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Assumes for weight loss

Assumes for weight loss
We make a diet with a smoothie for weight loss.

Every woman would like to keep herself in shape, for this it is necessary for the right and healthy diet. Now they are gaining popularity of the cocktail of the smoothie. This is a very tasty, and most importantly - a healthy cocktail that will help your body not only quickly and correctly throw off extra pounds, but also endow with nutrients and vitamins.

Smallness for weight loss: Diet Principle


The principle of operation of the diet is very simple: the smoothie should consist exclusively of low -calorie vegetables and fruits. The fluid of products that will be part of the darkness for weight loss will help cleanse the body and improve the intestines. A cocktail will help your body get rid of hunger for a long time.

To improve the quality of the cocktail, you need to eat in the main diet only low -calorie food and drink about 1.5 liters of water during the day.

Preparation of dullness for weight loss using a blender


You can prepare a “useful cocktail” yourself, using a blender. To do this, fold all the ingredients and mix. Firm fruits will need to be cleaned of the skin and grated on the grater. The main thing is not to forget to remove the seeds out of fruit if necessary.

There are many varieties of a drink, for example:

  • Vegetable smoothie. For such a drink, it is recommended to thoroughly chop all the ingredients in a blender, pour milk, add greens and mix well.
  • Walnut smoothie. This cocktail must be defended by a certain time before using it. The nuts must first be soaked in water, and then pour everything into the blender and grind. At the end, add the desired fruits.
  • Fruit smoothie. This type of drink does not need recommendations. All that needs to be done is to remove the seeds and peel. It must also be remembered that fruits that change color when contacting air are added last.

Smurish preparation tips

Side View of Blender Chopping Fruits

  • In order to make a cocktail thicker, you should use frozen fruits.
  • A variety of taste can be obtained using acidic and sweet types of fruits in one drink.
  • The base of the cocktail can be low -calorie yogurt or kefir, you can also add any desired juice.
  • You can also add pieces of fruit or nuts to the drink.

Products for the preparation of darkness for weight loss

Conceptual Image - Fresh Juice Pours from From Fruits and Vegetables

To prepare a smoothie for weight loss, you need to remember that you can add everything you want to this drink. If you want to bring yourself into shape, then you need to choose the right products:

  • vegetables and greens, such as: tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, celery, white cabbage or colored, carrots, broccoli, sweet pepper, onion green or onions, croats, dill;
  • fruits can be added both fresh and frozen: apples, citrus fruits, fresh or canned, kiwi, pear, lime, plum, apricot, cherries, cherries, cherry plum, peach, melon;
  • berries, for example: currants, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, watermelon, blackberry, blueberries, cranberries, an elderberry, gooseberries;
  • from dairy products, you should choose: kefir, skim milk, low -fat yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • seeds: flax seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin, sesame seeds;
  • nuts can only be used to sprinkle the drink: crushed walnuts or cedar nuts;
  • juices - at will;
  • active fat burners, for example: ginger root, turmeric;
  • flakes from various cereals.

The principle of nutrition on the diet of Smuzi


A portion of the drink contains about 200 calories, so it is not recommended to abuse it. Smallness for weight loss must be drunk only when you feel a feeling of hunger. But still, it is impossible to eat exclusively with this cocktail, as this can destroy the entire diet. The replacement of a “snack on the go” is considered ideal. It is extremely recommended to drink smoothie instead of dinner, as fruits contain a sufficient amount of fructose. Follow all the rules of diet for dullness for weight loss, select the ingredients correctly and you will succeed!

Recipes for cooking dullness for weight loss

Smallness for weight loss is very diverse. The drink can be prepared with fruits, vegetables, cereals and much more. Here are a few recipes for making a useful cocktail.

1. "Satisfied breakfast."


For preparation, you need 4 pieces of strawberries (fresh or frozen), 1/4 of the banana, 0.5 cups of kefir and a tablespoon of oatmeal. Beat fruits and flakes in a blender, add kefir and beat again. The taste of the drink can be diversified if sprinkled with hammer nuts on top.

