
The use of air mint oil. Hair masks with mint oil at home

The use of air mint oil. Hair masks with mint oil at home
Mint's essential oil helps to cope with hair loss, excessive fat and dandruff.

Peppermint essential oil is a natural product that is actively used in cosmetology - in particular, as a means of hair. Mint oil allows you to accelerate hair growth, prevent falling out and restore their damaged structure. Regular cosmetic procedures using such a fund will help you to return strong, thick and shiny hair. In this article, you can read more in details with the beneficial properties of mint oil, ways to apply to hair and homemade masks for all hair types.

Composition and properties of mint essential oil

Essential oil is obtained from leaves and blooming tops of peppermint. The main active substance of mint oil - menthol. Thanks to him, mint essential oil helps to relieve stress, tones the skin and disinfects, protecting small damage and preventing inflammation. Mint Essential oil is a storehouse of nutrients for hair care. First of all, it will be useful for restoring thick bulk hair, as it perfectly stimulates hair growth and reduces loss. However, with many other problems, mint oil will effectively help cope, especially if you combine it with other useful ingredients.

Hair loss is a frequent problem with which many girls face the spring period. The lack of vitamins and nutrients leads to a significant loss of hair. Also slow down and their growth. Stimulate hair is especially important if you want to restore the volume and density after a strong dropout, as well as to grow natural hair after staining or change the short haircut on a longer one.

Often, hair growth stimulation is also recommended if the hair structure is strongly damaged - this can occur from the effects of frost, the sun, salt water, clarifying staining or hot styling. Sometimes it is not possible to fully return the former shine and power by damaged hair, and only a rapid growth can help. Mint's essential oil has the following action:

  • Tits the scalp, allowing hair to grow more actively.
  • Improves the blood circulation of the scalp and blood supply of hair bulbs. Due to this, nutrients from the body are faster in the hair follicles, and the power from the inside protects the hair from falling out.
  • The properties of menthol allow the useful substances from the outside to absorb better and faster. Therefore, it is especially useful to add the essential oil of mint to nutritional masks for hair and scalp.

Mint's essential oil has an antiseptic and antifungal effect. It will help to prevent inflammation on the skin of the head and cope with the fungus - in particular, with greasy dandruff. Essentially there will be essential oil of mint for fat dandruff. Do not rely on it, as the only remedy, however, in combination with drugs, it will help to get a faster result. After dandruff pass, it can be used for prophylaxis.

  • Mint's essential oil has antifungal action, directly helping to defeat dandruff. Most of the finished funds sold in stores help hide symptoms, but do not struggle with the cause.
  • Mint's essential oil has a drying effect, which will additionally help in the treatment of oily dandruff.

Mint's essential oil will help cope with excessive fatty hair in the roots. Fatty is always associated with a violation of the sebaceous glands that are starting to work too actively. Often this happens in the summer due to hot weather. Fatness in the roots not only looks not too attractive, it also increases the risk of acne on the skin of the head and dandruff. Also, fat content can be one of the indirect causes of hair loss.

  • Menthola's drying effect allows you to quickly get a noticeable result. The hair will be dry and volumetric in the roots after several applications of mint essential oil.
  • Oil components help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and eliminate the cause of the appearance of fat.

For dry hair, the essential oil of mint should be used with caution. In itself, it has a drying effect and can aggravate problems with dry hair and scalp. To solve problems, it is best to add a few drops of oil to moisturizing hair masks - they can be bought in the store or cook at home. Possessing a tonic effect, the essential oil of mint will allow moisture and nutrients better to absorb and, therefore, you will quickly achieve the result.

Mint oil applying

Most essential oils affect the skin extremely aggressively, so they should not be applied in its pure form to avoid irritation. Especially careful worth being the owners of dry hair and dry hearty scalp. To avoid irritation, apply essential oil should be either completely in small quantities or diluted.

Treating Hair With Mint Essential Oil

The first and easiest way is to apply a few droplets of mint essential oil on a comb and hairstyle. This option is quite suitable for everyday care. It is important to remember that the essential oil evaporates quickly, so it needs to be added again to each procedure. It is also necessary that the comb is made from natural materials - for example, from wood. Plastic or metal can enter the chemical reaction with essential oil.

