
What oil to use from stretch marks. Oil from the prevention of stretch marks and cellulite. The best oils from stretch marks during pregnancy

What oil to use from stretch marks. Oil from the prevention of stretch marks and cellulite. The best oils from stretch marks during pregnancy
Natural aromatic and vegetable oils are the best helpers in the struggle for healthy and beautiful skin.

Beautiful and elastic skin, which breathes youth and health, is a dream of almost every girl and woman.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the skin reserves are not enough to withstand the increased load on cell membranes. As a result, the elasticity of the dermis decreases, the skin becomes more dry, stretch marks may appear. The simplest, but no less effective way to help skin cells, is nutrition with oil compositions. Active components of oils stimulate metabolic processes in cells, improve their nutrition, and promote regeneration. As a result, an increase in the tone and elasticity of the dermis. Which oil from stretch marks is better to choose among the whole variety of products? When selecting the product, pay attention to the accompanying properties of the product, compatibility with the type of skin and possible allergic manifestations.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks

In order to prevent the emergence of unaesthetic folds and stop their further distribution of only cosmetic procedures. It is important to find out the cause of stretch marks and, if possible, eliminate the predisposing factor. The latter include:

  • A sharp set of weight. A rapid increase in body weight leads to overstretching of tissues. The skin does not have time to rebuild and as a result there is a rupture of cells. At the site of damage, connective tissue is formed, which has the appearance of unattractive scars.
  • The period of puberty is often accompanied by active growth, behind which the skin may also not have time.
  • Genetic factor. Features of the skin inherited can both delight their owner and upset.
  • Improper nutrition. An unbalanced diet can not only lead to the appearance of excess weight, but also cause a violation of cells. As a result-water-fat imbalance.
  • Dehydration. Small fluid intake leads to a lack of moisture in the skin cells, which in turn makes them more fragile.
  • Pregnancy is not only pleasant, but also responsible. The whole body, including the skin, experiences increased load.

Polululite oils and stretch marks

Nourishing oil compositions, which can be used both separately and as part of various compositions, will provide the necessary support for your skin, make it elastic and toned.

Essential oils from stretch marks and cellulite

Essential compositions are potent, while quite safe products. An important condition for using this type of oil is the absence of contraindications. Especially careful should be future mothers and people with a tendency to allergic reactions.   Massage actions that accompany the rubbing of a healing composition have an additional stimulating effect on the skin, improve blood circulation and lymph flow. If you decide to buy aromacre from stretch marks, choose exclusively high -quality pharmacy products so as not to harm your skin.

  • Grapefruit oil and geranium oil. The action of ethers is aimed at removing excess fluid, acceleration of lymph flow. As a result, cell power improves.
  • Fennel oil removes harmful substances from the body.
  • Lemon oil - actively fighting with excessive fat deposits, restores blood circulation, and increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Juniper oil - stimulates the excretion of toxins and excessive fluid, helps to cleanse the blood.
  • Rosemary oil - improves lipid metabolism, stimulates blood flow.

In addition, a good effect shows not only massage using aroma units, but also aromatic baths and peeling with the addition of esters.

Aromannes in oils to combat cellulite and stretch marks

The resulting mixture of ethers can be mixed with sea salt and added to the water or included in the composition of the bathroom foam. Effective combinations of juniper oil with:

  • The ether of lemon and fennel.
  • Sage, rosemary and geranium oil.
  • Orange and grapefruit oils, as well as the ether of black pepper.

Other oils can also have a positive effect.

  • In a glass of milk, dissolve 1-2 tsp of sea salt. Add 10 drops of citrus oil to the resulting solution. Fill the bath and pour the finished product into the water.
  • Combine 20 ml of oil of wheat germ with ether compositions of an orange (3 drops), verbena (1 drop) and petitgrain (2 drops). Add the finished mixture to the bath. The composition is best used in the morning.
  • For evening relaxation, mix 20 ml of peach oil with rose esters (1 drop), lavender (3 drops) and mint (2 drops).

The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes. The water temperature should be comfortable for the body.

