to 2000 kW. Experts say that the slow cooker is twice as economical than the electric stove. With an increase in power, the cooking time is reduced, but energy consumption increases. For a small family, when choosing power, it is economically profitable to adhere to the golden mean-it is recommended to buy a multicooker with a capacity of about 500-800 kW. Powerful energy -consuming models are prepared much faster.

How to choose a slow cooker: a cup of multicooker

The internal bowl of the multicooker is actively used for the preparation of dishes of various complexity in several modes, so quite high functional requirements are presented to it. Food in such a bowl should warm up evenly, not to stick when frying, cooking and extinguishing.

Materials for making a multicooker bowl

The durability of the operation, as well as the price of a multicooker, largely depends on the material of the manufacture and quality of the coating of the bowl. Stainless steel bowls are made, as well as aluminum and its alloys. Experts say that stainless steel heats up longer, sensitive to acids - i.e. It can be covered with spots in the preparation of acidic food, as well as due to high thermal insulation properties, the steel bowl of the multicooker can constantly fry food compared to aluminum.


There are several types of bowling:

  • anti -stick Teflon - requires a careful relationship, since in case of violation of the integrity of the coating, it loses anti -stick properties and it becomes unsafe for health;
  • ceramic coating - due to the features of the material, has sensitivity to temperature extremes, and can also be painted from food dyes. The ceramic bowl is characterized by hygiene and strength (except mechanical damage from blows), it is easy to clean;
  • marble spraying - this coating is easy to care and high -resistant.

It is recommended to choose a slow cooker with a “corrugated” bottom of the bowl - such a surface serves as an additional protection against suction. It is important that the bowl is easily taken out for washing (it can be washed both manually and in a dishwasher). Also pay attention to whether the bowl is equipped with handles for ease of use.

The volume of the multicooker bowl

Depending on the size of the family and, accordingly, focusing on the planned cooking volumes, you should choose the required volume of capacity for cooking dishes.

The bowls for multicooker with a volume of two liters are made. For the preparation of dishes for two or three people, a model with a volume of 3 - 4.5 liters is suitable. For a large family, or if you like to receive guests often, it is recommended to choose a multicooker of a larger volume (5-6 liters).

How to choose a slow cooker: body

Plastic buildings are made by multicoar, as well as combined with metal (most often made of stainless steel). The metal case is heavier than the plastic, which is more wear -resistant and durability - and, accordingly, is more expensive.

If irregularities and sherevatiness are visible on the case, a sharp chemical smell is felt, then this may indicate a poor -quality fake product.

For ease of use, the location of the control panel matters - it is important that it has a backlight and well -distinguished characters, and is also visible at a convenient viewing angle. On the touch panel, also check the sensitivity of the sensors so that it is sufficient and not excessive.

How to choose a slow cooker: equipment

The setting set along with the slow cooker usually includes accessories - in the form of a measuring glass, shoulder blades and a ladle, steamed baskets, tacks, operation manuals, as well as recipes. In addition, special cups for the preparation of yogurts, a metal-fryer mesh, removable pens, and forceps for extracting a bowl can also be used.


How to choose a slow cooker: preparation modes and functions

Multickers are equipped with automatic programs to maximize the facilitating of the preparation of various dishes. You will need to select the desired mode and load the necessary products. In addition to programmed automatic modes (they can be from three to eight or more in some models), the best models of the multicoar have the ability to independently set the temperature and processing time of the dishes if for some reason automatic settings are not suitable for you. Choosing a device with the necessary functions and buy a multicooker on the Internet in modern conditions is not difficult.


There are several main standard multicookers modes:

  • “Buckwheat” - in this mode, the liquid evaporates effectively, absorbing into the ingredients, after which the dish reaches readiness in heating mode. Suitable for the preparation of porridge of various types, as well as side dishes from legumes;
  • “Pilaf” - the evaporation of excess fluid at high temperatures is combined with a roast (ingredients are boiled, and by the end of the preparation a roar of the lower layer of the dish is carried out). This mode can be used to prepare rice with meat and vegetables, as well as pasta and potatoes;
  • “Dairy porridge” - this mode is suitable for the preparation of cereals from any type of cereal with a large amount of liquid (on milk or water);
  • “Extinguishing” - for uniform preparation of dishes in its own juice at low temperatures. This mode allows you to get delicate and aromatic dishes resembling the coolation prepared in a traditional furnace;
  • “Baking” - a mode with preliminary frying and subsequent extinguishing. Suitable for the preparation of various types of meat and fish, as well as pastries, casseroles, soup frying, omelettes;
  • “Cooking” - a mode that allows you to prepare a variety of soups, broths and drinks;
  • “Frying” - for the quick preparation of vegetable, meat and fish dishes by frying with a small amount of oil;
  • “Steaming” - for the preparation of healthy food with maximum preservation of beneficial substances. You can cook vegetables, meat and fish, various side dishes, eggs in a basket, manti and dumplings. 67

In addition, pay attention to whether the manufacturer has the following functions of the multicooker:

  • the deferred start timer is a useful option that allows you to set the time for inclusion of a certain mode in advance. By loading products from the evening and setting a timer in the morning by a certain time you can get a ready -made delicious dish;
  • issue of steam - a security function provided for stabilization of pressure;
  • preliminary soaking for legumes;
  • automatic heating to save the dish is hot, as well as heating to a given temperature of the cold dish.

