
How to get rid of stretch marks

How to get rid of stretch marks
Establishments from stretch marks: cream, compresses, wraps, rubbing, massage.

Stretching ("Strya") are for many relevant problems. They are ugly skin deformation. The most "vulnerable" places are considered hips, stomachs and buttocks. Their appearance largely depends on the characteristics of the body. However, in adulthood, due to the fact that the connecting tissues become flabby and loose, this problem is found almost everyone. Stretchings eliminate quite difficult. Some women try to simply disguise them with a tan, but he is usually powerless to hide the problem completely. Nevertheless, it is possible to get rid of stretch marks. Tell me further.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks


Stretch marks are strips of a red or purple shade, which over time become lighter and, finally, get pink, pinkish or completely white color. The main reason for their appearance is to change the hormonal background. It occurs during puberty, during pregnancy, obesity, treatment with special hormonal drugs. Because of hormonal failures in some zones, skin covers become too thin. As a result, the fibers, including elastin and collagen occur. When scarring, they are replaced by a connecting cloth, which is a stretching. In general, they are like scars, only unlike them, are inside the skin.

Stretch marks most often appear on the skin of the "problem" parts of the body (buttocks, chest, hodges, abdomen). Sometimes they may arise on the face. In any case, they are not considered dangerous to health, but can signal some of the failures in the body. For example, if the reason for stretch marks is not a pregnancy, then this is a reason to go to the endocrinologist, because this fact means that there are impairment of the endocrine system.

The extensive stretch marks themselves will not disappear. Therefore, you will have to use some techniques that will help them eliminate them.

Stretching during pregnancy


Many women during pregnancy are afraid of the appearance of stretch marks. After all, they do not even adorn the most attractive figure. Therefore, the representatives of the fine sex before pregnancy or during weight loss are wondering if it is possible to prevent their appearance. There are several ways for this.

Special cosmetics should be applied on the skin of the abdomen and chest during pregnancy. They in their composition have such components as an extract of tea tree oil, bergamot, horse chestnut, chamomile and other natural ingredients. It is believed that such cosmetic mixtures can increase the elasticity of the skin and thereby secure the appearance of stretch marks. It will still be a cream from stretch marks for pregnant women, which contains collagen, elastin, as well as vitamins A, C and E.

But we must not forget that every organism is individual. That is why some women who tried to prevent the appearance of stretch marks with all their might, still encountered this problem. Others, without any cosmetic drugs, did not even hear about it, and after the tooling of several children.

In general, in the appearance of stretch marks after delivery, the predisposition and individual characteristics of the body plays a fairly major role. In any case, if you cannot get rid of them completely, at least with the help of special procedures you can minimize their manifestations. After that, to cure problem areas of the skin will be easier.

How to get rid of stretch marks: Proper nutrition

eating Healthy Food.

Some principles of proper nutrition should be followed. After all, it is long known that the health of our skin is quite strongly dependent on our diet.


  • In the daily menu, women must necessarily include fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood, greens and vegetable oil. These products enjoy the skin with the necessary elasticity, which is useful for the treatment of stretch marks.
  • Be sure to use daily 1.5-2 liters of fluid, which is necessary in order for the skin to be quite elastic. It is especially attentive to be pregnant women and those who keep any diet. They need to additionally moisturize their skin using various cosmetics with collagen and useful extracts of medicinal plants.
  • In the diet, there must be low-fat varieties of meat and fish.
  • It is advisable to use many products, which contains vitamins and fiber.
  • At the same time, any alcohol, seasonings and spices should be completely excluded from the diet.

How to get rid of stretch marks at home


Today there are quite a lot of methods that can help cope with stretch marks. Tell you about everything.

Types of procedures are usually chosen depending on how damaged leather. Some treatment techniques are quite realistic at home. For this purpose, the skin care system is often used, which consists of:

  • Scraping the skin.
  • Therapeutic rubbing.
  • Compresses.
  • Wraps.
  • Applications of moisturizing cream.
  • Regular massage.

