
Massage Guasha

Massage Guasha
Chinese massage Guosha has numerous positive properties. How to learn to do it and under what diseases he is contraindicated in our article.

Massage is called charging for lazy. It allows you to feel younger, beyree, more active. The gouache massage does even more - contributes to the cure of a number of diseases and improves the appearance of the skin.

What is a gouache massage?

smiling Young Woman Relaxation in Spa Salon

One of the methods of Chinese traditional medicine. In the literature, you can still meet the name of the Gaisha massage. "Gua" means "scrubbing", and "Sha" - something bad, that is, such a massage will scrape everything bad with you. It is carried out using scrapers or plates on any surface: on face, head, neck, limbs, back and stomach. Chinese Massage Gaisha is 3 types:

  • cosmetologist
  • prophylactic,
  • medical diagnostic.

This list includes diagnostics, since after massage on the skin, traces of red, purple and even black color. They are called "Sha" stains. From the point of view of Western medicine, these are microscopic hemorrhages, but Eastern medicine sees a positive sign in them - the output of negative energy from the body. Footprints sign about blood stuck and the level of problems associated with internal organs. Photo after massage a gouache with almy trails on the body can be scared, but experts claim that the procedure almost does not bring painful sensations.

What are the gouache massage for?


The following diseases include the following diseases and violations in the list of indications for massage the gouache scraper

  • cold, bronchitis - removed swelling of mucous and shortness of breath,
  • osteochondrosis - swelling and muscular spasm is removed, lymphotock and blood circulation is improved in the massacked place,
  • cholecystitis - the feeling of nausea, spasm and pain in the busty bubble,
  • pain in the joints - blood circulation and mobility normalizes, sweeps swelling of adjacent fabrics,
  • angry rash - remove toxins that create it,
  • violations of the nervous system - sleep becomes more calm,
  • reduced immunity - the tone and resistance increases.

The overall impact of a gouache massage on the body is expressed in the fact that he:

  • removes the blood closet
  • contributes to the reduction of inflammatory processes,
  • normalizes the working activity of the organs,
  • removes overweight
  • increases the endurance of the cardiovascular system, in particular, reduces blood pressure.

The cosmetology impact of a gouache massage is the elimination of pigmentation and acne, skin suspenders. It is also used when adjusting the shape and the anti-cellulite program. Gouache massage is shown to people with heavy physical exertion and hypodynamines, as well as those associated with intense intellectual loads.

Scrapers for massage Guasha


A scraper is used as a tool for massage a gouache (it is also called the plate). Previously, the material for him could even serve a turtle shell. Some Chinese even used coins for self-medication. Now buy a scraper for massage Guash can be from the following materials:

  • minerals (Onyx, jade, carnelian, agate, obsidant),
  • bones and horns of large animals (buffalo),
  • metal (copper).

The price varies from 350-390 p. For a scraper from buffalo horns to 700 p. For a scraper from Bian-Shea. Under this title, black jade is hidden, which is attributed to almost magical properties in China.

Rules and features of the massage of Guasha


For massage, special gouache oil is used. On the Internet, its value for 200 ml begins from 700 p. The duration of massage depends on the number of areas involved and their size (the time spent on the back of a 20-year-old girl and the 40th men will not be the same). One zone approximately takes 15-20 minutes. But even for the whole body, Guash Massage does not make longer an hour.

After the procedure, a strong sense of fatigue appears. Specialists argue that this massage is equal to a couple of tens of kilometers. After massage, Gaisha should:

  • wear warm clothes (optimal version - knitted),
  • be in the warm room without drafts,
  • refrain from bathing for 6 hours,
  • drink more warm water or herbal tea 1-2 days after a gouache massage.

The next session is prescribed after the traces of the previous one, as a rule, are 3-5 days. Massage Guasha repeat until dark spots and painful sensations come out. Usually there is enough 5-10 sessions.

To positively influence the duration of your life, they advise repeat the massage complex annually. If you decide to fulfill this advice, it will not be superfluous to train the massage of Guasha.

Massage Guasha: body


The technique of massage Guasha is to move the scraper from the center to the periphery, from top to bottom. The impact is divided into 3 types:

  • bU-GUA (weak pressure, slow motion);
  • pin-bu Pin-CE (push and middle strength);
  • cE-GUA (fast strong movements).

