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The use of essential hair oil for hair. Hair masks with mint oil at home

The use of essential hair oil for hair. Hair masks with mint oil at home
Essential oil of mint helps to cope with hair loss, excessive oily and dandruff.

Peppermint essential oil is a natural product that is actively used in cosmetology - in particular, as a hair remedy. Mint oil allows you to accelerate hair growth, prevent loss and restore their damaged structure. Regular cosmetic procedures using such a tool will help you return strong, thick and shiny hair. In this article, you can read in more detail the beneficial properties of mint oil, ways to apply it to the hair and home recipes for masks for all types of hair.

Composition and properties of mint essential oil

Essential oil is obtained from the leaves and flowering top of peppermint. The main active substance of mint oil is menthol. Thanks to it, peppermint essential oil helps relieve stress, tones the skin and disinfects, protecting minor damage and preventing inflammation. Essential oil of mint - a storehouse of nutrients for hair care. First of all, it will be useful for restoring thick volumetric hair, as it perfectly stimulates hair growth and reduces loss. However, mint oil will effectively help to cope with many other problems, especially if you combine it with other useful ingredients.

Hair loss is a common problem that many girls face in the spring. Lack of vitamins and nutrients leads to significant hair loss. Their growth also slows down. It is especially important to stimulate hair if you want to restore volume and density after severe loss, as well as to grow a natural hair after dyeing or change a short haircut to a longer one.

Often, stimulation of hair growth is also recommended if the hair structure is badly damaged - this can occur from the effects of frost, sun, salt water, lightening staining or hot styling. Sometimes it is not possible to fully return the previous shine and strength to damaged hair, and only rapid growth can help. The essential oil of mint has the following action:

  • Tones the scalp, allowing the hair to grow more actively.
  • Improves blood circulation of the scalp and blood supply to the hair follicles. Due to this, nutrients from the body enter the hair follicles faster, and nutrition from the inside protects the hair from falling out.
  • The properties of menthol allow useful substances from outside to be absorbed better and faster. Therefore, it is especially useful to add mint oil to nutrient masks for hair and scalp.

Mint oil has antiseptic and antifungal effects. It will help prevent inflammation on the scalp and cope with the fungus - in particular, with fat dandruff. Especially effective will be the essential oil of mint for fat dandruff. You should not rely on it as a single remedy, but in combination with drugs it will help to get a faster result. After dandruff passes, it can be used for prevention.

  • Mint oil has an antifungal effect, directly helping to defeat dandruff. Most of the finished products sold in stores help to hide the symptoms, but do not fight the cause.
  • Mint oil has a drying effect, which will additionally help in the treatment of oily dandruff.

Mint oil will help to cope with excessive fat content of the hair at the roots. Fatty is always associated with violation of the sebaceous glands, which begin to work too actively. Often this happens in the summer due to hot weather. The fat content of the roots not only does not look too attractive, it also increases the risk of acne on the scalp and dandruff. Also, fat content can be one of the indirect causes of hair loss.

  • The drying action of mentol allows you to quickly get a noticeable result. The hair will be dry and voluminous at the roots after several uses of mint essential oil.
  • The components of the oil help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and eliminate the cause of fat content.

For dry hair, mint essential oil should be used with caution. In itself, it has a drying effect and can aggravate problems with dry hair and scalp.   To solve problems, it is best to add a few drops of oil to moisturizing hair masks - you can buy them in a store or cook at home yourself. Possessing the tonic effect, mint oil will allow moisture and nutrients to absorb it and, therefore, you will quickly achieve the result.

Application of oil oil to hair

Most essential oils affect the skin extremely aggressively, so they should not be applied in its pure form to avoid irritation. Especially careful should be owners of dry hair and dry inflamed scalp. To avoid irritation, apply essential oil either in a completely small amount or diluted.

Combing hair with peppermint

The first and easiest way is to apply a few drops of peppermint essential oil on a comb and comb your hair. This option is quite suitable for everyday care. It is important to remember that essential oil evaporates quickly, so it must be added again before each procedure. It is also necessary that the comb is made of natural materials - for example, from wood. Plastic or metal can enter into a chemical reaction with essential oil.

