
Elos Epilation

Elos Epilation
All over the world, Elos Pretition is considered the safest type of hair removal forever.

Primitive people needed hair so as not to freeze. Modern women do not need it. But what they really need is is a smooth body without the slightest signs of unwanted hair. Moreover, everyone dreams that the effect after hair removal remains as long as possible, and even better - forever. All these parameters are responsible for the modern method of hair removal - Elos Proceeding.

The principle of action Elos Epilation

Elos Pretition is a synthesis of two effective hair removal techniques: photoepilation and laser. Elos is literally deciphered as electro-optical synergy. That is, optical and radio wave energy is involved in the Elos of technology.

How does this work? First, light energy acts, due to which the hair bulb (follicle) heats up. Then the turn of electric current comes. A charge that destroys the bulb is fed into the heated follicle.

Depending on the type of hair, the apparatus for Elos hair removal can destroy the follicle or damage it. Thus, with each new procedure, the hair bulb will weaken until it disappears completely.


The main differences of the laser and Elos Epilation

Elos is often confused with laser due to a similar principle of action. Like Elos, the laser damages the hair follicle through light energy. But here there is a selective destruction of the bulb. That is, only the hair is damaged in which there is a melanin (a pigment responsible for hair color). Also, with laser exposure to energy, it is enough only to remove follicles located not deeply (not more than 2-3 mm). If the onion is even deeper, then the hair will continue to grow as soon as it recovers a little.


Pros and cons of Elos Epilation

Elos hair removal has a lot of pluses, but there are some negative aspects. It is important to know all the nuances before proceeding with this procedure.

The pluses of Elos epilation

  • Elos Pretition is one of the few techniques that can “boast” of a long -term result. In the case of the right approach, you can get rid of unwanted vegetation forever! According to reviews, 85 % of women got rid of unwanted hair forever thanks to Elos of hair removal.
  • Elos Epilation does not require growing hair for the procedure. That is, the effect will be achieved even if you come with purely shaved skin. In addition, after Elos of hair removal, you are guaranteed to have no ingrown hairs.
  •   One of the most important advantages - Elos Pretition allows you to get rid of any type of hair! Red, fluffy, light - Elos removes any hair.
  • It is not necessary to wait for a certain season of the year to decide on Elos hair removal. It can be spent at any time convenient for you. This is a significant advantage, since other hardware methods of hair removal are not recommended in the summer: there is a high probability of pigmentation from the sun. True, after the Elos of Elos, it is better to postpone in tanning and sauna (depending on the individual reaction from 2 days to 2 weeks).
  •   Elos Epilation is a comfortable procedure that is practically painless. Moreover, unlike laser hair removal, it is possible to anesthetize the skin with a special cream.
  • The Elos Elosa procedure takes place without the contact of the apparatus with the client’s skin. Thus, the safety of the procedure is guaranteed. The risk of transmission of infection or skin damage is almost zero.
  • Cons of Elos Epilation

  • Elos Epilation is not a budget hair removal method. Depending on the salon (clinic), as well as on the apparatus that the cosmetologist uses, the price of the procedure can vary from 1600-3000 rubles per 1 session of the hair hair removal over the upper lip, up to 12000-30000 rubles per 1 session of the legs epilation (completely) . But the high cost of the procedure is due to high quality and guaranteed result.
  • Until recently, one of the minuses of Elos of epilation was the impossibility of carrying out the procedure at home. Now you can buy a portable device for Elos hair removal. True, he also has his disadvantages. Firstly, this is the inability to make Elos hair removal in the bikini zone independently (especially if you mean a deep bikini). Secondly, the high cost. The price of such a device is from 30,000-35,000 rubles. Well, thirdly, portable devices do not have such power as professional, therefore the result will be appropriate.
  • lazernaya-Epilyaciya-Kiev-145

    Contraindications to Elos Epilation

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Reception of antibiotics.
  • Inflammatory process.
  • Light allergies.
  • Herpes virus in acute form.
  • Some skin diseases.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Moles and pigment spots.
  • HIV.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Poor blood coagulation.
  • The presence of keloid scars.
  • Metal implants in the processed area.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Age up to 18 years.
  • It is also worth noting that in the presence of moles in the processed area, the procedure is carried out with an indentation from education. This is done to avoid unwanted skin reactions. Consider this when planning the Elos of hair removal procedure.

