
Therapeutic properties of goose fat, indications, contraindications. The use of goose fat

Therapeutic properties of goose fat, indications, contraindications. The use of goose fat
The healing components of the goose fat made him an assistant both in therapeutic and in cosmetic procedures.

A balanced diet, in which the body receives not only vitamins and mineral elements, but also plant and animal fats, is the basis of the normal functioning of the human body.

The correct use of animal fats containing a lot of useful elements can be of great benefit to the human body. One of these "assistants" is goose fat. Thanks to its composition and properties, the tool is used both for medicinal purposes and cosmetic purposes, many trace elements and vitamins are absorbed exclusively in the presence of fat. In addition, the fat fat helps to strengthen the body, increase its resistance to various kinds of ailments. Currently, many avoid products with increased fat. How justified is this attitude to fats in general and to goose fat in particular?

Goose fat - acquaintance

The goose niche, among other fats, occupies a leading place in the content of vitamins and useful elements. The main ones are polyunsaturated and saturated acids that are vital for a person. Their deficiency causes problems not only with skin, hair, but also provokes disorders of the digestive organs, metabolism. In its structure, after melting, the product is similar to olive oil, so it mixes well with other ingredients, turning into a homogeneous mass. The latter is easy and convenient to apply on the skin, as well as take inward.

Composition and properties of goose fat

In order to evaluate the properties of the product and its possible effect on the human body, it is necessary to consider the composition of fat.

  • Fat. Up to 70% of the product are fatty acids. Among them are omega 3, stearin, oleic and linoleic acids. These components give Smalz allfunity, determine its regenerative capabilities. In addition, acids improve the permeability of lipid cover, so that the active components of cosmetic products penetrate easier through the skin. Fats contribute to the normalization of the water balance of the dermis.
  • Mineral elements - zinc, sodium, magnesium, copper, selenium. The latter takes an active part in the regulation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, metabolic processes. The benefits of goose fat are invaluable for the assimilation of iodine.
  • Vitamins E, PP, B1, B5, B12 and B3. These components are “responsible” for the antioxidant and immunomodulating properties of the product, improve the synthesis of collagen and coenzyme, protect cell membranes from oxidative damage.

Thanks to the components of the goose of the smalt, it is perfectly absorbed in the human body, strengthens its immune system, promotes quick cell regeneration.

The benefits of goose fat

The unique composition of the goose's smalt determined its healing capabilities. So why is the goose fat useful? Fat is used during the fight against various ailments, in the manufacture of cosmetic products, as well as for preventive purposes, when the body's immune system needs additional support. The product is used for:

  • Vitaminosis.
  • To strengthen and restore immunity.
  • In the case of insomnia, the blues.
  • To eliminate anxiety, anxiety, with stress.
  • As a means to relieve fatigue.
  • To eliminate skin ailments.
  • As part of therapy for respiratory organs.
  • The product has a warming effect.
  • The fat fat is also able to free the body from toxins.

Goose fat - how and where to get a quality product

Goose niche is completely natural, it turns out as a result of the trampling of the goose fat. You can get it yourself or buy a ready -made composition (mainly in rural markets).

Home cooking

You can get fat at home.

  • Prepare the bird - wash and put the goose. At the same time, it is important not to damage the intestines and spleen, otherwise the fat will be bitter.
  • Remove fat, rinse it and cut into cubes.
  • Place the product in a squad, a bowl under it, and organize a water bath below. The fire should be very weak, otherwise the fat will burn and lose all its useful properties.
  • Steaming is a long -term process, about 8 hours, so it is necessary to monitor the water and add it in time.
  • When the fat is stopped, wait until it cools down and pour the niche in a glass container.

Store the finished product in a cool pantry or refrigerator.

Buying goose fat - features and subtleties of the process

If there is no desire or opportunity to get a nibble independently, you can buy ready -made goose fat. When choosing a finished product, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Appearance. Fat should be light.
  • Smell. Fat should not have aroma of haze, burning. If you still felt an unpleasant odor, then the product is either the old or was prepared incorrectly.

