
Easter decoration on Easter - Photo. How to decorate Easter cake with your own hands - ideas

Easter decoration on Easter - Photo. How to decorate Easter cake with your own hands - ideas
At Easter, you can cook cakes with a variety of decoration options. Beautiful and unusual festive baking can be made even with the most simple products, such as sugar or egg proteins.

Easter is one of the largest and most revered Orthodox holidays, which everyone is waiting with great impatience. It is from him that it begins a bright and long-awaited spring, so the Easter is preparing especially carefully: they are holding a general cleaning, they decorate the house, paint Easter eggs, prepare a variety of dishes and baked cakes.

Easter cake is undoubtedly a central decoration and element of a festive table. It is beginning to prepare his hostess on Thursday, as the process of obtaining the perfect slices is quite long and complex. Kulich cook little, it is still necessary to decorate. The traditional decoration of Easter cakes is a protein icing and an ordinary purchase sprinkle. However, today there are a lot of original ideas for the decoration of the main Easter dish with which you can experiment and improve.

In this article, we will look at the photo of Easter ornaments on Easter, as well as tell about the most original ideas that can be applied when decorating Easter cakes.

Features of the decoration of kulukhai at Easter

Before the holiday of Easter in stores on the shelves there is a huge number of different eaves with all sorts of filling and interesting decoration. But much more interesting to bake the cakes at home and come up with original ornaments with your own hands. Each family, every hostess has many techniques in his arsenal, who are repeated from year to year and become tradition. Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of ideas about the dyeing of Easter baking using a variety of items. The main thing to have a desire to come up with something new and add a little imagination. As a result, you can get the original and very interesting cake on the festive table.

Features of the decoration of Easter cakes:

  • First of all, Easter cakes have a recognizable form: high and round cakes whose sizes can vary from the smallest to large.
  • Easter cakes is decorated with the upper part, the so-called hat.
  • Important elements in the decoration of the croup are the presence of two letters "KH", which denotes the "Christ" and symbolizes the bright birth of a new life and embodies all the essence of the holiday.
  • These letters can be baked out of the dough, the protein glaze, sweet or sugar felt-powders are drawn.
  • Modern cakes ornaments can be the most unusual and extraordinary. This contributes to a huge number of different delicious elements in confectionery and many master classes on the Internet.
  • You can make decorations for cakes with your own hands, but, as an option, you can purchase and finished sprinkles, figures and markers.
  • Culiche decoration is the final stage in preparing to a large holiday. In this process, you can embody all your creativity by making the original baking decoration by a distinctive feature of your festive cakes.

Next, consider the options for the decoration of kulukhai with your own hands using a variety of products, materials and elements.

Cake decoration figures from dough

An option to decorate cakes from the dough is, perhaps, the easiest and most convenient way to decorate festive cakes. They can be prepared at the same time when they are engaged in cakes. For the manufacture of decor, absolutely any dough is suitable, which can hold shape. Alternatively, you can leave some dough and make decorations simultaneously with herbs.

Dough decorations can be the most different: leaf figures, colors, chickens, Easter eggs. You can cut them using conventional biscuit molds or from remedies. From the strips without problems it will turn out to make beautiful pigtails and put along the edge of the crumb.

Such decorations can be made in two ways. The most popular - preparation of jewelry and placement of them on culich cheese. Before placing such cakes in the oven, lubricate it together with the decoration of a whipped egg. Regarding the second option, the decorations can be baked after cooking. In this case, the dough can be painted with dyes. On the finished cake, such decorations are glued with a whipped squirrel. Additionally, such cakes can be pouring with sugar syrup for shine and add some nuts and dried fruits, as well as various springs.

Decoration of cakes sugar powder

It is very simple and quickly decorated with Easter cakes using conventional powdered sugar. On the ruddy crust, the crude will look very original pattern made of sugar powder. In this case, you can use various napkins and other lace. Just attach a lace to coulich and sprinkle on top of a powder, then remove - you will have a beautiful and neat pattern.

The advantages of this method:

  • Efficiency. Sugar powder is a rather cheap product that can be purchased at any store.
  • Rapidity. With sugar, decorations are obtained very quickly, you will not need a lot of time.
  • Sugar powder can be combined with cocoa or grated chocolate and form interesting patterns. On the one hand, the simplicity of the decoration, and on the other hand, the grace and tenderness will make your cakes unique.
  • For the manufacture of interesting patterns of sugar powder, you can use purchased or homemade stencils with the image of the church, Easter eggs, rabbit and other attributes of this holiday. Such stencils can be cut from ordinary paper or cardboard.

