
The use of celandine from acne. Treatment of acne with bee celandine at home - recipes

The use of celandine from acne. Treatment of acne with bee celandine at home - recipes
The article describes the features of the use of celandine from acne.

Acne treatment is an urgent task of any generation. To date, a lot of pharmaceutical production drugs have been developed to combat acne and acne. But, as before, folk methods of treating skin defects in the form of a pimple rash are still not inferior to their positions. One of the effective and popular means is the use of celandine against acne. In this article, we will describe in detail the specifics of the effects of celandine on the skin and give several recipes for folk remedies for treating acne with the help of this grass.

Does the celandine help

The name "celandine" speaks for itself. This grass is known due to its ability to cleanse the skin from defects, whether it is acne, acne, pigment spots or other unpleasant manifestations. It is surprising that the adaptability of celandine is so great that this plant grows in almost any area. Thanks to this, celandine is available to everyone. And the properties of the plant can surprise with their uniqueness any, subject to the correct application.

The healing properties of celandine are determined by its chemical composition. The celandine contains in itself:

  • smolish substances;
  • bitterness;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins E and C;
  • zinc;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • selenium et al.

In general, such a composition with a certain encumbrance can help cope with various diseases. In this article, we will tell in detail how it affects the pimple rash. So, the celandine has this effect on the skin:

  • the chemical components of celandine have high bactericidal activity, while dying pathogens are dying, which are involved in the formation of acne and acne;
  • the celandine disinfects the skin, which is due to the presence of organic acids in the plant, in particular amber, apple and lemon;
  • ascorbic acid contained in the celandine and vitamin A in the complex enhance the regeneration of the skin;
  • after the use of grass, a protective barrier is formed on the epidermis, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the inner layers of the skin;
  • the use of celandine on the skin contributes to the rapid renewal of cells and the soft removal of dead particles from the surface layer of the epidermis.

The celandine from acne on the face and body is capable of gently and without negative consequences to improve the skin of the processed area. But only in the case of proper application. It is worth remembering that the celandine refers to toxic plants. Its abundant concentration is unacceptable and otherwise may lead to very serious negative consequences.

Celeal properties are exclusively with acne celandine juice. He can save you from:

  • pustules;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • inflammation.

According to the reviews of the celandine from acne, this plant in a short time helps to overcome the problem of pimple rash. Moreover, after its use, the skin becomes lighter and more delicate.

It is also important to remember that the celandine from acne does not solve the problem radically and for the treatment of acne you need to consult a dermatologist and follow his recommendations.

Bee celandine from acne: contraindications

The celandine from acne can be used at any age, starting with a teenage. Nevertheless, there are a number of contraindications for the use of celandine. They include:

  • open wounds;
  • skin ulcers;
  • dermatitis in an advanced stage;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • eczema.

In addition, before the first use of celandine, it is necessary to make a test for tolerance. For this:

  1. On a small area of \u200b\u200bthe back of the palm, apply a little celandine juice.
  2. Leave the product for 15 minutes.
  3. After 15 minutes, determine the reaction of the body.

If during and after the test there were no uncomfortable sensations (burning, itching, redness, irritation), then you can endure the celandine normally and you can use it. Otherwise, rinse the juice of the plant with the hand with cold water and soft soap, dry the skin with a towel and apply a moisturizer to the skin. If the burning sensation does not pass, attach ice.

How to apply a clever from acne

Pimpling treatment is the use of special products based on this grass. You can prepare them both at home and buy ready -made pharmacy production. For each person, the product should be selected individually depending on the global of the problem and type of skin.

Cleaning broth from acne

A decoction of celandine from acne is a fairly gentle remedy that will help to cope with the problem in the initial stages. How to brew a clever from acne and use a decoction.

  1. Pour half a glass of fresh grass with a liter of boiling water.
  2. Bring the mass to a boil.
  3. Strain the decoction through gauze or sieve.
  4. Cool to room temperature and wipe your face.

Apply the product recommended 2 times a day for 10 days.

Tincture of celandine from acne

The celandine from acne and acne in the form of tincture has proven itself.   It helps especially well in combination with fruit and berry masks of home preparation.

How to cook and apply tincture:

  1. 1 tbsp. L celands pour 1.5 cups of water.
  2. Put the mass on fire, bring to a boil and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Put the tincture in a cool, dark place and leave for 7 hours.
  4. Then strain the infusion through gauze and use in the form of lotions.

It is recommended to use tincture before bedtime for 10 days.

Celandine lotion against acne

Celandine lotion is very effective even with advanced acne and pimple rash. You need to cook and use it like this:

  1. 2 tbsp. l dry celandine grass pour 0.5 l of boiling water.
  2. Give the product to stand for 2 hours.
  3. Strain the lotion and apply it to the face.
  4. After 7-10 minutes, wash off the product with cool water.

It is recommended to use the lotion once a day before bedtime. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Cosmetic ice with celandine from acne

It is easy to cook ice, despite this, the spectrum of its effect is quite wide. How to cook and use cosmetic ice with celandine:

  1. Cool the cleaning broth to room temperature.
  2. Pour the liquid into ice molds.
  3. Wipe the face with ice, paying special attention to problem areas.

It is recommended to use such ice no more than once a day. The course of treatment is until the problem is completely eliminated.

Pimpling mask recipe

The mask prepared according to this recipe is best used on dry skin, prone to the frequent appearance of acne. How to prepare and apply the tool:

  1. 1 tsp, mix olive oil with egg yolk. Bring the mass to uniform.
  2. Add 10 drops of celandine juice to the oil mixture with yolk.
  3. Apply the product to the skin.
  4. After 10 minutes, wash the mask with cool water.

It is recommended to use the mask 2-3 times a week for a month.

Cleaning mask from acne on the back

Acne on the back is not uncommon. They need to be treated immediately, because if you do not pay attention to this problem, it can develop into a painful acne. How to prepare and use a mask with celandine from acne on the back.

  1. Grate 2 fresh cucumber on a fine grater.
  2. In the non -metallic container, mix chopped cucumbers, a handful of fresh celandine grass and a glass of vodka.
  3. Close the container with a lid and send to a dark cool place for two weeks.
  4. After the tool is infused, moisten a cotton pad in it and process the back of the back area.
  5. After 30 minutes, rinse the mask with cool water.
  6. Apply a moisturizer to treated skin.

This tool needs to be used daily for two weeks.

Pimpling celandine oil. Video



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