
How to make a male manicure correctly. Technology implementation of male manicure at home

How to make a male manicure correctly. Technology implementation of male manicure at home
Should the hands of men be well-groomed? Of course, yes. The technique of performing a male manicure has some features that you will learn from the article

If you still think that the manicure is something shameful for men, then your opinion has long been outdated. Some professions simply oblige representatives of a strong half of humanity to have neat nails of the right form. It should not even think that for a male manicure, some special tools, skills or conditions are needed. You will need the easiest set of manicure tools and the desire to bring your nails in order. Help with a male manicure can quite beloved wife or girl. It is accurate with ease to cope with such a task. In this article, we will consider all the obligatory stages of the male manicure, we will tell about the difficulties that may have to face the difficulties.

Male manicure. Peculiarities

Male manicure has its own characteristics that distinguish it from the female manicure. We list the most important:

  • beauty salons that offer male manicure services must have a fairly strict and conservative style in the interior. Pink and hand pads and pillows will only embarrass a man and deliver him a sense of discomfort;
  • when holding a male manicure, some features of the structure of the male nail should be taken into account. As a rule, the nails in men are more dense and coarse, severe signage. Especially painstakingly and for a long time a manicure is held on the "workers" hands, on which there are many dry corns, flapped skin around the nails, fine cracks on the fingers, etc.;
  • male manicure at home wears more practical orientation. In the female manicure, a decorative goal plays a much larger role;
  • manicure for a man is a mandatory hygienic procedure that can prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, can significantly improve the appearance of the skin of the hands;
  • by virtue of a low pain threshold, men are more often refused by the edged manicure. Softening the cuticle with special means and peeling leather with fruit acids will be given a little bit of the worst result;
  • male manicure does not imply a wide selection of nail shape. Only women can afford round, rectangular, pointed, oval forms of the nail plate. Most of these forms of nails will be ridiculous to look at male hands. As a rule, a man makes a shape strictly on finger pads;
  • do not think that the male manicure occupies a much less time than female. Of course, men do not cover with nails with colored varnishes, do not be fond of neil art, do not require extension of nails, etc. But the masts of manicure often face many difficulties when performing a male manicure. This is usually happening when a man did not pay attention to his nails for a long time or never care about the appearance of his hands.

Types of male manicure

Modern beauty salons can offer men several types of manicure. All these varieties can be carried out at home.

  1. Classic male manicure. The main distinguishing feature of such a manicure is the circumcision of the cuticle around the nail plate. The manicure will be painless if you correctly perform all the stages on skin softening, cuticle.
  2. European manicure. Men most often choose this type of manicure. It is performed without "frightening" tweezers. The cuticle is also softened, and then simply moved by an orange stick without circumcision.
  3. French manicure. Such a type of manicure provides staining of the nail plate into the body color, and the edges of the nail in the brightest. The French manicure is an ideal solution for giving a healthy species yellowed, transparent nails.
  4. SPA manicure. This variety of manicure has incredibly psychological relaxation. Brushes are soaked in various baths with healing solutions, make hand massage using aromatic oils. The manicure office is filled with smearing fragrances incense.
  5. Male hardware manicure. This type of manicure is also very often offered to men. The special apparatus using different nozzles can quickly and painlessly poll, to cut, polish the nail plate. In addition, such a type of manicure reduces the risk of obtaining small injuries, cuts to zero.
  6. Hot manicure. This type of manicure provides all the usual stages of the classic male manicure. A distinctive feature is that the client's hands are immersed in a solution of hot (non-igniting) oils, molten paraffin. Such specific care is able to give to male palms with flawless skin incredible softness, which will make it easier and will speed up all the further stages of the manicure.

Male manicure. Photo

Male manicure. Technology implementation

Stage 1. Male manicure - softening skin

The softening of hands in any solution is a mandatory stage, without which high-quality male manicure is simply impossible. What can you soak the brushes? You can choose the following options:

  • soaking brushes in ordinary warm water;
  • soaking brushes in soapy water;
  • soaking with brushes in any affordable oil. For example, olive. But oil, of course, you need to warm up;
  • making brushes in solution with a special ready-made means for "manual" baths. These funds contain the entire necessary complex of moisturizing and softening components.

