
Dry skin masks

Dry skin masks
What ingredients are needed for moisturizing, rejuvenating and nutrient masks to get rid of skin dryness?

Dry skin in young people always looks attractive: clean and smooth, without eases and black dots, without oily shine. However, with age, it delivers many troubles. Dry skin is most exposed to external environmental exposure. In addition, over time, it becomes thinner, early wrinkles appear on it, capillaries begin to shift. But dry skin is not a sentence, but a feature that requires individual care. With what can be improved the condition of dry skin and protect it from negative changes?

Features of dry skin

Unlike other types of skin, a weak work of the sebaceous glands is observed, lipid and water exchange is broken. This means that there is almost no natural protection. From this, the skin becomes exhausted and cannot withstand age-related changes.

Symptoms of dry skin

  • You have dry skin if it is pale color, it has small pores, there is no greens. After washing, you feel that the skin shrinks and discomfort appears.
  • After a walk in windmake on the skin instantly appear irritation, redness, peeling.
  • Your skin is exposed to allergic reactions.
  • If you get into the face with a cosmetic napkin, then dry skin leaves tracks on it.
  • You have soon started to appear first wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, on the forehead, near the lips.

Causes of dry skin

The tendency to dry skin can be inherited from parents. It also appears as a result of certain factors. Among the main reasons, experts call the following:

  • Permanent problems in the work glands of the internal secretion.
  • Stresses and neuroses that lead to a failure of the nervous system.
  • Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Insufficient number of vitamins entering the body or their complete absence.

concept of Cosmetic Skin Care. Face of Young Woman With Dry Ski

Masks for dry skin

Dry skin may look beautiful and well-groomed only if you will keep up permanently. To do this, you need to do special masks 2 times a week. Women after 50 years the procedure can be carried out more often. Masks can be nutritious, moisturizing, rejuvenating. The best result will provide natural ingredients. Among them must be - sour cream or cream, vegetable oils.

Nutritional masks for dry skin

Yeast mask

Vitamins B who are as part of yeast are simply necessary dry skin. For such a mask you will need 1 tablespoon of pressed yeast. Soak them in heated milk. The finished mixture should remind a thick sour cream. It will distribute it on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the mask, beware of water room temperature. Procedure Complete the application of the nutritional cream.

Linen seed mask

The mask is suitable for those who want to restore the dry, weathered skin of the face, relieve inflammation. Cook porridge from two glasses of water and two tablespoons of flax seeds. Cool it to a warm state. Publishing a dense layer distribute on the face. Time of action mask - 20 minutes. After that, you can wash warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply cream with vitamins on your skin.

Banana and cream mask

This nutritional mask for dry skin of the face can be done at any time of the year. It is enough to take one banana, smash it and mix with a tablespoon of cream. Mask keep on the face of 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your face with warm water and apply the nutrient cream.


Moisturizing masks for dry skin

Curd-potato mask

Dry skin is often disturbed by water balance. Curd-potato mask will help you restore it. To do this, weld one crude potatoes, cool down a little, remove the skin and disappear to the condition of the puree. It should be mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil and the same amount of cottage cheese. At the end, add a teaspoon of glycerin. The mixture should be on the face for 20 minutes. Wash out the mask with water room temperature. After that, with light massage movements apply the nutrient cream.

Apple mask, cream and vitamin E

Apples and cream will not only provide skin feeding with useful substances, but it can be perfectly able to moisten it. Make a puree from one apple, racing it on the grater. Add a teaspoon of warm cream and two or three drops of vitamin E. The mask on the face should act for 15-20 minutes. After that, alternately warm and cold water, rush it. If your skin refers to very dry, then apply nutrient cream on it.

Mask with glycerin and aloe

This mask is a real salvation for very dehydrated dry skin. To moisturize it, you need glycerin, aloe, warm water and oatmeal. In two tablespoons of water, stir the glycerol tablespoon and as much aloe pulp. Oatmeal flour must be added to the last stage, stirring until the cream consistency formation. Time of action mask - 20 minutes. Wash it with water or tonic.


Oil with a rejuvenating effect for dry skin

It is on dry skin wrinkles that can manifest themselves very early. So that this does not happen to begin to take care of its condition already by 27-30 years. For masks to have a really rejuvenating effect, they must contain an oil base. There are several types of vegetable oils that are best suited for dry skin.

