
Baby's teeth stains

Baby's teeth stains
The stains on the teeth in the child are a common reason for appealing to the dentist. They can appear in children of various ages.

Virtually no mother bypass the problem with the health of her child. Deviations can be quite different, but often problems with teeth. The fucking teeth of the child are not always able to withstand the influence of third-party or internal factors affecting the development of problems with teeth.

Many parents discover the stains on their teeth in the child and hurry to the dentist to find out the cause and solve this problem. In some cases, you can independently deal with the causes of these spots.

Types of stains on the teeth in a child

The stains on the teeth in a child can be of a variety of forms: longitudinal and transverse stripes, the points of the most different diameter. Typically, stains have a white, black or yellowish color. Each of these species of stains can signal a sufficiently serious health problems. That is why it is important to deal with the reasons for their appearance.


Causes of the appearance of spots on the teeth in a child

There are the main causes of stains on the teeth in the child.

  • Weak immunity. Transferred viral diseases and other infections affect the condition of the enamel of the child. They undermine immunity and can cause spots. Already after transferred infections, enamel can become weaker. After some time, it can affect the state of the child's teeth. For this reason, they can not be found immediately.
  • Mechanical damage. Any third-party impact on the teeth can lead to the emergence of spots. The injury of any gravity is able to provoke problems with teeth. Perhaps this is one of the most common causes of not only spots, but also other problems with your teeth.
  • Caries. The occurrence of caries can affect many factors up to heredity. The reason may wage in improper care of the teeth or the use of sweet. Recently, doctors have found out that the cause can serve as night feeding. At this time, a very small amount of saliva is produced. Therefore, at night, the bacteria is much simpler than the day.


  • Rings and brackets. When fastening the rings and brackets, some sections of teeth are deprived of the previous receipts to them saliva. This can be the reason for the occurrence of or growing spots on the teeth of the child.
  • Fluorosis. It occurs due to excessive fluorine content in the body of the child. Fluorosis manifests itself on the front teeth of the child in the form of light strips or stains. Increased fluorine content can occur in water.
  • Gayoplasia. The emergence of this disease in a child directly depends on the state of health of matter during pregnancy. Transferred rubella, strong toxicosis, other viral diseases, or gastrointestinal diseases can affect the child's health in the intrauterine period. For this reason, future mothers are recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin D.
    These are just some causes of stains. Only a specialist can determine the most accurate reason.

one more
Sometimes the reason can be determined by type of spots:

  • Black spots. Black or dark stains on the teeth in the child often testify to Caries. Sometimes they are, the so-called raid attached. As a rule, it does not switch to indigenous teeth and remains only for dairy. He will not bring the teeth, but it still needs to be removed. Only a doctor with the use of special means can delete it.
  • White spots. Often white spots may indicate the presence of caries, enamel hypoplasia, or fluorosis. In this case, you should immediately contact the doctor, since such stains in the child can bring the teeth irreparable harm.
  • Yellow spots. The occurrence of yellow spots on the teeth in a child testifies to the presence of caries or hypoplasia. They are not amenable to independent treatment, so it will be best to contact a specialist.

Sometimes the color of spots on the teeth in a child can have their own reasons, so it is desirable to immediately contact the children's dentist.

Treatment of stains on the teeth in a child

Only a doctor will be able to appoint a suitable treatment. As a rule, the following measures are being taken to remove stains:

  • Correction of the diet. If the child detected fluorosis, then most likely the cause of its occurrence lies in the increased content of fluorine in water. For this reason, only bottled or pre-purified water should be given to the child. In the diet, more than fresh vegetables and fruits should be included and eliminate sweets and carbonated drinks.
  • Removing caries by a doctor. If the stains turned out to be anything other than the caries, they should be deleted as soon as possible. This can only be done dentist.


  • Remineralization. Remineralization allows not only to restore the mineral composition of the teeth, but also to change the density of enamel. This, in turn, allows you to get rid of spots on your teeth in a child. Only a doctor can assign and conduct such a procedure.

Prevention of spots on the teeth in the child

In order not to have problems with teeth, some rules should be followed.

  • Follow food. The child's menu must be diverse. It needs to include fresh vegetables, meat, fruits and other useful products. The menu should be diverse and include a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It should be noted that it is best to exclude temperature difference during food. For example, if you have cold water after drinking hot food, it will lead to a weakening of enamel.
  • Drink purified water. The use of purified water will beneficially affect not only the condition of the teeth, but also on the whole organism. For purification of water, filters are well suitable. This will protect your teeth and prevent the appearance of spots on the teeth in the child.
  • Observe hygiene. Daily teeth cleaning will help them be stronger and get rid of many harmful bacteria. For this, a special children's pasta is best suited. The brush should be changed every 3-4 months.
  • Regularly observed by the doctor. If you are constantly checked at the children's dentist, you can find any problems with your teeth at the earliest stage. This will allow you to get rid of them much faster.


Thus, the stains on the teeth in a child may indicate a wide variety of problems. They can only determine the doctor and choose the appropriate treatment. The current technologies allow you to perform all the procedures as painlessly as possible for the child. Therefore, it is not necessary to be afraid of the campaign to the dentist. Much more important to discover the problem and get rid of it.


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