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Mummy from stretch marks

Mummy from stretch marks
The mummy is the oldest mysterious product with which you can, if you do not get rid of stretch marks, it is noticeably reducing their number.

Pregnancy is, of course, a joy for every woman. Nevertheless, the physiological processes of the body often lead to the fact that stretch marks - striae appear on the skin. Many women experience real discomfort, because it was previously believed that it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks - with age they will only become more noticeable. Hence the presence of complexes about their appearance, especially when the beach season is suitable. But now the fair sex is no longer afraid of anything, since super-means have firmly entered the everyday life-mummy from stretch marks! 

What is a mummy?

The mummy is the oldest and still mysterious substance that is of natural origin. Interesting facts:

  • Often it is called mountain balm, and if more romantic, “tears of the mountains”.
  • Mummy appeared on Earth about ten thousand years ago.
  • According to experts, for the entire time of its existence, the substance has not changed in composition: it contains a huge complex of mineral and organic substances.
  • Outwardly, the mummy resembles the resin.
  • The color of the mummy varies from yellowish-brown to bright black.
  • It is believed that the black mummy is the most effective and useful.
  • The mummy smells of oil, but the taste is very bitter.
  • The mummy is used for various therapeutic purposes, since the drug has established itself positively in the treatment of skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, as an antiviral and geostimulating drug. And also - mummy can slow down oncop processes.
  • The mummy can replace vitamins and has a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the fact that mummy contributes to rapid tissue regeneration, favorably affects the healing of bones, increases appetite and improves sleep.
  • For a long time and successfully use mummy for cosmetic purposes, such as a mummy from stretch marks is especially popular.


The use of mummy from stretch marks

Useful components of mummy make this substance truly unique. First, cosmetologists noted the ability of mummy to heal wounds and ulcers, restore skin irregularities, and also eliminate acne. But then they appreciated another point - the mummy has the ability to absorb scars, so over time, the drug began to be used in a new role - getting rid of striae.

The cream with mummy from stretch marks was tried by many representatives of the fair sex. At the same time, everyone has only positive reviews. You can buy a mummy cream from stretch marks in any pharmacy, but the most effective is the tool that you cook yourself. For some reason, factory drugs are not so effective.

And to prepare the cream from stretch marks yourself, you need to purchase mummy in tablets.

Mummy from stretch marks: Cream recipes

To prepare the cream from stretch marks, you will need mummy tablets-10-20 pieces of 0.2 g or mummy in bags of 5 g-1 pc. And a little purified warm water - to dissolve the original product. Remember that the shelf life of the finished product is short - this should also be taken into account when making a workpiece.

In a deep plate or bowl, it is necessary to squeeze out the tube of the most ordinary children's cream and stir with mummy to a homogeneous mass. This cream with mummy from stretch marks must be transferred to a prepared container - a pre -washed and dried jar from the cream or any other suitable container. Store this drug in the refrigerator.

The mummy against stretch marks helps if you use the cream that you have prepared daily for 3 or 4 months - the only way you will see the result.

It is worth noting that this is not the only recipe for mummy from stretch marks - there are other, no less effective.


Mummy from stretch marks: cream with essential oils

Thanks to the use of essential oils, the mummy effect can be noticeably enhanced. In addition, it is the oils that the oils are well beaten by the not quite pleasant smell of this tool. To prepare a cream, you will need any essential oils in addition to the above drugs. The so -called “anti -cellulite” are perfect for these purposes: orange oil, rosemary oil, lemon oil, lavender oil. Since the mummy itself will never dissolve in oil, it must be added after the cream is mixed with the mummy. Only 7-10 drops for one tube of cream and 10-20 tablets mummy (5 grams) are enough.

Mummy from stretch marks: oil compress

Mummy helps with stretch marks if you prepare an oil compress. You will need a mummy (one gram), water (teaspoon), oil - mural or mint (tablespoon). Do not forget that these oils have increased allergenicity, a poet very often use their or drugs that contain them - it is impossible.

