
Causes of acne in adults and adolescents. How to get rid of acne rashes on the lyceum of the body. Overview of ointments and drugs from acne

Causes of acne in adults and adolescents. How to get rid of acne rashes on the lyceum of the body. Overview of ointments and drugs from acne
Factors causing acne rich in young and older age. How to treat acne rich in adolescents and adults.

Angry rash is a common aesthetic problem. Most often, the epicenter of the rash is located on the face, forcing a person to shove your own reflection in the mirror. The disease pursues not only adolescents, but also adults. We will talk about the causes and methods of treating acne and older age. Talk in the article.

For the first time, young people face ugly tubercles and dots on the face during puberty, aged 12 to 16 years. From youthful, or vulgar acne suffers more than a third of adolescents. Most often, girls face the problem, but the young men, as a rule, is stronger. This is a natural relationship, so the acne rash can be quite justified to consider a sign of cultivation.

Fatty skin is predisposed to the appearance of acne and acne. In addition, the development of the defect in many ways contributes to the hormonal restructuring of the body during sexual adulthood. Acne appears with increased activity of steroids, in particular male genital hormones, androgen, which contribute to more intense skin production. Under the influence of hormones, the skin secret acquires increased viscosity and density and turns into traffic jams, blocking the ducts of hair follicles.

In places of accumulation of acne, adolescents are usually the face, chest and back. The most affected areas on the face - forehead, nose and chin. Skin products are performed here particularly. In the photo - typical of teen acne rich:

Causes of acne and acne in adolescents

According to dermatologists, allocate only one factor, provoking the appearance of a rash on the face, is impossible. As a rule, when a girl or a young man begins to rapidly determine the skin of the person, contribute to this several reasons at once. Doctors distinguish several basic risk factors that lead to the development of acne on the face and body:

  • age - for the first time acne manifested in the pubertal period;
  • hormonal activity - vulgar acne and acne can appear shortly before menstruation;
  • heredity - in some cases the formation of acne is laid at the genetic level;
  • diseases - mainly in the state of the skin reflect the diseases associated with a change in the hormonal background in the body (for example, polycystic ovarian syndrome);
  • reception of drugs - acne can be a consequence of medication treatment. Leave a footprint on the skin in the literal sense of the word can doping and steroid agents, oral contraceptives, sedatives and tranquilizers;
  • poor-quality or borrowed cosmetics, clutching pores.

There are several other factors that can accelerate the appearance of acne and weighing its current:

  • external stimuli (polluted environment, increased air humidity);
  • touch, friction. If you often touch your face with your hands, there will be inflamed acne with a lot of probability. The appearance of the rash on the neck can precede the friction of the skin with a tight collar or strapping bags, and the acne rash on the back occurs with systematic skin contact with synthetic tissue clothing;
  • personal hygiene (insufficient or excessively diligent skin cleansing).

Treatment of acne in adolescents

In black points and inflamed nodules on the face of young people often see the main cause of their problems and failures, they are shy to this and, that the saddest, closes in themselves. Treatment of acne is a rash in adolescents is the subject of increased attention to their parents - the growing generation should be helped to survive this difficult period in life painlessly.

A large assortment of acne for adolescents today has every pharmacy: on the shop window you will find both tested drugs and the latest developments of pharmaceuticals. Recall you about the most popular preparations against acne.

Salicylic acid solution from acne

Affordable and inexpensive salicylic alcohol is known for excellent antibacterial and exfoliating effect. The tool quickly removes even very strong inflammation and slightly illuminates the stains remaining from acne. The active components of the medicine suppress the intensive activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminate the fat shine from the face.

However, a conventional alcohol tincture adolescence is dangerous - an aggressive drug quickly dries by the already struck epidermis. In order not to harm the tender skin, imagining lotions are usually used with the addition of salicylic acid. The healing solution is wiped 3 times a day. Salicylic acid-based preparations are rarely used as an independent means - they are usually included in a comprehensive treatment program.

Tincture Calendula from acne

Compared with a solution of salicylic acid, this antiseptic has a more gentle effect. Calendula boasts well-known healing and regenerating properties, whitens and smoothes the skin. Especially relevant application of the calendula tincture when you need to clean your face from spots and fresh scars left after extruded pimples. In addition, the remedy effectively pulls the pus from deep subcutaneous acne. The skin is wiped with a drug in the morning and in the evening or apply point, catching on separate inflamed areas.

Differin from acne

Comedonolytic drug developed by French scientists. Produced in two forms: Gel Differin 0.1% is designed for patients with fat and combined type, cream Differin 0.1% will be more suitable for people with sensitive dry skin. The drug is contraindicated to children under 12 years old.

The current medication component is adapal. The substance copes well with the removal of rigorous plugs, cleans and tightens the pores, reduces the rapid activity of the sebaceous glands. However, the anti-inflammatory effect in the drug is weak, therefore, it does not suit the treatment of acne at the stage of inflammation.

A suitable medication form cleaned skin is treated 1 time per day before bedtime. In order for the positive result to be preserved for a long time, Differin apply to the course up to 3 months.

Vishnevsky ointment from acne

Those who do not like to "invent bicycles" are better not to find funds. The old kind oath of Vishnevsky appeared in 1927, but brings invaluable benefits so far. The drug based on tar, xeroform and castor oil exhibits antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing and softening effect. Especially ointment can be recommended to adolescents suffering from deep "subcutaneous", which are not broken for a long time and tend to inflame several times. Ointment in a matter of hours penetrates into deep skin tissues, relieves inflammation and displays purulent contents out.

At the first signs of ripening of a problem acne under the skin, make a dressing with the ointment of Vishnevsky. The remedy should be applied to a gauze tampon of 4 layers and attach it to the affected area for the night. In the morning, the pimples are cleaned with alcohol-containing lotion.

