
How to do flash tattoo - instruction. How many flash tattoo hold on the skin

How to do flash tattoo - instruction. How many flash tattoo hold on the skin
Flash tattoo - fashion trend of this summer, which will suit every girl.

Flash tattoo is temporary tattoos, usually imitating gold or silver jewelry. They look especially well in the summer. Flash tattoo is a great way to diversify your image for those who have not yet been solved on a real tattoo or simply do not want to shoot and wear jewelry every day. From this article you will learn all about fashionable Tattoo Flash.

What is a flash tattoo

Flash Tattoo is on the wrists, on the legs, on the neck, on the waist and even on the hair. For the first time, Flash Tatu released the DIOR brand a few years ago, and now other trademarks began to use this idea. Such tattoos are popular due to the fact that they are easy to apply at home. In addition, silver and gold ornaments, imitating decorations, are suitable for absolutely everyone. However, occasionally patterns flush tattoo make black or colored. Especially stylish flash tattoo will look at the tanned skin. Therefore, if this summer you want to experiment with the image - try to make a flush tattoo.

How long do the flash tattoo hold? Depending on the place of application, your drawing can hold out on the skin from several days to week. If you inflicted the drawing uneven or he has already started to wear, you can easily remove the flash tattoo. It is best for this any cosmetic oil for this - just wipe the skin after the bathroom and the drawing is easily removed.

Varieties Flash Tatu

If you decide to try to make a flash tattoo, it is worth declaring what kind of drawing you want to put on the body.

  • Flash tattoo, imitating bracelets or rings. Such tattoo will be visible, even if you wear closed clothes. Obviously, such an option is not suitable for working with a strict dress code, but at the time of vacation it is quite possible to afford similar experiments. Flash tattoo in the form of rings and bracelets perfectly emphasize the beauty of female hands and make a highlight in any outfit.

  • Flash tattoo resembling necklace on the neck. Depending on the specific location of a similar ornament, it can be easily hidden under clothing or, on the contrary, put on a miniature top so that the necklace is visible. With the help of such a tattoo, you can visually make the neck longer, expand your shoulders or emphasize the neckline.
  • Flash tattoo do even on hair. This is usually distracted metallic color patterns made on several strands. This option is completely shorter, but it looks very unusual. Summer is time to experiment with hair. Especially, in contrast to the haircut or persistent staining, the flash tattoo will quickly wash.
  • On the skin, in addition to the imitation of jewelry, the usual patterns are made. It can be mehendi in gold or silver color, feathers, floral ornaments and much more. Such patterns are convenient to do in inconspicuous places that can, if you wish, close clothes. For example, often such flash tattoo are applied on the back, shoulders, stomachs and ankles. If it is good to think about such an ornament, you can emphasize the merits of your appearance - for example, stretched vertically patterns on the legs or abdomen will make you visually more slim.

  • Flash tattoo may also contain various inscriptions. If you have long wanted to make a tattoo with important words, but not sure that you will feel comfortable, Flash Tattoo is a great way to try, whether you are suitable for such or another on the body. In addition, miniature inscriptions with beautiful font always look elegant and flirtary. Universal attention will be drawn to you, because everyone will be interested to read the words.

Benefits Flash Tattoos

If you are still not sure how to diversify your image in the new season, here are a few reasons to try to make a flash tattoo:

  • Flash tattoo is universal and fit to any along. Silver and gold colors used for flash tattoo are harmoniously combined with absolutely any clothing. Flash Tattoo will give the highlight flavor and help refresh everyday image.
  • Flash Tattoo will suit those who doubt whether it is worth doing a real tattoo. Try to make a temporary drawing on the body very important before you decide on the real tattoo. Only so you can understand whether you are comfortable with a pattern that exactly and on which site you want to portray.

  • Flash tattoo looks perfectly on tanned skin, with summer clothes and swimsuit. In the summer, the fashion certainly allows us more freedom. The fact that in the winter will seem overly flirty, playful and immediate, in the summer will look quite organically. If you have long been looking for a new way of self-expression through your own image, you should try flash tattoo. Moreover, the metallic color really superbly emphasizes the beauty of dark skin - especially if you wear a bikini flash tattoo.
  • Flash tattoo is an affordable way to experiment in the way. Unlike real tattoos or jewelry, Flash Tattoo will cost you a few hundred rubles. You just need to buy a transfer picture and apply it to the skin at home with simple technology.
  • Flash tattoo is jewelry that do not have to shoot and wear. You can make a flash tattoo and forget about it, and it will emphasize your advantages and allows you to make the completion of any summer image.
  • Flash tattoo are hypoallergenic and absolutely harmless to the skin.