  • Apricot oil is recommended for removing the inflammation of dry skin and countering signs of aging. It has regenerating properties, contains minerals and vitamins.
  • Argan oil is indispensable for dry mature skin with wrinkles. Rejuvenating properties ensures vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Grape oil makes the skin satin, creating a rejuvenating effect. Its composition has minerals, vitamins, linoleic acid.
  • Carrot oil helps to restore dry skin with peeling, has sunscreen properties. Vitamins E and A, beta-carotene accelerate skin regeneration processes.
  • Rosehip butter is rich in vitamins, fatty acids, minerals. This composition is struggling with drumming of dry skin. Oil has a regenerating effect. Smoothes wrinkles.
  • Wheat embryos oil contains vitamins A, E, D, and fatty acids. It is indispensable in the fight against the dehydream of dry skin. Restores the lipid barrier. Recommended for moisturizing and rejuvenating masks.
  • Jojoba oil is well moistened with dry skin and helps to smooth out wrinkles on it. Masks with this oil not only get rid of premature signs of aging, but also treat small wounds on the skin. It has many different minerals and vitamins.


Rejuvenating masks for dry skin

Honey-linen mask

Rejuvenating and feeding effect - the main advantages of such a mask. To make sure that you welcome porridge from 200 grams of water and 3 tablespoons of linseed seed. Give it to cool. Mask enrich a half teaspoon of warm honey and the same amount of jojoba oil. Keep the warm mixture on the face for 20 minutes, covering the towel above. After the procedure, smear warm water.

Creamy Mask

Efficiency products have a good rejuvenating property. The result can be seen after one mask - the skin will become more touched, velvety and elastic. For the mask, it is enough to make a teaspoon of cottage cheese in the tablespoon sour cream and add a small pinch of salt there. The mixture must be distributed on the skin of the face and neck. Time of action mask - 20 minutes. Wash it with mineral water.

Lanolinovaya mask

To achieve the effect of rejuvenation of a mask with Lanolin, you need to do 2 times a week for a month. For one procedure, you will need: 200 grams of anhydrous lanoline, 40 grams of mineral non-carbonated water, 10 grams of rosehip oil (or other oil with rejuvenating properties). In Lanolin, you need to add oil and heat this mixture on a water bath. In the resulting solution, stirring adding water in which the cosmetic bera is diluted. White weight should be homogeneous. Hold a warm mask on the face for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, be warm water.


Cleaning masks for dry skin

Even dry and thin skin need to be cleaned. Do not be afraid of her damage or irritation. If you make gentle and soft procedures, the effect will be excellent. The best ingredients for cleansing masks are vegetables, berries, oatmeal.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal has good cleansing and moisturizing properties. Fill with three tablespoons of warm milk the same amount of crushed oatmeal. After 10 minutes, pour in the dairy-oat mixture a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and a teaspoon of honey. The action of such a mask should be at least 20 minutes. After that, smear the cool mineral water.

Mask with tomato

To make a cleansing mask with a tomato, take one vegetable and soda it on the grater. Add the remaining ingredients of the mask in the puree - 1 teaspoon of wheat oil and as much cream, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. Action mask - 20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse the face with cool mineral water.

Carrot mask

This best mask for cleaning dry and sluggish skin. For one procedure, you need to make mashed potatoes from a single carrot, otters on the grater. Press the juice from the received puree and impregnate them folded in several layers of gauze. Then put it on your face and leave for 30 minutes. After half an hour, rinse the skin with mineral water.


Masks for dry skin

Hands, as you know, can issue a real age of a woman. And the dry skin of the hands especially brings their owners. Therefore, the handles need to take care in the same way as about your face. Masks for dry skin skin must feed them, saturated with moisture, eliminate damage. The procedure can be carried out 2-3 times during the week.

Oat mask

Such a mask has a good moisturizing effect. Swarge from oat flakes porridge. Enrich it with oil of wheat germs or arganov (suitable and olive unrefined). Lower your hands in a warm porridge for 15 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hands with warm water and carry nutrient cream into the skin.