Mummy from stretch marks: how to apply cream

Regular use of mummy from stretch marks will help you significantly reduce the amount and size of even very long -standing striae on the skin. In addition, as reviews testify, mummy from stretch marks will allow women to completely get rid of “fresh” striae.

In order for the result not to be long in coming, it is necessary to follow the simple rules:

  • The cream is applied only to those areas of the skin where there are really stretch marks - there is no need to coat the whole body.
  • The cream is applied with soft massage circular motions - clockwise.
  • The cream must be rubbed until it is completely absorbed.
  • Before applying the cream, it is advisable not only to wash the body, but to steam it - thanks to this, the skin will quickly absorb beneficial substances.
  • It is very good if before applying the cream, you will clean the skin with a scrub.
  • If you do not have a scrub, or you do not use it, then it can be replaced with a hard washcloth: first you need to steam the skin, and then walk well all over the body with a washcloth - this will help remove the dead particles of the skin.
  • It is better to apply the cream twice a day - in the morning and evening after taking a shower.
  • Cream with mummy from stretch marks can also be used to prevent the appearance of striae. It will be enough to rub twice a week into the most problematic places: hips, stomach, chest, buttocks, lower back.
  • Use a cream for at least 3 months - only then there will be an effect and you can remove stretch marks with a mummy.
  • The use of mummy from stretch marks, as can be seen in the photo, will help return the skin with smoothness, elasticity and elasticity - the main thing is not to be lazy and regularly use this unique tool!


The smell of mummy from stretch marks

Oh, this smell! The real mummy has a very specific smell - this is exactly what confirms the quality of the product. Nevertheless, not everyone likes this "aroma". If you are also not enthusiastic about him, try to experiment with various creams that have strong smells. Or add your favorite essential oils to the cream:

  • Mint - soothe the skin.
  • Citrus fruits - eliminate cellulite.
  • Pink - relieves irritation, heals wounds.
  • Ilang-Ylang-an excellent antiseptic, aphrodisiac.
  • Grapes - moisturizing the skin.

Choose for yourself that aroma that you can enjoy the process itself!

By the way, there are oils that instead of drowning the smell of mummy, on the contrary, increase it. When choosing a flavor, refuse first of all such oils:

  • Bergamot.
  • Lavender.
  • Coffee.

Mummy from stretch marks as a method of strii prevention

To protect yourself from stretch marks during pregnancy or during weight loss, be sure to use the cream with the mummy as a prevention!

Thanks to the mummy, the skin will be maintained in tone - it will become more elastic and elastic.

If suddenly stretching appears during “preventive measures”, then it will still not be so serious: most likely, you will be able to get rid of it at all.


Tips for the use of mummy from stretch marks

Positive dynamics during the use of mummy from stretch marks can be seen 30 days after daily use. This can easily be seen in photographs where stretch marks are clearly visible, which, thanks to the mummy, are noticeably different “before” and “after” application. Moreover, already 2 weeks after use, you can find simply colossal changes. If you want to get rid of stretch marks for good:

  • Use the mummy daily.
  • Apply mummy from stretch marks to the skin 2 times a day.
  • Depending on the cream you have chosen, the consistency of the product may be different. Choose yourself such a product, the consistency of which you would like.
  • It is allowed to reduce or increase the amount of mummy if the drug is too much compared to the cream, or it is “lost” against the background of the cream.
  • You can apply the cream with your hands, and washed with a massage roller - this will improve blood circulation and will contribute to healing of stretch marks.
  • During pregnancy, it is not advisable to apply mummy from stretch marks on the stomach, as well as massage it.
  • In the event that during the use of cream on the skin there was irritation or redness, it is necessary to immediately abandon the use of mummy from stretch marks.
  • If the mummy hit the clothes, do not worry - despite the black color, it is perfectly washed off by ordinary master's soap with the addition of lemon juice (500 ml of water - a tablespoon of juice).
  • If traces of mummy remained on the skin, it is enough to wipe them with lemon juice or ordinary makeup removal.
  • After applying the cream to the body, leave it for at least 3-4 hours.

Mummy from stretch marks: use before and after




  Mummy from stretch marks: video receptor



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