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Properties and use of essential lemon oil. Facial and hair lemon oil at home

Properties and use of essential lemon oil. Facial and hair lemon oil at home
Lemon essential oil can be used to make home cosmetics.

Lemon essential oil is a useful product that is widely used in cosmetology. Lemon oil will be indispensable for regular hair care, nails and skin. Now you can find many ready -made cosmetics with lemon oil or use it yourself at home - in its pure form and in the form of masks. From this article, you can learn more about the benefits of lemon oil for female beauty, and you will also find healthy recipes for home products with this essential oil.

The composition and benefits of lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil is a light yellow or greenish liquid with a characteristic bitter citrus smell of fresh lemon. A lemon tree is an evergreen plant that grows, for the most part, in India and Africa. Oil is done several times a year after harvesting. A 1 liter of essential oil requires approximately 40 kg of lemons.

The basic substances contained in lemon essential oil include: lemonone, citril, linalol, linalilancetate, citrinelal and pyno. Most people do not say anything about anything - all these are aromatic compounds, which, moreover, have anti -inflammatory, antiseptic and calming effect.

Lemon essential oil does not have unique properties, but it is a potent means in the fight against many problems. Lemon oil has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. It is thanks to the totality of these properties that lemon oil allows us to provide comprehensive treatment for many diseases - in particular, with influenza and colds.
  • Soothing. Lemon oil is used to relieve stress and in the treatment of depression.
  • Toning. When applied to the skin, lemon essential oil improves blood circulation in the treated area.
  • Whitening. Lemon oil products help restore the skin of a healthy color and get rid of scars and red signs of acne. Also, with the help of lemon oil, you can slightly whiten your teeth.
  • Reducing pressure. Substances that make up lemon oil can be used to help people with high blood pressure.
  • Antispasmodic. The components of lemon oil can relieve spasms and have an analgesic effect.
  • Antipyretic. Lemon oil can help reduce the temperature with colds, while stimulating the operation of the immune system.
  • Lemon oil can serve to prevent varicose veins.

Many properties of lemon oil are widely used in the treatment of various diseases. However, the spheres of use of lemon essential oil are not limited only to medicine.

The use of lemon oil

Lemon essential oil is used in various fields. Its aromatic, tonic and disinfecting properties are most appreciated.

Spheres of use of essential lemon oil:

  • In medicine, lemon oil helps from edema, expansion of veins, herpes, stomatitis, rheumatism, flu and colds.
  • In perfumes, the odorous substances of lemon essential oil are used in the creation of spirits - they give the aroma bitter citrus notes.
  • In aromatherapy, lemon essential oil is considered a good soothing agent - it is recommended for stress, overwork and depression.
  • In cooking, substances based on lemon essential oil are used as flavorings.
  • In cosmetology, lemon oil is widely used to take care of the skin, hair and nails. Many cosmetic companies include lemon oil in their products, as well as lemon essential oil at home.

The use of lemon oil for the skin

Lemon essential oil is an excellent remedy for regular skin care.  In its pure form, it can affect too aggressively, however, as part of finished masks and lotions, as well as in combination with other components in home masks, lemon oil allows you to solve a number of skin problems:

  • Lemon essential oil can help restore the skin of a healthy color. If you need to remove scars, acne traces, age spots or freckles from your face, lemon oil -based products will help you solve this problem.
  • Lemon oil is used as a tonic for the skin. Thanks to this, it copes with age -related changes. With regular use of lemon oil products, the skin will become more elastic and toned, and the contours of the face will be clearer.

  • Lemon essential oil also promotes skin regeneration. This is important in the fight against wrinkles, and in the fight against acne or irritation on the skin. If your skin is in poor condition, lemon oil will contribute to the formation of new cells and its speedy update.
  • Lemon oil has a moisturizing effect on the skin. If you have thin, dry and peeling skin, remedies with lemon oil will help to return to normal. Sufficient moisture is also necessary to combat wrinkles.
  • Lemon essential oil goes well with other ingredients useful for the skin. It stimulates blood circulation, which means that all beneficial substances are better absorbed.
  • Lemon oil is actively used in the fight against stretch marks after pregnancy and with signs of cellulite. It helps the skin to restore elasticity and smoothness.

