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How to remove nasolabial folds

How to remove nasolabial folds
The best ways to remove nasolabial folds.

Mimic wrinkles can appear in people at different ages. Their occurrence is due to various factors - including anatomical characteristics, lifestyle, habit of grimace, genetic predisposition. Two grooves from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds) do not occur simultaneously, so we have the opportunity to delay the appearance of the emerging wrinkles using a set of measures for a long time.

The reasons for the appearance of nasolabial folds


The main reason that causes the appearance of nasolabial folds is an active facial expressions in emotional people - including the habit of smiling. In addition, over time - not necessarily by old age, the muscles of the cheeks weaken and lose their tone, the nasolabial folds deepen. Many people wonder why this is happening, and whether it is possible to remove the nasolabial folds. The reasons for the appearance of this problem can also be:

  • malocclusion;
  • the habit of sleeping on the stomach face in a pillow;
  • swelling that provoke stretching of the skin in the nasolabial triangle and sagging of the contours of the face-including due to abundant drinking at night;
  • sharp weight loss by more than 5 kg.

With age, nasolabial folds to one degree or another are manifested in all, in our power to delay this process and make them less deep.

How to remove nasolabial folds: exercises

You can try to remove the nasolabial folds, strengthening the muscles of the upper part of the cheeks to create volume in the cheekbones. With the help of the skin of nasolabial folds that is pulled upward, they are redeveloped. To do this, you need to make a complex of special facial exercises (in front of the mirror, to track facial expressions and prevent additional folds). Experts advise preparing such gymnastics before performing such gymnastics - wash your hands and cleanse your face from cosmetics, and then sit down or get up exactly with your back straight. If you periodically take photos of the face in profile and anfas, then you can track the effectiveness of classes. There are contraindications to such corrective gymnastics-these are inflammatory diseases of the face of the face, rosacea, inflammation of the facial and trigeminal nerve, ENT-painting and general poor health.

To remove nasolabial folds, exercises are effective:

  • Place the index fingers in the corners of the lips and begin to lightly stretch your lips. Repeat this exercise 40 times.
  • Fold your lips in a tube and stretch them in front of you as far as possible (lingering sound “UU”). Open your mouth, as if pronouncing the letter "o". Repeat 10-20 times.
  • Having gained more air, inflate the cheeks, roll the air between the cheeks.
  • Inhaled the air through the nose, exhale it through the mouth, while pulling your lips forward. The mouth must be relaxed as much as possible.
  • The zygomatic muscles lightly grab with your fingers and fix itching, slowly stretch a smile. Hold in this position for a few seconds. Perform several times.


  • Put your lips by the teeth and insert a spoon in your mouth, then try to raise it slowly. In the upper position, smile at your cheeks and fix the spoon for a few seconds, then smoothly lower it. Make two approaches 10 times.              1
  • Put your hands on the cheeks so that the little finger be on the nasolabial folds. Press lightly with soft jerky movements up. Perform the exercise for a minute. 3

Often the deepening of the nasolabial folds provokes the habit of pursing the lips. To remove the nasolabial folds, try to remember that the mouth and cheeks should be kept relaxed.

How to remove nasolabial folds: massage 

To remove the nasolabial folds with a sparing method, try acupressure - it should be carried out with fingertips and palms of the hand. Choose morning and evening hours for self -massage.

To remove nasolabial folds:

  • massage the area and middle fingers of the region from the middle of the lower lip to the sides to the corners of the lips and up;
  • mamat the area from lips to nose bridge;
  • smooth the area from the nose to the cheekbones with light movements;
  • mamat the skin from the nose to the temples.

Such massage improves blood circulation and muscle tone, as a result of which skin elasticity increases and nasolabial folds become less noticeable.

How to remove nasolabial folds: correction 

Modern methods of aesthetic medicine allow you to quickly and easy to remove nasolabial folds and restore the oval of the face. Moreover, in most cases, surgical intervention will not be needed.

