
What is stone oil and that it treats. Useful properties of stone oil. How to apply stone oil - instruction. Stone Oil Treatment - Tips and Reviews Doctors

What is stone oil and that it treats. Useful properties of stone oil. How to apply stone oil - instruction. Stone Oil Treatment - Tips and Reviews Doctors
Stone oil, as a way of effective therapy: Composition, medical properties, treatments, contraindications, patient reviews and doctors.

Stone oil is the only product that can contribute to stimulation of enzymatic processes of all types. It affects all weak points, well strengthens all organism cells, protecting membrane shells. Due to these properties, this tool is often used to treat various types of diseases.

Stone oil: What is it and what it treats?

  1. This drug is a mineral type substance having a yellowish colors. It appears by leaching various rocks. Most Mineral is distributed in China, Siberia, Mongolia and other countries of the East.
  2. Collect stone oil by scraping from rock. Because of this, the preparation may be fragments of pebbles and some breeds. For this reason, after collecting, the medicine is mandatory for cleaning. There are not so many places with a mineral today, they still did not find out why he comes out in the territories with a small population and hard-to-reach grows, clefts.
  3. Today the substance is often used in medicine. It is especially used in places of mineral distribution. Folk doctors are treated with alternate oils of almost all types of inflammation, digestion gastroy. It also helps in the treatment of fractures, bleeding and burns. In some settlements, people are eating this mineral.
  4. Very often with this drug treated:
  • some types of liver diseases;
  • purulent ulcers;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • tumors;
  • pancreatic diseases.
  1. Also, this substance is often used in preventive purposes of metastasis and in gerontology.

Stone oil: composition

  1. Depending on when and where mineral is assembled, its composition may vary.
  2. Most often, the medicine consists of:
  • cobalt;
  • titanium;
  • nickel;
  • selena;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • gland;
  • vanadium.
  1. It is due to such a large number of elements necessary for the body that this mineral is able to provide therapeutic properties on the entire body.

Stone oil: Application

Today, mineral is used in various kinds.

  1. Internal:
    • water-based solutions;
    • alcohol infusions;
    • oil connections;
    • liquids with herbal extracts;
    • liquids for microclism and douching.
  2. Outdoor:
    • ointment;
    • balm;
    • cream.
  3. Internal external complexes.
  4. Internal combined compounds.

Features of stone oil

  1. The first category of substances is usually suitable for the treatment of internal diseases (elimination of the gastrointestinal problems, normalization of the liver, getting rid of tumors, etc.).
  2. Substances from the second category will help with burns, surface tumors and some other skin problems. From the stone oil, a great body balm is manufactured, which is suitable for use not only in the presence of outdoor diseases, but also internal.
  3. Complexes of external internal use are used for the simultaneous treatment of several diseases of different nature.
  4. Combined forms for internal use help eliminate the "bouquet" of internal diseases.
  5. You can also purchase a mineral in purified and crude form. In the first case, he will be distinguished by a yellow-green tint. In shape it will be either amorphous or powdered substance or a small peasant. The second kind of mineral will need cleaning. Each of the types of substance is used depending on its shape.

How to take stone oil: rules

  1. Prepare a special solution in the proportion of 3 liters of water by 3 g of mineral.
  2. Fill the drug with liquid on the 3rd day.
  3. Drain the water.
  4. The remaining precipitate is healing. As a medication, it is suitable only for outdoor use.
  5. Check the body's reaction. To do this, prepare a weaker solution (1 g of 3 liters). Drink 1 cup after eating throughout the day. In the absence of any inflammations and pain in the joints, the substance can be used in the recommended ratio.

If a ready-made tool was purchased immediately, for example, cream, balm, solution, then before use you need to read the instructions. In each of the types of substances, the concentration of mineral is different, so it is important to prevent overdose.

Stone oil: instruction

Before using this mineral, you need to get acquainted with such rules.

  1. Alcohol during the course of treatment is prohibited.
  2. The dosage should always be observed clearly (it depends on the direction of treatment and always changes).
  3. It is impossible to use meat, redish, antibiotics, chocolate, caffeine.
  4. When preparing a solution, the ratio of water and mineral cannot be changed (in different cases it is installed separately).

Stone Oil: Medical and Negative Properties

This medicinal mineral has its own good and negative sides of the impact. Consider more of their features and differences.

Stone oil: useful impact

  1. In the usual form, the mineral is rare, its compounds with other substances are most often used. By nature, they can help all tissues to allocate a sufficient number of the necessary elements from the blood component. These particles are needed to fill enzymatic active centers.
  2. When dissolved, the mineral particle is converted into ions that are absorbed by the body as cations that show the maximum effect. When using the tool in forms for internal use, the suction of the substance in the oral cavity immediately begins. That is, the effect of the drug will start immediately, and not after entering the gastrointestinal system. After suction, the mineral will begin to be distributed over the body and have the healing effect in the right places.
  3. The elements of the stone oil are natural particles for the body, therefore this mineral is able to increase the level of all bioenergy processes. Also, the drug is aimed at strengthening the protection mechanisms at the cellular level. One therapeutic course is from month to three, because In therapeutic properties are manifested throughout such a period of time with different diseases.
  4. Due to this type of influence on cells using stone oil, treatment can be carried out:
  • cancer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • obesity and diabetes;
  • mental and heart disease.