Decoration of cakes protein icing

The protein icing is the most traditional and popular way to decorate cakes with their own hands. Very beautiful, Easter baking looks with a bulk protein cap, especially if small jetings flowed around the sides of the grip.

  • For the preparation of protein glaze, you must take two eggs and separate the proteins from yolks.
  • In order for the proteins well whipped, for some time they can be held in the refrigerator.
  • After that, whisk the proteins with a small amount of lemon juice or a pinch of salt before the formation of peaks.
  • Next, add half a cup of sugar or sugar powder and continue to beat until the mass thickens.
  • After that, immediately cover the cakes prepared by a dense protein hat.
  • In addition, it is possible in this option to use a varied confectionery sprinkling that is sold at any store, especially on the eve of the holiday. Spring need immediately, after which it is to decorate to frost. It takes about 15-20 minutes. In addition to the spript, you can use marmalade, nuts or fruits.

Advantages of the decoration of glazes:

  • Ease of execution. Beat the proteins with sugar is quite simple, even inexperienced culinary will cope with it. For whipping, you can use both a mixer and a regular whine.
  • Efficiency. To decorate cakes in this way, there will be no many products.
  • You can use various dyes to create brighter and unusual decorations. In addition to food dyes there are natural, such as beet juice or red grapes. With the help of the glaze of different colors, you can create the most incredible and interesting pictures.

Decoration of a crust painting

Very original idea of \u200b\u200bthe decoration of kulukhai at Easter using protein painting. With the help of protein glaze of different colors, you can create beautiful drawings on the Easter theme: churches, flowers, flowering trees, Easter eggs and others.

To create protein painting you need to do the following:

  • Make a protein icing for cake coverage.
  • Next, while the glaze has not cooled, it is necessary to make painting.
  • To do this, with the help of food dyes, color glaze is created.
  • Small droplets drip onto the protein cap and form a drawing with a brush or toothpick. So forming simple patterns, various leaves or petals.
  • For more complex patterns, you need a brush and extensive experience.

Chocolate chocolate decorations

Chocolate decoration is a win-win option. To do this, you can use bitter chocolate, dairy or white.

  • To start in the water bath, melt several tiles of chocolate, while constantly stirring the heated chocolate mass.
  • In chocolate, you can add some cream to regulate its density.
  • If you use white chocolate, you can add various food dyes to it. If there are no, you can replace the curcum, beet juice or other natural dyes.
  • After cooking chocolate glaze, it is immediately applied to cakes.
  • Additionally, for decoration, you can use different springs, marmalade, mastic or candy-dragee.
  • To make the decoration more original, you can use two types of chocolate. On the white side you can make patterns with black chocolate with a confectionery bag. Similarly make white patterns.
  • Chocolate glaze can be prepared from cocoa, so it will work much cheaper. For this glaze in a small container, mix 5 tbsp. Cocoa with 0.5 sugar glasses. Carefully pour 6 tbsp. Milk, while the mixture is constantly interfere with no lumps formed. Then this mixture put on a slow fire. When heated, stumble so that the mixture is not burned. When milk boils, add half the pack of cream oil, about 100 grams. Thoroughly mix all, at the end you can pour 12 tbsp. Flour for more thick consistency.

Various sprinkles for the decoration of cakes

A couple of weeks before Easter, a huge amount of products appear on sale, which are necessary for the preparation of festive dishes, including for baking cakes. Confectionery sprinkles, sugar beads, jelly balls, marmalade figures and other elements of decor for Easter cakes are becoming the most popular. You can buy decorations to herbs in almost any store. Most often, the sprinkles are used together with protein icing or sweet. First, a protein glaze is applied to the cake, you need to wait a couple of minutes, and then sprinkle your baking with multi-colored sprinkle.

Such decorative elements may be the most different:

  • Speed \u200b\u200bin the form of monophonic or multicolored balls.
  • Running strips.
  • Figure sprinkle in the form of stars, circles, squares, colors, hearts. They can also be monophonic or color.
  • Sugar beads that resemble pearls are very popular. They look original in combination with sugar figures or with mastic as a decoration of cakes.
  • Jelly balls. They can also be used to decorate Easter cakes. They can have a variety of sizes and colors.
  • Marmalade figures. These decorative elements of Easter themes include the figures of chickens, Easter eggs, rabbits, letters "Holy".
  • All of the above sprinkles can be combined and create interesting pictures and patterns on herbs. For example, with the help of sprinkles of one form and different colors, you can draw strips on cake or other figures through the stencil.

