
What kind of blue girls look like. Causes and treatment of synefic

What kind of blue girls look like. Causes and treatment of synefic
Sineshi - a delicate question relating to intimate health of little girls. What it is, our article will tell.

Sinekhia, or the battle of small sexes, are a rather common disease among girls. Medical practice annually fixes from 0.5 to 3% of cases of pathological change of vulva in the kids of the first two years of life, but the disease can touch the girls of older. The article will tell parents how to detect the disease on time and prevent the development of complications.

The origin of the synech of the sexes in girls is thoroughly studied. Many physiologists agree that pathology appears due to the insufficient number of estrogen hormone in the body of a newborn girl. The confirmation of this is the clinical studies that showed that the battles of the sexual lips do not happen in girls whose blood is the high concentration of estrogen received from the mother's body. Moreover, when a girl who has been discovered by such a deviation, grows up and in its body the independent synthesis of estrogen begins, more than 80% of even the most launched cases pass without a trace.


Causes of synechia in girls

Experts believe that the soil for the development of this pathology becomes the following factors:

  1. Mom's close attention to intimate daughter's hygiene. When the mother in a nipple of chopliness is waiting for a child several times a day with soap, it can inhibit the thin and very vulnerable mucous membrane of the Vulva Girls. Chemical components of soap, friction, contact with diaper - annoying factors for such a vulnerable part of the children's body, as external genital organs. In the regeneration of microscopic cracks and the wound can occur the adhesion of small sexual lips - so appear synechia.
  2. Insufficient intimate hygiene can also cause the deviation, which is based on pathogenic microorganisms in this case.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious origin. Some babies suffer from synechs due to the presence of an inflammatory process in urinary tracts and genital organs. When malicious bacteria settle on the delicate mucous membrane of the vulva and begin to multiply there, inflammation is very rapidly developing, because of which small sexual lips are combed. Most often, the synechnias are the main symptom of the sluggish vulvovaginite. It is difficult to believe, but even a small child may have a chronic sexual disease, since the infection can be transmitted not only during intimate contact, but also by the household. And in some cases, the baby is infected by Mom herself during childbirth. So that the child does not become a source of chronic infectious disease, his personal lingerie needs to be erased separately from shared clothes and, if possible, to boil and stroke with a hot iron. Also danger can melt in someone else's washcloth or towel. When bathing a girl in a natural reservoir, the risk of "pick up" the fungus or sex infection becomes even greater.
  4. Allergic reactions. Most often, allergies in young children appears on the skin and almost always this process affects not only the skin, and also mucous membranes located nearby. But parents who are concerned with the treatment of rash on the tummy or pope can not give the value of the blushing vulva of the child. In fact, during the diagnosis of "exudative diathesis", it is necessary to exercise increased care not only about the skin of the girl, but also about the mucosa of its external genital organs. With allergic food reactions, the danger of the development of the synefy in the babies is very high. Also a large risk of pathology due to household allergies, in which the danger to the child's health lies in diapers, washing powder, soap, cream, wet napkins.
  5. Complex pregnancy. In medical practice, there is a confirmation that the battle of a small sexual lip in newborn girls is most often observed if the woman had a difficult pregnancy (for example, on the basis of intrauterine infection or due to the need to take hormonal drugs). If the mother's mom had to face problems of this nature during pregnancy, she must necessarily visit the children's gynecologist, as soon as the daughter is 1 year.


What do synechs look like girls

If, speaking about the blue, designate a problem with more accessible words, then the most suitable such definitions as "sticking", "punishment", "battle". They most fully reflect the clinical picture of pathology. As a rule, small sexual lips grow together, however, an unnatural combination of large sex lips is also not excluded. At the same time, the fire is divided into full or partial.  

To begin with, find out how to properly explore the baby for the presence of a disease. To do this, you need to follow such recommendations:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • make sure your nails are briefly tonsured and do not have sharp edges;
  • put the daughter on the back;
  • divide the legs of the baby to the sides and inspect it outdoor genitals;
  • carefully open the baby's big labors with fingers. If a child has synefic, small sex lips will be tightly pressed to each other and are connected by a transparent film. Because of this, the vagina will be covered in part or completely. Disconnect sex sponges is impossible - it will bring the pain girl and it will start crying. In the photo you see the syneficia and how it should be in the norm.
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A - Norma, B - partial battle, in - Full battle

Clinical picture of synefy in the girl

When the child is all right, the floor slot is large and you can see the vagina freely, and the petals of small sexes are clearly lifted with large sexual lips.

With pathology in the form of a synech painting, a completely different picture:

  • due to the appearance of spikes right above the urethro, the child appears problems with urination. An attempt to empty the bladder delivers pain - the girl is being worn and crying. Relative relief occurs only after the child comes off "on the little". Because of this problem, the baby sleeps very restlessly and little;
  • outdoor genital organs of the baby reddish, can be present small rash;
  • when you knead the baby goes in the crying;
  • during urination, the urine jet rises up, like boys;
  • there is a constant leakage of urine - the baby goes to the pot, however, the panties are always wet.