If the proposed product does not have the necessary qualities - do not use it.

Husy fat treatment: Therapy for respiratory diseases

The beneficial properties of the goose's shirt will help to cope with many ailments of the respiratory system and not only.

Husy fat for colds

With the onset of cold weather, viruses are activated, so colds are concerned quite often. To strengthen the body and help it cope with viral attacks will help the following composition. Mix in a proportion of 1: 1: 1 goose fat, honey and cocoa. Add 15 g of aloe juice to the resulting composition. Heat the composition. Take 1 tsp of the mixture and add it to warm milk. Take the composition twice a day.


Coughing is one of the most frequent SARS satellites. To facilitate the condition, it is recommended:

  • Connect 4 tsp of goose fat and 1 tsp wax. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Rub the chest and back with this composition.
  • Grate the onion head. Mix in equal parts of the fat fat and a grated bulb. The resulting composition is taken for 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. Before going to bed, you can apply the chest with this composition, drink warm milk with honey and wrap yourself well in a blanket.
  • Combine 100 g of goose numpting, honey and vodka. Mix all the components and put it in a dark place for a week. The composition is taken for 1 tsp every day. This composition can also be taken to eliminate such an unpleasant state as shortness of breath.

Pneumonia and goose fat

This disease often occurs as a complication as a result of viral or bacterial attacks. To improve well -being as part of complex drug therapy, goose fat can be used. Prepare 50 g of garlic and grind it to the state of gruel. Introduce the resulting mass of 250 g of Smalz and place the composition for several minutes (2-3) in a water bath. After ably, apply the mixture to the parchment sheet. Place the compress on the chest, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart. Cover the composition with paper on top and fix it with a warm bandage. The composition can be left all night.

Gus fat with pulmonary tuberculosis

The useful composition of goose fat and therapeutic properties were also useful in this case. During the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in addition to the main treatment, the following composition can be used. Prepare 150 ml of aloe juice, 200 g of honey, 150 g of smalt, 150 g of cocoa powder. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. You can also add 1.5 tsp of crushed chalk and 3 cups of cedar nuts missed through a meat grinder. Take the composition on a tablespoon 2-3 times a day, stirring it in a glass of hot milk.

Elimination of skin problems with goose fat

The healing properties of Smalz will help restore the cover of the dermis. Therefore, goose fat found the use of skin diseases and lesions.

Goose fat when frostbite

The following actions will help restore damaged skin as a result of frostbite.

  • Strengthen blood circulation. To do this, for example, make a few energetic movement up and down with your hands and shoulders.
  • Next, prepare a container with warm water and lower the frostbite limb into it.
  • When the sensitivity begins to recover, gently wipe it dry and grate it with goose fat.
  • On top, apply a dry bandage and something warming (for example, a woolen scarf or scarf).

If frostbitten areas of the body cannot be placed in warm water, you can immediately proceed to rubbing them with a goose smulz. To prevent the negative effect of cold on the skin, it can also be treated before going to the frost.

Goose fat for burns

A few days after the burned burn (at the stage of tissue regeneration), begin to lubricate the affected places with the fat of the goose twice a day. You can add a little sea buckthorn oil (100 g of fat 1 tbsp) to Smalls. After processing the dermis, the injured skin is coated with a dry bandage. Change the compress twice a day. Such wound processing will accelerate the healing and restoration process of tissues.

Psoriasis and goose fat

For the treatment of such an ailment as psoriasis, it is necessary to mix 3 tbsps of goose fat and 1 tbsp of crushed jacket of soap. In its effectiveness, the resulting composition is not inferior to many hormonal ointments, while there are no side effects from its use. During the treatment of psoriasis, the prepared composition must be regularly applied to the affected areas of the dermis.