For hair treatment along the entire length, a simple comb is suitable, but the essential oil of mint, for the most part, acts on the roots of the hair and scalp. Therefore, it is best to purchase a round massage brush for such procedures. Try that the essential oil is distributed evenly on the brush, and then treat the scalp and hair roots with massaging movements, gradually going down the entire length of the hair to the ends.

If you do such procedures regularly, you can prevent hair loss, fat content and dandruff. Perhaps combing hair with mint oil will not be able to help solve serious problems, but it will provide sufficient care to always maintain healthy hair with thick, strong, brilliant and voluminous. In addition, with regular combing, your hair will always have a pleasant natural aroma.

Washing hair with peppermint

Adding a few drops of mint oil in shampoo will also help to care for healthy hair. A little essential oil of peppermint, combined with your usual shampoo, will maintain hair strong, strong and prevent fatty and dandruff. This method is very simple and fast, so you can wash your hair with shampoo and essential oil regularly for high -quality hair care. With caution, you need to use such a tool only to girls with dry damaged hair. Shampoo in combination with essential oil can act too intensively, therefore, for damaged hair, mint oil is best mixed with nutrient moisturizing masks.

The disadvantage of this method is that mint essential oil does not have time to act enough in a few minutes. Keeping shampoo on the hair for too long is not recommended. In addition, after washing the head, the essential oil of mint is almost completely washed off, leaving only the minimum smell. Due to the insufficient time of exposure to washing the head with mint essential oil, it will not be able to significantly accelerate hair growth, prevent loss or remove excessive fat. Nevertheless, such hair washing will help in combination with other means or simply allow you to take care of healthy hair.

Rinsing and masks with mint oil

These methods are most effective not only for caring for strong hair, but also for strengthening and restoring hair prone to loss. For rinsing, you can dilute a little mint oil in clean water and apply to the hair after washing. This method will help get rid of fat content, dandruff and hair loss. The convenience of rinsing lies mainly in saving time - essential oil will remain on the hair and scalp and will affect while you dry your hair.

Nevertheless, the effect of mint oil will be even more effective in combination with other nutritional and tonic natural products. Therefore, the most successful way to quickly and effectively stop hair loss, activate their growth and cure the scalp from dandruffs will be home masks. Their preparation usually takes very little time, but they will need to be kept on the hair for at least 10-15 minutes or longer.

Home masks have a lot of advantages. Firstly, it will be much cheaper to cook them yourself than to buy in stores and pharmacies. Secondly, only by making homemade masks you can be sure of the naturalness of all ingredients. In addition, you can choose exactly the composition that is best suited for your type of hair and will meet their individual needs.


To strengthen hair and stimulate growth, you can simply add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your usual hair mask. If you want to try something new, you can use simple homemade hair masks that help solve specific problems. On average, these masks should be applied 2-3 times a week, and after several applications you will notice the first positive results.

Mint masks for hair growth

Mint oil will be even more effective to stimulate hair growth in combination with other nutritional and tonic ingredients. The problem of hair growth is directly related to their loss: the reason is usually in poor blood supply to the hair follicles and insufficient nutrition of the scalp. To eliminate loss and accelerate hair growth, you can try the following recipes with peppermint essential oil:

  • Mask with vegetable oil, honey and cinnamon

To make such a mask, mix a spoonful of honey and heated vegetable oil - burdock, argan, castor, olive or almond oil is suitable. You can even take sunflower unrefined oil. Add a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and a few drops of mint oil to this mixture. Such a mask should be done before washing. Apply the mask with massaging movements to dry scalp and distribute into dry hair. For the best effect, you should cover your head with a bag or towel. It is recommended to hold the mask for 20-30 minutes.

Honey has antiseptic properties and provides scalp with nutrition. The oil also contains many nutrients for hair and helps to soften the aggressive effect of cinnamon and mint oil. Cinnamon and mint oil tone the scalp, improve blood circulation and contribute to both the better absorption of the mask nutrients and the nutrition of the hair from the inside.

  • Mask with oil and ginger root

Heat vegetable oil. For this recipe, it is better not to take olive or sunflower. Almond, castor, argan and burdock oil contain much more important substances for hair growth, and in this mask oil is the main source of nutrition. Grate fresh ginger root on a fine grater and add to the oil. Also mix all this with a small amount of mint oil. Apply the mask to the hair roots and cover with a towel for 15-20 minutes.

