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Technique Lymphodrenal massage - readings, contraindications, reviews, photos before and after. How to do lymphodrenal massage of the face, body at home

Technique Lymphodrenal massage - readings, contraindications, reviews, photos before and after. How to do lymphodrenal massage of the face, body at home
What is the secret of the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage? Let's get acquainted with the basic rules for the massage and in what areas it is used.

The technique of lymphatic drainage massage appeared relatively recently, although its basic principles were taken from ancient methods of healing and rejuvenation. Such a rather pleasant and effective procedure quickly gives a positive result, easily tolerated and is not famous for serious contraindications. However, this technique is characterized by special techniques that you should get acquainted with.

What is the essence of the "lymphatic drainage massage" methodology

Body lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic procedure that the modern salon industry offers. The main purpose of its implementation is the normalization of the movement of lymph in the body. But what role does this play for the general condition of the body and our youth?

Lymph is a special substance in the form of a viscous fluid. It is a type of connective tissue with a very important function - to bind and remove unnecessary and dangerous substances from the body, for example, toxins or well -known toxins.

The lymph is in constant motion and runs through the lymphatic ducts, promoting the collected malicious ballast closer to the upper skin layer with its further cleansing. This process has an important effect on the immune system. Therefore, the established outflow of lymph provides proper cleansing of the body, a decent level of health and full -fledged performance. And the more intensively the lymph moves, the faster blood cleansing occurs.

Important! Professional manual lymphatic drainage massage gently affects the current of the lymph and in the shortest possible time gives a positive effect. During the massage procedure, the skin is heated, blood circulation is accelerated, and the lymphatic fluid rapidly begins to move through the body.

Unfortunately, the modern life rhythm and the environmental situation significantly complicate and slows down such a function of our body. As a result, many difficulties with immunity are developing, we are more likely to get sick, more likely aging and amenable to frequent depressive attacks.

To solve such a problem, all methods of massage of different countries and ancient peoples were studied in order to create the most suitable complex massage to stabilize the lymphatic system. In this method, a massage lymphatic drainage appeared.

Lymphodrenal massage - Indications and the expected result

This type of massage can be shown as a general strengthening and tonic for without any reason, but simply for prevention. But there are a number of serious grounds for seeking help to lymphatic drainage massage:

  • Extensive edema of the body or person of a systemic nature.
  • Varicose veins on the legs or in the pelvic organs.
  • General pronounced intoxication of the body.
  • Diagnosed slow -down lymph.
  • Explicit symptoms of metabolic disorders.
  • Problems with excess weight.
  • The formation of cellulite.
  • The sagging of the skin, sagging of muscle tissue.
  • Sedentary daily routine.

The mass prevalence of this massage is justified by an incredible result:

  1. The stable current of lymph sets up metabolic reactions in all tissues. This helps the skin to upgrade and look excellent, and the body “throw off” the burden and work at full strength.
  2. The lymphatic drainage massage of the legs painlessly expels the excess intercellular fluid, contributing to the healing from cellulite, the progress of the varicose veins. Age -related changes in the bones of the legs are also warned.
  3. Massage allows you to get rid of the swelling of all parts of the body, including even internal organs. This to some extent contributes to the weight loss and correction of the figure.
  4. The most important merit of lymphatic drainage massage of the house is an excellent condition of the skin of the face. After several sessions, swelling and dark circles around the eyes fall, wrinkles disappear, and the complexion improves. The skin acquires a fresh, absolutely healthy and young look, rashes and irritation passes.
  5. Activation of full lymphatic cleansing relieves frequent attacks of headaches, unreasonable fatigue, improves mood and increases the immune barrier.

Evaluate the lymphatic drainage massage yourself before and after the treatment course:

Effect after anti -cellulite massage:

Improving varicose veins after massage:

And these are the results after facial massage:

... and after the lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen in order to reduce the fat layer:

Many are probably interested in how many sessions will be needed to get the first results. Experts argue that the duration of treatment depends on the set goals and condition of the client. To correct the figure, reducing the “orange crust” or getting rid of excess water, from 3 to 12 procedures with the interval between them 24 hours. After a finished course, a break of at least 3 months is required.

You can restore the oval of the face and remove circles under the eyes in only three two -hour sessions. But to cure varicose veins, removing prolonged intoxication and general recovery, about 6 full -fledged courses may be needed.

Lymphodrenal massage - contraindications and potential risks

Given that this type of massage refers to the procedures of deep effects on the body, it has several serous contraindications. They include:

  • Thrombophlebitis regardless of the stage.
  • Skin diseases, especially during an exacerbation or against the background of a purulent process.
  • Pathologies of the vascular system, accompanied by brittle vascular.
  • The disease of the hematopoietic system.
  • Problems with the work of lymph nodes.
  • The malignant process regardless of its localization.
  • Gestational period.
  • Constant migraine -like pains of unidentified nature.
  • Benign formations with an increased tendency to growth.
  • Renal failure.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • All forms of diabetes.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Acute infectious processes.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Lymphadenopathy (pathological increase in lymph nodes).