Goose fat - wet eczema and pressure sores

In the presence of areas of wet eczema, take a goose sung and fir oil. Connect the components in a 2: 1 ratio. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the finished mixture to the lesions, apply parchment on top of the composition and fix the composition with a bandage. Change such compresses 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy is 2-3 weeks.

Purulent skin lesions

If on the surface of the dermis there are foci of purulent lesions, use the fat and powder of oak bark. Prepare 115 g of smalt and 20 g of powder. Mix the components and apply the resulting composition to problem areas. Place the cellophane on top of the goose fat ointment and fix the therapeutic compress using a bandage. Leave the composition to act within an hour.

Goose fat for gynecological diseases

In the presence of a ailments of the reproductive system, in particular erosion of the uterine neck, you can undergo treatment using goose smulz and calendula. Prepare 100 g and 1 tbsp. l components, respectively. Combine them and place them in a water bath (but do not bring to a boil). Strain the composition and use to wet the cotton -hazard tampons. Place the latter in the vagina before going to bed with a course of 10 days. The total duration of treatment is 3 courses with a break of 10 days.

Goose fat from articular and muscle pain

The warming capabilities of Smalz help to cope with the ailments of the musculoskeletal system. Connect 50 g of fat, 1 tbsp. l honey and alcohol tincture of the swamp saberfish, 3 drops of vitamin E, 1 tsp tincture of alcohol red pepper. Mix everything thoroughly, put in a glass container and send it to the refrigerator. If necessary, get out and rubbed with goose fat of the disturbing area. The movements should be soft and calm. The composition helps to strengthen capillaries, improves lymph and blood flow.

Goose fat in cosmetology

The nutritional properties of the goose smulz have found use in many cosmetic products.

Haste Hair Fat

The use of a product for protecting and nutrition of hair and scalp of the head will not only give your hair a healthy look, but also improve their growth. The following composition will help to return their hair its former force. In a water bath, melt the fat fat. Wait a little time while it cools down. Rubbing thoroughly, apply a sush on the hair and in the scalp. Wrap your head with a towel to create the effect of the sauna and leave the composition for 30 minutes. Next, wash your hair familiar to you with shampoo. At the end of the procedure, rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs or a weak lemon solution.

Face -fat

On frosty and windy days, goose fat can be applied to the skin as a cream, thereby protecting from aggressive effects.

  • A special protective mask will protect your skin from aggressive surrounding exposure. Goose fat must be cut into pieces and melted in a water bath. Next - strain the composition through double gauze. The finished composition is stored in the refrigerator.
  • A nutrient mask will eliminate dryness and peeling of the skin. It is prepared as follows. Take 25 g of goose fat and connect it with 2.5 g of camphor oil. Rub the composition thoroughly, and then - put the composition on the face. After 20 minutes. Remove the remaining fat with a dry cloth and wash your face with warm and then cool water. This mask with goose fat will help to get rid of wrinkles.
  • To moisturize and refresh the lips, prepare rosehips or any other rose (the color of the bud should be scarlet or pink). Pull them to a porridge. Connect 20 petals with 1 tbsp fat. Lubricate your lips with the resulting composition 3-4 times a week. This will give them smoothness and remain elasticity.

Goose fat: contraindications to the use of the product

Since the product is completely natural, the list of states that can serve as an obstacle to therapy with a goose smulz is minimal. They got into it:

  • Individual intolerance to the product. In this case, only the external use of the product remains.
  • Do not engage in experimental treatment for pregnant and nursing women, as well as children whose age has not yet reached 3 years. Hussin fat to a child is best used in the form of a grinder for a rubber.
  • Increased cholesterol in the blood.
  • If the liver damage occurs, therapy should also be limited to applying the product to the skin (the intake is excluded).

And although a natural nump the product is very useful, do not self -medicate, based solely on knowledge of the goose of fat received from the reviews of other people. Start any therapy with trial dosages and carefully monitor the reaction of your body.



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