
The benefits and harm of beetroot juice

The benefits and harm of beetroot juice
The article discusses the beneficial properties of beetroot juice for adults and children in order to prevent and treat various diseases. A list of contraindications is also given in which it is better to refuse this drink.

Today, beets are a root crop, without which many dishes of Slavic cuisine do not do: borscht, beetroots, okroshka, vinaigrette, etc. Due to the high concentration of beneficial trace elements and vitamins, this vegetable took an honorable place not only among recognized cooks, but also among healers. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is a storehouse of vitamins and a recipe from 100 ailments, the main thing is to learn how to cook and use it correctly. Let's talk more about this miraculous drink in the article.

Beets: History of origin

The first references to beets are found in the ancient centuries BC. Previously, this wild root was called “Mangold” and was first discovered in ancient Persia. This Mediterranean culture was not used completely: the tops were added to food and ointments.

Then the root crop gained its widespread and began to be used in ancient China, ancient Egypt, etc.

In Turkey, this vegetable was considered a sign of "shame, refusal, quarrels and gossip." That is, if, after important negotiations or matchmaking, a fresh chopped beets was filed on the table, everyone understood the meaning of this ritual. Although this tradition did not interfere with the use of this delicious vegetable in cooking.

In the Middle Ages, the Byzantine aristocracy of the Korneprod, which has already become called the word “beets”, was served in raw form, chopped circles and seasoned with spices: turmeric, fragrant pepper, to increase appetite and activation of digestion in front of the main meal.

From Byzantium, beets also got into Rus', where experienced culinary specialists found a worthy use of this culture, adding it to many dishes and drinks, as well as sugar from sugar -containing beets.

Beneficial properties of beetroot juice for adults and children

Beetroot juice contains a lot of vitamins, with a relatively low cost of beets and a long shelf life - over 1 year. Very often, experienced housewives buy beets for the future and store in dark cool places: cellars, basements or in the refrigerator.

In 100 grams of beetroot juice, 2 g of protein, 12 g of carbohydrates, 34 g of fiber and 0 g of fat are contained. No wonder many dietary dishes include dishes from this vegetable.

The beneficial properties of beetroot juice contribute to normalizing the function of the thyroid gland due to the content of a high percentage of iodine, folic acid and riboflavin. B vitamins, high concentration of iron, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and calcium, which are in the beetroot juice, are useful for strengthening the bone system and muscles. The leaves of this root crop contain a large amount of retinol, so many housewives prefer to cook cabbage soup, borsch with a top, and not cabbage. The taste of such dishes does not differ from the usual ones, in which fresh or sauerkraut is usually added to everyone.

Beetroot juice is a well -known elixir to activate digestive processes. The fiber contained in the drink helps to remove slags and acts like a brush that cleans and removes the remains of petrified or fermented foods in the large intestine. Many diets include this low -calorie root crime, which, due to the high content of natural glucose and fiber, contributes to the rapid saturation of the body and further weight loss.

Thanks to the nitrites, the salts of nitric acid contained in a large amount in red root crop, for the liver, which serves as a natural filter in the body, beetroot juice is a panacea that restores the cell. The video reflects the algorithm in more detail how to gently clean the liver with beets.

It should be noted that beet juice takes first place in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Thanks to the ability to absorb heavy metals and radionuclides in the process of lipid decay, people in 80% of cases drinking 150 ml of beetroot juice per day are cured of cancer.

It is recommended to dilute the beet juice in 1: 1 with boiled water to hypertension. Such therapy will help reduce blood pressure, relieve atherosclerotic plaques, cleanse the vessels and make them more elastic. According to the recipe of our grandmothers, if the heart hurts, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits of red color and similar in shape to a painful organ. Beets - the most similar in shape to the heart and its wide palette of useful qualities helps to get rid of many ailments. Doctors confirmed that the adoption of at least 50 ml of beet juice per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

If during the day there are convulsions of the legs, arms and other organs, beetroot juice for such people will simply be a find: the high iron and useful minerals increase hemoglobin, therefore, with the systematic use of a healing drink, the process of hematopoiesis is normalized and the anemia disappears.

In case of violations of the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to include beetroot juice or beets in your diet, which contribute to the activation of red blood cell production is better than any hormonal drugs.

With nervous disorders, constant stresses, freesh with beetroot juice should become constant components of your diet. The healing drink strengthens the nerves, activates the memory, and promotes the normalization of sleep. That is why it is especially important to include this root crop in the student’s menu.

Thanks to the rich vitamin-mineral complex contained in the beetroot juice, many athletes include it in their diet. As a result: increased endurance, energetic, activity.

Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky advises from infancy in the event of diseases of the throat, otitis media, and sinusitis is buried in beetroot juice. Due to the hypoallergenicity of this healing drink and a high content of useful trace elements, such procedures helps to eliminate pathogens and accelerate recovery.

The practice of healing hungering is best to get out of this condition, diluted beetroot juice will help. The increased glucose content and beneficial trace elements will help to quickly adapt the digestive processes to solid foods.

With all the advantages of beetroot juice, you should remember about its dosage. 100 ml of freshly squeezed beetroot juice drunk on an empty stomach can provoke peptic ulcer, nausea, dizziness. Therefore, this drink is recommended to start drinking in diluted form in proportions of 1: 1 or in the form of combined cutters.

Is it possible to give beetroot juice to children

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Many parents, not wanting to give medicines, want to strengthen the immunity of their babies through the use of beetroot juice. Asking at what age you can start such therapy, let's figure it out in more detail in this matter.

In early infancy, from the moment of complementary foods, allergies can occur to this juice, an disorder of the gastrointestinal tract can be observed, so beet juice is recommended for children, starting from 2.5 years old.

At 2.5 years old, when immunity was formed, the body's stability to red products has developed, beetroot juice will be just right. Do not neglige the recommendations of pediatricians to dose this drink. It is necessary to start with 3 drops a day after meals, gradually increasing the dose to 1 tsp, then to 1 tbsp. l, and then up to 30 ml per day. 30 ml of beetroot juice per day - this is the dose that gets into the child’s body, establishes problems with stools, improves digestion and strengthens immunity.

Although, it should be noted the fact that many dishes of children's cuisine beetroot juice also contains, albeit not in its pure form: in borsch, in boiled beets as a side dish, beetroot cutlets, etc. This product should be limited to children prone to stomach disorders, flatulence, diarrhea.

Preparation technology of beetroot juice


Preparation of beetroot juice has its own characteristics. Consider step -by -step instructions for obtaining a healing drink.

  1. Wash 3 medium beets thoroughly under running water. It is better to choose an oblong shape of root crops without white veins inside.
  2. Peel the beets. Do not throw off the tops (leaves) yet, it will come in handy for us.
  3. Prepare a juicer, connect it to a power source.
  4. Cut the root crops for a quarter.
  5. Place the juicer in the bowl of cut beets and tops from beets. The fact is that vitamin A is contained in the fruits of beets in a very low amount, in contrast to the tops, rich in both vitamin A and retinol. The usefulness of our juice will only increase from this.
  6. Turn on the juicer for 5-6 minutes.
  7. Remove 2 bowls: one with the so -called waste (worship) - a gruel -shaped gushchi, which remained after pushing the juice and the second - directly with the juice itself.

You can also cook beetroot juice without juicer using a blender. The video shows the actions in detail to obtain a drink with this method.

It should be noted that freshly squeezed juice is not recommended to drink immediately-it is necessary to give it time to brew for 2-3 hours in a cool place, it is better in the refrigerator. Then remove the foam formed on top with a spoon and only after that use the drink.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to prepare juice from boiled beets. Of course, it is possible - only freshly squeezed beetroot juice contains an order of magnitude higher than useful trace elements, which, when brewing and boiling of root crops, lose their properties.

If the question arises of how to drink beetroot juice for preventive and healing purposes, you should remember the gradual increase in the dose to 50 ml per day. Concentrated juice in large quantities can provoke ulcerative diseases, cause nausea and dizziness. Therefore, it is recommended to start: adults with 2 tbsp. l. per day, children from 2.5 years old - from 3 drops diluted in the same amount of water; Children from 5 years old - from 2 tsp, diluted from 2 tsp. boiled water. Instead of water, you can dilute beetroot juice with carrot, apple, orange, grapefruit, cranberry juice, kefir, honey water. From such a combination, juice will only become more useful, and the body will gently accustom to this healing drink.

When losing weight, such vegetable mixes should be drunk 20-30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to the use of beetroot juice


With improper use, beetroot juice can harm.

Here are the most common contraindications that this seemingly healing drink can provoke:

  • peptic ulcer and problems of the gastrointestinal tract: an increased concentration of vitamin C and oxalic acid can provoke attacks;
  • urolithiasis or kidney problems;
  • the presence of an allergic predisposition to red vegetables;
  • stomach disorders, diarrhea, flatulence-beetroot juice due to a high percentage of fiber will only increase all these ailments;
  • diabetes. The well -known fact is that sugar is extracted from beets, so beetroot juice in its pure form contains a high level of glucose.

The video sets out situations in which beetroot juice can be poisonous.

In any case, if you have any sharp ailments, it is recommended to consult a doctor first, and then start treatment with beetroot juice.