How to remove stretch marks: scrub and peeling


  • Well proved useful coffee peeling with essential oils. For its preparation, take 90 grams of coffee and mix from one art pack. l. Vegetable (can be olive) oil. Add a few droplets of essential oils (Bergamot, Lavender). Then apply the resulting mixture into a preheated body (you can take a bath in advance). After that, neatly massaging the body for 5-10 minutes.
  • Fruit scrub. Allows you to get rid of stretch marks on the pope and other parts of the body. We mix a large sea salt with pieces of any fruit (you can take bananas, an apple, a pear, apricots, etc.). Means are applied to problem areas. Thoroughly rub 10-15 minutes. We wash off.
  • Scrub with sea salt. To do this, you need to mix ground black coffee and salt in equal parts. After that, add a few drops of olive oil to the mixture. Before using the scrub, it is advisable to split the body in the bath or sauna. This is necessary to open the pores and improve blood circulation. Shake the mixture to problem areas. We carefully rub for 5-10 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. Abundantly lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream or lotion.

How to get rid of stretch marks: compress

Body Care: Young Woman Applying Lotion

  • Compresses against stretch marks are recommended to apply a couple of times a week. To do this, it is necessary to moisten the flap made of cotton or linen fabric in heated vegetable oil.
  • It is imposed on the purified problem of the body. After that, we turn around the gauze bandage, which is wetted in hot water.
  • Above the warm terry towel from above.
  • Such a compress usually keeps about a quarter of an hour.
  • After you shot it, you need to massate the skin well. At the same time, perform lung plugging with your fingers.
  • After that it is recommended to impose a cold compress for about 10-15 minutes. To do this, you can simply wash the gauze in cold water. Hold it 10 minutes.
  • Get rid of stretch marks on the stomach and other parts of the body, keep the elasticity and skin tone helps the contrast shower.

How to get rid of stretch marks: rubbing oils from stretch marks

With scars, loss of elasticity and stretch marks you can perform therapeutic rubbing, the basis of which is oil jojoba. They lubricate the problem areas of the skin. Sometimes it is mixed with other ingredients. So, you can add 1-2 drops of lavender oil, carnations, bergamot, mint, mandarin, orange or rosemary. This mixture is gently rubbed.

How to get rid of stretch marks: homemade stretch marks


  • The cream allows you to get rid of stretch marks on the chest and other parts of the body. It can be cooked independently. To do this, it is necessary to take 90 grams of oily sour cream. Distribute it with a yolk and add one teaspoon of vodka. In the resulting mixture, you still need to squeeze the juice of halves of lemon. There we rub a small cucumber. The tool should be broken in a closed jar of about 2-3 days. By the way, it should be stored in the refrigerator. So that the cream does not spoil, each time the mixture must be made with a clean spoon.
  • Mummy from stretch marks. Boost water (30 ml), add 1 teaspoon to it (use non-tablet mumiya, and natural). Let cool. Mix any moisturizing cream with a decoction. Apply on the skin daily.

How to get rid of stretch marks: massage


Massage has a beneficial effect on the skin condition. During the session, it starts to circulate blood faster. As a result, oxygen comes into subcutaneous fatty tissue, harmful toxins are washed, the skin becomes elastic, elastic, smoothed. Due to this, damaged cells come to life again, exchange processes are improved throughout the body.

In the fight with stretch marks, you can use both the usual classic massage and self-massage. However, the use of special techniques usually gives a more notable result. There are two today - this is a honey and anti-cellulite massage. The second type of procedures is carried out using a special brush. It can be done at home.

It is important that the bristles of the massage brush be made of natural material, and the handle was long and comfortable. If you choose the degree of rigidity, then it is worth navigating your own sensations. It is better to start with a soft bristle, and when you get used to, use more rigid. This brush periodically needs care. Therefore, do not forget to wash it. After that, dry well. Instead of a special brush, it is quite acceptable to use the vibrator massager. But it is usually less effective.