Massage mixtures with oils to eliminate stretch marks and "orange peel"

  • Connect 3 drops of fennel, geranium and cypress, as well as 4 drops of juniper and grapefruit oil. Establish the mixture in 1-2 tbsp. A small amount of honey can be added to the resulting composition. Apply the product to problem areas with slightly pathetic movements.
  • Connect 5 drops of geranium ether and bergamot, 3 drops of muscat and cinnamon ether. Mix the resulting composition and 4 tsp with almond oil (on a teaspoon for each type of ether). If necessary, the volume and concentration of aromatic substances can be reduced.
  • In a skin care product (shower gel), add the etheric compositions of the geranium bergamot (4 drops) for a portion for one bathing. Apply the product to a hard sponge or a bath mitten and massage actions to rub the resulting composition. After rinse the skin, get it with a towel and apply milk with the addition of grapefruit oil.

Wraps with oils to eliminate stretch marks and cellulite

  • Prepare brown algae fucus and pour it with boiling water. When the composition has cooled down, and the leaves are swollen, add egg yolk to the water, 3-4 drops of the air of campara and lemon.
  • Connect 10 drops of tangerine oil, 10 tbsp cocoa powder and 3 tbsp.
  • Place 3-5 drops of juniper, lemon and lavender oil in 2-3 tbsp. Apply to problem areas and wrap them with a film and a warm scarf. In an hour, the product can be washed off.
  • Combine white clay and water to make a porridge. Add 3-5 drops of cinnamon and orange oil to the resulting composition. The procedure is recommended to be carried out every other day. The course is 10 sessions.
  • Grind the kelp. Combine algae with black clay and water until the gruel is obtained. In the composition, include orange and lemon ethers of 3-5 drops.
  • In 3 tbsp, olive oil, turn on 3 drops of the ester of lemongrass, petitgrain, dill, 2 drops of black pepper and a drop of cinnamon. The composition is an effective fat burner, enhances metabolic and regenerating processes. The resulting composition can be used as a scrub. To do this, connect a fairly ready -made mixture to sea salt.

Pilling components with oils against stretch marks and cellulite

After taking the bath or shower, when the skin is quite steamed, the time has come to carry out the peeling procedure. Add 5 drops of citrus ether and ground coffee with a bunger coffee to liquid warm honey. To obtain the latter, prepare a mortar and place whole coffee beans in it, and then, with the help of a pest, grind them to the desired fraction.

Organic oils against stretch marks

Natural plant hoods can be used not only as basic oil for essential compositions, but also in the role of solo product.

  • Olive oil from stretch marks - perhaps the most common and known remedy. Additional ingredients will help to strengthen the effect of oil components. Connect 100 ml of oil and aloe juice. Add 10 drops of vitamin E and vitamin A (5 drops) to the composition. Apply the product to problem areas twice a day as a cream (no need to rinse). In a tightly closed container, the product can be stored.
  • Almond oil has gained popularity as a tool for stretch marks due to the ability to stimulate colagen production. It is also a frequent choice as a base oil.
  • Cocoa oil - provides full moisturizing and nutrition of cells.
  • The oil hood of coconuts - an effective antioxidant agent, provides the necessary moisturizing.
  • Jojoba oil - moisturizes and refreshes the skin, soothes and cleanses the cover. The oil is widely used as a means for the prevention of stretch marks.
  • Vinograms oil - actively not only nourishes, but also moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity.
  • Wheat germ oil - stimulates cell renewal, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the dermis, cleanses of pollution, and helps to remove toxins.
  • Castor oil - actively nourishes the skin, increases its tone, holds the necessary moisture.

Oils from stretch marks for pregnant women

The period of gestation of crumbs is the time of additional testing of the skin for strength in the literal sense of this expression. Hormonal changes, weight gain, growth of the baby, and with it the abdomen, an increase in the mammary glands - all these factors can negatively affect the condition of the skin of the future mother and lead to the appearance of low -orostic strias. The best way to deal with stretch marks is the prevention of the latter. That is why, even during the expectation of a peanut, a woman should pay additional attention to her skin, provide her with the necessary support. In the choice of oil from stretch marks, you should not blindly follow the reviews, since the individual reaction of the body can be completely different. The modern cosmetics market offers a lot of skin care products. The main rule that the expectant mother should adhere to is the use of the most natural tools. That is why natural oils deserve individual attention - organic and etheric compositions will give the dermis to the necessary nutrition and moisture, thereby increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Essential oils for pregnant women from stretch marks