Decoration of cakes with sugar pencils

If you want to make your Easter cakes with real copyrighted masterpieces, you can buy sugar pencils. Such sets are sold in the confectionery departments. They can be completely different color. For example, the sugar pencils of the manufacturer Dr.Oetker can be found on store shelves for 4 pieces in the package: 1 package - white, green, red, yellow; 2 Packaging - milk, chocolate, white chocolate, black chocolate, caramel.

Prepare your cakes, cover the protein icing and you can proceed to apply interesting and unusual drawings that relate to Easter topics. With the help of sugar pencils of several colors, you can draw an image of the church, chickens, bright Easter eggs, flowers and flowering trees.

If you could not find similar sugar pencils in the store, you do not need such a mixture at home from simple products. To do this, you need to prepare sugar and lemon icing. From one whole lemon issue 2-3 tbsp. Juice and carefully take care with 100 grams of sugar powder. Optionally, you can add food dyes to get a brighter picture. After that, put this sugar mixture into the confectionery bag and proceed to the decoration of cakes.

Decoration by cakes with fruits, nuts, candied or wafer figures

All Easter cakes can simply and quickly decorate with various nuts or candied nuts. A cooler coat covered with a protein icing is randomly embankment of crushed nuts and put a couple of caramelized cherry berries or orange bakes. It can be very beautifully decorated with cakes using wafer figures. They can be purchased in stores. The figure of bright waffles on a white background of protein glaze will look original on a white background.

Decoration of cakes using mastic

Sugar mastic can be attributed to modern ornaments. This is a unique decor, with which the usual baking is converted into a work of art. Most often, mastic is used to decorate cakes and caps, however, Easter cakes with similar decorative elements look great.

There are several options for making mastic, some of them are quite simply preparing at home, others can be tried to do a little subnabling experience.

  • Sugar mastic from marshmallow. Take a small packing of chewing marshmallow or marshmallow and 400 grams of sugar powder. Marshmallow first melt slightly in the microwave, approximately for 10-15 seconds. After that, gradually add sugar powder and sweat carefully. Sugar powder half can be replaced with starch and add some lemon juice or acid. Give a little mastic relax. To obtain the decorations of the most different color, in pieces of mastic add a couple of drops of water and food dye. Mix well to get a homogeneous color.
  • Mastic from gelatin. To begin with, soak the bag gelatin until the swelling. Naked gelatin connect with sugar powder and mix well. To get a mastic of different colors, add a food dye.
  • Masty from ordinary mastic. Take 200 grams of the usual white marshmallow and connect it from 2 tbsp. Lemon juice. Put for 15-20 seconds to the microwave for softening the marshmallow. After that, add 1 tbsp. Soft cream oil, mix well. Then start adding sugar powder (approximately 350-400 grams) until the mass becomes plastic and soft. For more compliant mastic in the resulting mass, you can add a little thickener for cream.

Original ideas of the decoration of Easter cakes

Option 1. Decoration of a crib of berries

For such a decoration, pre-cover Kulich protein icing. Then chocolate icing on the bakery paper Draw triangles or other patterns and place it in the cold for frozen. Place a couple of multicolored cherry berries and a piece of chocolate. You can add some multi-colored sprinkles and sugar pencils. Two letters "HH" Such cake looks very fresh and unusual.

Option 2. Decoration of a slicer of squirrel glaze and mastic

Easter cakes Pour the squirrel glaze and give a little frost. Sprinkle with a routing of any shape and color top. For the decoration of Kulich, prepare the figures of Easter eggs from sugar mastic. For mastic, buy chewing mastic and mix it with sugar powder. Divide into several pieces and add different food dyes. Form from mastic Easter eggs and lay them out in the center of the Kulich.

Option 3. Decoration of cakes meringue

To obtain such a gentle and elegant slices for Easter, you will need to pre-cook meringue, which is the main element of this decor. Separate two proteins and pre-cool them in the refrigerator. Then beat them together with 100 grams of sugar powder, add some lemon juice. All beat to the state of a strong foam. A baking sheet with bakery paper and squeeze on it with a confectionery bag without a meringue. Bake at 100 degrees for 1.5 hours. Let meringue cool. Culich smeared by squirrel glaze and decorate it without him.

Master class Easter cakes decoration - video

  • Several ideas for the decoration of the crude.
  • Easter cake with mastic colors.

Easter is a very bright and joyful holiday to which all families are preparing for a long time and carefully. The most important preparation for the holiday is baking and decoration of cakes. With the help of an unusual and original decoration, you can create real masterpieces.


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