For hair treatment along the entire length, a simple comb is suitable, however, the essential oil of mint, for the most part, acts on the roots of the hair and the scalp. Therefore, it is best to purchase a circular massage brush for such procedures. Try so that the essential oil is distributed on the brush evenly, and then process the scalp and roots of the hair by massaging movements, gradually going down all over the length of the hair to the tips.

If you do such procedures regularly, you can prevent hair loss, fatty and dandruff. Perhaps combing hair with butter mint will not be able to help solve serious problems, but it will provide sufficient care to always maintain healthy hair with thick, strong, shiny and volumetric. In addition, with regular combing, your hair will always have a pleasant natural fragrance.

Washing Hair With Mint Essential Oil

Adding several droplets of mint essential oil into the shampoo will also help to care for healthy hair. A little essential oil of peppermint in combination with your usual shampoo will allow you to maintain your hair strong, strong and prevent fatness and dandruff. This method is very simple and fast, so wash your head with shampoo and essential oil can be regularly for high-quality hair care. With caution you need to use such a tool only to girls with dry damaged hair. Shampoo in combination with essential oil can act too intense, so for damaged hair, mint oil is better mixed with nutritional moisturizing masks.

The disadvantage of this method is that the essential oil of mint does not have enough to affect a few minutes. It is not recommended to keep shampoo on hair too long. In addition, after washing the head, the essential oil of mint is almost completely washed off, leaving only the minimum smell. Due to the insufficient time of exposure to washing the head with essential oil, mint will not be able to significantly accelerate hair growth, prevent loss or remove excessive fat. Nevertheless, such a hair washing will help in combination with other means or simply will take care of healthy hair.

Rinsing and masks with mint essential oil

These methods are most effective not only to care for strong hair, but also to strengthen and restore hair prone to falling out. For rinsing, you can dilute a little mint oil in clean water and apply on the hair after washing. This method will help get rid of fatty, dandruff and hair loss. The convenience of rinsing is mainly in time saving - essential oil will remain on the hair and skin of the head and will affect while you dry your hair.

However, the effects of mint oil will be even more efficient in combination with other nutritional and tonic natural products. Therefore, the most successful way to quickly and effectively stop the hair loss, activate their growth and cure the skin of the head from the dandruff. Their preparation usually takes quite a bit of time, but they will need to keep on her hair, at least 10-15 minutes or longer.

Home masks have a lot of advantages. First, prepare them will independently be much cheaper than to buy in stores and pharmacies. Secondly, only making homemade masks you can be confident in the naturalness of all ingredients. In addition, you can choose exactly the composition that best suits your hair type and will meet their individual needs.

Homemade hair oil with mint oil

To strengthen hair and growth stimulation, you can simply add a few drops of mint oil of peppers into your familiar hair mask. If you want to try something new, you can take advantage of simple homemade hair masks recipes that help solve specific problems. On average, these masks should be applied 2-3 times a week, and after several applications you will notice the first positive results.

Mask Masks Mint For Hair Growth

Mint's essential oil will even more efficiently stimulate hair growth in combination with other nutritional and tonic ingredients. The problem of hair growth is directly related to their falling out: the reason is usually in poor blood supply to hair bulbs and insufficient feeding of the scalp. To eliminate loss and accelerate hair growth, you can try the following recipes with mint essential oil:

  • Mask with vegetable oil, honey and cinnamon

To make such a mask, mix a spoonful of honey and heated vegetable oil - a ray, argan, castor, olive or almond oil suitable. You can even take sunflower unrefined oil. Add cinnamon powder tea spoon to this mixture and a few drops of mint oil. Such a mask should be made before washing. Apply the mask by massaging movements on the dry skin of the head and distribute the dry hair. For a better effect, cover your head with a package or towel. Hold the mask is recommended for 20-30 minutes.

Honey has antiseptic properties and provides the skin of the head nutrition. The oil also contains many nutrients for hair and helps soften the aggressive effect of cinnamon and butter of mint. Cinnamon and mint oil tone the skin of the head, improve blood circulation and contribute to both the best absorption of nutrients mask and hair supply from the inside.

  • Mask with butter and root of ginger

Heat vegetable oil. For this recipe, it is better not to take sunflower olive. Almond, castor, argan and burdow oil contain much more important substances for hair growth, and in this mask oil is the main power source. Sattail on the fine grater of the fresh root of ginger and add to the oil. Also mix all this with a small number of mint essential oil. Apply a mask on the roots of the hair and cover the towel for 15-20 minutes.