Advice! Before you decide to make a lymphatic drainage massage, be sure to consult a family therapist. Despite the simplicity and effectiveness of this technique, in some diseases, it can cause an exacerbation of old and the appearance of new diseases. You especially need to be careful older people, nursing mothers and those who suffer from any chronic diseases.

Lymphodnate massage - known types and technology

With the help of lymphatic drainage techniques, different effects on the body are possible. Depending on the degree of influence, massage is performed by three methods:

  • Superficial lymphatic drainage massage - Show for mild exposure to small subcutaneous vessels. The massage session is aimed at removing vascular cramps, muscle tone, swelling of the skin tissues. It is also used in complex anti -cellulite programs. Such a sparing execution technique is especially suitable for conducting lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Deep lymphatic drainage massage - Designed for severe stimulation of muscle tissue. Such a technique allows you to maximize the patient’s lymph flow, expanding the vessel into this method, normalizing tone, enhancing blood circulation. The technique is effective in modeling the figure, especially in the gluteal and femoral zone.
  • Toutful lymphatic drainage massage - a narrow -profile method, which involves the individual stimulation of each lymph node. As a rule, hardware techniques are used - massage with microcurrents and pressotherapy.

Depending on the method of this massage, manual and hardware effect on the patient is used. Each of them has its own advantages and quite often they are fulfilled in pairs, complementing each other.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage - basic techniques and recommendations

Massage of the lymphatic ducts with the hands is based on a delicate and measured hand movement. In this case, there is a rather deep point effect on the lymph nodes. Therefore, in order to obtain the desired result, such a massage must be done by a trained specialist.

Massage of the whole body, which is carried out to completely restore the lymphatic system, takes place in a clear sequence - from the lower extremities to the head. The intensity of movements also changes, which increases closer to the middle of the session.

Consider the basic rules on how to do lymphatic drainage massage with your hands:

  • Massage should precede the heating of the body. It can be a warm bath or a slight prolonged stroking of the body.
  • All movements should be smooth, a person should feel heat and relax, and not experience pain.
  • The direction of movements should duplicate the lymph flow, that is, massage movements should take place strictly along the lymph ducts - from superficial capillaries to lymph nodes, and necessarily from the bottom up.
  • Massage of the body should take this way: from the feet to the hips, from the abdomen to the groin, from the sternum and wrists to armpits, from the base of the neck to the chest.
  • Facial massage is carried out from the central part to the periphery, reaching parotid and neck lymph nodes. When making a lymphatic drainage massage, the hands should be relaxed, slightly bent and raised to the level of the eyes.
  • Before the massage, any oil or cream at the discretion of the client is necessarily applied to the skin.
  • The duration of the session can range from 30 minutes to two hours, which depends on the problem present.

Important! If you plan to do a lymphatic drainage on your own, you should carefully study the location of the lymph vessels. This will help you not make incorrect movements that can even more disturb the lymph flow.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage - Features of the procedure in the cabin

For a good discharge of lymphatic fluid, electrical impulses are often used. This type of lymphatic drainage massage is called hardware and carried out exclusively in the cabin. There are such species:

  • Galvanization - moderate effect on lymph with weak discharge of current. This is a superficial lymphatic drainage massage for the removal of fluid from tissues and improving the appearance of the skin.
  • Microcurrent lymphatic drainage - The effect of microimpuls on the epidermis and subcutaneous muscle layer. It is used to smooth the "fresh" wrinkles, improve the contour of the nasolabial triangle and the general lifting effect.
  • Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage - The deepest and most effective type of lymphatic drainage. Massage is used for the treatment of varicose veins, cellulite, and severe lymph flow disorders. The procedure requires a high level of skill, since careless massage can cause microtrauma of capillaries and epidermis.
  • Electroionophoresis - Using the electrodes, the skin is saturated with chemicals, which through the pores remove toxic compounds and stimulate the blood circulation of the lymph.
  • Processherapy - mechanization of manual massage. The patient is put on a special costume working under the control of the microprocessor. As a result, an effect similar to manual exposure is made on the body.

Lymphodrenal massage at home - how to do it?

The independent performance of lymphatic drainage massage requires the basics of this technique. In addition to the doctor’s consultation, it is advisable to undergo a basic training course in order to master the basic massage techniques and learn the location of the lymphatic ducts.