To carry out the procedure for softening the skin of the hands and nails, select the container of the appropriate form. Immerse your hands into a warm solution and hold them there for 10-15 minutes. In the conditions of beauty salon, the master starts to the next manicure stage on one hand, and the second continues to "take a bath."

Stage 2. Male manicure - We remove the cuticle

Well-groomed male manicure can not be with huge burrs and dry cuticle around the nail. If the manicure is edged, then after softening the cuticle neatly cut around the entire nail with a special tool. If a man does not want to cut the cuticle, then you can simply apply a special means for softening the cuticle, and then push it away from the nail with an orange stick. Berckings need to be trimmed under the root, but not overdo it to prevent injury in such a sensitive area.

Stage 3. Male manicure - process the nail bed

In the male manicure, the processing of the area around the nail is especially important - nail bed. After the procedure for soaking brushes in a warm bath, dead and coarse skin should be easily removed using thin manicure scissors or a special tool.

Stage 4. Male Manicure - Subscribe Nail

Male manicure is limited to one shape of the nail - a straight cut strictly along finger pads. To feed it is better to choose a glasswall that most carefully acts on the nail. Keep the seal should be strictly perpendicular and saw in one direction. You can not move the file in chaotic directions. It greatly harms the structure of the nail, contributes to its further separation.

Stage 5. Male manicure - polishing the nail surface

Healthy nail should always have a beautiful natural shine. To achieve such an effect, after all the stages on making the shape of the nail, you must definitely polish the nail surface. There are special polishing caps that give the shine nail. At home, you can use even the usual fabric with a pile.

Stage 6. Male manicure - Moisturizing hands

The mandatory and final stage of any manicure is moisturizing the hands using any cosmetic cream or oil. This will reduce the "stress" to nail and skin around the nails, which they experienced during all stages of the manicure.

When performing a manicure in the cabin, a man can offer and coating a nail with a special varnish. Do not be afraid of this step. Varnish, as a rule, has a transparent color and has a strengthening effect on a nail plate, protecting it from external damage, giving a healthy shine. Most men are still internally resisting nail coating with varnish, and this is their right.

Male manicure at home

Tools for male manicure

In order to make a male manicure at home, it will take the minimum set of the simplest tools. It is worth noting that each family member should have an individual set of tools for manicure or pedicure. Otherwise, the tools will need to carefully disinfect after each use, which is not very convenient in everyday life. Let's list what may be needed for a male manicure at home.

  • The means for holding softening baths for hands before starting manicure. By this stage of the manicure, in no case should be neglected. Men are especially needed moisturizing and softening, as their skin's skin is more coarse, shroud, nails are thicker and dense. You can use any warm vegetable oil or just warm soap water. You can purchase special funds in the store.

  • Nail scissors. Scissors must be present in the arsenal of men in any case. They will be needed to shorten the length of the nails, cutting the burishes. When choosing scissors in the store, do not prefer the cheapest option. Such scissors most likely serve not very long. It is better to buy good manicure scissors once, which will serve you for a long period.

  • Pusher. This tool with an unusual name is extremely practical and convenient. It is represented by a metallic wand with 2 working surfaces at the ends. One end is a blade that is very convenient to move the cuticle, as it perfectly corresponds to the shape of the nail. The other end is presented in the form of pointed peak, with the help of which it is very convenient to escort the space around the nail.

  • Manicure tongs. Such tongs are simply indispensable to circumcise the cuticle and dry skin around the nail. Tongs are of different size and shape of the isge. Some of them are more designed for pedicure.

  • Pilochka. The sawo is needed to give the shape of the nail after its shortening. It can be made of different materials. The most popular glass, crystal saws, ceramic saws, etc. Avoid outdated metal files. They harm the nail structure.