Smetano-honey mask

Such a mask will help get rid of the peeling of the skin of the hands and overtakes them. Take on the tablespoon sour cream and warm honey, add yolk of fresh egg. Apply mixture on your hands, wrap them in cellophane and cover with a towel. Duration mask to 20 minutes. After that, wash it off with warm water.

Cottage cheese and oil mask

Oil in combination with cheese softens dry skin of hands and fills it with useful substances. To do this, mix a teaspoon of vegetable oil (linseed, carrots or any other) with the same amount of green tea and lemon peel. Complete mask with two tablespoons of cottage cheese. The mixture should resemble the consistency of cream. The finished mask cool, and put your hands on. Mask Duration - 15 minutes, after which it is necessary to rinse with warm water.


Masks for dry scalp

Dry head of the head gives women a lot of hassle - dandruff, peeling, hair fragility. The causes of these phenomena can be both individual features and the consequences of the use of cosmetics for hair. Masks that help get rid of dry skin needles must contain honey, egg yolk, vegetable oils, milk.

Oil mask

The oil mask is recognized as one of the best, capable of moisturizing dry scalp, as well as restore the protective layer. Almond or olive oil warm, add a few drops of tea tree oil. Hot mixture with massage movements in the scalp. Wrap your head with a warm towel. The time of the mask is 30 minutes. After that, it should be washed with warm water with a soft shampoo.

Egg Yolk Mask

Mask feeds dry scalp and makes hair soft. Take a glass of hot mineral non-carbonated water and add yolk of one chicken egg, as well as one tablespoon of vodka. Washed a warm mixture with massage movements into the head of the head. Leave the mask for 20-30 minutes, having bought a head with a towel. At the end of the procedure, wash it with water temperature with a soft shampoo.

Repened Honey Mask

Mask with burdock oil eliminates the dry skin of the head and struggles with baldness. For the procedure in a glass of warm rapid oil, add acrivated honey and tincture of Arnica across a tablespoon, one tablespoon of prostruck, one egg yolk. Massaging, rub the mask into the skin and hair roots. Wrap your head towel. The time of the mask is 30 minutes. It is necessary to rinse it with shampoo in which one egg yolk has been added.


Masks for dry skin

The skin on the centuries is the gentle and thin. When it is also dry, the early wrinkles are almost inevitable. Age masks are able to eliminate this drawback. They also help get rid of dark circles under the eyes, make the skin more tightened. Natural ingredients effectively cope with the task. However, you need to know about such precautions:

  • For procedures you need to use only freshly prepared masks.
  • Mask for dry skin of the eyelid should not be hot or cold. You can use only warm mixtures.
  • The mask is best placed in the gauze envelope, which should be put on the eyelids.
  • Masks on the eyelids hold no more than 15 minutes.
  • After the masks for the skin of the eyelid always need to be applied.

Mask from potatoes

Potatoes can have a triple effect on the skin - moisturizes it, whitens and nourishes. For such a mask, make a puree from one raw potatoes, loaming it on a shallow grater. In the tablespoon of this puree, dig a teaspoon of oils from olives. The mask is best put in gauze envelopes, and only then hold them on the eyelids. The time of the mask is 15 minutes. Rinse your eyes with water temperature and apply nutritious cream.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal in combination with cream well moisturize the dry skin and remove inflammation. To prepare a mask, fill with warm milk or cream 2 tablespoons of shallow oatmeal. Wait for flakes swelling. To apply the mixture on the eyelids, put it in gauze envelopes. The time of the mask is 15 minutes. It is necessary to rinse it alternately warm and cold water. Complete such a procedure for moistening the eyelid applying a nutritional cream.

Honey mask

Honey has always possessed rejuvenating properties. The mask, which he enters, is able to smooth out and moisten the skin of the eyelids. If she needs it, hear a teaspoon of honey and add as much cream and a few drops of oil from olives. A warm mixture neatly apply for the eyelids and the rest of the eye around the eyes. The time of the mask is 15 minutes. Wash it with warm milk. If the skin of your age is very dry, then after the mask, apply light nutritious cream on it.


Any mask for dry skin should be made 2 times a week by the course for one month. Then you need to take a break at least for a week, and then you can resume procedures. And do not forget to drink a lot of water at the same time, eat right, not nervous and always find time for yourself.

Masks for dry skin (video)


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