Ginger has a warming effect and allows nutrients faster to penetrate the skin and the hair structure. Vegetable oil feeds hair, and mint oil contributes to growth and warns fat. Holders of dry hair should apply such a mask with caution - the action of ginger can be too intense for dry hair and skin.

  • Mask with butter egg yolk

For this recipe, take a bit of heated vegetable oil - the best repear or castor. You can also mix them together, they perfectly complement each other. Spread one egg yolk into the oil. Thoroughly mix to the homogeneous mass. Then add some mint oil and apply a mixture with massage movements on the roots of the hair, and then dispense the remaining mask along the entire length, cover your head and hold the tool half an hour. To enhance the effect in the mask, you can add vitamins A and E.

This mask acts softly: it feeds to a greater extent and moisturizes the hair, rather than tones. It can be done on dry, and on the oily skin before every wash. Egg yolk provides deep moisturizing and nutrition, and the ray and castor oil contain the most important ingredients to maintain hair health. Mint's essential oil allows these nutrients to be better assisted.

Masks with butter Mint for dandruff

Mint's essential oil perfectly helps to fight dandruff. However, to strengthen its effect, as well as soften its action and prevent skin irritation, it is best to add essential oil into a home mask. Such formulations are applied to the scalp. To combat dandruff, such masks should be done regularly, approximately several times a week.

You should not wait for an instant effect, but after a few applications you will probably notice the first results. Homemade masks from dandruff with mint essential oil do not just mask the dandruff symptoms, but help eliminate the cause. When the dandruff pass, you can do exactly the same masks once a few weeks - they will provide good prevention of the redepotes of dandruff.

  • Castor Oil Mask and Aloe Juice

To combat dandruff, it is best to take castor oil - it has an antifungal effect and provides the skin of the head with nutrients, helping to defeat dandruff faster. Some oil should be mixed with aloe juice. This plant has many at home, and if not, then its juice can be purchased at the pharmacy. Add mint oil to this mask. Keep such a composition follows 30-40 minutes before washing.

  • Mask with green clay

Green clay is known for its disinfecting effect. It is used to treat acne and dermatitis on the skin, as well as for the treatment of dry and fat dandruff. You can purchase clay or in powder or ready and diluted. Clay in powder should be dissolved in water to thick consistency. Then mix it with a small number of mint essential oil and quickly apply on the skin of the head until the mixture has time to frozen.

This mask should be made on wet hair after washing the hair. After applying, it is advisable to cover your head with a towel or package so that the clay does not dry. It is also important to thoroughly flush clay, because its particles can be clogged between hair. Such a mask is suitable for any type of hair - clay moisturizes hair and scalp, feeds it necessary trace elements and struggles with fungus in combination with mint essential oil.

Mint masks for oily hair

Mint's essential oil can also help in the fight against excessive hair fatty. Such compositions, like the previous ones, are applied to the scalp. The purpose of these masks is to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, due to the intensive work of which the fat content appears. At the same time, such masks should not cut the skin, and, it means, moisturizing hair and scalp also matters. In order to get rid of fatty and provide gentle care hair, try to prepare the following means:

  • Oatmeal and soda mask

For this mask, grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or take oatmeal. Add half a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of mint essential oil. To give a mask the desired consistency, dilute it with a warm herbal decoction. The daisy, chamber or St. John's wort is suitable. After cooking, apply a mask on the scalp after washing.

Oatmeal has moisturizing properties, but at the same time helps to get rid of fatness. Soda softens the skin and has a drying effect. In combination with the essential oil of mint, you get an effective homemade fabric to combat fatness. Such a mask acts softly enough, but still it is not worth using it more often than once a week - the soda can overcome the skin. Acting gradually, but regularly, you can remove excess fat and provide full-fledged care hair.

  • Mask with banana, honey and lemon juice

To prepare such a mask, mix the flesh of one banana, a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of lemon juice and a little mint essential oil. If the consistency turned out to be too viscous and the mask is inconvenient to apply, you can slightly dilute the composition of herbal decoction or vegetable oil. This fully natural mask is suitable for use before every wash.

This home remedy for nourishing the scalp, has a drying effect, helps regulate the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation. Even after you get rid of fat from the roots, the mask can be done once a week to care for hair prone to fat. This formulation does not act too intense, so it is safe even for sensitive skin. This mask is suitable for the treatment and prevention of fat.


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