
What is abdominal abdominal

What is abdominal abdominal
What is abdominoplasty and its effect on the body

Abdominoplasty They call the surgical process on the suspender and eliminate the excess fat of the muscular tissues of the abdominal part. As a rule, such an operation is popular with the already giving birth to women or in people who have lost weight sharply. Since childbirth and fast weight loss influence the loss of muscle tone, in connection with which the stomach may not be beautifully saved. In fact, this method of removal of excess skin and fat cells has similarities with liposuction, Nevertheless abdominoplasty It is a dangerous, quite painful operational procedure, with a large loss of blood, since an incision is carried out about 60 cm long.

Views abdominoplasty Abdominal


In cosmetic surgery distinguish 4 species abdominoplasty:

  1. The classic way of suspended belly is called the process of removing excess fatty deposits and skin. Such plastic is able to restore the proper muscle operation, correct the shape and move the navel, at the request of the client. Such an operation cannot be called easy, because more than 4 hours can leave for its execution. The operating process is produced under general anasthesia, performing cuts around the navel and at the bottom of the abdomen.
  2. Endoscopic method implies several small cuts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe front abdominal wall. Such a version of plastics offers muscle strengthening and removing excess fat, but using this technique it is impossible to pull the skin.
  3. Mini- abdominoplasty, On the contrary, it is aimed at tightening the skin, but excludes the possibility of removing subcutaneous fat and muscle recovery.
  4. Apricotonomy It gives the opportunity to eliminate harmful fat cells, removal and suspended skin, bypassing the muscle strengthening process.

Operational suspension of the abdomen - when is it recommended to do?


You should understand that just like that abdominoplasty No one will produce. To obtain the permission of a doctor to surgical intervention, all indications and contraindications must be observed, because the absence of the necessary information about the patient's body can lead to the meaninglessness of the operation.

Indications for surgical intervention

Recommendation of the doctor for abdominoplasty You can get if available:

  • skin-fat deformation of the abdominal cavity and the presence of folds;
  • oliveness of the front abdominal wall;
  • overabiary of excess skin, from which it is impossible to get rid of physical exertion, useful food and even procedures liposuction;
  • the existence of pronounced stretch marks on the stomach;
  • diastasis of ventral muscles;
  • windiculture scars in the bottom of the belly.

Contraindications to abdominoplasty

Resort to abdominal plastic is strictly prohibited if observed:

  • violation of the work of the cardiac and light system;
  • excessive presence of blood glucose, other serious diseases;
  • elevated exhaust fat;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • the patient's age should exceed 18 years.

How to live after abdominoplasty


Each body perceives the procedure for cleansing from an excess number of fatty tissues. It is worth remembering that after the operation, a disturbed part of the body should be eliminated from any physical exertion. Special antagomy Lingerie will help create a fixed state, which has a positive effect on the recovery period. Of course, after the plastics of the abdomen, the patient will not let go immediately, for several days will have observe Doctors and get the necessary care. Two days after surgery, the patient spends in the lying state and keeps the utter peace, its legs are wrapped with an elastic bandage, which will help improve the venous blood circulation.

Literally on the third day, the patient make out an extract and send to home care for about two weeks. All this time, he must observe the bed regime, once again not annoying the body by unnecessary loads. Strictly on the punishments of the doctor, you need to follow the rules of dressings and inspections. It is necessary to move a little embarrassed, this will allow you once again not to strain the muscles. Compress stockings are recommended for 1,5-2 months, however, at best, the seams will be removed two weeks after the operation.

The result will be able to please no earlier than six months after abdominoplasty.

What can be complications of abdominoplasty


Like I. After any operational process, it is not known anyone how your body can respond to global changes. Therefore, the option of the emergence of complications cannot be excluded.

Common postoperative complications

  • one of the dangerous complications is the violation of the blood circulation of a small circle, which will lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. But it is worth knowing that such an unpleasant state can be easily avoided, it is recommended to save the body from a certain amount of extra kilograms before the operation, exercise, tightening shorts;
  • after the surgical process, it is possible to acquire a violation of various functions of the body. The formation of blood clots in the veins, stagnant inflammation of the lungs. Such complications are accompanied by imprisonment to move. It is possible to cope with such factors, for this, the patient must move as much as possible in the postoperative period, even in the absence of strength and desire.

Local postoperative complications

  • liquid accumulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe previously operated part of the body, will get rid of which it is possible using punctures;
  • the death of the fabrics that an exceptionally unskilled doctor can cause;
  • the infection of the wound can be the conclusion of the complications above.

The cost of operating


Price on abdominoplasty It varies, as a rule, from 80,000 rubles to 400,000. Methods and amount depends on the behavior of the body as a whole and the desire of the patient, initially need to determine what specifically a person would like to receive from this procedure.

Every professional surgeon has its own price list in which it is painted, which is included in the amount presented by the Patient:

  • skill and surgical professionalism of the doctor, partly it has a significant impact. The more experienced doctor, the more expensive it is;
  • surgeon activity;
  • the percentage of a medical institution that will provide all the necessary equipment;
  • type of plastic that specifically the client wants to change in his body;
  • additional surgical intervention, such as insertion implants;
  • anesthesia, directly depended on the type of operation;
  • anesthesiologists and nurses time;
  • cost of corrective linen;
  • postoperative finding in the clinic.

Reviews by abdominoplasty


Naturally, everyone would like to know if there is the meaning of disease operations and does not upset the result. Comments of people who have completed such a difficult work on their body are quite diverse:

"Bore two children, the tummy on so much lost his form that I even started complex. I used the services of cosmetologists, masseuses, bought a bunch of cosmetics - nothing helped. I decided to contact the local surgical center, the most experienced surgeon Dmitry Alexandrovich kindly agreed to engage in my body, consulted me, prepared for surgery and created with my belly literally miracles. I am grateful to him, the procedure not only got rid of me from an ugly belly, but also strengthened the interest of her husband to me. " Valeria

"Before the tears, I would have grown up for 20 kg, I decided to go to the operation, how much diet did not help to remove the flabby tummy. I went under the knife, still very much regret it. First, after surgery, the mischievous pain for 3 weeks. Secondly, the scar that stayed after the operation does not give me rest! He is terrible, attracts attention, because it is located along the abdomen and can be seen by him not armed with an eye. Girls, Think 200 times before giving doctors to cut themselves, because nothing can be returned! " Maria
"1.5 months ago made a stomach plastic, I have not experienced such sensations. Hell pain, nor sit down, because the muscles are terribly lomit. He consulted with the doctor, said that everyone has a different hurt, very worried. " Veronica

Abdominoplasty. Photo "To" and "after"





Abdominoplasty. Video


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