  • Baf. To carry out the final work on polishing the nails, you can not do without a bafe. This is a special tool with a very soft abrasive surface. At home, it is quite possible to do with a wool cloth, which also polishes the nail surface to the glossy glitter.

  • Moisturizing cream or hand oil. Men should not neglect the humidifier of the skin of the hands and nails. This is especially important for men who physically work with their hands.

As you can see, a list of necessary items for making manicure at home is very minimal. You will not be difficult to acquire a set of their similar tools and means. You will understand that you care for your hands and nails at home very simple and quickly, if you do it regularly.

How to make a male manicure at home. Recommendations

If a man adapts to making manicure himself, then soon the skills will work until automatism, and the procedure will not take more than 30 minutes. Homemade male manicure on technology is identical to the salon manicure. Arm yourself with the necessary tools and proceed to nail care.

  • usually men have no time to spend softening baths for brushes. Such a pastime causes irritation and a sense of hopeless time loss. You can replace this procedure by simply making the soul. After you werehed, the skin of the hands will be quite soften;
  • shorten the length of the nail if it is a step more than 1-2 mm;
  • with special tongs, get rid of all sowing and rough skin around the nail;
  • with a soft sawmuel, give the shape of the nail.

Male manicure and pedicure at home should become ordinary hygienic procedures that are directed not only to maintain a neat appearance, but also to preserve the health of the hands and legs.

Express tips for nail care engaged in men

If a man remembers his nails only 1 time per month in order to just cut them, then the neat type of hand will never have. Some representatives of the strong half of mankind is simply not enough time for a weekly manicure. It is for these busy people, there are tips on the implementation of the male manicure at home:

  • get a special nail brush and put it in the bathroom in a prominent place. For example, near soap. During each hand washing, use this brush to remove dirt and dust from under the nails. Such a daily cleaning of nails will also allow the color of the nail plate in perfect condition;
  • if a man has no time for various manipulations with the cuticle around the nail, then you can resort to a simple people's way. Approximately 1 time per week. Abundant lubricate the nails with a slice of lemon. Fruit acids, which are in abundant quantities in lemon, dissolve the coarse skin around the nails. Lemon is also known and its whitening property. Regularly lubricating the nails lemon, you will have strong nails of a healthy color;
  • to maintain nails in a tidy state, you do not need to neglect them with frequent shocked. It is advisable to do it every week with manicure scissors.

Male manicure. Video

Pluses manicure for men

Beauty lies in trifles. You can not suspect how often your interlocutor draws attention to the little things in your image. Ufect hands with dirty nails are instantly repel from communication. Manicure for men, as you already understood, can be performed both in the beauty salon and at home. If you trust your hands to a professional master, then you can count on a more complete set of nail care services. Very often, men working with their hands have a lot of problems with skin and nails. At home, it is quite problematic to cope with such problems. To eliminate these defects, special skills are needed, knowledge, a wider range of tools that you may not be at home. Thus, the male manicure has the following undoubted advantages:

  • maintaining hands in neat appearance;
  • creating an image of a prosperous, well-groomed, neat man;
  • prevention of various fungal diseases;
  • preservation of the skin of the hands in good condition;
  • solving the problems of the "workers" of the hands: getting rid of rough, dry corns, numerous cracks on hand, elimination of sovereigns, flapped skin around the nails;
  • positive emotional state during various hand care procedures that have an incredible relaxing effect;
  • regular manicure allows some men to comply with their position. Especially important is the appearance of hands for professions such as banker, office employee, teacher, lawyer, notary, etc.

A man should not neglect care of her own hands. Favorite woman nice to feel not only strong men's hands, but also to see the tidy hands of their man with clean and neat nails. Regular manicure will not affect the reduction of the level of your brutality and masculinity. It is enough to see well-groomed men's hands, the photo of the male manicure before and after, to understand how much it affects the creation of an image of a successful and prosperous person. Watch yourself and be beautiful!


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