Where to buy flash tattoo

Flash tattoo can be sold in cosmetics stores or even in large supermarkets. However, their sale is most common in online stores. The cheapest options can be found on AliexpressHowever, the delivery from China sometimes takes months, and the summer has already begun. A variety of online stores in Russia also offer a flush tattoo at affordable prices.

  • The easiest way to purchase Flash Tattoo in Moscow and St. Petersburg. There you can deliver a flush tattoo on the day of the order, or you can pick up an order in one of the items of issuing your store. In many major cities, fast delivery is also possible if the store affiliates are located in your city.

  • Residents of small settlements can receive an order from an online store by mail or using courier service. Often it is unprofitable, because Flash tattoo inexpensive and delivery can do the most expensive order. In such cases, it is worth choosing shops that specialize not only on the flash tattoo. Many online fashion stores or cosmetics sell Flash Tattoo as the accompanying goods. There you can buy your favorite clothes, accessories, perfume or creams besides a flash tattoo, then delivery will be much more profitable.

How to make a flash tattoo - instruction

Flash tattoo is easy to do at home yourself. It will only require a little attention and accuracy so that the drawing lay down exactly and imprinted completely. If you find a large mirror, the flash tattoo will be convenient to do it yourself even in hard-to-reach places - for example, on the back.

When you get a flash tattoo, you will see that there are many drawings on one sheet. To begin with, you need to cut the image you need, if, of course, you do not want to translate all the pictures to the skin at the same time. After that, try to try on the drawing and choose the most good place for it. You can cut several drawings and make up the composition.

How to make a flash tattoo on the skin

Usually flash tattoo make on the body. If you have already decided on what exactly and in what place you want to stick, follow the instructions:

  1. To begin, it is necessary to clean and degrease the surface of the skin in order for the drawing to go smoothly and held longer. The usual medical alcohol is suitable for this. Just wipe the code with a watered alcohol.
  2. Remove the film from the image you want to put first.
  3. Do not touch the sticky side by your hands not to damage the drawing before applying. Carefully turn over the paper and attach a flash tattoo with a sticky part to the desired site on the skin. Position the tattoo smoothly, and then tightly press so that the whole surface of the paper touches the skin.
  4. Keep the image tightly pressed. With the other hand, take a cotton disk, moisten it with water and wipe it pressed paper. Do it carefully so that the picture is completely wet.
  5. Then carefully remove the paper and make sure that the tattoo is imprinted completely and is located on the body smoothly.
  6. Give your image to dry a couple of minutes, and then you can proceed to apply new ornaments.

After applying the flash, the tattoo does not require any special care. With it you can take a bath, swim in the sea or sunbathing. However, that the Flash Tattoo is preserved for a longer period, try not to rub it with a washcloth. However, you should not count that the flash tattoo will last on the skin longer than the week.

How to make a flush tattoo on hair

On the hair flush tattoo make less frequently - this trend appeared quite recently. Silver and gold ornaments on her hair looks interesting and give the image a unique highlight. Similar flush tattoo will be held only one day - they are done under a specific hairstyle.

First of all, the flush tattoo does, hair should be clean. Also consider that Flash Tattoo will not be able to do on curly curls - if your hair is wound, they must be pre-pulled out with a hairdryer or iron. And, of course, before making a flash tattoo, you need to lay your hair as you want - after applying a flash tattoo you will not be able to change the hairstyle without damaging the drawing.

Choose a place to apply a flash tattoo and follow a simple instruction:

  1. Remove the film with the pictures you need.
  2. Attach the drawing on the hair in the desired place.
  3. Water paper and wait a few seconds.
  4. Carefully remove the paper - the ornament will remain on the hair.
  5. Wait a little bit until it dry.

Flash Tattoo is a simple and affordable way to diversify your image. Similar ornaments look unusually and wonder in the summer. In addition, unlike real tattoos and even from Mehendi, a flash tattoo is held for only a few days, so you can often change them for your mood.


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