The battle of small sexes can occur from the first days of the child's life: first there are rashes and peeling, then a dense spike appears. Even if, as a result of treatment from pathology, it was possible to get rid of the mother, the mother should show increased attention to the intimate health of his daughter, since up to 8 years the probability of exacerbation of the disease remains. As the girl grows, the mucous membrane of its vulva becomes more dense and is no longer so susceptible to external annoying factors, so small sex lips are not growing.

Diagnosis of synefy in girls

To understand what caused a fight, a children's gynecologist after an inspection of the child will appoint a small patient following the following tests:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • smear to the vaginal flora;
  • cal on the eggs of worms and dysbacteriosis;
  • scraping on helminthiasis;
  • analyzes for urogenital diseases (chlamydia, garardnellosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.);
  • Uzi small pelvis organs.

doctor Explaining Diagnosis To Her Female Patient

How to treat synechs in girls

The earlier pathology will be discovered, the easier it is to fix it. At the initial stage of the synefy in girls, sex lips are connected by a thin and transparent film, which becomes very dense with their full captivity. The complete fire of the sex gap is adjusted only by operational intervention.

It is believed that the synechnias in the infancy is better not to touch, but to engage in the breeding of small sexual lips, when the disease gives pain to the child. Regardless of the degree of development of the disease, the problem needs to come to a children's gynecologist.

Dissection of intoxicated small germ lips make a scalpel, the operation lasts only a few moments. Nevertheless, the procedure and recovery period are quite painful, so the mother must follow the intimate hygiene girl with special care. In order for urination to be not so painful, and the healing of the wounds occurred as soon as possible, the baby shows seating baths, lotions and antibiotics in the form of ointments.


Operation, unfortunately, does not guarantee that the fire will not happen again. A spike may appear between small sexual lips. From surgical intervention, parents have the right to refuse, but if complete incomprehension prevents the natural allocation of urine, such a method of treatment is fully justified.

Prevent the repeat battle will help the following recommendations:

  • forget about diapers;
  • use in daily care of the child child cream and oil;
  • to regularly organize the baby air baths.

Treatment of synechia in girls at home

The treatment option is possible if a child has a partial action without complications. In this case, the child shows sediment baths cooked from chamomile, turn, marigolds. After a girl sit in the bath for 10 minutes, it is necessary to lubricate the problem space with olive or sea buckthorn oil.

With the aggravation of the problem, the doctor appoints a special hormonal cream to the child for 2 weeks. After the child isolating the child, the drug is applied to the index finger point - to the portion of the battle. Most often, Ovestin becomes such a medicine - if you clearly follow the recommendations of the attending physician, the hormonal drug has an impact on the syneficia, without changing the hormonal background of the child. The drug is effectively not only in the spike of small sex, but also when they are fighting them with large sexual lips. The cream is used 1 time per day - after evening water procedures. Treatment lasts 2 weeks. If necessary, the use of healers can be continued after 10 days break.


To increase the effect of hormonal medication, on the recommendation of the doctor uses comprehensive therapy by connecting such ointments to the treatment, as a tramel with, Contracturex, Malavit. What is the meaning of their use?

For example, the active components of the Contractubex - Luke Extract, Sodium Heparin and Allantoin - eliminate small scars and scars. The gel is applied by a thin layer on the field of the battle. If parents fear the use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of the girl, then monotherapy is possible in the form of contracts. However, in this case, a positive result will have to wait longer - the course of treatment lasts about 3 months.

Prevention of synefy in girls

In order not to encounter a number of unpleasant sexual diseases, among which both synechias, the mother should pay special attention to intimate daughter's hygiene:

  1. It is necessary to clean the child under running water and only in front of the back, otherwise the incorrect hygienic procedure will lead to an infectious disease.
  2. You can only wash the girl with your hands - no washcloths!
  3. In such a delicate case, it is necessary to use soap as much as possible, and ideally it is better to completely abandon him. Even if the soap is children's (without dyes and flavors), it can cut the gentle mucous membrane of the external genital organs of the girl.
  4. The child should not be in one diaper more than 3 hours. At the same time, the baby will use the air baths (be naked) several times a day.
  5. Little girl underwear should be sewn from natural fabric. It is erased by a children's powder separately from adult clothes. Before putting in the baby's panties, they are stroked with a hot iron.
  6. If the girl is prone to allergies, his mother should take this issue more than seriously. With the appearance of the slightest irritation in the field of genital organs, it is necessary to smear the small sex lips with a cream from the diameters.
  7. Do not make the baths on the brave of herbs or manganese too often.

Many mothers simply do not find themselves places from anxiety, when after a while after the treatment of the synech and complete recovery of the girl, pathology again makes itself felt. Do not fall in spirit if there was a recurrence. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the physicians and remember that the problem will retreat when the daughter matches.

Sinegia in girls. Video


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