Essential oils have a pronounced effect, so caution must be observed when using them. They use the composition mainly in a diluted form-a few drops of the air per 1-2 tbsp. At the same time, ethers contribute to an additional rush of blood to the skin, give it elasticity, relieve swelling. The effect of the product on the skin depends on the chosen oil:

  • Orange oil - the composition is rich in vitamin, especially A, B and C. The composition contributes to the active nutrition of the skin, activates the regeneration of the dermis.
  • Pink oil - moisturizes and nourishes the dermis, increases its elasticity.
  • Sandalwood oil - reduces the sagging of the dermis, has a tonic effect.
  • Ilang-ylang oil-stimulates the process of cell regeneration, nourishes and soothes the skin.
  • Anise oil-contributes to the normalization of the water-fat balance of the dermis.
  • Mandarin oil - refreshes and tones the skin, improves blood supply in it.
  • Geranium oil - will help dry and damaged dermis well.
  • Neroli oil - contributes to cell regeneration, eliminates foci of inflammation, has an anti -aging effect on the skin.
  • Lavender oil - an effective wound healing agent, will help restore the skin if there are abrasions and cuts.

Organic oils from stretch marks during pregnancy

Organic oils are also not less nutritious. To increase the elasticity and elasticity of the dermis, the following compositions can be used:

  • Olive oil is an effective and affordable tool that is often used both independently and as a component component. A high concentration of oleic acid makes this product an ideal preventive agent from striae during pregnancy.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is rich in vitamins, fatty acids and vegetable fats, due to which the application of the product on the skin increases the elasticity of the latter, makes it more elastic.
  • Coconut oil from stretch marks. It is necessary to use an extract exclusively of the first pressing. Saturated fatty acids, which are rich in oil, has a nourishing and restoring effect on the dermis cells.
  • Apricot oil is a universal product suitable for any type of skin. It has a tonic and regenerative effect.
  • Almond oil-activates the production of collagen and elastin due to the content of vitamins A, E, F and representatives of group B. The tool helps to normalize the water-lipid balance of the dermis.

Nutritional compounds for pregnant women from stretch marks

A competent combination of various oils will enhance the work of each components, as a result of which you get a soft, but effective effect. The above mixtures of oils from stretch marks according to reviews showed good results:

  • In 4 tbsp, add 2 drops of lavender oil, geranium and orange oil.
  • In 2.5 tbsp (40 ml) of olive, sesame seeds or any other vegetable oil, add 1 drop of Neroli and orange oil, as well as 2 drops of lavender ester.
  • In 1 tbsp, jozhoba, place 2 drops of geranium oil and a drop of orange ether.
  • When taking the bathroom to water, you can add a composition from wheat germ oils (1 tbsp), neroli (1 drop) and lavender (1 drop).

Cosmetic oils from stretch marks

In addition to the listed oils, the market for cosmetic products offers finished compounds, the purpose of which is to prevent the appearance of striae. Among them, the most popular are such means as:

  • Veleda - oil from stretch marks, which are based on natural components - oil of wheat germ, extracts of arnica and almonds. The product normalizes metabolic processes in skin cells, nourishes the dermis well. It can be used by future mothers, regardless of the timing of the beaning of crumbs.
  • Oil Oil is a stretch of stretch marks, which has ambiguous reviews. The product includes both useful components - extracts of rosemary, calendula, chamomile, lavender, vitamins A and E, and mineral oil, which is the oil product. The result of using bio oil from stretch marks - oil does not save from scars and scars.
  • Johnsons Baby oil from stretch marks is a soft tool that can be combined with other oils (for example, olive or apricot). Improves microcirculation in the skin, tones and restores the dermis.

It is difficult to determine the best oil from stretch marks, since individual reactions of the body plays a decisive role. It is important to remember that the more natural the composition in the presented product, the more likely that the result of using the product will please you.

Regular skin care is capable of if not completely prevent the appearance of striae, then at least reduce their number. Of course, the use of oil from stretch marks from scars that has already appeared ineffective. The radical effect can be achieved only with the use of laser grinding. However, constant diet of the dermis of oils (etheric and plant), will still improve its appearance, making more tightened and elastic.



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