Skinland gel from acne

Azelainic acid is involved in the creation of the drug. This substance reduces the manifestation of acne, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and prevents the development of acne. Moreover, the drug not only struggles with the problem, but also eliminates the reason for its appearance - pathogenic microorganisms, the activity of which harms the skin.

Skinoren is produced in the form of a gel and cream. The gel acts faster and effective with strong inflammation of the skin, therefore it is used mainly with increased oily skin. The cream is shown for easily vulnerable sensitive skin when there are no strong inflammation, but there are sites with the so-called pedestal.

The thin layer of the drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin 1 time per day. The result from the skinland is long-term, it manifests itself after 4 - 6 weeks of systematic treatment. The general course of use of the drug is 90 days. During this period, the surface layer of the skin is completely changing three times, and there is no trace of acne.

Basiron AS from acne

The preparation based on benzene peroxide has a powerful keratolytic, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic action. After applying the Basirone, the skin becomes matte and acquires a more uniform color. The course of treatment is long - about 3 months. Apply the remedy in the morning and in the evening point and on the whole face, if there is a lot of acne.

Judging by the reviews, the treatment of acne with Basiron has one significant drawback - the medicine is very dry by the skin, so it should be discussed in advance with a beautician, which moisturizing means to use in parallel with the main program.

Zinyrit from acne

This is a Dutch antibacterial drug, designed specifically for the treatment of light shafts of acne and acne. The active ingredients of the drug - erythromycin and zinc - have an astringent effect and contribute to the rapid healing of the skin, damaged by the wounds and scars after acne. The bacteriostatic effect of the drug prevents the re-development of acne. Zinerit process distressed places twice a day for 10 weeks. Visible improvement occurs after 10 - 14 days of regular treatment.


A huge number of positive feedbacks testifies that the boltushka is one of the most effective means of acne. The decision on the composition of the drug adopts the doctor, given the individual characteristics of the patient's skin and the nature of the acne. The components of the drug can be levomycetin, trichopol, clindamycin, sulfur, streptocide, zinc, boric alcohol, etc. The chatter is sold at the pharmacy, where it is mixed according to the recipe that the doctor wrote down.

For the sake of justice, we note that inexpensive means helps to cure light shapes acne, but it is unlikely to cope with the neglected snare. The chatter exhibits an antiseptic, drying and antimicrobial effect, effectively eliminating individual acne and irritation in the form of a rash.

The means wipe the sick skin 1 time per day, before bedtime. In addition, during treatment, the boltushka needs 2 months to comply with a diet, involving the refusal of oily, fried, flour dishes and sweets, as well as the use of a large amount of water.

Angry rash in adults

Acne spoil life not only to the young generation: when the teenage years went into the past, and the angry rash - no, disadvantageously. In a mature age, the skin can spoil both in women and in men, but statistics argue that the French representatives suffer from this problem more often.

Angry rash on the face of adults looks somewhat different than adolescents. It is divided into two types:

  1. Resistant angry rash. Problem skin has been preserved since the time of school bench, and acne and black dots are focused mainly around the mouth, on the chin and along the jaw line. Resistant acne is represented by painful inflamed papulas or deep cystic eels, which leave behind well-pronounced scars.
  2. Late angry rash. A person could have perfect skin in his youth, but faces an impartial defect after 30 to 40 years or on the threshold of Klimaks. Later acne is striking not only face, but also back and chest.

Causes of acne in adults

The first and main reason is the intensive production of the skin with saline glands. The speed of this process in some cases is not regulated with age: the skin fat and dead fragments of the epidermis overlap the time, thereby creating an ideal microclimate for pathogenic microbes that cause an inflammatory response.

Among other factors that contribute to the appearance of acne in an adult, we note:

  1. Unstable hormonal background. Acne formation is often preceded by any hormonal "shakement" - during puberty, critical days, climax, pregnancy. Some women notice that the skin was covered with acne on the background of receiving hormonal contraceptives. When a person sprinkles acne on the nervous soil, it speaks of a high level of Testosterone hormone.
  2. Medicines. Combined contraceptives are often used to treat acne disease, however, contraceptives, which include one progesterone, only harm skin.
  3. Heredity. This is one of the most obvious reasons for the acne rash on the face - about half of adult people suffering from acne have at least one closest relative with the same problem.
  4. Cosmetics. Some means created to care for appearance (oil lotions from the sun, hair balms), contribute to the development of the so-called cosmetic acne. To protect the skin from the effects of harmful components, cosmetics are selected by the appropriate - marked "non-comdogenic".

Treatment of acne in adults

Practice shows that acne in adulthood is amenable to treatment much more difficult than young people. It's not a fact that the remedy for acne rash, effective at 14 to 16 years, will retain its therapeutic abilities if used in 30 to 40 years. For this reason, in the treatment of acne in adults, it is more reliable to use "heavy artillery".

We list the drugs from the "adult" of acne, which are sold in a pharmacy without a recipe:

  • sulfacetamide and sulfur medications;
  • vitamin A derivatives for local applications at the initial stage of acne;
  • cleansing and moisturizing cosmetics based on salicylic acid.

In severe cases, the dermatologist prescribes prescription drugs:

  • drugs for local applications based on benzoyl peroxide against the background of treatment with erythromycin and clindamycin;
  • local drugs, as part of which is clindamycin and retinol;
  • antibacterial agents of the tetracycline group: doxycycline, tetracycline;
  • hormonal treatment with oral contraceptives;
  • treatment isotretinin - small doses of the substance put in order to the skin with any degree of acne.

The most neglected forms of the disease in adults are treated with corticosteroid drugs, and scars after acne are eliminated by various methods of operational medicine (for example, dermabrasion or adipose transplantation).


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