Having carefully studied the instructions of the multicooker, you can start various experiments and the preparation of culinary masterpieces. On the official website of multicoars, you can find a variety of information that is useful in operation, as well as many recipes for making healthy and delicious dishes.

How to choose a slow cooker: features that should be considered

Customer reviews will help to choose a multicooker - there are some constructive and functional features, on which the convenience of using a specific model largely depends. These include:

  • automatic opening of the multicooker cover - to prevent the accumulation of condensate;
  • the presence of the “fried” function - the possibility of getting crisp in certain dishes depends on it;
  • the type of sound signal is a constant zummer to achieve readiness, as well as the complete absence of sound signals are equally inconvenient;
  • the presence of an indicator of the reverse time reference indicator for tracking how much time is left until the end of the cooking program;
  • the size and backlight of the multicooker display are quite important during operation;
  • the presence of a removable cover is according to some reviews about multicooker, this design is more convenient to operate. The removable cover can be easily washed and cleaned, in addition, it does not need to be held during manipulations with a suitable dish. The presence of a transparent cover will make it possible to see the prepared dish;
  • the auto dispatch function is the possibility of automatic shutdown after the expiration of a given time interval.

How to choose a slow cooker: main manufacturers

A wide selection of these devices from various manufacturers is on sale. On sites, it is proposed to buy a slow cooker in an online store at a bargain price and arrange free delivery.   In the salons of household appliances, popular models and new sales are presented. Given the wide selection, after careful familiarization with the varieties of structures and models, choose a suitable model and buy a slow cooker in the store will not be difficult.

How to choose a slow cooker: multicooker Redmond

In the multicooker Redmond RMC-IH300, the principle of induction heating of the bowl is implemented, thanks to which real energy consumption savings are observed when using this model. Due to the absence of the heating phase of the heating element, as well as due to the presence of 3D technology in the multicooker Redmond, the temperature regime of cooking is optimized, while the maximum nutrients are preserved and the taste of the finished dishes are improved. The multicooker Redmond RMC is characterized by maximum efficiency with an objective minimum of energy consumption.

Such a multicooker RMC includes more than 50 programs, as well as additional opportunities in the form of pasteurization of liquids, sterilization of dishes and preparation of products for conservation. The disadvantages of the aforementioned model include a fairly high price of Redmond multicooker - although according to customer reviews on the Internet, due to the presence of many useful programs and functions, it is fully justified.

Redmond multicooker - photo




How to choose a slow cooker: other manufacturers

The distribution of heat using 3D technology in the multicooker Philips H3036 provides uniform heating and effective temperature maintenance. The thickened spraying of the bowl qualitatively distributes heat. Baking, prepared in this multicooker, Philips is especially successful.
MULINEX CE500E32 multicooker crook is a model with a long list of programs with adjustable temporary installations. The user mode "Multyshef" allows you to manually set the temperature - from 40 to 160 ° C, the time from 5 minutes to 4 hours, as well as choose processing technology (under pressure or in multicooker mode). This Mulinx multicooker model is equipped with a convenient removable 5 -liter bowl with anti -stick ceramic coating.


The PMC 0531 AD multicooker-flaloper is suitable for both novice housewives and experienced culinary specialists. With the help of an intuitive control panel with an informative screen, it is easy to choose the desired mode, the “multiper” function allows you to set the necessary preparation parameters independently. The advantages of this model include the presence of a 3D heating for uniform heat distribution, as well as an exclusive body design.

hP Polaris

The Panasonic SR-TMJ181BTV multicooker is an inexpensive model with ten cooking modes and the possibility of manual time setting, a 4, 5 liter and a capacity of 670 kW with an anti-stick coating with a volume of 670 kW. In this multicooker, Panasonic in the stewing mode can set the cooking time - up to 12 hours, a deferred start timer - up to 13 hours.

A miniature model is a simple Vitek VT-4202 multicooker with a 1.6-liter bowl is compact and easy to control. In this multicooker, Vitek can be prepared yogurt, as well as steam, stew, cook porridge and soup, bake. The removable inside of the lid, the collapsible steam valve and the condensate container allow maintaining the cleanliness of the device.


SCARLETT SL-1529 multicooker crook will allow you to quickly cook any dishes, with up to 70%saving. A bowl with a two -layer anti -stick coating prevents the adhesion of food. In this model of the multicooker scarlet cooker, 10 main programs are provided, manual regulation of the preparation process, as well as additional functions of a double boiler and an ambulance.

Multicaries - photo





How to choose a slow cooker - video


Sandra 11.05.2016 Answer

the slow cooker should first be of high quality, while with a good guarantee and that there are enough programs and programs as well. I understood this when I changed the first old cartoon to one of the modern Redmond. She is with a frying pan and an aerogrill and you can use it instead of a stove. I chose the truth for a long time very, but in the end I was happy.