Possible complications from the use of stone oil

  1. This mineral can cause some complications. The most common is constipation.
  2. Medicine when providing a detoxification function requires constant operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, the reverse absorption will occur and the operation of the mineral will be aimed.
  3. If a person suffers from constipation at the time of reception, they become even stronger. Therefore, in such cases, you first need to apply the enemas to provide a daily chair.

Stone Oil: Contraindications

  1. This drug is able to cause more intense choleretic activity. For this reason, he is contraindicated to people who have a member jaundice.
  2. You can not use it with pregnant women, as well as during lactation.
  3. Children Mineral is also contraindicated.
  4. It is impossible to use stone oil to people with constant chronic diseases.
  5. The use of a substance is not recommended during the course of steroid reception.
  6. It is important to refrain from the drug if there are stones in the bile ways and other organs.
  7. People with vice hearts are impossible to take medicine.
  8. During thrombosis and blood disease, the drug is also contraindicated.

Important limitations for stone oil

Please accept that during the passage of such treatment courses is prohibited:

  1. Drink alcoholic beverages.
  2. Taking antibacterial and hormonal drugs.
  3. There is oily food, in which too high cholesterol.

Before the start of the reception of the mineral, it is necessary to take advice from a doctor.

Treatment with stone oil

Consider more like drinking stone oil with different diseases.

  1. Wound: In such a situation, the mineral needs to dissolve in water (3 g by 300 ml). After that, moisten the cloth in the resulting liquid and place the injury. I don't need to smear it. You can simultaneously use solutions inside for greater effect.
  2. Bruises. Dissolve 3 g of substance in 200 g of liquid, add 2 tbsp. l. Honey. Place in the wool's swamp solution, press and put on the injury.
  3. Burn. In such situations, a solution of oil is prepared (3 g per 300 ml), after which it should be applied to the burn using a cotton swab.
  4. Salt sediments. At first, it is necessary to dissolve 3 g of mineral in 2 l of liquid. Check the cooked substance three times a day in a glass before it is. If the acidity level is too high, then the gap from the use of the solution must be 60 minutes before receiving food.
  5. Schimorite. In this situation, you must first make the bath. Then the dissolved 3 g of mineral in 300 ml of water is used (it is better to wet watts and put into the briefs area. Remove after 2.5 hours. The procedure must be repeated in a day. The medical course consists of 12 such procedures.
  6. Flu. Prepare a solution of mineral, water and honey in a ratio of 3 g: 200 ml: 1 tbsp. l. Every day dripped the nose to 4 times, but not more.
  7. Endobronchitis purulent. With such a disease, you can use several recipes with this substance. You can mix mineral 3 g with 1 liter of water and drink 3 times a day before you begin to take food. Try to carry out inhalation with a solution of 3 g of substance in 300 ml of water. Make compresses with a solution of mineral and liquid (3 g: 200 ml).
  8. Stone oil with prostatitis apply with microclism. Dissolve in 0.5 liters of water 3 g of mineral. Mitten the intestinal cleaning and make the enema (no more than 15 ml).

Stone oil during oncology

  1. When lung cancer, it is necessary to make a solution (3 g: 600 ml) and drink it 3 times a day before meals. Make a compress from compound 3 g of purified mineral, 200 ml of water and a small amount of honey. Continue such procedures need no less than for 5 months.
  2. Oncology of the bladder is treated with a solution of 3 g of substance in 1 liter of water. It must be consumed more than one and a half liters per day.
  3. The rectum cancer is treated with a solution of substance (3 g) in 0.5 liters of water. You can increase the amount of liquid to 0.6 liters and add a bit of honey.
  4. In the case of liver cancer, make a solution of 3 g of oil in 1 liter of water, drink liquid 3 times during the day before meals.
  5. Uterine cancer or ovaries treat dissolved in water mineral (3 g: 600 ml). This liquid needs to drink several times a day before meals.
  1. Liviza with stone oil will help solve dermatological problems. They are mixed in a 1: 2 ratio, and then massaging movements are applied to the skin. 0.5 spoons are enough. It is possible in the same amount to use a solution inside before eating several times a day. It is important to remember that if a person suffers from the individual intolerance of the Livis, then such funds are better not to use.

Stone Oil: Patient Reviews

  1. Today in the network you can find quite a lot of drug responses, most of which are positive. The effect occurs quite quickly, the main thing is to comply with the dosage. With its help, you can get rid of severe diagnoses, such as cholecystitis, liver hemangioma, etc.
  2. The tool copes very well with different diseases, even if several are somewhat simultaneously.
  3. Quite quickly occurs the effect of drug in the treatment of otitis, burns, wounds, cataracts, prostatitis, ulcers, colitis, renal diseases, diabetes, etc.

Stone oil: doctors' reviews

  1. Today, doctors speak very well about this mineral.
  2. According to studies, in the treatment of patients with stone oil, they begin to go on amendment much earlier than when treating familiar methods. At the same time, no side effects are observed at all.
  3. Therefore, doctors advise stone oil to use. However, before the start of the course it is necessary to take advice to determine in what form the substance will be better taken in a specific situation.

Stone oil: how and where to buy?

  1. Today, stone oil can be purchased in pharmacies, in online stores.
  2. The main thing is not to acquire it in unverified places in order not to stumble upon the fake.
  3. On the stone oil price is quite high, but quite acceptable.

Stone oil is an excellent tool that will help solve a huge number of health problems of any character. It can eliminate diseases much faster than familiar medications.


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Elena 14.12.2018 To answer

"Drink 1 cup after eating throughout the day." Drink! How can I write an article with grammatical errors!?