On the limbs of the movement are produced towards fingers. On the back and stomach are moving from the spine to the sides. So, the massage of the back of the back is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • On the skin over the entire surface of the back and shoulders, we apply a thin layer of oil for a gouache massage.
  • We warm the skin with stroking movements and prepare it to the main manipulation.
  • From the cervical vertebral, the plates of the plate down on the spine in the selected pace. At each section of 5-10 cm we make 6-10 movements depending on the physical condition of the patient. Stand on the cobster.
  • On both sides of the spine at a distance of 2 cm we carry out one line the same movements.
  • Wide scraper edge process the blades from the neck towards the hands and armpits. Each shovel accounts for 20-30 movements.
  • Finger tick the gaps between the ribs.
  • The corner of the scraper is making 5-7 movements from the spine to side between a pair of ribs. We produce this procedure between all the ribs.
  • Scraper edge process the whole back from the spine to the sides.
  • If necessary, we process the skin with a soothing cream or means.

When you master the Guash massage technique so as not to look into the instruction, you can improve the skill. Using two scrapers, you can simultaneously massage the blades or ribs.

Massage Guasha: Face, Neck


The massage of the guasha face and neck is carried out by plates that are 2-3 times less than normal. Here, the massage of the Guasha is carried out in most cases only with a cosmetology target, so the impact must be soft, not too intense.

Indications for the massage of the feather's gouache:

  • wrinkles
  • problem skin
  • migraine,
  • muscular clamps
  • dark color face.

It is possible to carry out a massage of Guasha, both dry skin and treated with special oil or cream.

  • Visually divide the forehead into two parts. We make 7-10 scraping movements from the center of the forehead to the temple parallel to the eyebrows.
  • For the same time, the scraper from the nose to the temple.
  • The following movements are from the corner of the mouth and from the chin to the temple. In this area we make about 20 movements.
  • We repeat item 1-3 for the second side of the face.
  • We spend 5-6 times on the chin from the bottom lip to the neck and from the nose to the upper lip.

You can (but not necessarily) apply nutrient oils. Non-professional influences on the nose zone and ears are not recommended. In the case of a face, as well as with the back it is possible to improve the technique of massage of Gaisha through the use of two scrapers at the same time. Due to the simplicity of equipment and accessibility of the tool, this type of massage Gaisha can be produced daily, such as, for example, and home kriomassage.

Neck massage usually do immediately after the massage of the face. Perform it the same strength, not fast movements in such areas:

  • from chin to clavicle (20-35 movements),
  • separately spine to breast vertebrae (6-10 movements),
  • The back of the neck from the hair to the shoulders (15-25 movements).

Movement in the neck area should be tangible, but not painful.

Massage combination of gouache with other massages


Gouache massage reviews are rarely neutral. Painful sensations of some patients seem stronger than therapeutic effect. However, among the fans of the massage of Guash there are those who are not simply systematically applied, but also combines with other practitioners. Among them:

  • massage with heated cans,
  • cristrowing involved meridians
  • heating with a hollow cigar
  • bloodletting
  • acupuncture,
  • appliques.

Massage Guasha for a face complements massage 36 movements. Together they tone the skin, due to the activation of blood circulation and cleaning the capillaries of lymph, improve sleep. It is especially brightly marked by women that the skin after the massage of Guasha becomes gentle as a baby. Together, these massages can cope with the manifestations of light anxiety or voltage.

Contraindications of massage Guasha

Contraindications of gouache massage are as follows:

  • allergies to components or attack of allergies to other substances shortly before the massage,
  • infectious diseases,
  • thrombocytopenia
  • fever,
  • skin diseases and open wounds on the massage plot,
  • pregnancy,
  • fractures that have not yet grown
  • oncological diseases,
  • diseases associated with hemostasis system,
  • hemophilia,
  • reduced kidney function,
  • hypersensitivity of the skin.

If you have one of these contraindications in one degree or another session, the session should consist with a specialist. When carrying out a massage at home, you should also first assess the level of its readiness for the massage of Guasha.

Video on how to conduct a massage of Guasha

Here you can watch the video about the massage of Guasha in the back of the back, abdomen, hands and feet.


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