With the help of injections that stimulate the restoration of tissues and increase skin elasticity, you can effectively get rid of the disadvantages that expensive creams, massage and gymnastics cannot cope with. Such injections can restore the “floating” oval and refresh the face. Reviews of how to remove nasolabial folds indicate many years of popularity of such salon procedures. As a rule, contour plastic is made no earlier than 25 years.


How to remove nasolabial folds: contour plastic

To remove the nasolabial folds, the doctor introduces special drugs (fillers) with a thin needle into the median layers of the epidermis, due to this, the formed nasolabial folds are aligned. Such substances - constant biogers (for example, polyaclomidal gel) are in tissues and are not excreted from the body for a long time.   The disadvantages of these drugs include the possible appearance of allergic reactions, granulomas, fibrosis with bumps and tubercles - due to the rejection of foreign drugs.


Avoiding such complications allows the use of contour plastics with drugs based on hyaluronic acid - they are able to remove nasolabial folds for about 6 months. From a chemical point of view, hyaluronic acid (gilaluronate) is a complex polysaccharide. This substance in its composition is a natural component of the skin, is part of the connective, epithelial and nervous tissue. Previously, Gilaluronate was extracted for medical purposes from raw materials of animal origin, for example, from cocks. Currently, the substance is used for injection, due to which the probability of allergic reactions is reduced to zero. In order to regain beauty, it is enough to visit a cosmetic interior where you can remove the nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid preparations (Restiline, Theosial, Juviderm) begin to operate immediately after administration, after a few days the maximum effect is manifested - the skin is smoothed out, wrinkles disappear. Of the shortcomings, it should not be noted too long from such a procedure - correction may be needed in six months.

To remove nasolabial folds, they also successfully use the substance of calcium hydroxyapatitis - its analogue is contained in the human bone tissue, this substance is harmless to the body. Drugs based on hydroxyapatitis (for example, radies) are injected in the zone of the nasolabial fold and level it, the corrective effect is preserved during the year. Such drugs work as follows: they encourage the body to independently produce collagen for the elasticity of tissues and beautiful skin.

After the correction procedures, it is necessary to introduce some restrictions on the lifestyle within two weeks - you can not visit the sauna, bath and solarium, you should refuse massage.

How to remove nasolabial folds: injections of botulinum toxins

Another proven way to remove nasolabial folds are injections of botulinum toxin. The neurotoxin contained in the drug effectively blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers. They relax, and wrinkles and folds that appear due to muscle tension are smoothed. The action of Botox can last from several months to a year, the drug is gradually excreted from the body naturally.   At the same time, there is a risk of complications and side effects in the form of an asymmetric smile, distortions of the face proportions, so you need to carefully weigh the decision on the use of such drugs.


To remove nasolabial folds, the following procedures are used as an alternative to the above methods:

  • lipolifting - filling the problem areas of the patient's own fat cells, while the risk of rejection and the occurrence of allergic reactions is approaching zero. To remove the nasolabial folds, the procedure is done under general anesthesia or under local anesthesia, bruises leave the face in about a week. Usually surgeons promise a long -term effect of this procedure. Lipolifting allows you to achieve youthful fullness and elasticity of the face, nasolabial folds will become less pronounced;
  • free lifting - by introducing under the skin of supporting and binding threads, the sagging of the face tissues is adjusted, the shape of the cheeks and cheekbones is modeled to remove the nasolabial folds. At the same time, the skin is smoothed out and creases become less pronounced.

The result of such procedures directly depends on the skill of the surgeon, and there are also contraindications - cosmetologists do not recommend correction of nasolabial folds during pregnancy and during lactation, in the presence of herpes, acute and severe diseases, as well as in impaired blood coagulation.

How much it costs to remove nasolabial folds - depends primarily on the experience of specialists and the level of complexity of the procedure.

Combining careful care of your appearance, gymnastics and salon procedures - you can extend the beauty and youth of the face for many years.

How to remove nasolabial folds: video



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