
The causes of a beer abdomen in women and men. How to get rid of a beer abdomen at home

The causes of a beer abdomen in women and men. How to get rid of a beer abdomen at home
The beer belly does not fit into the image of a healthy and beautiful person. How to defeat hated fat on the stomach? Are there fast ways to get rid of a beer abdomen in women and men? The article will answer these and other questions

If your own reflection in the mirror brings terrible discomfort, then you need to urgently begin to do something with this. Recently, very often you can hear the term "beer tummy". This phrase is applied to both men and women. Many will be surprised that such a tummy has little to do with excessive beer consumption. In order to verify this, consider the composition of the beer how it can affect our body. If you suffer from an excessive fat layer in the abdomen, then there are a lot of ways that will help you get rid of it. Of course, the visible result will not appear immediately, and you will have to make maximum efforts. But a beautiful and fit body is definitely worth it. We will talk about how to remove a beer belly in this article.

The causes of the beer abdomen. What is beer

It is difficult to find another similar drink that would have such a story. If you think that beer is a drink that is known exclusively to modern society, then you are deeply mistaken. The chemical beer residues were found in many archaeological excavations. The word "beer" among the Slavs initially designated any drink, including water. Now beer is a low -alcohol drink that is obtained by fermentation of malt wort. Beer can differ in the fortress, in color, in the initial raw materials, by the method of fermentation. A separate group is a non -alcoholic beer. The following facts about beer may seem interesting to you:

  • beer is a drink that was known even in the Neolithic era;
  • scientists have discovered the chemical remains of beer in ancient Egypt, Sumer, Assyria. It is known that the builders of the Egyptian pyramids received beer with food;
  • an interesting find was the discovery of clay tablets in which the goddess of Ninkasi brewing was praised. Detailed recipes for making beer were also given there;
  • the brewers of ancient China traditionally cooked beer from rice and fruits;
  • during the Middle Ages, brewers were not so popular. Beer became a drink of the poor in the population, and more wealthy people massively consumed grape wines;
  • the method of tasting fresh beer in Germany may seem interesting and rather funny. The deigned man had to wear leather pants and sit in a puddle of beer on a wooden bench. It was necessary to sit in such a piquant position for a certain time. If after this time a person stuck to the bench tightly, then the beer was welded at the highest level;
  • Czech Republic is a country that is famous for the production of beer. There was a criterion for the “selection” of the right beer. Chekhov was worried about the resistance of foam. In selected beer, foam should hold a coin on the surface for a certain time;
  • the beer contains carbohydrates, alcohol, proteins, water, B vitamins, nicotinic acid, folic acid, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.;
  • palm of the championship on the scale of beer production belongs to countries such as China, Germany, Russia, the USA;
  • there are many myths about the calorie content of beer. In fact, ordinary cow's milk has great calorie content than beer;
  • moderate use of beer brings not so much harm as the benefit of the human body. It contains many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system. There are also studies on the struggle of beer against the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori, which is the cause of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • for real gourmets of beer, absolutely everything is important: a glass in which beer is served, playfulness, sunny, bubbles, etc.

Scientific facts about beer belly

Perhaps you will be surprised, but the beer stomach is growing not at all from beer. The “merit” of beer in this specific type of obesity is imposed by opponents of this drink. In their favor, they give the following arguments:

  • beer is a very high -calorie product that causes obesity in the abdomen;
  • the beer contains estrogen -like substances that slowly give male figures female outlines, affect the growth of the fat layer in the abdomen.

Disputes about the harm of beer do not fade away and still. But the fact that the use of beer does not affect the appearance of a “beer abdomen” has already been scientifically proven. As part of a large -scale study, more than 7,000 men and more than 10,000 women who consumed beer in different quantities took part. It was revealed that phytoestrogens in beer do not affect the number of "male" hormones. There is no beer type of obesity. The calorie content of beer is also a rather controversial question. Apple juice or milk is ahead of beer in terms of calories.