Advice! I would like to note that it is easy to master this technique. To learn how to do lymphodrenal massage, look at a photo with drawn circuits of lymph flow, find training videos on the Internet or download electronic versions of scientific aids. In addition, you can always take training courses with a good massage therapist.

The choice of methods of lymphatic drainage massage and the duration of treatment is carried out taking into account the problem area and exciting disease. Consider all available techniques in manual execution.

Lymphodrenazhny Japanese face massage

Japanese women have always been famous for their long youth. The secret of their beauty was often attributed to a special massage called Zogan. The essence of the methodology was to believe that in every person the sacred energy flows, which can be strengthened by certain massage of the face. And only after centuries, scientists realized that this energy was the lymphatic fluid.

Now, with special zeal, women use these ancient knowledge in modern processing to improve the skin of the face, relieve swelling, rejuvenation. The technique is based on one final movement of Asahi. It is done like this:

  • The totality of three fingers (medium, index and nameless) is gently pressed on the lymph node zone behind the ears.
  • Pressing is not done by the fingertips themselves, but with the entire length. Moreover, pressing is carried out tightly pressed to a friend to a friend with fingers.
  • The duration of exposure should be exactly two seconds.
  • After that, the fingers lower them a little down to the collarbone.

This technique is completed by each stage of massage. Having mastered it, you can start a full -fledged lymphatic dodge. So, the face of the face is lymphatic drainage - technique for independent use:

  1. Hap - fingers press to the central sector of the forehead. After 3 seconds, fingers, without releasing, transfer to the whiskey. Then continuing to press, turn the fingers by 90⁰, lower it down and do the final exercise.
  2. Eyes - press the outer eye corners with the tips of the middle fingers, draw pillows along the line of eyelash growth to the inner corners, smoothly resting on the nose. Now increase the pressure slightly, make a circular movement under the eyebrows, and, placing your fingers near the outer eye corner, make a point pressing for 3 seconds.  Make a reverse circular motion under the eye socket and, increasing pressure, return to the outer corners, carry out the final exercise. You need to do lymphodnate eye massage very gently so as not to damage the eyeball and not injure the delicate skin around the eyes.
  3. Lips - Middle finger with the nameless, put it together, press the chin on the center, linger for a couple of seconds and go through the whole line around the lips in this way. Complete massage at the central point of the upper lip.
  4. Nose-in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hollows near the wings of the nose, place the middle fingers, make 5 movements in the direction from the bottom. Then use additional ring fingers, massage the upper nasal back towards the cheeks.
  5. The chin - press your fingers to the chin, with a light pressure move towards your eyes, passing the contour of the lips. Fix the pressure near the eyes for 3 seconds, advance your fingers to the temples and make the final movement.

Lymphodnate massage for varicose veins

You can bring your legs to perfection, forgetting about varicose veins, edema and pain, with the help of home lymphatic drainage massage:

  • Warmed palms are applied to the inner surface of the hips, closer to the knees.
  • They make non -circular touches in the direction along the movement of the lymph to the inguinal lymph nodes. Duration to those minutes.
  • Then the massage zone is expanded, involving the whole leg from the ankle to this process to the pubic zone. The total duration of the massage is about half an hour.

Lymphodnate massage for weight loss

The opinions of specialists about home modeling massage are quite controversial, moreover, most of them are far from in favor of home procedures. And the point is not even of possible adverse reactions, but in the inefficiency of independent impact. But this does not reduce the popularity of lymphatic drainage massage, the reviews of its adherents assure that you can still achieve positive results.

It is most safe to do massage in the legs and hips. It is better to use only the palms that need to smoothly massage the skin, pressing a little on it. You also need to remember the direction of movements: massage should move from the fingers to the base of the limbs.

The optimal time for one massage is 15 minutes. At the same time, try to control the intensity of movements so that there is no unpleasant sense of friction. If desired, you can use oil or cream.

Lymphodnate anti -cellulite massage

Only hardware techniques of lymphatic drainage allow you to get rid of cellulite. But you can slightly improve the skin of the skin at home. To do this, prepare an anti -cellulite agent: 4 tsp. honey, 7 drops of lemon oil, 1 tsp. coffee grounds.

Massage is carried out like this:

  1. The body warms up in the shower.
  2. The palms are lubricated with the cooked mixture.
  3. Then they are tightly crushed to the skin and abruptly torn off.
  4. You need to do such pops until the honey begins to stick very much and slide with dark balls.
  5. After that, you need to smear your hands again and switch to another area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Advice! It is not recommended to do a massage of the abdomen on your own. The inept influence on the lymphatic ducts in this segment can disrupt the normal functioning of the internal organs. Therefore, massage of this part of the body is best provided to a specialist.

How to do lymphodrenal massage - video



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