
The use of cosmetic clay

The use of cosmetic clay
What types of cosmetic clay exist, how to use it and for what? All answers to questions in this article.

What is clay? This is a fine -grained sedimentary rock. In a dry state, it is dusty, and when moisturized, it is plastic. Since ancient times, clay has been famous for useful properties - there are no bacteria in it, it absorbs toxins and unpleasant odors, as well as gases. In addition, clay is used in medicine and cosmetology. But let's all in order.

Why is cosmetic clay useful?


Cosmetic face clay

  1. Pink clay prevents skin aging, with its help you can effectively smooth out wrinkles. It improves blood circulation and relieves allergies, calms the sensitive skin of the face, prone to redness and irritations. The skin is perfectly softened. This is an effective bleach. Pink clay saturates the skin with oxygen and slows down the aging process. A particularly favorable effect is observed on sluggish and dull skin - it acquires vital energy and freshness, toxins are excreted.
  2. Blue clay is an excellent remedy for oily skin and head.
  3. Black clay nourishes the skin and narrows pores. When using black clay, acne is eliminated, the complexion of the face refreshes and improves.

Cosmetic clay for hair

  1. Kaolin or white clay is an excellent tool for strengthening dry and brittle, split hair. To combat seborrhea and dandruff in the shampoo, kaolin is added. With the help of such tools, you can impressively strengthen weak and brittle hair.
  2. One of the strongest natural means in the fight against brittle hair is pink clay.
  3. Blue cosmetic clay is an excellent tool to stimulate hair growth due to the high silicon content. She strengthens the roots, nourishes them, eliminates dandruff.
  4. Yellow clay supplies hair with the necessary salts. It relieves stress from the scalp, eliminates dandruff and moisturizes dry hair, nourishes them.
  5. Green cosmetic clay, the price of which is quite acceptable, improves hair structure and eliminates dandruff.
  6. Black clay is successfully used to care for hair and scalp. It prevents the formation of dandruff and prevents brittleness, as well as hair loss.

The choice of cosmetic clay depending on the type of skin


  1. White clay is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. It has a soothing and mitigating effect.
  2. For oily and combined skin, yellow clay is recommended.
  3. Green cosmetic clay, which you can buy at an affordable price, is ideal for oily skin.
  4. Black clay is successfully used to solve problems with oily and problem skin - this is an excellent remedy for cleaning.

Facial and hair masks using cosmetic clay

Clay Facial Mask in Beauty Spa.

Cosmetic mask of clay for the face

  1. White clay masks are recommended to get rid of acne. In addition, such masks are useful for mature skin due to the fact that white clay stimulates cell renovation and normalizes metabolism.
  2. A great remedy for the skin of the face and body are masks of blue clay for the face.
  3. With a lack of iron in the body, masks made of red clay are successfully used.
  4. Yellow clay is part of masks for sluggish and dull skin. With the help of cosmetic masks of yellow clay, it becomes possible to give the skin vital energy and saturate the skin with oxygen.

Cosmetic clay for hair masks

  1. Blue clay in the form of masks helps to make hair alive and healthy. You can also make clay water for rinsing - add a little blue clay to the water and rinse your hair after washing.
  2. Masks made of green cosmetic clay for hair are an excellent remedy for dandruff.

Scrub using cosmetic clay

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White clay is successfully used as a soft non -traumatic scrub. Such properties of kaolin are especially important for those who have acne. In this case, gross abrasives are unacceptable, because they can further aggravate the severity of the lesion of the skin.

Types of cosmetic clay


White cosmetic clay

This natural material is characterized by high healing properties. In a different way, white clay is also called kaolin or porcelain clay. In the composition of white cosmetic clay, mineral salts and trace elements necessary for the human body. This is zinc and copper, nitrogen and calcium. Magnesium and potassium should be added to the list. Moreover, all these components are with a form well absorbed by the human body. The main element of white clay is silica.