There are quite a lot of products from stretch marks with which the procedure is carried out. So, a massage with sea salt is quite effective, as well as with other exfoliating substances. For the preparation of such a mixture, it is possible to use crushed bones of apricots or natural large-grinding coffee. In general, coffee and salt are considered the best scrubs from stretch marks.

How to get rid of stretch marks: wrapping


  • You can use the home wrapping procedure at which various means with regenerating components are used, allowing to get rid of stretch marks. They are lanolin, collagen, cocoa butter and elastin.
  • The easiest option of the wrapping procedure involves the use of honey in its pure form, without any additives. For a session, three tablespoons of the product will be required. Although, the number of honey can be changed depending on the area where the procedure is expected. Therefore, you can take more than 3 tablespoons.
  • Wraps with green tea. It will take green tea - two tablespoons, a few drops of essential oils and some boiling water (90-100 ml). Tea first should be boiled in boiling water. Must get a mixture, which is like a consistency in Cashitz. It is applied to the body and gently turns around with cellophane.
  • Coffee wraps. It takes a coffee thick, essential oils of Bergamot, Rosemary and Orange - three drops. They are added to the coffee thickness. After that, the mass is applied to problem areas of the body. Then, it is pretty turning on top of the food film.
  • Potato wrapping. We need raw potatoes, which must first grate on a small grater, then squeeze out extra moisture from it. The resulting cashem is applied to problem areas, winding with a food film and is left for 40-50 minutes.
  • Jelly wrapping. The name of the procedure has given a substance that in its properties is similar to the gelatin. It is the main active ingredient in this recipe. For the preparation of the means you will need agar-agar one tablespoon, camphor oil - 20 drops and yolks - a couple of pieces. Agar-agar is mixed with butter and yolks, then applied to the skin and turns well with polyethylene for about 20 minutes. After that, wash the remedy with warm water.
  • Honey wrap. It will take honey, apple vinegar and any flour of the highest grade. Honey is mixed in equal parts with vinegar. After that, all ingredients are added to wheat flour and mixed in the dough. It is applied to problem areas of the skin. The body turns into a film and covered with a blanket. You can take a mixture in a couple of hours.

How to get rid of stretch marks in the salons


Faster results can be achieved by referring to professionals. In the salons you can offer wraps with a chocolate mixture, algae, gels and healing dirt. In addition, other methods of treatment and removal of stretch marks are sometimes used. Among which:

  • Laser therapy. Hardware impact on the damaged area. As a result, microchannels are formed provoking self-generation of elastin. Thus, stretch marks on the body are self-absorbed or becomes almost imperceptible.
  • Microdermabrasion. It is a mechanical peeling carried out using a special apparatus. Damaged cells are exfoliated, the remaining areas of the skin are regenerated.
  • Mesotherapy. The subcutaneous administration of so-called beauty cocktails - healing mixtures, which are beneficial on problem areas. Allows you to get rid of stretch marks. Reviews of the procedure in most cases are positive.
  • Ultrasound correction. The skin is affected by the device emitting ultrahigh-frequency mechanical oscillations. Improve lymphotok. The skin is smoothed.
  • In particularly severe cases, abdominoplasty is used. This type of surgical treatment makes it possible to expose skin cover and excess fat, which just helps get rid of stretch marks.

Undoubtedly, plastic surgery is an effective method. But it is impossible to forget that this is, above all, surgery, which has its own contraindications. In addition, the procedure may cause various postoperative complications. For this reason, it is recommended to do it only in extreme cases. After all, stretching on the skin is not healthy any danger. Instead of operation, it is best to use methods, recommendations and cosmetic drugs that were given above.

Stretch marks: "To" and "after" treatment (photo)

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How to get rid of stretch marks: video


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