
The weight loss method on the tobate system. Complex of the exercise of tobate for weight loss for beginners

The weight loss method on the tobate system. Complex of the exercise of tobate for weight loss for beginners
The tobate system and its secrets. How to do, recommendations and contraindications, as well as the basic selection of exercises.

If you want a good figure, but do not like to spend a lot of time in the gym, perhaps the gymnastics of tobate is exactly what you need to lose weight. This technique implies short, only 4 minutes, but superfidtensive loads, and it seems easy only at first.

History of the Tabata system

The father-founder of this miracle system is the Japanese doctor of izumi tobate. The history of creation itself hints that this method is not at all for newcomers - Professor Tabata came up with his skater training. Just imagine which loads it should be.

The system was developed and tested at the Tokyo Institute of Physical Education and Sports in the 90s, and today the entire fitness industry has been actively used by the tobate complex for recovery and weight loss.

Why exactly the Tabata complex?

This technique is based on the method of interval training, when the periods of active load are combined with periods of maximum relaxation. However, in the system of tobate, all cycles of muscle work and recreation occur within 4 minutes. How can it be, you ask, didn't you, not four minutes for a full workout? It turns out that no: many involved calls the tobate system perfect for weight loss. Reviews argue that the results can be seen after the first month, and most importantly - for this you do not need to go to the gym.

We will reveal several secrets:

  • all exercises are not performed in the floor of the strength, but at the limit of possibilities - after training, you should simply be squeezing from fatigue. So the body has time to burn the same amount of calories (and even more), as at the time of the usual monotonous training in the gym;
  • in addition to the complex of the exercise, the mandatory warm-up and the zaminka is also performed - and this is 10-15 minutes;
  • gradually, accustomed to the exercise cycle with a length of 4 minutes, you can add another same cycle, then another one, thus gradually increasing the revolutions. But the first time you will grab one cycle with your head, and it may even have to use a facilitated exercise option.

During any physical activity, the metabolism in your body accelerates and remains highly efficient for some time after training - that is, at rest the body spends a much larger calorie. It has been proven that the period of "overclocked" metabolism after the tobate workouts lasts much longer - from several hours to several days. Naturally, such an effect is achieved only with regular tobate training. For weight loss and harmony, you will have to try and do not miss classes.

The number of classes a week depends on your physical form. People who are not at all engaged in sports before, it is better to start at all with ordinary training or from a lightweight complex once a week. With sufficient experience, you can start with 1-2 training in one cycle and bring to 2-3 to several cycles.

Safety in the system of tobat

Although the charging of the tobate is the perfect weight loss method, it is a considerable stress for the body. It is impossible to proceed to similar highly intensive physical exertion without consulting a specialist. Ideally, you need to know the opinion of your attending physician, especially if you are not perfectly healthy - for example, in the following cases:

  • rehabilitation after a long disease - it is better to start with therapeutic physical education,
  • insufficient endurance - as in the previous embodiment, you must first master the simpler exercise complex;
  • the presence of any injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • problems with cardiovascular system;
  • arterial pressure problems;
  • problems with the vestibular apparatus.

Be sure to perform a brief workout so that the body does not have a shock sharp change in the state of rest on the state of high activity. Complete the set of stretching and relaxation exercises. Make sure that you do not go beyond the permissible load by checking the pulse rate before, during and after the classes, especially if you use weightlifiers. To do this, you can use calculator Pulse.

Tobat training in 4 minutes

The tobate system is suitable for weight loss even the busiest people: it will be necessary to allocate only 4 minutes a day. However, these 4 minutes you have to work at your maximum, alternating it with brief periods of relaxation. During relaxation, try not to be distracted for anything - except to write down the number of repetitions of the previous exercise.

We select exercises using the tobate method

Even if you want to work out only a certain part of the body, for example, use the tobate method for slimming the abdomen, then it is still better to choose complex exercises - that is, those that use the maximum number of muscles. After all, weight loss does not occur locally - this is a process affecting the whole organism.

Please note that the exercises should not be comprehensive and demand well developed coordination. The easier there is a technique, the more accurate you perform the movement, developing the highest pace. If you want to include in your package of tobate, the exercise is more complicated, for weight loss in the fastest possible time - do not deceive yourself, but first take up the analysis of the technique and learn how to perform them correctly. We describe some nuances of typical exercises for tobate:

  • running on the spot - be assembled, keep posture, always land on the footsight, so as not to damage the joints;
  • jumping through the rope - the same remark that for running - special attention is paid to the softness of the landing;
  • push-ups - pull the body, keep yourself with a press, arrange hands wide and do not fall over the chest;
  • squats - back Hold the most exactly as possible, do not drop the case and do not let the knees advocate the socks - so they take the entire critical load on themselves;
  • drops - Keep your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, and the back - smooth. Connect the muscles of the press during the rise.