Ginger has a warming effect and allows nutrients to penetrate the skin and structure of the hair faster. Vegetable oil nourishes hair, and mint oil promotes growth and prevents fat. Owners of dry hair should use such a mask with caution - the effect of ginger can be too intense for dry hair and skin.

  • Mask with egg yolk oil

For this recipe, take a little heated vegetable oil - the best burdock or castor. You can also mix them together, they complement each other perfectly. Break one egg yolk into the oil. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass. Then add a little mint oil and apply the mixture with massage movements to the hair roots, and then distribute the remaining mask along the entire length, cover the head and hold the product for half an hour. To enhance the effect to the mask, you can add vitamins A and E.

This mask acts softly: it feeds and moisturizes hair to a greater extent than tones. It can be done on dry and oily skin in front of each washing. Egg yolk provides deep hydration and nutrition, and burdock and castor oils contain the most important ingredients to maintain hair health. Essential oil of peppermint allows these nutrients to be better absorbed.

Maps with peppermint oil from dandruff

Mint oil helps to fight dandruff. However, in order to enhance its effect, as well as soften its effect and prevent skin irritation, it is best to add essential oil to home masks. Such compounds are applied to the scalp. To combat dandruff, such masks should be made regularly, about several times a week.

Do not wait for an instant effect, but after several applications you will probably notice the first results. Homemade masks with dandruff with essential oil peppermint not only mask the symptoms of dandruff, but help eliminate the cause. When dandruff passes, you can do exactly the same masks once every few weeks - they will provide good prevention of the re -appearance of dandruff.

  • Mask with castor oil and aloe juice

To combat dandruff, it is best to take castor oil - it has an antifungal effect and provides the scalp with nutrients, helping to quickly defeat dandruff. A little oil should be mixed with aloe juice. Many have this plant at home, and, if not, then its juice can be purchased at a pharmacy. Add mint oil to this mask. Keep this composition 30-40 minutes before washing.

  • Green clay mask

Green clay is known for its disinfecting effect. It is used to treat acne and dermatitis on the skin, as well as for the treatment of dry and oily dandruff. You can purchase clay either in powder, or already ready and diluted. Clay in powder should be diluted in water to a thick consistency. Then mix it with a small amount of peppermint essential oil and quickly apply it to the scalp until the mixture has time to freeze.

This mask should be done on wet hair after washing the hair. After application, it is advisable to cover the head with a towel or bag so that the clay does not dry. It is also important to rinse clay thoroughly, because its particles can be clogged between the hair. Such a mask is suitable for any type of hair - clay moisturizes the hair and scalp, nourishes it with the necessary trace elements and fights with a fungus in combination with mint essential oil.

Mint masks for oily hair

Mint oil can also help in the fight against excessive fatty hair. Such compositions, like the previous ones, are applied to the scalp. The purpose of these masks is to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, due to the intensive work of which fat content appears. At the same time, such masks should not dry the skin, which means moisturizing the hair and scalp also matters. In order to get rid of fat content and provide your hair with care, try to prepare the following means:

  • Oatmeal mask and soda

For this mask, chop oatmeal in a coffee grinder or take oatmeal. Add half a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of mint essential oil. To give the mask the desired consistency, dilute it with a warm herbal decoction. Chamomile, thyme or St. John's wort is best suited. After cooking, apply the mask to the scalp after washing.

Ovsyanka has moisturizing properties, but at the same time helps to get rid of fat content. Soda softens the skin and has a drying effect. In combination with mint oil, you get an effective home tool to combat fat content. Such a mask acts soft enough, but still do not use it more often than once a week - soda can overdry the skin. Acting gradually, but regularly, you can remove excess fat and provide your hair with full care.

  • Mask with a banana, honey and lemon juice

To prepare such a mask, mix the pulp of one banana, a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of lemon juice and a little essential oil of mint. If the consistency turned out to be too viscous and the mask is inconvenient to apply, you can slightly dilute the composition with a herbal decoction or vegetable oil. This completely natural mask is suitable for use before each wash.

Such a home remedy nourishes the scalp, has a drying effect, helps adjust the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation. Even after you get rid of fat content at the roots, this mask can be done once a week to take care of hair prone to fat content. This composition does not work too intense, so it is safe even for sensitive skin. Such a mask is suitable for treatment and for the prevention of fat content.



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