White clay is added to ointments and masks with an anti -inflammatory effect. If we talk about decorative cosmetics, then white clay is part of powder and dry deodorants.

With the help of white clay, various inflammations and redness can be treated. This is an excellent assistant for tightening and strengthening, tonic skin. After the use of white clay, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, swelling disappear.

A balanced mineralogical and chemical composition of clay helps to restore and stabilize the work of skin cells. Thus, it becomes possible to enrich them with microelements necessary for normal functioning.

Pink cosmetic clay

With its help, you can strengthen the lipotic activity of the epidermis. This is an excellent tool for nutrition of the skin.

To reduce horn layers and soften coarse skin on the arms and legs, elbows, and local rose clay baths are used. In addition, they help heal small cracks and cuts.

Baths using pink clay are perfectly on the skin of the skin. They have a tonic effect for the whole organism. In addition, with the help of pink clay, it becomes possible to quickly remove toxins and improve the circulatory system.

Blue cosmetic clay

She is also called Cambrian. The silver and phosphate, as well as iron and nitrogen. Azot and calcium, magnesium and potassium, radium should be added to this list. All components are perfectly absorbed by the human body.

It should be distinguished by such properties as antibacterial, anti -stress and anti -cellulite. In addition, with the help of blue clay it becomes possible to fight stretch marks after pregnancy. This material softens the skin, tones it. With the help of blue cosmetic clay, you can cure acne and bleach the skin, smooth wrinkles. And such clay has an anti -stress effect.

Black cosmetic clay

It includes quartz and calcium, as well as iron and magnesium. Do not forget about strontium. In the fight against cellulite and excess weight, black clay is the best assistant. It contains useful natural trace elements, thanks to this clay helps to normalize cell metabolism. In this case, the processes of detoxification and fat burning are activated.

With the regular use of cosmetic wraps made of black clay, the intracellular exchange process positively changes. Through the cover, it becomes possible to remove toxins from the human body. In addition, the work of skin cells and sebaceous glands is restored in this way.

With the help of local baths made of black clay, you can soften coarsed skin on the arms and elbows, legs. In addition, this contributes to the rapid healing of cracks and cuts. Black clay effectively resolves bruises and bruises - this is also a plus.

Green cosmetic clay

She received her color due to the composition-it contains iron oxide. In addition, magnesium and calcium, manganese and phosphorus should be added to the list of useful components of green clay. Do not forget about zinc and aluminum, copper and cobalt, molybdenum, silicon dioxide and silver, gold.

Thanks to the generous microelene composition, especially the high silver content, the cosmetic properties of green clay are quite extensive. The cell ensures a normal course of metabolic processes, its aging is prevented, epithelium is strengthened. This is an excellent tool for strengthening hair and nails.

Green clay narrows the pores and helps to improve the function of the sebaceous glands. It cleanses and tones. This is an excellent peeling, an indispensable means to combat inflammation and rash. In addition, with the help of green clay it is possible to align the skin tone, smooth wrinkles and achieve smoothness of the skin, its elasticity. This clay relieves swelling.

And also - this is an excellent tool for healing cracks and cuts. Make a bath with the addition of green clay, and you soften the skin, cleanse it and achieve relaxation. By the way, green clay is an excellent assistant in the fight against skin cracks in the heel region.

Red cosmetic clay

This cosmetic clay includes iron and copper oxide. That is why its color is red. This is less good adsorbent than green clay. It is used with success in immunominating cosmetics.

Yellow cosmetic clay

It has a lot of iron and potassium. In addition, the composition includes unique minerals as silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide. It is necessary to add iron and manganese, the formation of sulfur and sodium to this list. In order to saturate the skin with oxygen and remove harmful toxins with inflammation, yellow clay is simply an indispensable agent. This also applies to getting rid of acne.

Yellow cosmetic clay, reviews of which are the most positive, effectively reduces cellulite.

The use of cosmetic clay. Photo before and after

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The correct use of cosmetic clay. Video



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