Treatment with beetroot juice


Our grandmothers also saw a panacea in the beetroot juice and for nothing considered it an integral component for the treatment of many ailments with folk methods. Here are some recipes from some ailments that heal juice from beetroot:

  • with excess weight, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hepatic colic, and blood vessels, it is recommended to drink the next cocktail daily: 100 ml of beet juice mix with the juice of half the lemon, 1 orange juice and 30 g of celery chopped by a blender. Such a drink will not only have a cleansing effect on the body, but also give strength and energy;
  • with constipation, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach of 50 ml of beetroot juice with 1 prile incurred in it;
  • oncological diseases are miraculously healed if you use the next cocktail 3 times a day: mix 200 ml of beet juice with 100 ml of carrot juice and add 1 tsp. honey;
  • with sore throat, runny nose, otitis media, it is recommended to mix 50 ml of beet juice with a juice of 1 small bulb with adenoids and to spray the throat, drip into the nose or ears;
  • with sinusitis, rinse the nose well with the following solution: mix 50 ml of beet juice with 50 ml of NaCl weak solution (0.5 tsp per 100 ml of water);
  • in acute infectious diseases for general strengthening the body, it is recommended to drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed beetroot juice twice a day;
  • hepatitis does not tolerate the next recipe for a health cocktail: 100 ml of beetroot juice mix with 100 ml of black radish juice;
  • in the event of abrasions, scratches, cuts, beetroot juice serves as a wonderful antibacterial and deodorizing agent: attach a gruel from shabby beets to the lesion and hold for 20 minutes;
  • inflammation in a woman will remove the following recipe: 200 g of beetroot juice diluted 50 ml of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, 20 ml of chamomile decoction is added. In this mixture, a cotton swab is wetted and introduced into the vagina for 30-40 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, the procedure should be repeated three times a day.

Freche recipes with beetroot juice

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To date, due to the wide range of beneficial and healing properties, vegetable juices and frees are very popular. Such drinks are saturated with amino acids and trace elements, and also correspond to the principles of healthy diet.

To drink Fresh, not only healthy, but also tasty, the ingredients can be added to beetroot juice, which not only emphasize the taste of the root crop, but also give it a new gastronomic shade:

  1. Beetroot-crushed Fresh. In a blender, beat 1 average beet and 2-3 carrots peeled from the peel. Strain the resulting mixture through gauze to obtain a concentrated liquid.
  2. Beetroot-carrot-apple fresh. In a juicer or blender, beat 1 medium root crop beetroot, 2 carrots and 1 large green apple.
  3. The beet-selderic Fresh. Add 20 ml of celery juice to juice from beets.
  4. Beetroot-Grapefruit Fresh "Slenderness". Beat in a blender together or separately cut and peeled from the peel of medium sizes of grapefruit and 1 root crop beet, you can add 1 tsp. honey.
  5. Fruit-vegetable Fresh "Health". The juices of 1 beet, 1 apple, 3 carrots, ½ lemon are mixed. You can add a slice of garlic for the piquancy of taste.
  6. Vegetable Fresh "vitality". The juices of 1 beet, 2 carrots, 30 g of grated ginger, ½ lemon, 50 ml of boiled cool water, 1 tbsp. l. Fat cream, sugar and salt are added to taste.
  7. Vegetable Fresh is contracuble.The juice of 1 beet, 3 carrots, 1 average grapefruit are mixed, 1 tbsp is added. l. fat cream and 1/3 tsp. cinnamon.
  8. Beetroot kvass. This healing drink is prepared very simply. Many people prefer just such kvass, not bread. First of all, you will need a 2 or 3-liter bottle with a wide neck. It is recommended to choose the beets to vinaigrette, bright red, without veins. A fine-cut or grated root crop should be poured with 2-2.5 liters of cold boiled water, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar or a large handful of raisins, a couple of pieces of dried cloves. Then the bottle should be covered with a special breathable lid or firmly wrapped with gauze so that excess carbon dioxide comes out during fermentation. After 2-3 days, it is recommended to drain the resulting bright pink kvass, having previously strained it through gauze in order to avoid a solid particle entering a drink. The remaining thick can also be used to obtain kvass 1-2 times.

The ingredients can be selected independently and prepared by their exclusive recipes.

Regardless of the form in which you decide to use beetroot juice: in pure concentrated, diluted with water, in the form of frush or kvass, after systematic techniques you will notice how the body has been updated and rejuvenated, metabolic processes accelerated and the complexion improved. By making a choice in favor of natural vegetable juices, you will not have to spend money on expensive medicines in the future.

Be healthy!



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