Beer belly. Reasons

So, why does a beer belly appear in women and men? There are 3 main causes of abdomen in a person who likes to drink beer:

  • small mobility. Agree, few people begin to “active” after the drink of beer. Men most often prefer to drink beer, sitting in a chair in front of a TV or with a newspaper in their hands. After several bottles drunk, they go to sleep sweetly. Or fall asleep right in the chair. It is the lack of mobility after the body has received enough energy in the form of calories that provokes the appearance of fat deposits in vulnerable places. Beer itself is not a very high -calorie product. But this rule applies if the beer was drank 1 glass. If the beer is drunk more than one liter, then the number of calories, of course, increases;
  • the abundance of snacks. A lot of chips, nuts, salty fish, snacks are a regular set of snacks for beer “feast”. All these products are high -calorie, and are quickly deposited by the body "in the reserve". Fun and a lot of beer do not allow a person to feel saturation with these snacks. They are absorbed very quickly, and a person thinks that he eats very little;

  • weak abdominal muscles. People who keep their body in constant tone are playing sports, will never suffer from the appearance of a beer abdomen. If the press muscles are very weak, and the stomach is constantly “breaking” with large volumes of beer, then over time the stomach will simply cease to be drawn and become a large and round “apple”;
  • genetic predisposition. Surely you have noticed once that members of the same family can have similar types of physique. If your dad has a huge beer stomach, then this does not mean that you will definitely have such a “wealth”. Just know about the possible predisposition of your body to accumulating fat in the abdomen;
  • grasping of air during meals. Constant conversations during food, rapid absorption of food, love of carbonated drinks - all this provokes the appearance of a “beer tummy”;
  • flatulence. If you eat incorrectly, eat many products that contribute to the formation of gases in the intestines, then you are provided with a constant sensation of a beer abdomen. Gazes leading in the ability to form gas are apples, cabbage, legumes, spinach;
  • lack of oxygen in the body. A beer belly may appear due to the fact that the body receives little oxygen.

Harm harm to health

A large beer belly carries much more harm to health than you might think. Scientists conducted a huge number of studies that revealed many relationships between large belly and various diseases. People who have an impressive tummy have much more chances to get the most dangerous diseases than people without abdomen. You should also not relax and those people who have a relatively normal body complexion, but have a large stomach. These people are also at risk. What harm can a large beer belly in women or men?

  1. A large belly can begin to bring irreparable harm to the whole body if the fat ceases to be only subcutaneous. The fact is that fat first accumulates under the skin. And this type of obesity in the abdomen can be considered relatively harmless. But it also happens that fat becomes internal and begins to fill the space between the internal organs, cover the walls of the organs from the outside. Such a dangerous type of fat is called visceral.
  2. A large belly is also dangerous in that it is able to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases several times. This is due to the fact that the concentration of blood fat increases significantly in the composition of the blood.
  3. A large belly is a frequent “satellite” of arterial hypertension, which is dangerous with heart attacks and strokes.
  4. A large belly significantly increases the risk of increasing blood sugar. And increased sugar can lead to a formidable disease - diabetes.
  5. Scientists revealed the relationship of a large beer abdomen and dementia. Just think about this fact: the risk of dementia in people with a big belly increases by 3 times! This is due to the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Micro -sutures make the brain cells die, and the increased blood sugar levels destroys valuable proteins in the brain.

The waist volume for men is considered to be 94 cm, and for women - 80 cm. If your waist is much wider, and the stomach proudly protrudes forward, then this is a serious reason to think about changes in its lifestyle. A harmless beer belly in a man or woman can lead to serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels and even the brain. In addition, a beer belly brings women and men a whole “bouquet” of inconvenience:

  • difficulty in choosing a suitable size of clothing. If your shoulders in parameters coincide with 48 clothes, then it is frankly small on the beer tummy. Instead of beautiful outfits, you have to give preference to dimensionless hoodies. This is especially unpleasant for women;
  • a huge number of complexes about their appearance. People with a beer belly try to cover it in every way, to disguise it;
  • heaviness in movement. It is always difficult to wear such a burden on yourself;
  • the inability to lean freely. Tie laces on shoes with a huge belly is much harder.

How to get rid of a beer abdomen to a man or woman

How to remove a beer belly for a woman or man with a diet

Everyone knows about proper nutrition and its benefits for the body, but not everyone adheres to it into force of various “important” reasons. The main task when getting rid of a beer abdomen is a properly built power system. If it’s hard for you to immediately switch to a different power method, then make this transition as smoothly as possible. The following tips will help you with this:

  • the very first step towards getting rid of a beer abdomen will be a restriction or a complete refusal to eat beer. No matter how cruel it sounds, you should no longer drink beer in the volumes that you are used to drinking. In addition to stretching the stomach and mass of other problems, you will not get anything good. If you are not able to completely abandon the hoppy drink, you can leave 1-2 glasses per month as an incentive for your work;
  • to the maximum, abandon flour, sweet and fat. The favorite place of these products is the stomach, and in women - also hips;
  • eat often, but in small portions. This approach to nutrition will allow you to return the size of the stomach to the same. Get a beautiful small plate, bowl for yourself. Nutritionists also advise eating a teaspoon, dessert fork, and not large cutlery. Scientists also note that the color of the dishes is very important. He is able to influence an increase or, conversely, to inhibition of appetite;
  • refuse the habit of drinking food with water, tea, milk, juice, etc. Just imagine a spectacle, how food in the stomach simply swims in a large amount of liquid and does not digest because of this, but rot;
  • try to diversify your diet as much as possible. Within a week you must eat fish, low -fat meat, and cereals, and fermented milk products, etc.;
  • an excellent first step to get rid of the beer belly is a banal refusal to eat after 18.00. This method has a lot of opponents and defenders. Of course, you can slightly adjust this method to your rhythm of life. You will receive less calories, and the volume of the stomach will decrease;
  • try to introduce a new habit into your life - start your day with a glass of ordinary water. It should not be icy, but a little warm. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Water will “cleanse” your intestines and stomach from the inside, “turn on” the body in the morning;
  • refuse semi-finished products and fast food. Find new facets of delicious food for yourself. You can try new spices and spices, sauces. Food can be incredibly tasty and at the same time useful;
  • come up with options for useful snacks during the day. If you always have an apple or orange with you, then there will be no temptation to eat a sausage in the test;
  • going out into the street always try to take a small bottle of pure water with you. Remember that there is nothing better to quench thirst than ordinary water. Cross out carbonated drinks from your life.

Now you know how to remove a beer stomach at home with the help of changes in nutrition.

How to quickly remove the beer belly with exercises

If you regularly do physical exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles, then the effect will not be long in coming. Of course, these exercises need to be done in combination with changed nutrition. The most effective exercises in order to drop a beer stomach are the following:

  • "bike". The old and the well -known exercise incredibly effectively burns fat and strengthens the muscles of the press;

  • press exercise. The simultaneous lifting of the body and bent at the knees of the legs can work miracles with regular execution;

  • exercise for the lower press. This exercise looks quite “lazy”, but its benefit is colossal. Raising bent legs in a layer position will help get rid of the most “hard -to -reach” fat in the lower abdomen.

  • exercise "Planck" is an excellent exercise for a beer abdomen. In the process of performing this exercise, almost all body muscles come to incredible tension, including the abdominal muscles. It is difficult for beginners to keep their body even 30 seconds in this position, and more trained people easily withstand for 5 or more minutes;

  • raising the body. A simple exercise that needs to be performed regularly, gradually increasing the number of ups. The owners of too large beer stomachs such an exercise may seem impossible. You can start with a light torn off of the shoulder blades from the floor surface, gradually increasing the degree of rise;

  • exercise "lateral bar." A stand on a half -bent arm is able to save you from hated fat on your sides.

How to remove beer stomach and sides using wraps

A pleasant cosmetic procedure in the fight against beer belly can be a wrapping. Of course, wrapping and using losing creams are not able to save you from fat on your stomach. The main role still belongs to nutrition. But as part of complex measures, the following types of wrapping can be used to get rid of a large abdomen:

  • wrapping with vinegar. Vinegar has a cooling effect on the body with its evaporation. And the body is forced to use its additional reserves for heating, which it takes from subcutaneous fat. It is precisely such a mechanism that explains the effectiveness of this wrap;
  • wipes with ground coffee. Coffee thick can be perfectly used to get rid of extra centimeters on the stomach and waist. Coffee is an effective tool for increasing metabolic processes in the skin. In addition, ground coffee gives a wonderful effect of scrub;
  • wrapping with mustard and honey. If you use such a “combustible” mixture to wrap it, then you will see the transformation of the skin after the first procedure. Honey and mustard excellently warm up the body, cause a rush of blood to the surface of the skin;
  • wiping the abdomen is just a film. The problem area can be wrapped in a simple dietary film and walk like that for a while. For greater effectiveness, you can perform physical exercises that are aimed at the abdominal muscles.

Beer belly. Photo

Beer belly. Video

If you are over 40 years old, and you have an impressive beer belly, you have problems with blood pressure, with sugar and cholesterol levels, then taking measures to get rid of fat in the abdomen is immediately worth it. It is better to monitor your body from young age, when any drawbacks of the figure are corrected much easier and faster. And you already know how to get rid of a beer abdomen. To be beautiful and healthy in your power!



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