Use of lemon oil for nails

Lemon essential oil is used to grow and strengthen nails. Many manufacturers of hand and cuticle creams include lemon oil in their products. It has the following effect on the nails:

  • Due to its tonic properties, lemon oil helps nails grow faster.   If you wanted to let your nails for a long time, but you did not succeed, lemon oil can help in this.
  • Lemon essential oil also helps to strengthen the nail plate itself. This is necessary, first of all, so that the nails do not break and do not delay. Lemon essential oil will allow you to get strong and healthy nails that will easily grow to the desired length.
  • Lemon oil will serve as an excellent prevention of nail fungus. It has an antifungal, disinfecting and antiseptic property, therefore it perfectly fights with a fungus and prevents its appearance. For this purpose, lemon essential oil can be used on the arms and on the legs.

Use of lemon oil for hair

Lemon oil refreshes the scalp, and also improves the overall condition of the hair. Especially useful is lemon essential oil in the fight against the following problems:

  • Serving tips, dry, brittle and damaged hair can be restored with a tool with the addition of lemon oil. It will moisturize the hair along the entire length, will allow you to smooth your hair scales, and, therefore, make your curls strong, voluminous and shiny.
  • If you have dry and peeling scalp, lemon essential oil can also help you. It pleasantly refreshes the skin when applying and, in combination with other useful ingredients, provides deep moisturizing. With regular use, the scalp will recover, and this, in turn, will affect the condition of your hair.
  • Lemon oil tones the skin and improves blood circulation. Thanks to this, it will contribute to accelerated hair growth. If you are tired of a short haircut or you want to quickly grow your hair after dyeing, you will help you with lemon oil. In order for the hair to grow strong and healthy, it is best to combine lemon essential oil with nutrient ingredients.
  • Lemon essential oil will also help with hair loss. Due to the fact that the blood supply to the hair follicles will improve, the hair will receive more power from the outside, which means they will stop falling.

  • Lemon essential oil is suitable for the treatment and prevention of all types of dandruff. It will be especially useful for dry dandruff, however, in combination with drying ingredients, lemon oil will help from fat dandruff. The antifungal effect of this essential oil will help not only to mask the problem, but to solve it for a long time.

How to use lemon oil

For skin care, nails and hair, you can purchase ready -made cosmetics with the addition of lemon essential oil. However, if possible, it is worth trying simple home remedies, which often turn out to be much more effective. Here are the main advantages of home remedies:

  • Completely natural composition. Conserviers, thickeners, dyes and flavors are inevitably add to ready -made cosmetics. At home, you can use exclusively natural and high -quality products.
  • You can make home remedies taking into account your individual needs. The condition of the skin, nails and hair changes quickly - at home you can select the optimal tool for caring for them every time.

  • Home remedies will often cost you much cheaper than ready -made cosmetics. At the same time, the effect of them will be no worse.

Where to buy lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil is usually sold in bottles of 50 ml and costs several hundred rubles. It can be purchased in cosmetic stores, pharmacies, large chain supermarkets or online stores.

  • The cheapest will cost lemon oil when ordering via the Internet. However, in this case, there is a great risk of a fake or a poor -quality product. Order essential oil only on trusted sites or on the sites of large stores.
  • In pharmacies and cosmetic stores, oil prices will be higher - often the difference in price is absolutely unjustified.

  • In oil, it can be written that it is recommended for aromatherapy or for the treatment of any diseases. If you purchase pure lemon oil, do not pay attention to the inscriptions on the package - it is equally suitable for treatment and cosmetic purposes.
  • Sometimes lemon oil is diluted with other vegetable oils or nutrients, making a finished cosmetic product. If you want to buy pure essential oil, see that there is nothing superfluous in the composition.