    Elos Epilation: The result is before and after. Photo



    Elos Elos Elosa Zones

    Elos hair removal can be performed on different parts of the body. In cosmetic salons, as a rule, areas are divided into small and large zones.

    Small zone:

    • forehead;
    • whiskey;
    • interburn,
    • brows;
    • cheeks;
    • chin;
    • ears;
    • upper lip;
    • front or back surface of the neck;
    • axillary areas;
    • forearm;
    • hands;
    • fingers;
    • decollete zone;
    • the sacral region;
    • a halo of the mammary glands;
    • the white line of the abdomen;
    • pubic zone (for women);
    • extra bikini;
    • front surface of the lower leg;
    • knees;
    • toes of the foot;
    • the back of the feet.

    Big zone:

    • the face is completely;
    • shoulders;
    • hands to the elbow;
    • hands completely;
    • male breasts;
    • stomach;
    • back;
    • buttocks;
    • bikini is common and complete;
    • hips: rear, front or inner surface;
    • shin + knees.

    Preparation for Elos Epilation


    For the Elos epilation procedure, no preliminary procedures are needed. Just the day before going to the cosmetic salon, you will need to spit hair from the sites where the procedure will be carried out. A month before Elos of hair removal, do not use an electric epilator, do not make wax hair removal.

    It is also undesirable to carry out the Elos epilation procedure on tanned skin. True, this is rather not a contraindication, but a recommendation. An experienced cosmetologist will not refuse to carry out the procedure if you visited a solarium or beach a couple of weeks ago.

    If Elos hair removal is carried out on the face, for example, above the upper lip, it is better not to shave off the hairs before the procedure. This may well do.

    If the procedure is carried out in the field of armpits, mammary glands, as well as in the bikini area, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist, mammologist and endocrinologist. But again, this is a recommendation, not a rule.

    Elos epilation Elos Procedure

    In practice, Elos Pretition goes this way. The client to go to the couch. A cosmetologist or dermacacetologist applies an analgesic gel to the treatment area. The eyes of a client and a cosmetologist should be protected by special glasses.

    Using the Elos Elos apparatus, the cosmetologist processes the client’s skin. You can see only short outbreaks of light, which will destroy the hair follicles.

    According to the reviews, Elos is almost painless. Some women note light pinch or tingling. In the bikini zone, Elos is more sensitive than in other areas.

    At the end of the procedure, the doctor applies Panthenol to the skin of the client. The whole procedure takes a maximum of 1-1.5 hours. It all depends on the "volume of work."

    How long is Elos of hair removal?

    elos-epilyaciya -bezopasnaya-propedura -udalenie-nezhelatelnyx-volos1

    The issue of long -term Elos hair removal excites many. But only a dermaccaccaccacetologist can tell you how often to take a procedure for complete removal of unwanted hair. This will depend on your individual characteristics.

    It is also worth considering that one Elos Elosa procedure destroys up to 30 % of the hair in the processed area. This is due to the phases of hair growth. That is, in other words, during the procedure, the device acts only on the hair located in the active phase of growth. To remove all the hair, you need to carefully draw up a plan for your visits to a cosmetologist so as not to miss the active phases of growth of new hair.

    Moreover, on each area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the active phase of hair growth varies from 20 to 65 %. For example, on the legs in the active phase of growth, only 20 % of the hair can be removed, but above the faith of the lip up to 65 %.

    As a rule, initially the procedure will need to be held often (2 times a month), then a break from 3 months to six months. Well, in the end, the control procedure is 2 years after the first session.


    Skin care before and after Elos Epilation

    The Elos Elosa procedure does not damage the skin, so no special care is needed. It is only important to follow several rules:

    • Avoid direct sunlight up to 2 weeks. If this is impossible, use sunscreen.
    • Do not visit the sauna and bath for up to 2 weeks.
    • Do not use the scrub in the processed area for 10 days.
    • You can not shave with a razor for 2 days after the procedure.

    Elos Epilation for Men


    Elos hair removal is suitable for men too. As a rule, representatives of the strong half of humanity resort to this method of hair removal either for aesthetic considerations, or based on medical appointments, or on duty.

    Back, armpits, chest - these very popular zones of removal of unwanted hair in men. On the face, hair is removed only if daily shaving leads to severe irritation.

    Athletes often remove their hair on both legs and arms. Particularly excessive hairy interferes with swimmers.

    What is Elos Proceeding. Video



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