In any exercise, follow the beauty of the lines: the back should be straightened, and the stomach is tightened. If at least tighten the navel to the spine, your body center is included in the work and leads to the tone of the remaining organism.

Getting ready for tobate system

Behind the time will help a special tobate timer will help - while you do, he counts seconds and tells when you need to relax and how many rounds left ahead. If you are doing at home, it is convenient to enable such a timer on the laptop screen and place it in front of yourself.
An example of tobate timer - under this reference.

Also, losing weight lovers on the protocol recommend novice to put in the zone of the towel reach, because the sweat usually flows strength.

We start to engage in the system of tobate

Be sure to make a workout. Before any load, it is necessary to bring the body into the working condition and dispersed the blood by the body, especially before such intense as the tobate method. For weight loss and normal body work during the training process, your pulse is accelerated. It is also necessary to cross ligaments and joints to unexpectedly not get injured.

For the whole cycle, you perform only one exercise:

  • 20 seconds we work at your limit;
  • 10 seconds of relaxation, with the muscles, without cooling, remain in working condition - for this you need not to fall to the floor to the floor (although it will want to), but to walk in a low pace, restoring the respiratory rhythm;
  • we repeat the round (20 + 10) 8 times.

If you still feel the strength to do next - then proceed to the next cycle by choosing another exercise.

Tabata exercises for weight loss: a selection for beginners

Despite the fact that experts recommend only one exercise for one cycle of tobate, newcomers can make a selection of several different in order to quickly bring the body into tone. We present an example of a comprehensive workout, which you can perform the first time as a basic one.

Tabata Exercise - Running in place / Jumping on the rope

Active running or jumping will be a good start to workout. Even if after the warm-up you are still not configured to do, this exercise will fix the situation. Keep your back smoothly, gently land on the socks, and for more effect you can raise your knees high to the chest - this will additionally use the muscles of the press. Please note: do not core tighten the knees, and the knees are to the chest. The back remains smooth.


Vasses are often added to the tobate complex. Exercise is ideal for weight loss, especially for women, because it will use all the typical female problem areas. The attacks can be performed in different directions - forward, to the side, back.

In the attacks forward, we still straighten your back and keep straight angles - your knees should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The front knee does not go forward, but is located exactly over the heel. Rear - barely concerns the floor.

Exercise tobate - push-ups

Classic exercise for exercising all body, including in the complex of tobate. It is used for weight loss and integrated muscle development. To perform pushups, accept the stop of the lying, the body is stretched as a string, the stomach is pulled up, the loin is not failed. Shoulders Pull the sides from the ears. Running, keep the body not only with your hands, but in most part - the press.

If you feel insufficiently prepared, then make an exercise with your knees.

Tabat exercise - reverse pushups

For this exercise you will need a chair. Sit on the floor, handicter your hands back on the seat of the chair. Ensure that the hands remain parallel to each other, and the blades did not jump to the ears - pull the shoulders to the sides and save the back straight. Several times take off the pelvis from the floor and raise yourself. Do not forget to turn on the press to work.

Tobate Exercises - Wide Squads

This exercise on so much loads his knees as classic deep squats, which means more suitable for beginners. In addition, it works well in the inner surface of the thigh. Arrange your widespread legs, keep your back straight, belly - tightened. In squatting knees should not go out for socks.

Exercise tobate - raising the hull in the seducing

Good exercise to eliminate stagnation in the pelvis area. You lie down on your back, bend the legs in your knees and pull up your heels to the buttocks. Then take off the pelvis from the floor and raise it up. At the top of the point you are trying to push the pelvis as much as possible. The blades are left on the floor, the shoulders are stripped.

Exercise tobate for a press boat

Sit on the seeded bones (not on the tailbone!), Straighten your back, strain the press and take the foot from the floor. Most likely, at the beginning you will not get completely straighten your legs - you can keep them bent in the knees parallel to the floor, holding your hands to save the balance. This exercise is static, but if you get it to do and not to fail the lower back, you can try to pull up the body to the legs with springtime movements.

Exercise tobat - Bourgo

If you have mastered all previous exercises, try to complete the Bourpi training. Bourpi is a combination of squats, push ups and jump. The execution scheme is shown in the picture: First you are squatting and touching your hands to the floor, then bounce back, we are partially moving into the palm of your hand, press, jump back into the sat down and jump out of it. Be careful with this exercise if you have joint problems.

When you get used to this complex, then choose the next one. The network now has a lot of information about the tobate exercises used for weight loss. Video with a sequence can be very comfortable alternative if you are doing at home. Then you will not have to do so actively follow the timer and memorize the sequence.

Like any other physical activity, the tobate complex can bring both benefits and harm. Select the exercises and the level of load with the mind, and then you will feel the positive effect of the tobate system. Slimming You will achieve even faster if you complete the exercises with rational food. Then your figure will be guaranteed to maintain the achieved slim and tightness.


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