
Cryoissage liquid nitrogen

Cryoissage liquid nitrogen
Favorable exposure of low temperatures

Cryotherapy began to be applied in cosmetology not so long ago, but managed to gain great popularity due to its effectiveness. Liquid nitrogen cryoissage is an impact on acupuncture points with low temperatures. Our grandmothers knew that low temperatures tone the skin, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and eliminate the skin problems.

Cryomassage person using liquid nitrogen

Literal translation: "cryo" - cold, ice; "Massage" - stroking. In cosmetology centers for hardware cryomassage uses liquid nitrogen, its temperature is - 196 degrees Celsius. Liquid nitrogen is able to provide not only the analgesic effect but also therapeutic effect - it possesses anti-inflammatory svoystvami.Blagodarya brief, bezbolivayuschemu Effects (direct contact) with nitrogen facial skin, blood vessels expand and contract instantaneously. Improved blood flow obnovlniyu promotes healthy cell has a therapeutic effect, it starts rejuvenation processes.

As a result of massage, the client feels a tide of heat, a slight tingling. Liquid nitrogen contributes to the exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis, the skin begins to "breathe", the renewal of the skin is softer and gentle. As a cosmetics, liquid nitrogen is not only absolutely safe, but also has advantages over other means. The massage procedure, depending on the problem zone, lasts from 10 to 30 minutes. The impact on the skin of the face with liquid nitrogen leads to a narrowing of the vessels, and then to their expansion and the involvement of previously not used vessels. Such a procedure helps to improve blood circulation and has a tonic effect. The impact of liquid nitrogen for skin care is well affected by the work of the sebaceous glands, the color level alignment, has a rejuvenating effect by smoothing the mimic wrinkles and improve muscle tone.

There are two types of cryoissage with liquid nitrogen

Deep massage - It is aimed at freezing and fabric death. It is used to remove skin neoplasms (papillom, warts). In this case, the procedure is point, with a slight pressure on the problem area for 30 seconds for each neoplasm.

Surface treatment is carried out without touching with skin and passes through massage lines or point, covering localized areas.

Cryoissage liquid nitrogen from acne


For better skin cleansing, the cryoissage is carried out after deep cleaning of the face. But in order to understand how it works, you need to look deep into the skin. In the deep layers of the skin there is a focus of inflammation, which provokes the formation of acne. When exposed to liquid nitrogen, bacteria is destroyed and nerve impulses are blocked. At the expense of this, metabolic processes are accelerated and the blood circulation is improved. Liquid nitrogen affects not only acne, but also on the focus of inflammation. Thus, the condition of the skin is improved, and the effect lasts until six months.

Reviews after cryoissage faces with liquid nitrogen

  • The effectiveness of the cryoissage procedure can be viewed the next day, after low swelling and redness falls.
  • Shallow Mimic Wrinkles and Small Wrinkles smoothed.
  • The procedure contributes to aligning the structure of the skin.
  • Massage helps to purify the surface of the skin of the face from all sorts of formations (warts, papillomas).
  • The cryoissage contributes to the cleansing of the face from acne and black dots.
  • The muscle tone increases.
  • Improving the work of the sebaceous glands leads to the fact that oily skin acquires a healthy shine, and dry becomes more plastic, the peeling zones decrease.
  • The blood circulation of the skin and the power of its cells is improved.
  • The face of the face acquires a healthy monophonic shade due to clarification of pigment stains.
  • The structure of the skin is improved after cosmetic procedures, including Botox.
  • Cryoissage head


    The use of liquid nitrogen for cryoissage of the head allows you to solve problems associated with the impairment of the sebaceous glands of the head of the head, loss and weakening of the hair. Stimulating the skin of the head of low temperatures enhances the blood flow, the circulation of lymphs and activates the metabolism. As a result, the head of the head is better supplied with vitamins, microelements and oxygen, the hair follicles are activated and the rapid growth is activated.

    The cryoissage of the head is prescribed in baldness, high activity of the sebaceous glands, to eliminate the itch and when inflammation or blood circulation disorders of the scalp.

    Procedure of cryoissage head

    At the beginning of the procedure, the hair must be combed and divided into trials. Then with the help of a cryoapplitator (wooden rod with a cotton tip), a massage with light circular motions along the sample line is performed. Periodically, the cryoapplist is dipped into liquid nitrogen to maintain the required temperature.

    Each section of the head is processed by no more than 3-5 seconds, the whole session of the head of the head lasts in about 10-15 minutes. In the violation of the work of the silent glands, the cryoissage is carried out along the entire surface of the head, and in the case of focal baldness - the effects of liquid nitrogen are exposed only to the problem zone of the scalp.

    After the massage procedure on the skin of the head, there is a persistent redness that passes in a couple of hours. To achieve a more productive effect, cryoissage sessions should be carried out 2-3 times a week, within 2-3 courses. The course includes 10-15 procedures, between courses should take a break in 3-4 weeks.

    Since the cryoissage with the use of liquid nitrogen affects the operation of the root gland glands, it should be carefully monitored for the condition of the hair. Each hair is unique, in connection with this, the fragility and dryness of the hair can increase. In this regard, the cryoissage procedures should be combined with nutritional and moisturizing masks.

    The results after the cryoissage of the head do not force themselves for a long time, the first successes are visible after the session pair. After a massage course, you will notice that the hair has become stronger, elastic, the thickness of the hair will increase significantly.

    Indications and contraindications to the use of cryoissage with liquid nitrogen


    As before the use of any other cosmetics, before using cryoissage, liquid nitrogen needs to consult with the doctor. After the doctor confirms that the state of your health allows you to use this procedure, it is worthwhile for a good cryologist. Only a professional who has a good experience and deposit of movements will help to avoid side effects.

    Side Effects of Cryoissage Procedures

    Skin frostbite

    In order to avoid frostbite to the skin and the appearance of peeling, do not forget that liquid nitrogen has a very low temperature. In connection with the temperature of the skin, it is lowered to 0 degrees Celsius and should avoid long-term exposure in separate areas of the skin.

    Drinking liquid nitrogen drops on the skin of the red bright and eye conjunction

    After loaming a cotton swab into liquid nitrogen, it must be held over the capacity and shake to avoid droplets on the skin. The client's eyes should be tightly closed, since droplets on the skin of the eye or the wet surface of the lips can lead to burning burning, as from ice metal to a wet surface of the skin.


  • Angry rash, papillomas, warts.
  • Allergic rashes, dry or fatty seborrhea.
  • Orthodox face color, leather flabby, mimic wrinkles.
  • Extended pores.
  • Rare hair, baldness.
  • Contraindications

  • Individual allergic reaction to cold.
  • Common contraindications for massage.
  • Migraine.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Hypertension and cardiovascular failure.
  • Pregnancy is not a contraindication, but not every doctor will lean the cryoissage. Do not forget that the impact of low temperatures leads to an increase in blood flow to the zones of exposure, which in turn can lead to a change in the tone of the uterus.

    Cryerussage at home


    The cryoissage of liquid nitrogen can be carried out only in the conditions of the cosmetology cabinet. At home, you can use ice cubes, both in pure form and with additives. Such a massage will increase the skin tone, improve the complexion, and additives will enrich the skin with additional nutrients.

    For combined leather, herbal chamomile or nettle rags are well suited. Fruit natural juices will help to enrich dry skin. For the narrowing of the pores and normalization of the sebaceous glands, the juices of citrus are well fit, as well as strong black or green tea.

    Cryoissage liquid nitrogen. Video


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