How to use lemon oil for skin

Most essential oils are not recommended to be applied to the skin in pure form. Therefore, lemon essential oil for the skin should be diluted. Use a few simple ways to apply lemon essential oil to the skin of the face.

  • Washing with lemon essential oil. The easiest way is to add a few drops of essential oil to your usual washing gel. This will help tone the skin, prevent acne and irritation, as well as make complexion even and fresh. With such washing, it is worthwhile to avoid gel entering the eye. It should also be borne in mind that this method is more suitable for prevention than for intensive skin restoration. Soap foam is not recommended to be kept on the skin for too long, so essential oil will not have time to act in full.

  • Rinsing the face with lemon essential oil. Lemon oil can be added to boiled water or decoctions of herbs useful for the skin - for example, St. John's wort, thyme or chamomile. With this tool, you can rinse your face after washing. A similar method will be effective for improving the complexion, and to moisturize the skin, and to accelerate regeneration. In addition, you can freeze such a home rinse in cubes and wipe your face with ice. This procedure will refresh the skin in the summer and will strengthen the vessels to get rid of circles under the eyes.
  • Homemade facial masks. Such masks are usually made of food. This is a particularly effective way to combat pigment spots, peeling of the skin and the first signs of aging. Usually, it is recommended to make masks on the face regularly at least once a week. Lemon essential oil is perfectly combined with other ingredients useful for the skin and, due to the improvement of blood circulation, allows all necessary substances to be absorbed faster.
  • Homemade facial scrubs. Scrubs allow you to deeply cleanse the skin and exfoliate horn scales. Such tools prevent acne and black dots, and also contribute to skin rejuvenation. With caution, scrubs should be used if you have very sensitive and thin skin or if you have acne on your face.

How to use lemon oil for nails

Lemon essential oil can be used to accelerate the growth and strengthen of nails. This natural remedy will help you acquire long nails that will not break.

  • The first method is just add a little lemon essential oil to your hand cream. So you can simultaneously take care of the skin on your hands, and about the cuticle, and about the nails. You will notice that the skin of the hands will become more delicate, elastic and moisturized, and the nails will begin to grow faster. When applying cream with lemon oil, nails should be paid special attention. For maximum stimulation of nail growth, apply the cream to your fingers with light massaging movements.

  • You can mix the essential oil of lemon with another vegetable oil. It can be olive, sea buckthorn, argan, grape oil or any other. Even unrefined sunflower oil is suitable. The oil needs a little - one tablespoon will be enough. You need to add a few drops of essential lemon oil to it. Then rub the oil on the arms, paying special attention to the nails. This tool will help not only strengthen the nails and accelerate growth, but also allow you to soften the cuticle in front of the manicure.

How to use hair lemon oil

Lemon oil can be used with benefit and hair. Try one of the methods listed below for regular care about your hair and scalp.

  • Combing hair with lemon essential oil. This is a simple and effective way that will help you moisturize the scalp, ensure dandruff prevention, strengthen and restore hair along the entire length. A round massage brush made of wood is best suited - with its help you can evenly distribute lemon oil both over the scalp and hair. The method is very simple: you just need to apply a few drops of lemon oil to the comb, and then carefully comb the hair from the roots to the very tips, massaging the scalp.   This method will provide hair without much effort, and also give the curls a pleasant aroma for the whole day.

  • Washing a head with lemon essential oil. Lemon oil can be added to your usual shampoo. Since you are not holding shampoo on your head for long, this method is more suitable for prevention than for the treatment of dandruff or hair restoration. Nevertheless, if you are looking for how to care for healthy hair without much effort, you should like this method.
  • Rinsing hair with lemon essential oil. After washing, you can rinse your hair with boiled water or a decoction of herbs. In such a rinseum, you can add a little lemon essential oil to achieve a tonic, antibacterial and restoring effect.
  • Domestic masks with lemon essential oil is an effective method of combating dandruff, dry scalp, hair loss and their brittleness. Such funds will be useful to both the scalp and hair along the entire length. Recipes of homemade masks are extremely diverse, so you will probably pick up the best option for your hair type.