2. "Honey kiss."


Place in a blender 2 tbsp.  l. Currants, 2 tsp. Honey, 50 g of cottage cheese and pour everything with 1 cup of pineapple juice. Beat thoroughly, at the end, the drink must be used immediately.

3. "Boarded morning."


Cut the grapefruit, apple and kiwi in half, put in a blender, add 2 g to fruit. grated ginger, beat well. Add 1 cup of green tea and 2 tsp, beat, beat again.

4. "Green Mix."


Peel the small cucumber, take the sweet green pepper, carefully remove the seeds, then take the stem of green onions and finely cut, also grate 1/3 tsp. ginger. Put the finished products in a blender, add 1 tsp. Lemon juice, then beat. Pour the Borjomi mineral water into a homogeneous mass and continue to whip for 10 seconds.

5. "Sunny flare."


Peel one tomato, place it in a blender, add 2 celery stems. Pour 0.5 cups of carrot juice and 1/3 cup of beet juice there, beat for 20 seconds.

7. "Grace".


For a smoothie, mix in a blender 1 sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots, 1/4 of the apple, 70 grams of fresh spinach and 100 g of boiled broccoli, share a glass of grapefruit juice, beat for 30 seconds. The resulting drink must be drunk immediately.

8. "Winter".


Remove the seeds from the apple, then bake. Heat 150 ml of skim milk, pour into a blender, add apple pulp, beat well. Add 0.5 tsp to the resulting homogeneous mass. cinnamon. If desired, the drink can be prepared on kefir.

9. "Vegetarian."


To prepare this drink, take 1 orange, half a banana and 1.75 cup of rice (soy) milk. Mix cooked products in a blender, if desired, you can sprinkle with grated nuts.

10. "Immunity."


1 tsp grated ginger root, 1/4 lemon and orange juice without bones chop in a blender. This cocktail must be drunk in the morning.

11. Smouses-SUP "Vegetable".


For a smoothie-soup, take a pan, pour water and boil 150 g of broccoli for about 5-7 minutes, cool. Finely cut the dill. Grind broccoli and dill in a blender and pour 0.5 cups of Ayran (if desired, you can use kefir). You can add spices to taste.

12. "After the solarium."


Take 2 peaches, 0.5 carrot juice, 1 tsp. chopped flax seeds. Launch the listed ingredients to the blender and prepare mashed potatoes. After cooking, give the drink to stand within 25 minutes. Use the cocktail after visiting the solarium in order to give the skin the necessary vitamin A, thanks to this drink, you can not only lose weight, but also endow the skin with beautiful color.

13. "Invigorating vitamin."


Finely cut 100 g of white cabbage, free the pear and kiwi from the peel, cut into slices and run into a blender. After fruit and cabbage are crushed, add 60 grams of spinach, 1 tbsp. l. Sea cabbage, 2 tbsp. l. Cream and a glass of water, beat the drink again.

14. "Piquant taste."


Take kiwi, leaves of the croak (quantity at your discretion), 100 grams of green grapes, pour half a glass of yogurt and 2 tsp. Honey, beat all products in a blender for about 1 minutes.

Methods of losing weight with a smoothie

There are several variations of weight loss on the drink.

  • We combine darkness for weight loss with a selected diet. In this case, a basic diet is selected, which should be coordinated with a nutritionist or doctor, and in addition to it we use a smoothie as a replacement for dinner, for example, or as a snack.
  • Smallness for weight loss on fasting days. Such a day should be arranged for every woman as a hot yab once a week. On this day, we don’t even think about products, the diet should consist exclusively of freshly prepared smoothies, green tea and pure drinking water.
  •   Smallness for losing weight for dinner. Every day you can make a rule for dinner only smoothies. Thus, you will not be able to use those undesirable calories that are able to tie excess weight to your body.

Small weight loss recipes. Video



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