Homemade masks with lemon oil for face

The beneficial properties of lemon essential oil are so diverse that you can make masks for any skin type, depending on other ingredients. If you decide to try to make masks with your own hands for face care, you will come in handy recipes below.

Mask with olive oil, honey and lemon oil

Such a mask is suitable for owners of dry skin, which needs additional nutrition and moisturizing. The ingredients of this mask have the following useful effect on the skin:

  • Honey has antibacterial properties, preventing acne. It also contains many useful vitamins and trace elements for the skin.
  • Olive oil contains fatty acids necessary for skin regeneration, helps to delay moisture in the cells, and also provides the necessary nutrition.
  • Lemon oil enhances the effect of all ingredients, tones the skin and further moisturizes it.

A recipe for a nutrient mask for dry skin:

  1. Gently heat the olive oil without bringing it to a boil.
  2. Mix oil with a spoonful of honey and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add a few drops of lemon oil.
  4. Mix all the ingredients again. Your mask is ready.

Apply an oil mask to clean skin. Typically, masks are applied with fingers, massage movements for additional stimulation of blood circulation. Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Mask with clay and lemon oil

This mask is a great option for combating acne. Clay has always been considered one of the most effective means to combat inflammation on the skin of the face. In combination with lemon oil, it will give a particularly tangible result. This mask is suitable for getting rid of black dots, treating all types of acne, and it will also allow you to remove scars and redness on the skin after acne. In addition, clay with lemon oil will help to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and get rid of the oily skin.

The recipe for acne for oily skin is very simple:

  1. If you bought already diluted clay, just put a little into a separate container.
  2. If you have clay in powder, dilute it with water, juice or herbal decoction to a thick consistency.
  3. Add a little lemon oil.
  4. Mix everything and apply on your face.

Such a mask must be kept on the skin for 10-15 minutes, until the clay completely freezes. After that, gently rinse it.

Home masks with lemon oil for hair

Lemon essential oil can help provide comprehensive hair care. Simple and effective homemade masks from natural products will help you get thick, strong and beautiful hair.

Busk with burdock oil, avocado and lemon oil

This mask will help stimulate hair growth and reduce their loss, and will also make it possible to moisturize the scalp and get rid of dry dandruff. Hair useful products in this mask are perfectly combined with each other:

  • Burdock oil actively stimulates hair growth and nourishes hair follicles.
  • Avocado provides the skin and hair with intensive moisture. It also contains the necessary proteins and fatty acids for hair regeneration along the entire length.
  • Lemon oil improves blood circulation and moisturizes the hair, giving it flexibility, softness and healthy shine.

Moisturizing mask recipe:

  1. Grind the burdock oil slightly.
  2. Mash the pulp of half the avocado until the tender thick mass is obtained.
  3. Mix oil and avocados.
  4. Add a little lemon oil.

Such a mask is applied to dry hair before washing. After application, it is advisable to put on a shower hat or cover your head with a towel. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes, and then wash your head with your usual shampoo.

Mask with yogurt and lemon oil

This is another composition that will help accelerate hair growth reduce their loss and restore hair along the entire length.

  • Yogurt for this mask should be natural and without additives. You should also choose thick yogurt - liquid will not give you the desired consistency for the mask. If such yogurt is difficult to find, ordinary low -fat cottage cheese is suitable. Yogurt or cottage cheese will help to moisturize the hair, make it soft, smooth and give them a radiance.
  • Lemon oil will help strengthen and moisturize the hair from roots to tips. In addition, it will help accelerate hair growth.

Recipe for a recovery mask:

  1. Take a few spoons of cold yogurt.
  2. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil.
  3. Mix everything and apply on the scalp and hair.

This simple recipe will help refresh the scalp in the summer, stimulate growth and restore hair. The mask is applied to wet hair after washing. Particular attention should be paid to the tips. You need to keep this mask for 15-20 minutes-then just rinse it with cool water.



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